I Only Daily Publication For Student At The University of Nebraska The Weather Mostly cloudy with show ers Tuesday. Warmer east portion. Wednesday, cloudy with occasional light rain. Cooler west portion. Vol. 50 No. 135 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 2, 1950 , ! (Qfav yDu.SDu i i i i jT : p K r 1 C"-w PIE-EATING CONTEST Farmers Fair's 1950 baby, the pie-eating contest, brought added gaiety as be-whiskered contestants found their beards to be a decided help in cleaning up the plate. Crowned King and Queen Pie-eaters were Joan Meyer, Love Hall represen tative, and Earle Haggart, Alpha Gamma Rho representative, not pictured. (Rag Photo by Bob Sherwood.) Seniors Initiate '50 Class Week Bill Mueller, senior class pres ident, has announced a Senior Week beginning May 8 and end ing May 12. Included in the five-day pro gram will be a senior class "skip day" on Wednesday, May 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. During this time, class members will be able to attend an all-senior picnic. starting May 8, the senior committee, appointed by Muel ler, will begin an all-out can paign to raise funds for a gift to the University from the Class of 1950. Highlights of the week, be sides "skip day," will be a rib bon sale and a senior convoca tion. Permanent Gift Mueller and - the committee hope that enough money will be raised for senior class members to leave something of permanent value to the University when The senior picnic will be held possibly at Linoma beach or someplace where facilities are available to accommodate a large crowd. The committee will try to arrange with the manage ment of the beach to give sen iors a certain percentage of gate BorcmaiuiGets Grant of $3,500 For Research Dean Carl Borgmann has re cently received a grant of $3,500 from the research corporation for experimental work on the influ ence of environmental factors on the cathodic polarization of com mon metals and alloys. Borgmann said that he is "studying factors relating to cor rosion, such as temperature, con centration Of the solution, the .amount of oxygen and the rate of flow." One practical applica tion which may result from the experimentation is the treatment of a surface by a metal. The research corporation, founded by Dr. Frederick Gard ner Cottrell. scientist and inven tor, has granted $350,000 to sci entific research in colleges, uni versities and scientific institu tions since Nov. 1, 1949. The corporation has received patents and money from many sources since its founding. This has enabled investigators to pur sue their desired research, thus attracting them into teaching and laboratory jobs. The research of these scientists in turn stimulates the students who come in con tact with them and encourages future scientists to continue study in their chosen fields. Fund to Assist Foreign Students The Nebraska Federation of women's clubs will extend a helping hand to foreign students attending the University. Establishment of "The Nebras ka Federation of Women's Clubs, inc., International Student Schol arship fund" with the University Foundation was announced Wed nesday by Perry W. Branch, Foundation director-secretary. The clubs have contributed $1,420 to the fund which will support three 1950-51 scholar ships, two of $500 and one of $420, which will be available nly to overseas students attend ing the University. Recipients may be either graduate or under graduate students, doing satis factory college work and in need of financial assistance. Winners will not be charged tuition by the University. Recipients will be selected by a committee of three composed of the Director of Admissions of the University, a member of the fac ulty and the president of the Federation. admissions or concession ceeds in order to help pro raise money for the gift. Plans are being made to have a faculty-senior baseball game and -other types of organized games for group participation. Class Unity The picnic will give seniors as a group a chance to know each other better and to further in terest in class unity as an or ganized group. Ribbons similar to those sold during Engineers Week will be sold. Slogans will be printed on them showing that the wearer l's a member of the Class of 1950. Ribbons will be sold by mem bers of the committee. Neal Baxter will be in charge of the sale which will begin Ivy Day. They will sell for 15 cents. Pro fits will be used to help purch ase the gift. Senior Convo Another highlight of Senior Week will be a senior convoca tion, Tuesday, May 9. All sen iors will be excused from classes at 11 a.m. Ao attend the convo cation in the Union ballroom. Speakers will be Chancellor Gustavson, Alumni secretary Fritz Daley and Senior Class President Bill Mueller. The purpose of the convoca tion is to instill the idea of class spirit into the class as a group and to make students realize their value to the University as alumni members. Details re garding the senior picnic will be given at the convocation. This is the first time for many years that such a varied program has been planned for the mem bers of the senior class to parti cipate in. A decision to create more class initiative and unity which might be a lasting product among grad uates was reached soon after the moves for a Junior class were first formulated this semester. KOWTOW'' " 1: jaeSiM-,)! -asm. '-a- i.iimw .j M f-.f m " III " p I " jt . j i'i 1 I - P L ? 3 -j , 1? ' ' ' ',' ; , i w , if ! "5 t .v. r i ' ' .:.--..:.. ,.. . !;. ' ' ' ' " " f " J f- ' 1 : i ' ,. Ill NANCY DIXON This lovely coed will model the black and white sun dress she is wearing in the Coed Counselor spring style show Tuesday night, May 2, at 7:30 p. m. Miss Dixon is one of 27 coeds who will model spring and summer fashions. Ag Elections Slated for Wednesday Ag spring elections will be held Wednesday, May 3, for the three Ag campus boards. Positions to be filled are on Ag Exec board, Farmers Fair board and Coll-Agri-Fun board. Voting will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. in the Ag Union. Positions' open on Ag Exec board are one man and one woman from each of the fresh men, sophomore and junior classes. Positions open on the Farmers Fair board are for three junior women and three junior men. Vacancies to be filled on the Coll-Agri-Fun board are two sophomore women and one soph omore man. Since the constitution for the Student Council has not yet been approved, the Ag elections will be conducted by the Ag Exec board. The only election rules that will apply are: To be eligible for any office, candidates must have a cumu lative 4.5 average, have com pleted 12 credit hours in the previous semester, and be car rying 12 hours during the cur rent semester. Students will vote as indicated on the ballot. It is suggested by the Ag Exec board that students keep the sample ballot for study A g Convocation To Honor Six Judging Teams Members of the six Ag senior judging teams will be honored at the annual Ag college con vocation Wednesday morning at 11:20 a. m. in the Ag College Activities building. All 11:20 classes on Ag campus will be dismissed. Nathan Gold, Lincoln busi nessman, will be the main speaker. He will speak on "Op portunities in Nebraska." Alpha Zeta Award C. W. Smith, senior faculty advisor, will present the" Alpha Zeta medal to the outstanding freshman scholar in Ag college during the 1948-49 term. Alpha Zeta is an Ag honorary for men. Team Members Members of the teams are: Crops judging team: Wayne Nielsen, Lloyd Wirth, Jim Mc Dowell and Dale Flowerday. They have competed against 12 teams. ' Livestock judging team: Norm Holmburg, Stan Lambert, Art Strumpler, Don Gard, Gervase Franke, Wilbur Pauley, Bob Eg gert, Merle Stalder and Don Pop ken. Twenty-eight teams have been in competition with them. Meats judging team: Loren Schmidt, Merwyn French and Grant Cornelius. They have competed with 24 teams. Dairy judging team: Charles Fairley, Bob Epp and William Steinkrueger. Dairy products judging team: Warren Newell, Jim Yoder and Dean Whitmore. The convocation is being sponsored by the Tri-K club, honorary agronomy club. Wool judging team: Don Gard, Gervase Franke and Stan Lambert. SAMPLE Female freshmen and soph- omore representatives to Ag Exee board, Ballot is in valid unless correct num ber is marked. (All women vote) (Vote for one) Freshman Marilyn Bamesberger Julia Bell i Betty Lou Fletcher Joyce Helen Kuehl Ramona Louise Laun Jeanne Vierk . Patricia Aus Wainscott Artie Rose VVfestcott . Sophemores (Vote lor one) Alice Anderso( Jacqueline Backer Carol Lee Chef-ny Carol E. Harris Evelyn M. Young: Male freshmen and sopho more representatives to Ag Exec board. Ballot is in valid unless correct num ber is marked. (All men vote) Freshmen Bernard E. Johnson Richard Young: Sophomores (Vote for one) Elmer Glenn Nelson Eugene Edwin Robinson Junior representatives on Ag Exec board. (Vote for one man and. one woman) Pershing Riflemen To Attend Meet Twenty-one men from Ne braska company A-2, Pershing Rifles, will fly. to Iowa State col lege for the annual Pershing Rifle regimental drill meet, May 5 to 7. The Nebraskans will compete in five of the seven events to be held: Individual nianual compe tition for pledge, freshman and sophomore students, , the nine man infantry drill squad and crack squad drill. Nebraska won the crack squad competition last year.. The men will fly to Des Moines in a national guard C-47 plane and will travel from there by truck. They will leave Friday morning and return Sunday af ternoon. ' . " The men who are going are: Major James Pearman, company adviser; Derald Lembrich, com pany commander; Wendall Bau man, Charles ' Bressman and George McQueen, company offi cers; James Kostal, Lloyd Keller, Leon Massey. Robert Gilmore, Wayne Bailey, Robert Munger, Frank Major, Albert Blakely, Wilbur King, Leon 'Novak, John Prien and Darwin McAffee. U.S. Steel Official To Give Lecture Carl A. Ugenfritz, vice presi dent of United States Steel cor poration will be the third speaker - in the Scabbard and Blade lecture series held at 8 p. m. Tuesdays in Love Library auditorium. Ugenfritz, who has charge of purchasing for the U. S. Steel corporation will speak on man agements part in "Industrial Preparedness." He will be in troduced by Col. H. Turner, as sistant adiutant-seneral of the Nebraska National Guard. All students and faculty are urged to attend. There will be nc admission charge. Modeling sports, evening and campus fashions, 28 University coeds will take part in the Coed Counselor spring style show at 7:30 tonight, Teusday, at Hov-land-Swanson deportment store. Background music for the show will be furnished by the Carribean Melodaires, a South American combo, and special dance features v. li be presented between parts of the show by two representatives of the Ar thur Murray dance studio. The main feature of the show will be a bridal procession in which models will wear the newest in bridal gowns. Models One coed from each organized women's house of campus will take part. They are: Kathryn Rhodes, Kappa Delta; Marion Brown, Towne club; Jean Bur ford, Alpha Phi; Bev Deal, Alpha Omicron Pi; Lois Rodin, Sigma Delta Tau; Jane Lorensen. International house; Betty Clif ford, Terrace hall; Bernadine Evans, Howard hall Donna Burley, Delta Delta Delta; Barbara Krutz, Loomis hall; Doris MiSner, Love Me morial hall; Dorothy Cappell, Rosa Bouton hall; Leta Rae Cherniss, Heppner hall; Gwen Lyon, Chi Omega: Betsy Lieber, Alpha Xi Delta; Sheila Grainger, Kappa Kappa Gamma: Mardell Lamp, Wilsqn hall; Dortha Hun ter, Rasmussen hall. , Joan Richards Raymond hall; Mary Plumb, Love hall; Louise Metzger, Palladian; Nancy Dixon, Alpha Chi Omega; Ann Lueder, Delta Gamma; Joan Alexander, Kappa Alpha Theta; Jo O'Brien, Gamma Phi Beta; Bettv Buel, Si?ma Kaoa; Carol . See 'Style Show,' Pace 4 BALLOT Ballot is Invalid unless cor rect number is marked. (All students vote) Ruth V. Fischer . Margaret Ann Kuhl Wanda Fae Pearson Robert Lee Raun E. Burnell Swanson COLL-AGRI-FUN-BOARD Vote for two women and one man. Ballot is invalid unless correct number is marked. (All students vote) . Jean Carol Hargleroad Janet Elaine Ross Joyce Elaine Shaner Ardis D. Westerhoff Everett A. Jenne Jerry Joseph Johnson FARMERS FAIR BOARD Ballot is invalid unless cor rect number is marked. (Vote for three men and three women) (AH students vote) Donald L. Bever Earl Charles Hultman Richard Franklin Shinn E. Burnell Swanson Jack F. Wilson Otto Lewellyn Uhrig Alice Marie Boswell Ruth Esther Craft Eileen M. Derieg Mary Jean Fenster Barbara Jean Glock Mary Frances Johnson Iris Jean Wells NUCWA Tells Slate For Election Officers for the 1950-51 school year will be elected at the NUCWA mass meeting which is scheduled for Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 316, Union. Candidates for the offices of president, vice-president, secre tary, treasurer, and five depart ment chairmen will be selected. The candidates were nominated at the mass meeting Thursday, April 27. The slate is as follows: presi dent, Sue Allen and Harold Pe terson; vice president, Jerry Matzke and Jerry Tomasek; sec retary, Jo Buller, Doris Carlson, and Bonnie Varney; treasurer, Alice Prang, Virginia Koehler, and Miriam Willey. Chairmanship Slate Nominated for the chairman ship of the speakers bureau are Ed Saad and Juanita Haggerty; for UNESCO, Ruth Sorenson and Susie Reed; publicity, Joan Krueger and Glenn Rosenquist; information and research, Tom Recht, Joan Jones, and Ruth Sorensen; and international stud ies, George Wilcox and Nancy Vogt. All members of NUCWA are eligible to vote in the election. According to Irene Hunter, pres ent secretary-treasurer of the or ganization, nominations will also be received for the nine offices before the election Thursday. At last Thursday's meeting, an amendment to the NUCWA constitution in regard to quorum rules was passed by the organ-' ization. m-rm 111) liilp' 111" ' , ' ; X ' JO O'BRIEN Miss O'Brien holds out the bouffant skirt of the navy blue and pink organdy evening dress she will model in the Coed Counselor style show tonight. The show will be held at Hov land Swanson department store, and all fashions will be furnished by the store. Reject Fee Hike For Large 'Rag' The Union additions passed; the proposal for continu ance of a seven-column Daily Nebraskan did not. These are the results of the official campus poll taken last Wednesday. Nearly 4,000 each or the issues. The Union addition proposal was accepted, 2,513 votes for and 1,460 against. The issue for continuance of the prewar size Daily Nebras kan lost, 2,155 to 1,762. Concert series proposal, which died for lack of a 75 percent affirmative vote, 2,202 votes for and 1,687 against. Authorization Received The poll was authorized hv the Board of Regents to gain student opinion on the three proposals. Ballots were distrib uted in 9 a.m. classes Wednes day, April 26. Counting of votes was done by the elections com mittee of the Student Council. Results of the poll are not fi nal, however. The University Board of Regents at its next meeting on Saturday, May 6, will decide officially on the two issues. Members of the Board are not obligated to accept the poll results. If the Regents accept the re sults, an addition to the present city Union and a new Ag Union will be eventually built, and The Daily Nebraskan will return to its war-time, five-column tabloid size. Campus Issue . These issues have been a sub ject of campus concern for sev eral months. A student commit tee was established in December, 1949, to investigate the need for Union additions. This committee contacted students and faculty members and studied the plans of other universities over the nation. The situation for extra oper ating funds for the Rag came as a result of additional expenses which were connected with pub lishing the larger paper. Since the Rag was increased to its pre war size at the beginning of the second semester, it has been op erating in the red. The vote was closest on the larger -Rag issue. Only 55 per cent of the voting students turned down the 50-cent fee in crease which would have con tinned the greater size of the publication. Forty-five per cent voted in favor of the "king-size" Raff." An extra levy would have been paid by the students in a subscription fee increase. Union Facilities To be included in the new Union addition will be new rec reational, service and cultural facilities. A much needed Ag Union will be built under the new plan. The funds will also be used to repair the existing union structure. The poll came as a result of action bv University officials who stated that any agitation for Union improvement must come from the students themselves. If the proposal for a Union fee increase of $3 is now approved by the Regents, then $500,000 will be available through the tuition fee collected from each student at semester registration. The larger part of the fund, minus the $100,000 asked for by the Ag Union, would go to the City Un- 111 fill Ill I'll! I. : .:(. University students voted on Matzke To Attend UN Meet Will Study Issues At Lake Success Jerry Matzke will represent the Nebraska University Council for World Affairs at the fifth annual intercollegiate institute on the United Nations. The con ference will be held at Lake Suc cess, New York, and New York City, June 18-24. Students attending the con ference will study the United Organization under the. guidance of United Nations experts, sec retariat members and U N off- cials. They will stay at Finch college in Manhattan. JERRY MATZKE Major problems and issues which are considered by the UN will be studied. Among these is sues will be problems in polit ical and security, economic, so cial and humanitarian, trustee ship and legal and administra tive fields. Study of the UN charter through discussion with experts will be supplemented by visit to United Nations headquarters and the American mission to the United Nations. Council Meetings The delegates also will attend council and commission meetings and will have informal gather ings with delegates and members of the secretariat. The conference is being spon sored by the Collegiate Council for the United Nations. One stu dent from each American college which has set up United Nations committees and council will at tend the meetings. Much of the week will be spent in discussion groups. Dele gates will also attend Collegiate Council session. The Institute each year acts as the annual con ference of the Collegiate Coun cil, where official business and elections of officers are held. Matzke is planning to leave Lincoln June 14 in order to ar rive at New York by the 18th. He, along with other collegiate delegates, will spend much time personally viewing the work of the UN at its Lake Success, N. x ., headquarters. Campus Organization NUCWA is the student organ ization which sponsored the United Nations Mock Assembly in March of this year. The as sembly and other NUCWA proj ects including International Friendship dinners, law school mock world court, and speakers bureau, are planned to promote international understana ing among the students on the University campus. Matzke is a memoer or ine publications board, Theta Nu, and of Phi Gamma Delta fra ternity. He headed the Russian delegation at the recent Mock Assembly conference. Radio Honorary To Initate 17 Aloha Epsilon Rho initistiort will be held in the basement of the Temple building Tuesday, May 2, at 5 p. m. The radio honorary will initi ate 17 pledges who have satisfied the University's scholastic re quirement and have shown out standing leadership qualities in radio work, Initiates will Include: Joel Bailey, Eleanor Bancroft, Arved Christensen, Sunya Cole, Wini f if , ii y J fred Davidson, Gloria Gengen bach, Jacquelyn Hoss, Frank Ja cobs, Robert Jenkins, Clyde Lu ther, Jane McCuaig, Louis Mey ers, Barbara Rayburn, Mike Shaahan, Soralee Sokolof, and Lois Nelson. At their Monday meeting:, Al pha Epsilon Rho members also discussed their national conven tion, which will be held at Cleve land, Ohio, during theirst week of Ma " ' ' 9V$f J 7