The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    ; I
Friday, May 12, 1950
Art Seniors
EH til
ISA Data Card
To Display
Sex: M..
33 Exhibits
Name Lincoln Address.
Phone number.
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ELECTION BOOTHS Following procedure used in national bal
lot ng, Ag students now have available to them election booths,
another project of this year's Ag Exec board, under the manage
ment of Bob Raun. The booths are collapsable and will accommo
date four persons at a time. The booths are available for any Ag
election. (Photo by Rod Riggs)
NU Yearbook Publication
Was 'No Joke' in Old Days
Announcement that the Corn
hrsker will be out next week is
not startling news to University
students, who take the appear
ance of the yearbook each spring
as a matter of course.
- In the old days, however, no
effort was made to publish the
volume annually, and early edi
tions appeared once every two
or three years. The first of these,
caHed The Sombrero, was pub
lished in 1884.
Its title page features an en
graving of six young men wear
ing uniforms of a sort, large hats
ard knee boots, and equipped
with rifles and hatchets. The ex
planatory note stated: "We give
a' ore the portraits of the crim
inals who are responsible for the
contents of this volume, A re
ward of two street car tickets
and a grade of 94 in Sanskrifwill
be given for their identification
and capture."
In the preface the editors com
plained that their efforts had
been complicated by a variety of
difficulties, including a shortage
of time, lack of people to assume
financial responsibility and an
er -raver who went back" on
ids word.
"We put in the class list," they
a'dsd, "all those that will Nadu
s' I with the class, all those thr'
it Jim to if not prematurely firt
all those that would like to and
li ally all those that think they
ubt to."
Te book included a history of
tre University, of the alumni and
cf the various classes. Writers
were -especially caustic in their
treatment of the juniors. Thzy
a?-itted that their own class
vork was '"something truly hor
rible" and added by way of ex
planation: "Most of us have learned short-
Indents Will
Judge Crops
On Saturday
Students who can judge crops
will have a chance to display
their talent Saturday at the an
nual crops judging contest
sponsored by Tri-K, agronomy
Any University student is eli
gible to compete in the contest
which begins at 8 a. mv Satur
day with registeration in the Ac
tivities buiding. The contest
judging will also be held in the
Activities building.
Sixty samples of Identification
and eight classes of judging will
toe in the contest which will last
about two and a half hours.
Students competing win be di
vided into freshman, junior and
senior divisions. They will be
classified according to the fol
lowing Qualifications:
Freehman group students who
liave had Agronomy I or no
junior group students who
"have had Agronomy 1 and 3.
Senior group students who
"have had Agronomy 1, Z and 5.
Classification is based on the
number of classes in agronomy a
student has taken, not school
standing. AIL three classes will
Judge the same material, but will
lb judged with .different compe
tition. Ten ribbons win be awarded
fn ach cf the freshman and jun
ior groups. Senior division win
ners will be awarded five rib
toons. Three medals will lso be
presented to winning contes
tants. . - - - EiCh Individual
The student ranking as the
Siighest individual in the ntire
eoutest will be presented wnh a
trophy iby the Nebraska Crop
Improvement association. Last
yeai"s trophy was won by Wayne
Awards will be presented
t p.m., in Parlors ABC, Union.
Xua Hajaaway, agronomy instru
:r will present the awards.
'y. H. Brokaw, retired head of
the University extension .depart
Taunt will be the speaker at the
lanquet. His topic is "Agricul
ture in Schwabin Albs."
. brokaw was recently in Eu
rope inspecting the results of
Icarshall Plan money. He visited
4a ft!-.' Utnd, Germany, Austria
d Switzerland.
- I;i ie ; Flower day, Jim - Mo
JVJwtu, Wayne Nielsen and Lloyd
vrryp judging eam, .are in charge
t i the event. Hex Croon is dn
chr.rpe of the program for the
tatntiuvt, nd Jim Williams is in
O - re exf the food.
".. hiinctuet is held each year
ii umvsr seniors in Tri-K .club
s in 7rcent '-awards to wia-
Use judging otitect. '
hand and wear large cuffs, but
yet there comes a time in the
affairs of any student when it is
necessary for him to know more
than can be inscribed on cellu
loid, and in such crises the class
of '85 inevitably gets left."
Frosh of the '80's
Freshmen probably have not
changed too much since the early
times, if their history may be ac
cepted as true. With tongue in
cheek, perhaps, and yet with con
siderable accuracy, the writer
characterizes the first year students.
"For real genuine grit whole
some appetites and big feet, the
freshman class takes the prem
ium," he says. "Periodically the
whole class assembles to devise
ways and means for improving
the management of the institu
tion. They inform the facultv of
the best methods of instruction,
show them where they have erred
in the past and with great mag
nanimity offer to forgive past
mistakes if they are not re
peated." The Sombrero for 1884 also re
ports on the newspaper pub
lished by the Hesperian Student
association. This journal went
into .debt $"00 while the editor
'bio wps sifted between mem
bers of the PaUadian and Union
ute'-pry societies. The faculty
rn?T!v e'e-r-'ed that there should
be two ed'trrrs-in-chief one from
each or"T);7.ation.
Tti Pot Rivalry
The "hot discusrions, xinac
"ounaHe absences from classes,
horrible midnight elections, much .
nocturnal type setting and type
stealing" continued for some
time, as rivalry flourished be
tween te societies. The Sombrero
failed the publication the "ghast
liest semi-monthly that ever
came out three weeks behind
hand" and commented thstt it :!
was Indenendent "in all things
from snelling to politics."
Articles on the University cad
ets, the 13-piece cadet band, the i
chaoel choir and the medical and j
industrial colleges were among
those appearing. Others including
rpoorts ,on the gymnasium the '
University base ball club.' foot
nan, Charter dav, Arbor day and
the iT-prman dub.
In the last naes fun was poked
at a grouo of independent women
who persisted in avoiding the
"slate" device used to insure Sat
urday evening dates for all fe
males. These students were listed
as members of the WGIA ((We Go
It Alone) dub, and their names
printed below the motto, "No
Young Man Need ApdIv."
The Senior exhibit now being
shown at Morrill hall in connec
tion with the School of Fine Arts
annual exhibit of student work,
features four pieces by each of 33
graduating seniors.
The show is in gallery A on
second floor and was planned
and created by the senior class
themselves. A committee, con
sisting of Don Hazelrigg, Alice
Burch, and Bill Moomey, made
the arrangements for the show.
The seniors decided which indi
vidual works they would show in
the exhibit.
Included are water colors, oil
paintings, advertising work, de
sign, sculpture, ceramics, compo
sition art, and etching.
Student Artists
The seniors are Margaret
Woodbridge, Donna Schreiner,
Robert Poulson. Donna Wallen
stedt, Don Hazelrigg, Charles
Jones, Alice Burch, Bill Farmer,
John Kline. Lawrence Pitcher,
Jacqueline Moser, Bill Moomey,
James Hiatt. Hobart Hays, Rob
ert Miller, Andrew Morrow, and
Jack Brodie.
Denise Hosfield, Phillip Rup
linger, Robert Vestecka, Archie
Dillman. Jo Davidson, Nancy
Glynn, Shirley Seright, Phil Rue
schhoff, Esther Beynon, Suzanne
Pecha, John Dean, Hartrice John
son, Joan Williams, Donald Sharp
Jack Flemmmg, and
Miss Schreiner's watercolor is
an example of the monochrom
atic style. It is done in various
shades of the same color with a
free-handed wash.
Miss Davidson's sculpture, es
oeciallv one plaster of paris bead
is very popular with individuals
who have visited the show, miss
Williams' line drawings have
also drawn favorable comment.
"Portrait of Mrs. W. Leason"
by Bill Moomey, "Cold Detroit"
by Bill Farmer, and an on oy
Hazelrigg have been cited as j
among the best liked oil paint- j
ings in the exhibit.
Grade School Art
The art education students who j
have work in the show have in- I
eluded in their selections, one j
niece of outstanding work from
the pupils in their classes at the
Lincoln public schools.
Several pieces of modern fur
niture design, including a plywood-metal-glass
coffee table are
being shown by Donald Sharp.
Another of Sharp's creations, a
plastic molded modern lamp,
gives evidence of Sharp's origin
ality in this field.
Among the students showing
works in ceramics is Miss Mozer,
whose salt clay pitcher and ox
blood gazefired bowl have been
pointed out by show-goers.
Miss Woodbridge's wood grain
sculpture has attracted even
more notice among spectators
than her oil paintings.
"There was no interference on
the part of the art faculty. The
students did the whole show by
themselves," says Prof. Duard
Lacing head of the art department.
; You who do things and want to
go to places with your own two
feet wear these light-in-feeling
summer shoes. Because they
make your legs look lovely, the
trend is toward a beautiful, slim
pump with a shaped heel, the
opera pump in all its variations.
Add costume charm with meticulously-made
I. Miller origin
als. Little wisps of green leather
straps parallel each other up the
throat of one model to fashion a
quality shoe.
Hovland's also have a gay, red
I. Miller opera pump for when
you want to feel good and look
wonderful. The closed heel and
toe, the soft leather give a grace
ful ide sweep. Try it on and
you'll wear it on your next d?te
You'll find more lovely I. Mil
lers at Hovlands in beige shades
See their jummery linens, shan
tunes, and white suedes.
Play shoes that are as colorful
as butterflies and make as feel
as nimble when you wear them
ran be found at Hovland's. We
found a cool, sling-back casual
in oranee. lavender, lemon, and
ocoa. You can feel footloose and
fancy free in this summer fabric
shoe. Studded bows decorate the
front. Need a pair for summer?
Kathleen They're a warm weather blessing
to the foot.
Have you always wanted a
shoe that's made for comfortable
walking? That has an airy ef
fect? Try on a pair of Milter &
Pain's nylon mesh shoes. Natural-colored
nylon is worked into
a tinv lattice effwt. The heel and
trim' is of deftly-placed brown
Combine white linen and
brown leather. You have a crisp
looking, cool dress shoe. It has a
medium heel for carefree wear
ing. Leather open work on top
your toes and a small linen strap
across the top make this a win
ner for now or later in the sea
son. Today see the dress wedge at
Millers.Sten out in cool shantung
dress wedges that are just meant
for wear with dres.s or suits
This is a colorful season, so
"oose shoes jn chartreuse or
choose a popular natural color
with brown piping.
To be dyed as you choose, for
this summer's mat"hed-up color
faHjon-Baker's g've you the
!ef-cool li"en opera pump
Choose from 1?0 color tones
which are as varied and refresh
!ng ps all outdoors. For formal
"nartyina" you can chvie ex
citing new colors that resemble
cider, yellow grapes, or shocking
A cool pumo that's as 'iht as
a straw in the wind. This is
Raker's single-soled shoe in
Milan straw. You'll like this
ankle stran pump because the
straw in blended wheat tones is
flatteringly crossed on your foot.
We found black patent leather
noticeably lacking in the line-up
for the college girl. The bare
footnotes are these: Preferences
for single-soled shoes fabric i
shoes in cool linen and shantung
are. being worn creamy beiees
are makin? a hit Choose which
shoe you like, and you're ready j
to step cooly into summer.
Check committees which you would like to work on:
Intramural sports Newspaper
Typing Student housing ......
Card filing Band
Program arrangement
, Publicity
Dance: Tickets.
Dance instruction Posters.
Master of ceremonies
Would you be interested in joining a small social organization of
about 20 members? Yes No Are you willing
to help organize such a group? Yes No
Check intramural sports in which you would like to participate:
Free Throw.
Water Basketball.
Wrestling .
Hand Ball
Bait Casting.
Fly Casting. .
Softball .
Table Tennis
Indoor Track.
Touch Football.
Outdoor Track.
Team Manager, name
As Board
i Continued from Page 1
I one of their projects. The booths
i pre collapsable and enable stu-
Thr w ! t mt AVt.Rs i!dents to vote in privacy.
LE1CA IHa. Summer F: 7 lent. Tiror
1 necemd to 1 HKtfl. Excellent condi
tion, 1M. Call S-f5B.
T vou lv til a town f w 2,500
kpow tmythine about golf, and are in
teresied in pickine tip fflO to 20 s
week durinr Ihe summer with only
few hours work, call Warren BufJett.
PKE-EXAM Sale I have 75 floisen toi
grade jsoif balls that I'm fioirie 1 ell
r frire away before I po home liiiF
(ummer. Come out and cbtee me dowr
on 1 or Km. 125 Pepper. 3-2502.
".'ANTED Ridera to Utexioo City, leav-
inp m June. a!l
WANT ride to within 2n mile radiun of
E! Paao, Texas afteT school la oul. Will
share expenses. Call Busier Liehrmaji.
LOST Oold Bulove watch. Senior picoie.
Call Barbara HoekFtra, 2-3287.
Will pay $jno for Harley-rayidaon
motorcycle in runnine condition. Call
attar o'clock.
The Chicago Bears of the Na
tional Football loop led in kick
off returns in 1948, with 29
brought back for 751 yards, an
i average of 25 J yards each.
False Ceiling
Purchase of cables the length
of the College Activities ballroom
was another of their contribu
tions. The cables enable students
to create the impression of a
false ceiling making the room
more cordial for dances and
easier to decorate. For past
events, decorating the ballroom
took nearly a day, while the new
equipment makes it possible to
decorate in several hours.
Anotncr of the board's projects
this year was establishing meet
ing that were non-conflicting
for Ag organizations. Altho
it was impossible to avoid con
flicts with some all University
organizations, the program p:-e-semed
was helpful to the Ag
organizations in achieving at
tendance. Other projects that the Ag
Exec board has begun work on
include rejuvenating the tennis
courts snd erecting a sign at the
The above form is a replica of the data card which is currently
being distributed to independent students. Don Flesher, president
of ISA, is anxious that all independents fill in a copy of the form.
All students who do not have the above card may clip this one
out, fill in the appropriate blanks and send it to Flesher at the ISA
office. Room 309, Union.
The data card is a part of organization plan initiated by Flesher.
According to the president, emphasis next semester will be placed
on social and intramural sports events.
If any independent student wishes to play on an intramural, all
that is needed is to fill out the above card. Then next year he will
be notified as to the team he is on and when and where he is to play.
campus entrance. The tennis
courts are located north of the
parking lot by the College Activi
ties building. Due to neglect, they
require repair before they can
again be used.
A sign at the entrance to Ag
College is something that stu
dents have long desired. The
sign would be of a permanent
nature identifying the campus as
Ag college.
Start this new season riphl!! All
amusfmrau open 7 P. M. New rides A fun!
"Woman of Distinction"
i:36, 3:37, S:3R, 3:39, :C2
"Over The Border"
2:31, 6:54, 10:08
1:36, :5, 8:25
Can m .
m mum
Famous University of Southern
California Alumna, says:
"Make my cigarette your cigarette.
Smoke milder Chesterfields."
f I .
cue wwnMMimt muus
ieMOMll 4MU
ii ii
'By Recnt Notional Survey
'fmmsifoimYooD star:
Gim-rtfttw 1W lioorrr Wmra Tuncor