The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, May 2, 1950
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Pads of
Highlights from the past half,
century will be presented Surv
; day in "I Can Almost Hear It
Now," Alpha Epsilon Rho's mu'
sical revue.
Written and produced by Gay-
lord Marr, the two-hour show
i will include humorous comment
: on the fads of yesterday, as well
' as music which had everyone's
toes tapping in years gone by.
The program will begin at 7:30
p.m. in the Union ballroom. Ad
mission is free.
Bob Vollmer will underscore
the entire presentation with key
board improvisations, ranging
from music which sounds like u
: 1900 player piano to that typical
of a sophisticated cocktail
Not Serious Commentary
Considerable research has gone
Into the preparation of this re-
' vue. It is by no means intended
ss serious commentary. Rather it
is hoped to give the students who
ere too young to remember much
of the past half century a sense
of surprise, delight and discov
ery. Many students may be like
Patsy Dutton, who appears in
song specialties throughout the
revue. When told that her Girl-on-the-Police
Gazette costume
would include a feather boa,
Miss Dutton asked, "What's
A tongue-in-cheek treatment
Numerous 'Firsts9
Dr. Ralph Bunche, who is
scheduled to speak at a Univer
sity convocation Monday, May 8,
has an outstanding list of firsts
in many fields of endeavor.
He was the first Negro ever to
be offered the job of assistant
secretary ci stpte.
He was the first Negro ever to
serve as an acting chief within
the state department.
He was awarded the Toppan
prize for the best social science
dissertation of 1934. His topic
was "French Administration in
Togoland and Dahomey." Since
he was personally dissatisfied
with the old method of obtaining
material through reports, he
made a trip to Africa to study the
conditions for himself.
He received the Chicago De
fender award in 1945 for his
work on race relations. He
worked in conjunction With
Ounnar Myrdal. Swedish sociolo
gist, on a book "An American
Dilemma." During the course of
their research, Mydral and
three southern towns.
During the 1947-48 period, he
Bunche were run out of at least
was the principal secretary and
representative of the secretary
general on the United Nations
Orchcsis Show
To Interpret
U.S. Panorama
An American panorama and a
dance interpretation o f "Em
porer Jones" will be presented
by Orchesis in the annual spring
dance recital in Grant Memorial
hall, May 5 and 6 at 8 p.m.
Planned by three modern
dance groups Orchesis, pre
Orcheuis, and the Men's group,
the American impressions group
will present interpretations of
the Vir sections of the country.
East and West
Indians, Spaniards, frontiers
men, and cowboys will combine
to depict the west. Representing
the east will be a take-off on
the politics and sophisticated air
of that section of the country.
Lloyde Lotspeich will be the
soloist in the southern interpre
tation, showing worship, gaiety,
and work of the negros.
The dance composing class of
Helen Martin will compose the
Xiorthern dance, which will show
Tales from Paul Bunyon.
The second theme of the dance
recital is based upori the Eu
gene O'Neill play, "Emporer
Jones." The remainder of the
show will be presented by mem
bers of an intermediate modern
dance class.
Show Directors
Directing the Orchesis part of
the show is Helen Martin, while
Lois Weaver is in charge of the
pre-Orchesis group. Accompan
ist for the recital will be Mrs.
H. H. Flood.
Tickets may be purchased at
the phyg ed office in Grant Me
morial, or from any member of
Orchesis. Price of the ticket is
60 cents.
Students Urged
To Consult
Advisors Now
All University students are
tirged by the assignments com
mittee to confer with their ad
visors at the earliest possible
Students are asked to take
care of arranging conferences
fjnd meeting with their advisors
this week so that they can de
vote next week to the mechan
$rs of registration, according to
Dr. Floyd Hoover, assistant reg
istrar. Dr. noover pointed out that
Fudents should take advantage
cf the fact that advisors are rea
sonably available this week.
I ster, he stressed, it will be
tnsiderebly more difficult to
; s them. '
-One of the most important
-! ;,;as of registration," stated
i r. Jioover, "is that of advising."
- ri'r' -"S should realize and take
t -'va -.'e of the sdvisors. Prob
j -s i, at prise vlth registration
t-.- t:-e courses of study stif-f'----
wi'h to follow often can
j j -pned out in conferences
Pcis'S' 50 Years
V p
Alpha Epsilon Rho show.
of the role of radio its birth
and rise as a leading cultural
and entertainment m e d i u m
sustains the continuity of the
Marconi's Wireless
The revue begins with an ac
count of Marconi's attempt, in
three European capitals, to gain
subsidy for further experimen
tation with the wireless. Flav
oring this portion of the pro
gram, which recalls the years
i Bunche-Holder
Palestine commission. In this
capacity, he successfully brought
the Arabs and the Jews in Pales
tine to an agreement.
During the 1944-47 period, he
served as an adviser or delegate
at nine major world conferences.
This is considered to be some
thing of a record.
He was co-director of the In
stitute of Race Relations at
Swarthmore college in 1936.
He was principal research
analyst on Africa and the Far
East for the Office of Strategic
Services in 1942-43.
He received Phi Beta Kappa
and summa cum laude honors
upon his graduation from
U.C.L.A. in 1927.
Sports Editor
He was sports editor of the
U.C.L.A. yearbook id won three
letters on championship basket
ball teams.
He was valedictorian of his
high school class.
These are only a few of the
honors which have come to
Bunche, who is the grandson of a
Negro slave and son of a barber.
Both of his parents died when
he was 12 and he lived with his
grandmother until his graduation
from college.
He has served as chairman of
the political science department
at Howard university since 1928,
but has been on leave from that
post since 1941.
200 'Staters'
Attend First
Reunion Event
More than 200 former Boy and
Girl Staters renewed former ac
quaintances and recalled hap
penings of former "States" at the
first annual reunion of Boys' and
Girls' State Saturday evening.
The former Staters heard
greetings by Mrs. John Curtiss,
president of 1950 Girls' State;
Judge E. F. Carter, president of
1950 Boys' State; and Pon Chinn,
Governor of 1948 Cornhusker
Boys' State. .
A skit entitled, "Lefterip Ma,"
was given by members of for
mer Girls' State, and a skit pre
senting familiar scenes of Boys'
State was given by former Boy
Staters. Dolly McQuistan, Glenn
Rosenqur-t and" E 1 d o n Schafer
were in charge of the skits.
Past Governors
The following past governors
were introduced to the audience:
Gib Eggen, 1946, who is attend
ing Doane college; Eleanor
Erickson, 1947, University stu
dent; Pon Chinn, 1948, Univer
sity student; Ann Frederick
Boyce, 1948, Omaha; and Jim
Lancaster, 1949, Kearney.
Most officials of 1950 Boys'
and Girls' State from the Amer
ican Legion and Auxiliary were
present at the reunion. Joan
Krueger and Bud Bitner were
co-masters of ceremony.
Annual Evt-nt
The reunion, which will be
come an annual event, was
planned by members of 1948
Cornhusker states. The mem
bers of the committee were: Pon
Chinn, Bill Adams, Joan Krue
ger, Dons Carlson, Willa Hill,
Janet Clock, Sally Kjelson, Dave
Sjogren and Jim Justice.
The reunion was held in the
Union ballroom. Among the
Staters attending were students
from Doane college, Wesleyan,
Midland. Hastings, Creighton
University, the University of
Omaha, McCook junior college
and various high school seniors
who attended last summers ses
sion. Dancing followed the program.
Style Show . . .
Continued from Page 1
Gross, Pi Beta Phi, and Shirley
Imig, Cox halL
An annual event sponsored by
the Big Sister organization, the
style show will be presented a
a conclusion to the 1950 Charm
School sessions which have
taken place throughout the year.
Spring into summer fashions
will be modeled by the -oeds in
three sections of the shiw. All
clothing will be Xurniuhed by
Hovland-Swanson department
A free ticket to the Arthur
Murray dance studio will be
given to each c(,ed attending the
prior to World War I are
sketches lampooning suffraget
tes, the "now-I-h a v e-y o u-in-
my-power-proud-beauty" melo
drama which was the theater
fare at that time, a hectic ride
in an early day automobile, and
a flicker flashback which recalls
a pre-popcorn movie program.
The World War is commemor
ated with a sketch suggesting
the motivation behind the song
"Hmkey Dinkey Farley voo."
Flaming youth and the Char
leston usher in the roaring twen
ties. Prohibition, the kind of
comedy which killed vaudeville,
jazz babies and "it" girls, great
lover Rudolph Valentino, the
confession magazine and the
crossword puzzle craze are given
airy treatment in the twenties
segment of the orogram.
During the depression of the
thirties, radio was a fast-rising
entertainment medium. Popular
programs of the decade are re'
World War II
World War II, within the
memory of all, inspired a sketch
involving a cockney coi ple in a
London blackout, a comment on
the homefront war effort, an
eyewitness account of the Navy
on shore leave, and a satiric dis
closure of Hitler's last days in
Highlighting the postwar era
is a sketch which depicts the
problems of a returned GI whose
wife, a former WAC, insists on
operating their home like an
Army camp. An irreverent
sketch, "My Friend Freud," sug
gests the influence of the film
"Spellbound" on the psychiatric
profession. A take-off on Rus
sian radio presents the Soviet
version of an American quiz
"Cornhusker Cavalcade"
Concluding the program is
"Cornhusker Cavalcade" which
returns the audience to the Ne
braska campus and offers a col
orful but questionable solution
to the problem of boosting col
lege enrollments since the influx
of war veterans is on the wane.'
The cast includes Dutch
Meyers, Gus Riedy, Ed McCul
lough, Dale Anderson, Patsy
Dutton, Bud Imlay, Twila Walk
er, Leonard Packman, Lois Nel
son, Sunya Cole, Dick Carson,
Dick Freeh, Barbara Rayburn,
Joan Speidell, Dick Shubert,
Nanci Harrison, Jack Moore,
Jack Anthony, Barbara Malm
and Harry Kirk.
Methodist Girls
Install Officers
Officers for the coming year
weer installed at the annual
Kappa Phi banquet Wednesday
Newlv-elected officers of the
Methodist girl's club are: Arlene
Park, president; Nancy Koehler,
program chairman; Pat Olson,
treasurer; Lois Eddy chaplain;
Mollv Brittenham, vice presi
dent; Joan Sharp, membership
chairman; Marcia Burkland, re
cording secretary; Joan Rasmus
sen, corresponding secretary;
Hattie Mann, social chairman,
and Ruth Trautman, finance
Joan Peterson. attendance;
Marilyn Martin, publicity and
Candlebeam; Paulin Harmon,
properties; Pat Rook, art chair
man; Joan Jones, Wesley Foun
dation representative; Beverly
Reed, historian and Alum secre
tary, and Bea Smailes and Kathy
Baker, music chairmen.
Guest speaker, Mrs. Fern Hub
bard Orme, Lincoln City Council
member, discussed the woman's
place in the community and her
responsibility as a citizen. She
stated that a wbman has a place
in governmental affairs and that
she should accept this place
whether it is voting or running
for an office. She emphasized
that unless we are concerned
with government as individuals,
nothing will improve.
Lucivy Hill, honorary sponsor,
presented a pin to Marilyn Jo
Martin, outstanding initiate, and
a bracelet honoring Clarice Freye,
outstanding pledge.
Ruth Meierhenry, sponsor, re
ported on Methodist women's
conference where 212 mission
aries 8nd deaconesses represent
ing 3,772 years of service were
Kinsey Report on Female Sex
Previewed in Redbook Article
The forthcoming book, "Sexual
Behavior in the Human Female",
Morris L. Ernst and Davied Loth
viewed in a recent article by
by Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, is pre
appearing in the May issue of
Redbook magazine.
Under the title of "What Kin
sey Will Tell", the authors be
lieve Kinsey's report will show
that the sexual development of
women is slower than that of
men. Only about twenty-five
percent of the females have ex
perienced the climax of emotional
excitement by the time they are
fifteen, as compared with ninety
two percent among males. Wo
men's experience in this respect
does not become comparable
with men's until the age of jiearly
thirty, the article states. -Educational
This problem poses as a diffi
culty for our educational system,
which is geared to handling
students by age, the article con
tinues, and goes on to declare
that women, unlike men, retain
their maximum sexual drive over
a period of five or six years.
The Redbook article says that
"petting" increases with the
amount of education attained, but
it states that one third of college
women who marry never attain
complete sexual satisfaction. This
is true, the article says, despite
the fact that in recent years, col
lege women have been taught
idow of Former
Chancellor Dies
Mrs. E. A. Burnett, 89, widow
of the former University chan
cellor, Edgar Albert Burnett,
died Sunday. She had lived in
Lincoln for 49 years.
Born in Herman, N. Y., Mrs.
Burnett graduated from St.
Lawrence college. She taught
for a number of years at a girls'
school in New Rochelle, N. Y.
From 1887 to 1889, she taught at
South' Dakota state university,
where she met Burnett. They
were married in 1900 in Brook
ings, S. D.
Mrs. Burnett was a member
of the First-Plymouth Congre
gational church, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, ' Serosis, Faculty Wo
men's club and D.A.R. At one
time she was president of the
Nebraska Baptist Women's Mis
sionary society.
Mr. Burnett died in 1941.'
KAM Salon
Features 72
S e v e n t y-two photographic
prints are in Kappa Alpha Mu's
all-University print salo"n, now
on display at Morrill hall.
Participants in this year's
show are Bernie Anderson, Bob
Bennington, Bob Caldwell, Bob
Duis, Byron HaysN Denise Hos
field, Ken Krogh, Robert Kud
lacek, Hank Lammers, John
Leubs, Mike Miller, Marvin
Morgan, Nadine Moriarty, Du
ane Nielsen, Pat Peck, Doane
Pickering, Rod Riggs, Neil
Shields and George Turner.
Lai pest KAM Show
According to president Bob
Duis, the show is the largest
ever sponsored by the organiza
tion, which is composed of Uni
versity students interested in the
field of photography.
Judges at the salon will be
Paul Kubitschek, Richard Huf
nagle and Earl Roth, all well
known in Lincoln for their in
terest and work with photog
The show has four classes
pictorial, table top, news and
sports. Twenty-four prints are
entered in the pictorial division,
18 in features, 16 in table top,
eight in sports and six in news.
Variety of Pictures
Though all the prints but one
in the show are in black and
white, variations in style and
texture of the different exhibi
tors can be found. Subjects for
pictures range from portrait
shots to a picture of a battered
fire engine which survived a
serious accident.
The prints entered in the
salon are of different sizes, but
are all mounted on 16 by 20
inch mounts.
Upon consent of the owners
of the winning prints, the photos
will become part of Kappa Al
pha Mu's permanent 'Collection.
Last Year's Winners
The four winning shots from
last year's show will also be on
display at the exhibit.
Action shots of Cornhusker
football and basketball squads
are included in the prints en
tered in the sports classification.
The table top division is made
up of still photos of glassware,
flowers and other objects.
The pictorial and news divi
sions show shots of miscellan
eous and feature subjects and
news events, respectively.
Council Issues Last Call
For Organization Reports
The Student Council student
activities committee today issued
a final warning to campus or
ganizations which have failed to
turn in their constitutions and
activity reports.
Report forms were mailed
during March to all active clubs
on the Council's records. The
reports call for the following in
formation; requirements for
membership, number of mem
bers, initiation fees, dues, special
assessments, officers, headquar
ters, purposes, aims and activi
ties. "
The Student Council constitu
tion prov ides for the annual
check of organizations. Groups
which fail to comply with the
Council's directives can lose ths
that it is possible for wives to
achieve the same goals as their
mates in this regard.
Sexual Relations
A greater precentage of women
who-, have had a grade school
education or less have sexual re
lations, and when ttie modern
college graduate fr "s to achieve
the satisfaction with her mar
riage partner, the authors state
that she is likely to blame 'either
him or herself. This' dissatisfac
tion is said to contribute to the
Increase in divorces.
One of the greatest destroyers
of marriage, the magazine article
declares, is the inability of a
couple even in the intimacy of
matrimony to tell each other
what they really feel about sex.
The article also discusses the
effect on sexual behavior of
changing customs, the relative
frankness of men and women in
talking about sex, comparison of
what is sexually stimulating to
each of the sexes, and the inci
dence of homosexuality among
women. Also the differences in
sex behavior patterns of the un
married woman as compared to
the bachelor, the variations in
sexual patterns in the light of
differences in race, build and
color, the attitude of women
toward children's sex activities
and the differences in the sex
activities of boys and girls are
pointed out by authors Ernst and
Theatre to
'School for Scandal'
With only five rehearsals re
maining until the opening per
formance, cast members of the
University Theatre's fifth play of
the season. "The School for
Scandal," are putting the finish
ing touches on a peculiar type of
movement and dialect.
To be presented May 8, 9 and
10 at the Nebraska theater, the
comedy written by Richard B.
Sheridan, will highlight a form
of characterization which typi
fies eighteenth century Britons.
Strongly satirical, the drama
will poke fun at the stereotyped
actions of oversophisticated Lon
don inhabitants.
Dallas Williams, director of the
Theatre's final play of the year,
said, "The play will be produced
in the style and manner of the
period in which the play was
written. We are not attempting
to be at all realistic in the stage
work. We are attempting to use
the style of acting that was used
in 1777 in London. England," he
"Our modern style," added
Williams, "is quite different. It
is realistic and more straight
forward. However drama of the
eighteenth century stresses arti
ficial and unrealistic action.
British Dialect.
"A unique feature of the com
edy," related Williams, "is the
use of British dialect which will
be employed throughout the en
tire play. It has been difficult to
attempt to train 15 midwestern
dramatists to use the British
"In order to obtain the correct
diction, a native of England,
Rita Shaw, has he'ped by serv
ing as diction coach," said Wil
liams. She has also been of great
value to us through her theat
rical experience."
"One of our greatest prob
lems," stated Williams, "has been
to affect the manners of the peo
ple of this period. In Sheridan's
time, they behaved quite differ
ently. Men and women both
were very affected in their
movements. Men were so sophis
ticated and serious in movement
such as bowing that they ap
peared almost feminine."
It is necessary in the play to
protray over-exaggerated man
ners that still appear virile and
not feminine. In this period, men
dipped snuff, wore long silk
handkerchiefs, and lace on their
clothing. Both men and women
wore powdered wigs.
Cast members are:
Sharon F r i t z 1 e r as Lady
Teazle, Mike Shanahan as Jo
seph Surface, Donald Sobolik as
Sir Peter Teazle, Don Nichols as
Sir Oliver Surface, Ced Hartman
as Charles Surface, Marjorie
Miller as Lady Sneerwell, Elaine
Elliott as Mrs. Candour, Chris
tine Phillips as Maria, Ralph
Hanneman as Mr. Crabtree, Mil
ton Hoffman as Mr. Snake. Tom
Stimpfig as Sir Benjamin Back
bite, Bill Klamm as Rowley,
Jack Wenstrand as Careless, and
Charles Huestis as Trap.
"The play is full of situations
which prove embarrassing to the
characters in the play," said Wil
liams. "Some of the scenes pro
duce complications which are
excruciatingly funny to the au
dience." Plot
"Many intricacies make for
extremely clever comedy," com
mented 'Williams. "The plot of
the story is laid in the first scene
of the play. Lady Sneerwell and
Snake are the shadier members
privilege of campus recognition
and all rights and opportunties
of student organization.
Delinquent Reports
The groups whose activity re
ports are delinquent are:
Adelphi, Ag College Religious
Council, Alpha Zeta, All-State
Alumni, American Pharmaceu
tical association. American So
ciety of Air Cadets, Associated
Women Students. BABW, BTO
Flying club, Coed Counselors,
Comenius club. Cosmopolitan
Delta Omicron, Delta Sigma
Rho, Delta Theta Phi. El Circulo
Espanol, Flying Kernels, Gamma
Alpha Chi, Gamma Delta, Grad
uate club, Hesperia, Independent
Students association, Kappa
Alpha Mu, Kappa Phi, Kernels,
Le Cercle Francais, Lutheran
Student association, Mortar
Board, NU Skiers, Nu-Meds, Ne
braska Masquers, Omicron Nu,
Panhellenic council, Pi Beta
Kappa. Phi Lambda Upsilon.
Pi Tau Sigma, Pre-Law club,
Phi Chi, Religious Welfare coun
cil, Rifle club. Scabbard and
Blade, Sigma Dslta Chi, Sigma
Gamma Epsilon, Sigma Tau
Sigma Xi, Student Council, Tri
dent, Varsity Dairy club. Wom
en's Athletic association.
Constitutions Overdue
Groups which have not turned
in a copy of their constitution
Ag College Religious council.
Alpha Kappa Delta, Alpha
Lamba Delta, Aquaquettes, Beta
Gamma Sigma. Block and Bridle,
BTO Flying club, Canterbury
club, Childhood Education club,
Comenius club, Delta Sigma Rho.
Deutsche Sprach-Verein. Eta
Kappa Nu, Flying Kernels.
Gamma Lambda, ISA, Kappa
Alpha Mu, Le Cercle Francais,
Kosmet Klub, N-Club, NU
Skiers, Nebraska Law society,
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi . Lambda
Upsilon, Phi Upsilon Omicron,
Pi Lambda Theta, Physical Edu
cation club, Pre-law club, Sigma
Xi, Theta Epsilon. Varsity band.
Women's Rifle club.
Gene Berg, committee chair
man, pointed out that any group
which has not yet received a
student activities form to fill out
for the Council's records, should
call the Council office. All stu
dent groups, except social fra
ternities and sororities and other
residences, must hand in the
reports and copies of their constitution.
Present Final Play
of the group."
"Joseph Surface, supposedly a
moral young man, actually dupes
Sir Peter Teazle into thinking
so when he attempts to win the
hand of Maria, a fair young
lady living under the guardian
ship of the Teazles. However,
there is method in Joseph's mad
ness since he knows that Maria
will fall heir to a fortune at the
ago of 21."
Schemers Lady Sneerwell and
Snake, a professional forger, plot
to place Charles Surface in dis
favor with Sir Peter Teazle.
Snake forges a letter to make it
appear as if Charles was writ
ing to Lady Teazle. The letter
is quite affectionate in its na
ture and it later falls into the
hands of Sir Peter as Lady
Sneerwell had hoped.
Schemes and Counterschemes
From this point on, various
schemes and counter-schemes
gackfire and develop complica
tions which offer a brand of
Duane E. Lake Will Head
Student Union Association
Duane E. Lake, Union director,
was elected president of the Na
tional Association of College
Unions at the annual convention
in Swampscott, Mass., last week.
Lake, who held the office of
national vice-president of the
association last year, succeeds
Donovan D. Lancaster, Moulton
Union, Brunswick, Maine.
Bob Mosher and Herb Reese,
student members of the Union
board, were sent to the conven
tion with Lake to represent Ne
braska. The 27th annual con
vention of the association is be
ing held at New Ocean House,
Swampscott, Mass. The Ne
braska delegates will return
from the 12-day convention late
this week.
The Association of College
Unions was founded in 1919 by
student unions and other social
center organizations of colleges
and universities in the United
States and Canada.
Its purpose is to provide an
opportunity for unions to co
operate in advancing common
interests, and to assist in the de
velopment of new college unions.
Nancy Noble
Elected Head
Of TC Group
Nancy Noble was elected pres
ident of Pi Lambda Theta, edu
cational honorary, for 1950-51,
at the group's spring initiation
banquet held in the Union.
Other officers are Jean Ruie
Smith, vice president; Marilyn
Karel, recording secretary; and
Rosemary Graham, .correspond
ing secretary.
New Treasurer
Miss Gertrude McEaehen of
Teachers' college will succeed
Miss Helen Halbersleben as
treasurer. Sponsor of the or
ganization is Miss Sue Arbuth
nol. The 50 new members initiated
include Shirley Allen, Lura Lee
Best, Doris Bonebright, Molly
Brittenham, Marion Brown,
Marilyn Campfield. Janet Carr,
Margaret Chamberlin, Marilyn
Church, Patricia Dishner, Mar
jorie Estes, Joan Fickling, Rose
mary Graham, Janice Hanna
ford, Alice Harms, Marilyn
Harms, Mrs. Sylvia K. Harney,
Wilhelmina Hartung, Jean Hed
strom, Nonda Herman, Gertrude
Hill, Joyce Hunscote and Mar
jorie Jensen.
Other Initiates
Alma Johansen, Jeanette
Johnson, Mrs. Roberta Jolitz,
Marilyn Karel, Janet Kepner,
Jane Linn, Mrs. Imogene Mc
Donald, Arlene McKissick,
Nancy Noble, Virginia Nord
strom, Arlene Park, Patsy Pol
nicky, Janet Ringler, Harriet
Seidel, Alice Jo Smith, Jean
Smith, Mrs. Maurine Smith,
Mary Lou Sommer, Meredyth E.
Speir, Katherine Stewart, Lor
raine Strasheim, Mrs. Ruth Ve
verka, Marojrie Walker, Caro
lyn Waters, Patricia Watson,
Viola Welch and Mary Elizabeth
Slndent Writes
Of Native Land
"Afghanistan Is Land of Little
Lieht" is the title of a recent ar
ticle written by Mohamed K.
Rosshan, a university senior,
maioring in journalism. The ar
ticle is currently appearing in
the May issue of the Nebraska
Electric Farmer.
Roashan, an exchange student
from Afghanistan, relates how
little electricity there is in the
country, but that electrification
is roming to them soon.
The Nebraska Electric Farmer,
officinl nublication of the Ne
braska REA projects, has a cir
culation of over 42,000.
DIRI.H fnr part-time thetitre umpiovment
miiflt he neat in ajipearauce and have
jiienHant personality. Apply 825 Stuart
d ur-r-ur.TUNiTY. will train vounc
man, 21-81, to aell nationally advertlaeil
quality product. Excellent chance foi
rapid advancement. Balea by appoint
ment only. Car eaaentlal. Call 2-8342
irom v to 12 a m. for Interview.
leHdlnf; to rental of three or four ronrr
unfurnished apartment or houBe. Ag
vii -riuy, uy June 1. fl-BUMl.
LOST On campue. mottled (trecn Parker
pen. niacK trim. Sentimental value
Reward. 8-220S.
LORT Navy blue leather billfold aome-
wnere on campm. Keward. Call Jeanlc
Hampann, 2-7fc7fi.
HTOP by at Mil A atrext at AVUK'
una aee tne .rlnr meri-hanrtlnr pur
ehaeed eMperlally fur the at vie eon
aeiooa university student.
May 8-10
humor that is typical of Sheri
dan. In the play, Sheridan has at
tempted to satirize the gossip
mongering society of his day in
London. He also takes a good
natured poke at the men of sent
iment who were so common dur
ing the eighteenth century.
In Sheridan's time, there were
nany plays that were very sen
timental in nature, aach would
have leading characters which
were very moral and spoke many
Sheridan and Goldsmith were
among the first of the play
wrights who decided a definite
change in the type of drama was
in store. Both wrote plays, con
sidered radical in their day,
which have become well known
in the modern day theatre.
According to Mrs. Margaret
Denton, tickets are now on sale
at the Temple box office from
12:30-5 p. m. during this week.
Price per ticket is $1.20.
(Courtesy The Lincoln Journal)
elected president of the Asso
ciation of College Unions at the
national convention in Swamp
scott, Mass.
Palmer Reports
Business Loss
In Small Towns
Many small Nebraska com
munities face possible extinction
unless they "face squarely the
issue of declining population."
That is the conclusion reached
by Dr. Edgar Z. Palmer, head of
the University business research
department, who has just com
pleted a study of factors respon
sible for the decline of business
and population in Clay Center
and in Clay county. This survey
was made at the request of Clay
Center business men.
Seven specific things "which
need to be done to renew the
fading life of the small city, as
exemplified by Clay Center,"
were suggested by Dr. Palmer.
His recommendations are as fol
lows; Suggestions
1. The diversification of agri
culture in the surrounding areas,
especially the more intensive
types of farming such as live
stock production, should be stim-'
2. A city-wide program for the
improvement of store fronts and
renovation of interior displays
should be inaugurated to make
the city's stores as attractive as
the same sized stores in larger
3. The city should be adver
tised widely over the county by
means of billboards and illumin
ated signs, especially at strategic
corners where signs would helo'
lead trafiic into the business dis
trict of the town.
Improve Retail Trade
4. The town should make an
effort to overcome any specific
weaknesses in the retail trade
5. The towns should try to en
list the aid of the state division
of resources and industries and
other agencies in attracting new
small factories to the city.
6. The towns should stimulate
local men's efforts to establish
7. Full co-operation of all city
leaders is essential to any efforts
for the goods of the city. The
cities where this is possible prob
ably are the ones which survive
bs the general population level it
lowered in the region.
Applications Due
For Oslo Study
Spend the summer in Nor
way! Students interested in study
abroad at the summer school for
American students at the Uni
versity of Oslo in Norway are
urged to make their application
immediately. The term will be
held from June 26 to August 5
and about 250 American stu
dents will be admitted.
The courses, to be taught in
the F.nglish language, are open
to all American students who
will have completed at least two
college years by June of this
year. The main emphasis this
summer wili be on courses per
taining to Norwegian culture,
geography, language, literature,
music and art. A total of six
semester credits may be earned
during the six weeks' course.
Charges for this session have
ben reduced following the de
valuation of the Norwegian
crown. The tuition for the six
weeics term is $80; the student
fee, which includes health insur
ance, is $10: and the excursion
fee, $20. The roundtrip fare,
tourist clars on the Norwegian
American line, is $3B0.
Anplirfition' Hint's shnuld be
obtained f-om the Oslo Sumrner
School Admissions office, St.
Olaf college, Northfield, Minn.
f K
, i fei ::Z.