The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 30, 1950, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    Sunday, April 30, 1950
Know Your College . . .
4 I
7 I
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GOING PLACES F. J. Bell and August F. Dreier are operating
a tractor-mounted four-row drill, to be used for planting small
grain plots. This was developed by the outstate division of the
department of agronomy and agricultural engineering.
DP Student Relates
'Underground9 Work
(Editor's note: The following
article is by Joe Klischuk, a
Ukrainian DP student at the Uni
versity. He was a member of
the Ukranian underground In
Eastern Europe during the war.
The selection was first written
as an English ctess paper.)
Soon after World War II, com
munistic Russia, with a sudden
sweep, occupied many of the
countries in middle and south
Europe against the wishes of the
vast majority
of the peace
loving people.
To com bat
the growth of
communis tic
power, these
nations formed
the anti-Bolshevist
(ABN) which
includes rep-
,$X resentatives of
sate iiiie na-
Klischuk. tions and mi
nority groups within Russia it
self. The political platform was laid
for the purpose of expressing
the aims and objects of the or
ganization, and a conference was
held by a committee known as
the Declaration committee in
April, 1946, to set forth in a
memorandum that each nation
ha3 a right to have its own in
dependence according to its
ethonographic territory.
The ABN agreement declares
that the right of people should
be respected, and that the people
should be free to choose their
own form of government, not to
be dominated by another power.
' There are many people who,
because of opposition to the op
pression by communism, cannot
return to their homeland and are
technically known as persons
without a country, or displaced
persons. The ABN has asked in-
Named to Fill
Religious Post
Ruth Trautman was elected to
hold the top post on the slate of
new Religious Welfare Council
officers for the coming year.
The remainder of the officers
elected were Pat Weidman, cor
responding secretary; K a d y
Faulkner, re-elected treasurer;
Joan Jones, recording secretary;
and Rev. Rex Knowles and Rev.
Richard Nutt, advisors.
Miss Trautman, besides hold
ing the presidency of the council,
is a city YWCA cabinet member,
is active In Wesley Foundation
work, is a member of Kappa Phi,
and is a junior in arts and
science college.
Besides her office of corre
sponding secretary, Miss Weid
man is society editor of The
Daily Nebraskan, officer of Aq
quaettes, a Red Cross board
member, a WAA board member,
and a finalist in the current Del
ta Sigma Rho extemporaneous
speaking contest
Miss Jones is a freshman in
engineering college, a member of
Kappa Phi and serves on Wesley
Foundation council.
The treasurer, Kady Faulkner,
Is an associate professor of art at
the university.
Rev. Knowles is Presbyterian
student house pastor and Rev.
Nutt is the Methodist student
house pastor.
Fraternity Week .
Planned at NCU
The Inter-Fraternity council at
North Carolina university has
planned a week-long program for
the campus fraternities. Banquet,
discussion meets, and a field day
are slated for fraternity pledges.
Other parts of the program
suggested by the IFC. are ex
change dinners between pledge
classes, discussion groups with
elumnl, tsiiified church-going for
pledge classes. and a house
grounds cleanup day for pledge
classes. '. ,'
Greek week program will be
held in conjunction with regular
initiation ceremonies of prac
tically all fraternities.
IFC spokesman hope that in
' f '-Auco vears this Greek, week
x will coordinate and unify
III university fraternity initia
t m ficfivitles, and remove many
rf !! practices for which fra
t -t-r ; : '-i I .V9 been strongly criti-
$ 4 V v
ternational forums to helD no
litical prisoners and displaced
persons oppose the ruthless tide
of communism until they are ad
mitted to a country where they
can start a new life. In order to
inform people of present-day
happenings, the ABN has pub
lished many papers in all the
European languages.
At the peace conference in
Paris, ABN Memorandum 22 was
handed to all the representatives
of the participating nations ex
cept Russia and her satellites.
The memorandum caused a sen
sation in diplomatic circles and
resulted in the dplomats taking
a firm stand against the im
perialistic policy of Russia.
Having lived under communism
for two years, not being able to
endure it any longer and wanting
to free my country from the
yoke of dictatorship, I joined the
Ukranian underground army
which at that time was fighting
two dictatorships, Russia and
Germany, from 1941 to 1944.
During that time many men left
their families and joined the
underground movement.
I worked day and night, going
from village to village, organizing
the people so they could oppose
all forms of dictatorships. Al
though it was a great task for
any one man to undertake, I
stood under the strain until one
day I was captured by the Ger
mans and taken to a concentra
tion camp in Germany until VE
There are many more things
I would like to tell you. But one
thing is certain that you who
have lived here in America en
joying freedom, by standing right
now, can destroy the roots of
communism. It is expedient that
you do so before it is too late.
Kenyon Proposes
Panhandle Picnic
"This is the season, so why
These ae the words of Harry
Kenyon, college of agriculture
junior from Mitchell, who pro
posed Tuesday to initiate a "pan
handle students only" picnic. It
is tentatively set for Monday,
May 22, which is the day be
tween the last day of classes
and the first day of final exams.
The party, exclusively for stu
dents from the panhandle area,
is proposed to include such home
towns as: Alliance, Crawford,
Chadron, Hay Springs, Scotts
bluff , Bridgeport, Oshkosh,
Chappell, Sidney and even Ogal
lalla. Though often discussed by
western students, this is the first
atternpt at organization. Kenyon
said if panhandle students re
spond, committee will be ap
pointed and plans completed.
Students from the panhandle
area who will be in Lincoln dur
ing the two day break in classes
are asked to drop a penny card
to Harry Kenyon, at 1145 Idle
wild Drive expressing preference
of time and ' place.
ROTC Speaker
Second of Series
Lt. CoL Childs, of the St. Louis
division ordinance depot, will be
principal speaker at the second
in a series of lectures on "Are
We Prepared Industrially" at 8
p.m., April 25, in Love Library
The lecture series was inau
gurated last year by Scabbard
and Blade, military honor soci
ety, to acquaint the public with
the military and its preparation
in case of mobilization. .
Further talks in the Industrial
preparedness series will be by
representatives of United States
Steel and Organized. Labor. They
will speak on the role o? man
agement and labor in military
preparedness. ...
Connecticut U.
Outlaws 6 Jeans9
Officers of ttw Women's Stu
dent Government council re
cently outlawed Jeans on the
University of Connecticut cam
pus, the Connecticut Campus,
the official college newspaper,
reports. '
The Jeans' were already
banded from dining halls, class
rooms, the library, or Univer
sity run lounges. However, dun
garees may be worn to classes in
which they are allowed, but long
coats must be worn over them
when walking on the campus.
(This In the dtoventh In a wtriet ol
article! about school! and colleges within
the University. The Dally jNebraskan Is
attempting to present the "aream," or
plans for expansion, either of facilities
or oourses In the school or college.)
By Tom Rische
More room!
That is the main dream of the
College of Agriculture.
According to the University's
ten-year building program seven
additional buildings will be con
structed on the campus before
1957. Bids for three of the build
ings have recently been request
ed by the Board of Regents.
The three buildings are an
Agronomy building a meat lab
oratory and an insectary. Agron
omy classes are being held in
four buildings on the Ag cam
pus. Much more space will be
available in a centralized build
ing for the agronomy work.
Space Limited
Quarters are rather cramped
in the old building which houses
the meats laboratory. In it stu
dents learn how to process 'meat
and its by-products. It is really
a small packing plant.
The insectary will be used for
further study of the control and
usefulness of insect life.
The work of the College of
Agriculture is divided into three
major sections: First of these is
the regular resident teaching.
Second, the research work at
the central Agricultural Experi
ment station at Lincoln and at
five substations in various parts
of the state. The outlying dis
tricts are coordinated by the
central station located on the Ag
Experimental work with crops
and animals is carried on at the
outstate farms and on the plots
on the Ag campus and nearby
experimental farms. Part of the
research work is in cooperation
with the U. S. department of ag
riculture. Third, the agricultural exten
sion. This division carries the re
sults obtained from research to
the farm people throughout the
state. The central staff is con
cerned with organization and
administration of this program.
It is also in charge of the state
4-H club program in which over
20,000 boys and girls participate.
A number of specialists in
various lines of agriculture and
home economics aid the county
extension agents in this program.
1,000 Students
About 1,000 students are ma
joring in agricultural courses,
approximately 300 women and
700 men. About 200 faculty
members teach in the 14 depart
ments of work, which are:
Agricultural extension, agri
cultural engineering, agricultural
chemistry, agricultural econom
ics, agronomy, animal husban
dry, animal pathology and hy
giene, dairy husbandry, entomol
ogy, home economics, poultry
IVCF Selects
Bryan Johnson
New President
Bryan Johnson is the new
president of the Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship. Johnson,
an arts and science junior from
Loomis, Nebraska, was elected
at the annual election of officers
Thursday night.
During the past year, John
son has served as sports chair
man of IVCF and has also been
active in Bible study groups and
Thursday evening student par
ticipation programs. He is also
a member of the Ag College
cooking club.
Elected to serve as vice presi
dent and program chairman is
Betty Zumhingst, a junior
speech major in arts and science
from Wauneta, Nebraska. Miss
Zumhingst holds a ThB from St.
Paul's Bible Institute. She is
active in the University speech
Helen Nelson, a freshman in
Teachers college from Bertrand,
Nebraska, is the new secretary.
A chemical engineering junior,
Ed Wood, was elected to the po
sition of treasurer. Ed is a na
tive of Big Springs, Nebraska.
Inter-Varsity Christian fel
lowship is an interdenomina
tional Christian organization
presenting historical Christianity
on the campus.
The three basic purposes of
rVCF, according to retiring
president, Phil Gustafson, are:
1. To witness to the Lord Jesus
Christ as God Incarnate and to
seek to lead others te a personal
faith in Him as Saviour; 2. To
deepen and strengthen the spir
itual life of members by the
study of the Bible and by
prayer; and 3. To call out stu
dents who will go to the foreign
mission field and to help those
who are praying about the mis
sionary call to know God's will.
New York Bureau
Cites Engineers
' The New York State Educa
tion department Friday had a
word of praise for the quality of
engineering education offered by
the university.
Dean Roy M. Green said the
New York department's Bureau
of Professional licensure re
ported that only three engineer
ing colleges In the United States
have the "enviable record" of
having all of their graduates
pass the professional engineer
ing examination. One of these
colleges was Nebraska's.
The university. Dean Green
said, had several men take and
pass the examination. One en
gineering school had ten take the
examination and pass, and the.
third school with the perfect rec
ord had five appear and five
Graduates, from 78 different
engineering colleges and schools
in the United States appeared for
the examinations during the
1943-49 period.
hubandry,- plant pathology- and
vocational education.
i The campus at present has
only one dormitory. Love hall
for. girls. There are 13 major
buildings on the campus at pres
ent, not including a number of
barns and smaller buildings
used for experimental work.
One of the outstanding facili
ties on the campus is the tractor
testing laboratory. The only one
of its kind in the world. All
models of tractors sold in the
state must be tested in the labor
atory before they are put on the
market. Experts from all over
the world have inspected the fa
cilities on the campus.
Orchard, Fruit Farm
The horticulture department
maintains an orchard on the Lin
coln campus and a fruit farm at
Union. A number of apple trees
are grown, and extensive vine
yards are maintained.
Job opportunities open to men
majoring in some type of agri
culture include: Teachers of ag
ricultural subjects, land ap
praisers, county agents, 'hatchery
managers, farm managers, crop,
soils and livestock researchers.
Women majoring in home eco
nomics may find positions in
nursery schools, teaching, occu
pational therapy in hospitals or
sanitoriums, clothes designing,
(Courtesy The Lincoln Journal)
ABLE Miss Pat Reed of Hoxie,
Kansas, was chosen Miss Ac
counts Receivable of 1950 by
the members of Alpha Kappa
Psi fraternity. Presented at the
annual Spring Formal Friday
evening, Miss Reed is a fresh
man at the University.
Bizads Present
Honorary Title
To Pat Reed
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
business fraternity, held its an
nual spring formal Friday eve
ning. Highlight of the evening
was the presentation of Miss Ac
counts ReceivaDle.
Pat Reed of Hoxie, Kas., was
selected for this honor. Miss
Reed is a freshman at the Uni
versity and is affiliated with
Gamma Phi Beta sorority.
Escorted by Dave Hallstrom,
Miss Reed wore a gown featur
ing a filigree of black lace over
flesh-toned tafetta topped by a
large bow. The skirt rustled in
crisp tiers of midnight tafetta.
Other finalists were Virginia
Sieler and Joann Miller.
Final selection was made by
Robert A. Stewart and Phillip S.
James, alumni of Alpha Kappa
Psi, and Dr. Curtis M. Elliott of
the Business Administration fac
ulty. The spring formal, which was
held at the Lincoln hotel, was
attended by 150 couples. Music
by Gay Fiester and his orches
tra. ARROW is
tv.t,mm mini .Mfchiv dmmi
S - ; '!V
shorts $1.25 up t-shirts 1.00 up;
One way to be sure of complete comfort
below decks is to buy ARROW shorts!
Made without creeping center seam,
they're full cut plenty roomy! Ideal
teamed with Arrow T-shirts!
as hospital dieticians, consult
ants ou family problems, com
mercial demonstration, research
work or as home extension
Specialized Training
Home economics work is de
signed to give a student knowl
edge in a specialized field, not
particularly in cooking and
homemaking, altho these may be
One of the newer courses is
the journalism and home eco
nomics major. This course pre
pares the student for work as
home economics editors of news
papers or magazines. It is help
ful for any home economics ma
jor who must do some writing.
The home economics work is
divided into several sections
foods and nutrition, textiles and
clothing, child development,
housing and equipment and .fam
ily economics.
Each year, a number of special
events are held on the campus.
The annual Christmas program,
the pre-Easter breakfast, the
Coll-Agri-Fun show and the
Farmers' formal are all annual
student events.
Farmers Fair
The Farmers Fair, held this
past week-end, acquaints the cit
izens of the state with Ag cam
pus activities, and provides a
eed and directed
enterprise, which develops initi
ative, leadership ana personality-
v.arh fall a farm and home
week is held, in which the farm
ers of the state are invited to
inspect all the facilities of the
Manv outside sneakers
are brought in to discuss im
portant problems as they relate
to agriculture and fa.rm life.
T.ivpstnrk Feeder's day is one
of the biggest events on the
campus. New methods in animal
husbandry and livestock farm
ing are discussed by University
faculty members and Nebrasga
Students prepare and show
cattle raised on the campus at
the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben show,
held each spring.
Manv chnrt. courses are held
on the campus each year for
such groups as the aitana ae
hydrators, dairy manufacturers,
fppl mnniifartnrers. farm mana
gers and rural appraises, bee
keepers anr hatcherymen. Dur
ing each year, it is estimated
that npnvlv 30.000 Deonle visit
the Agricultural campus on tour
and to attend the various events
held there.
21 of NU Women
Work Part Time
Twenty-one percent of women
students enrolled in the univer
sily work part time to help de
fray the cost of going to school.
Dean of Women Marjorie John
ston reported Friday.
Miss Johnston said 377 of
1,838 women students are em
ployed. Of these 137 are fresh
men, 86 sopohomores, 76 juniors
and 78 seniors.
Twenty-six types of employ
ment are represented. No. 1 job
choice is office work on the
campus which attracted 9 coeds
this semester. Fifty-nine wom
en are' working as clerks in
Lincoln stores, 55 are working in
offices in downtown Lincoln, 34
are waitresses, 27 library assis
tants, 20 baby sitters. 19 domes
tics, and 18 are teaching.
Fern Fun
The tennis tournament has be
gun. Players scheduled to play
must report and be ready to
compete at 5 p. m.
The badminton tournament is
the quarter finals.
All those participating in soft
ball are urged to be on the field
at 4:45 p. m. in order to be
ready to play at 5.
your ticket to
the Best Seat
In The
UM-M-M GOOD A panel of Agricultural staff members are eat
ing some food prepared from livestock raised on the campus.
They are determining the quality of the food for experimental
1,000 Dietitians
Each Year as
Dietitians are in demand!! A
thousand new dietitians are
needed yearly to replace those
who leave because of marriage
or other reasons, but not nearly
that number prepare annually
to enter the field, according to
the U. S. Department of Labor
women's bureau which has just
completed a study in coopera
tion with the American Dietetic
The planned future expansion
of hospitals, rising popularity of
Rag Staff
The Daily Nebraskan swamped
the Cornhusker staff 8-3 in the
annual publications baseball
game Friday afternoon behind
the five hit pitching of Ted Ran
dolph, Knox Jones and Bill
Superior power at the plate by
the Ray staff was the undoing of
Cornhusker pitchers Dick Kuska
and Dick Billig. Jones homered
for the rag with nobody on in
the second inning.
Xine score:
Cornhusker 201 003
Dally Nebraskan 610 2x 8
Randolph, Jones (2), Mundell (3),
Randolph H. Jones (.r) and Wilcox
catchlnK. Kuska, Billig (4) and Connely
GOL.FHKH 10 off on all floe balls;
TitellsU, Dots, Royals, Top-notches,
K-28's, etc. Free delivery. Warren
Buffet t. 3-2692.
NEW Smith Corona Portable typewriter;
'35 Ford Sedan. Will sacrifice. 5-7323.
GIRLS for part-time theatre employment.
must De neat in appearance and have
pleasant personality. Apply 325 Btuart
AN OPPORTUNITY. Will train young
man, 21-31, to sell nationally advertised
quality product. Kxcellent chance for
rapid advancement. Bales by appoint
ment only. Car essential. Call 2-6342
from 8 to 12 a.m. for Interview.
LOST: On campus Wed. afternoon, black
Phaeffer pen. Phone 8-2148.
Drop In at AVKKS 1400 O Street and nee
the new T hlr! at $2.88. The Marlyn,
The Mermaid, The Hater Hkler. The
Ship, and The Fighting Stallions are
really beauties.
Your College
While linen toeless D'Orsay pump
... graceful, cool, smart!
We also have the D'Orsay pump in red, green and
navy calfskin and soft palomino suede.
Your feet belong in
MAGEPS First Floor
in Demand
hospital insurance, the growing
population, and increasing num
ber of people over 65, all tend
to increase the demand for die
titians. Home Ec Grads
Preparation for a career in
dietetics includes graduation
from a home economics depart
ment of an accredited college
with a major in foods and nutri
tion. A year's internship is also
required. This may be in an
approved course in a hospital
or in an approved apprentice pro
gram in a restaurant.
Membership in the American
dietetic ' association is also an
asset and is a requirement for
some jobs.
A nation-wide survey made by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics in
1949 indicated that most dieti
tians received from $2,800 to
$3,800 a year, in many cases with
room and meals furnished. Heads
of school cafeteria systems were
paid from $2,650 to $5,125 in
Mostly Women
Although most dietitians are
'v'jmen, men are in much de
mand in this field as food ad
ministrators. Most men enter the
field through postgraduate work
in restaurant or hotel manage-'
In the next five to ten years,
many opportunities will exist for
dietitians. Bulletins are prepared
by the American Dietetic asso
ciation in Chicago, 111., and by
the Women's bureau, U. S. De
partment of Labor, Washington,
D. C.
TION will employ several alert,
mature students with good per
Runalitf for summer work. This
is a dignified sales activity rep
resenting the oldest, largest,
and best known firm ia the
educational field. Applicants ac
cepted will work by appoint
ment only. Earnings $75.00 to
$123.00 and more per week on
an advanced percentage, basis
Write Mr. W. F. Craddock, Jr.,
1006 Crand Ave., Kansas City,
Missouri Giving qualifications;
school and home address. '
Clothing Store
Cool, crisp white linen
pumps to take you every
where! Paradise fashions
them with beautiful
lines that flatter
; '