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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1950)
htf$fr( rrro) ro) rrn IK foi nn Only Daily Publication For Student At Th University of Nebraska The Weather Mostly cloudy but slightly warmer Monday. Diminish ing: winds and slifrht precipi tation. Highs Monday 40-45. V Vol. 50, No. 134. AIR CADETS Cadets of the air science department of the Uni versity are shown above learning by practical experience the techniques involved in being transported quickly and safely by air. The training is part of a field trip to Offut Air Force base in Omaha held recently. Seated from left to right are: Cadets John Shumacher, Marvin Bottum, Earl Brandt, Harold Abderson, Wendell Bauman, James Edee, Robert Pierce, Dale Osterman, Major Laurence Gardner who is a member of theROTC faculty, Hugo Herman, Richard Buls, Leon Pfeiffer, Richard Churchill, Gerald Barney, Harold Laughter, Nolan Jones, and (just out of picture) William Greer. May 6 Marks 49th Ivy Day A tradition begun nearly half a century ago will be continued this week end on the University campus when the 49th annual Ivy day ceremonies are held Satur day. May 6. The event, which is traditional ly the climax of activities for Counselors Choose 150 'Big Sisters' One hundred fifty University coeds have been selected to be Coed Counselors for the coming school year. The girls were selected from a list of more than 250 candi dates on the basis of interest in the organization and ability shown in other responsibilities. Installation of the group was held Sunday at Ellen Smith HalL New Counselors are: Janice Abbubl Sally Adams, Beth Aiden, Patsy Allan, Norma Bar een Pat Bechan, Sally Beck, Marlene Bell. Nancy Benjamin, Janet Bohner. Barb Bredthaeur, Doris Christenson, Barbara Bur dic, Jean Burford. Nancy But ton and Doree Canaday. Gertrude Carey, Doris Carl son, Marv Lou Carr, Carol Cherny. Trudy Cherny. Kay ChristoffeL Betty Clifford Jan Hunt, Bev Jesse, Jeanne John son, Julie Johnson, Jane Jordan, Priscilla Jones, Elaine Kagawa, Mary Lou Keating.. Mary Ann Kellogg, Doris Kendle ant Nancy Klein. Others Named Jean Loudon, Virginia Koeh ler. Joan Krueger, Joyce Kuehl, Bev Larsen. Betsy Maddison, Virginia Magdanz, Barbara Best, Jeannice Fullerton, Janice Wag ner, Carol Griffin, Jackie Grif fiths and Donna Greuber. Mary Ann Grundman, Mar garet Hahn, Betty Hall, Colleen Haney, Margaret Harmon, Eliza beth Gass, Adele Coryell, Nan ette Cowles, Adele Cramer, Mar gie Hedrick, Lois Heniger, Lois Gerelick and Judy Herrod. Barbara Hershberger. Pat Herzog, Willa Hill, Jo Huff. Norma Engle, Lou Arm Fahne stock, Anne Farrow. Dee Fini gan. Jo Ann Finney. Mary Lou Flaherty, Betty Fletcher, Alice Frampton, Janet French. Sara Fulton, Delores Gade, Elaine ti liott, Pat Conway, ManlJ Coupe. Shirley Coy. Nana De Bord. Barbara Dillman, Jo Ann Elder, Dorothy Elliot and Carol Else. New 'Big Sister' Mary Giescker, Barbara Gil more. Janet Glock. Bev Mann, Peggy Marble, Margaret McCon, Marilyn McDonald, Nancy Mc Nally. Darlene McQuiston, Alice Meyers, Jo Ann Mickelson. Mary Middleton, Clarice Millen, Liz Moodie, Marilyn Mooroey and Marion Moon. Jackie Murphy, Mary Ann Nelson. Doris Newman, Nancy Gorman, Jo Ann O'Brien, Mar lene Oehrle, Marilyn Ogden, Fat Peck,' Carrie Ann Pederson, Patsy Peters, Marilyn Petenion, Cwiiia Pfnkrrtnn. Susan Porter, Marilvn Prcusse. Jean Quigley, Claire Raish and Mary Ann Marilyn Recheway, Barbara Reinecke, Alt May Reinke, Dee RiddelL Carolvn Rogers, Carolyn Rothenbereer. Cecile Bottman, Norma Lee Rowan, Carol Rus sell, Shirley Schonberg, Barbara Seiboldt and Marilyn Sherwooa Interest Freshmen girls' interest was partly judged by the questions asked them during tne organu tion'i fall evaluation program. A file will be kept on the irl uhA fiil nnt receive invi tations. If the present counsel ors fail to live up to the re sponsibility given them, the other coeds who filed will be considered as replacements. Coeds whose names appear on this lit. but who have not re ceived invitations should contact Marilyn Campfield, Coed Coun selor president,, at Ellen Smith the year, is again being spon sored by Mortar Board, senior women's honorary organization. Saturday morning classes will be dismissed for the program. As it has been since the first Ivy Day in 1901, this year's pro gram will be held north of the Administration building. In case of rain, everything will be moved to the Coliseum. Band Concert A band concert will begin the day's activities, and the celebra tion will end in the afternoon with the masking of new Mortar Boards and the tapping of Inno cents. The program which has been announced by Mortar Board is: 9:30-9:50 Band concert. 9:50 History or Ivy day. 9:55 Chains enter. 10:05 Court processional Junior and Senior class presi dents enter. 10:15 Planting of the Ivy. 10:25 Chains recess. 10:30 Women's Sing. 11:45 Court recess. Noon recess. 1:15 1:30 Band concert. 1:30 Court processional. 1:40 Men's Sing. 2:40-2:50 Synphonia. 2:50 Announcement of Women's and Men's Sing winners. 2:55 Recession of court. 3:00 Masking of Mortar Boards followed by the tackling of Innocents. Big Sisters To Present Style Show Twenty-seven University coeds will model the "latest in spring into summer" fashions at the an nual Coed Counselor style show a ho held Tuesdav nieht. May 2. The show, a conclusion oi ine? IQSn Charm Scnooi session, wm be held at HovUnd-Swanson de partment store. It will begin at 7:30 p. m. New fashions. inrlufied in the show will be new fashions furnished by the store. , . . One coed from each organized house on campus will model in the show. Mary Hubka is in .kori r.1 arrangements. It will be free to all coeas. " ' . The following win moaei. Rhodes. Kappa Del ta; Marion Brown. Towne club; Jean Burford. Alpha Phi; Bev erly Deal. Alpha vmicrun Lois Rodin. Sigma Delta Tau: Jane Lorensen. iniernauu- house: Bellve kodd. hall; Bernadine Evans.-Howard hall Donna Burley. Delta Delta Delta; Barbara Kreutz, Loomis hall; Doris Mesner. Love Me morial hall; uorowy Rosa Bouton hall. Others. Leta Rae Cherniss. Residence Halls for Women. Heppner haU; Gwen Karin Lyon C hi Omega. Betsy Lieber. Alpha Xi Delta. Sheila Granger. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Jo O'Brien. Gamma Phi Beta; Mardell Lamp. Wilson hall; Dortha Hunter. Rasmussen hall Joan Richards. Rdc Halls for Women. Rfynd a"; Mary Plum. Residence Halls for Women. Love hall; LouUe Metzger. Palladian; Nancy Dix on. Alpha Chi Omega, and Ann Ijicder. Delta Gamma. Block and Bridle To Give Awards nn.. -omaininff awards for the Block and Bridle Judging con test wul V awarded at 9 p. m. TueXy, in room 103 of the Ani mal Husbandry hall. Ribbons will be presented In each of the four classes. The !?. " . rattle Judging, sheep JudgTng. hog Judging and horse JUMagfzine subscriptions totaling 16 will be given to the top two places in the Junior and senior division. ' . M. A. Alexander, coach of the judging team, and Charlie Ad nf the club, will Army Schedules ROTC Inspection The annual federal inspection of the Air and Army R.O.T.C. at the University will be held on the campus Wednesday and Thursday, May 3 and 4. The inspecting officers for the Air. Force are: Col. Richard Gimbel of Headquarters, Tenth Air Force; Lt. Col. Lyn R. Moore of the University of Kansas; and Major Stanley W. Plate, of Headquarters, Tenth Air Force. The Army inspection team will be headed by Col. Clarence H. Schabacker. ' Wednesday will consist of in spection of classroom instruction and facilities. On Thursday morning the administration of the R.O.T.C. will be examined. On Thursday afternoon the en tire cadet corps of the Air Force and Army, totaling over 1,500, will parade for the inspecting officers and University officials. Orchesis To Give Recital 3 Dance Groups Planning Show Two themes will be featured in the annual Orchesis recital Friday and Saturday American Impressions and Dance Drama. Three groups, Orchesis. Pre' Orchesis and the Men's group, will present the major part of the program which will be held in Grant Memorial gym Friday and Saturday, starting at 8 p. m. each evening. The American Impressions theme will include a presenta tion of the characteristics of the northern, western, southern and eastern parts of the United States. The west will be depicted by the Indians, Spaniards, the fron tiersmen and the cowboy. These are among the factors contrib uting to the development of the culture in this part of the "coun try, pointed out Helen Martin, director of Orchesis and in charge of the recital. Southern Moods Three Negro moods will show the south. Their worship, gaiety and work will be given in the form of spirituals. Lloyd Lot speich will be the soloist. He is a student in the bcnooi or music, David Foltz is his instructor. To disDlav the north, the danc ers will present tales from Paul Bunvon, and show the intensity of the industrialists in the ma rhinerv and business. Jo Smith Krhnni of Music student, will handle the Dercussion instru ments in this part. The dance composing class of Miss Martin will have charee of the me chanics. In presenting the eastern por tion of this country, the groups will give a take-off on politics and the pseudo-sophistication of the society there. Emperor Jones The second theme, "Dance Drama, is based around Eugene O'Neill's play, "Emperor Jones. Chuck Jones of the Men's Group will take the part of Jones in the play. The dance accompany ing group of Miss Martin's will take care of the music for Jones dances. A number will also be given by members of an intermediate modern dance class during the Members of Orchesis are: Wanda Bott, Marilyn Cropper, Sue Kin-all, Marie Mangold, Kay Moore, Adele Mullikin, Jeanne Peterson, Colleen Ran kin, Betty Ann Sawyer, Shirley Sidles, Jo Swan and Lois Weaver. , .. The pre-Orchesis group is di rected by Lois weaver, mts. H. H. Flood is tne accompanist for the recital. Tirkpt for the Droeram are 60 cents. These may be purchased at the door, at the physical edu cation office in Grant Memorial or from any mtmDer oi or chesis. Cotner Leader, Mrs. Benson, To Leave NU Mrs. B.. the director of student work for the Christian church students on the campus is leav ing. Mrs. Raymond Benson, a leader in campus religious ac tivities for the past three years, has announced her resignation effective June 1. She was director of activities from Cotner house, 1237 R St During her time on the campus. she served as vice president of .. 1 ' I 11, w 1, - ine iteilRloi'i weuare council as well as directing the work of the Christian Student fellow ship. During the current year, she has served as chairman of the religious workers and stu dent pastor's organization. She has been secretary and vice president of "the National Student Worker's association of the Disciples of Christ. Before coming to her present position, Mrs. Benson was pastor's as sistant at First Christian church. She will remain in Lincoln, where she resides with her fam ilv. The Christian student work program is part of the program of Cotner college. P. R. Stevens, president of , the college, said that no successor has been chosen. LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Ag Co 11 'WSm' llllltllll fl8i:J: lillilH k ' , til; Iff! l I?IA ft A i SUE BJORKLUND She reigned as Goddess of Agriculture of the 1950 Farmers' Fair at ag campus Friday night and Saturday. The senior from Wakefield was elected by an all-ag student vote. Her four attendants were Connie Crosby, Gwen Monson, Mary Travis and Charlene Eggert. They were presented at the Cotton and Denim dance Friday night, which officially opened the 1950 Fair activities. 1 Cochran Named 'Top' Engineer Engineers ifclimaxed E-Week with a banquet in the Union Friday night. Dean Roy Green presented the O. J. Fee award for the outstanding senior in en gineering to Donald B. Cochran. Norman Dale Baumgart re ceived the Adna Dobson Memo rial award for the most worth while engineer. Baumgart is also producing a movie being made in engineering college. The student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engi neers presented Charles Veys with a civil engineering hand book. This is the first year an award such as this has been made and it will continue to be given to the outstanding mem bers of the chapter in future years. Dale I. Gibbs and William L. 12,000 Attend Engineers' Open House Approximately 12,000 persons passed through Engineers' Week open house to make 1950 one of the most successful years for the engineering colleges. The crowd was thin in the afternoon but expanded rapidly in the evening in spite of the cold weather. Among the group of 12,000 were 839 high school students representing 27 high schools throughout Nebraska. Two-hundred and eighteen of these students attended a lunch eon in the Union sponsored by the Engineers' Week committee. Kent Tiller, chairman of the inquiry committee said, "I be lieve we have reached the sat uration point as far as overall attendance at E-Weck is con cerned. This year we had 150 per cent of the number of high school students we had last year, and next year we will be shoot ing for 1,000 high scnooi stu dents." Tours held in the morning for the students went through with out a hitch with only one ex ception, two schools arrived at the same place at the same time. The students found the displays so interesting they were not di verted by other Lincoln attrac tions. The engineers summed up their week as being one of the most successful in many years and are looking forward to an equally successful one next year. N-Club Schedules Ivy Day Dance A briehtlv decorated Union ballroom will be the setting for the N-club's annual dinner dance, which will be held Satur day, May 6, from 7 to 11:30 p.m. The afiair will cumax me ivy Dav festivities for the N-club members and their dates who will attend. Co-chairmen of the affair are Bob Russel and Herb Reese. Spe cial guests, including several fac ulty members and xneir wives will be invited to both the din ner and the dance. Working with Reese and Rus sel will be Bob Phelps on deco rations; Dick jMeissner, invita tions; and Marvin Grimm and Henry Cedh. entertainment. The program of entertainment will consist of skits and numbers given by members of the club. Master of ceremonies will be Bill Mueller. According to Russel, who is also N-club social chairman, those attending the dance will have the opportunity to become better acquainted with the ath letic department of the Univer sity and with the various Corn busker athletes. ege Royalty Crowned Larson received the American Institute of Architecture certifi cates of merit for the number one and number two outstanding seniors. The Nebraska Architecture Association award went to Gor don C. Madison. Jim Stoddart, president of Sigma Tau, presented the Sigma Tau freshman scholarship award to Dean T. Buckingham, fresh man in engineering with the highest average. The Sigma Tau class memo' rial presented a picture of Dean Ferguson to the College of En gineering. Blueprint Award Don Carlberg made the Ne braska Blueprint award. ; plaque, to the Ag engineers for outstanding support of the Blue' print. Blueprint staff awards went to Jim Kluck. George Co bel. Walton Ferris, Ed Swenson, Darrell Cast and Harold Levin ger. William Wendland announced the results of the ribbon sales, window display, open house and Blueprint sales. The civil engi neers carried off open house honors, ag engineers won the Blueprint sales, chemical engi neers won ribbon sales, and me chanical engineers received top honors for window display. The overall award for the contest went to the civil engineers. Following the banquet an or gan recital was held in the Union lounge and a dance in the Union ballroom. Choral Union Will Present 'The Seasons' The great miracle of growing crops from birth through death wil be portrayed in music by the University Choral union of 600 voices at a free public concert Sunday, May 7, at 3 p.m. in the Coliseum. The Choral union will sing "The Seasons," a beautifully stirring secular oratorio by Haydn, assisted by the Univer sity's symphony orchestra. Many of the natural sounds of the sea sons wind, thunder, lightning ami the like are reproduced by the voices and orchestra. Prof. David Foltz will conduct the performance. Prof. Emanuel Wishnow will direct the orches tra and Prof. Myron Roberts will be the organist. Accompanists wil be Eleanor Hanson, Carolyn Waters and Jeanette Dolezel. Three guest soloists will be featured. They are Doris Ruth Ganz, soprano; Roger Dexter Fee, bass, and Franglm E. ttarger, tenor. Mr. Fee, graduate of the American Conservatory of Mu sic and World War II veteran, was head of the music depart ment at Illinois Wesleyan and is now on the music staff of Drake university. Barger, a former member of the Denver Grand Opera Co., and soloist in the Rocky Mountain states for 20 years, is now a mu sic representative of ' a music publishing house at Kalamazoo, Mich. Palladians Give All Male Play Male members of the Palla dian literary society presented their Interpretation of a one-act play originally written for an all-girl cast. The play, "April Showers," was given last Saturday evening as part of the society's annual Boys Program.. Games and vocal numbers by Paui Hathaway rounded out the program. Bjorklund, Monteitli Honored at Dance Tall, blond Sue Biorklund, and tall, bewhiskered Roland Monteith were revealed Agriculture and Whisker King for the 1950 Farmers' Fair Friday night. The presentation was made at the Cotton and Denim dance which opened the 1950 Fair activities. . The attractive, 22-year-old coed from Wakefield, was elected Goddess from an all ag campus vote. She was presented, along with four attendants, by Arlen Beam, master of ceremonies. As each coed was announced, she stepped out of a large replica of an ear of corn. Attendants Attendants to the Goddess were Gwen Monson, Constance Crosbie, Mary Travis and Char lene Eggert. Miss Bjorklund is a senior in the college of agriculture, major ing in agricultural extension work. She is a member of the Union board, Farmers' Fair board, member of University 4-H club, Tassels, Home Ec club, YWCA, and a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. She holds Mor tar board and Ak-Sar-Ben schol arships. Whisker King Monteith won his title by having the best growth of beard of 21 other can didates. He boasted a generous growth of sandy side burns, beard and moustache. All con testants had three weeks in which to grow their beards. Senior Ag Student The Newcastle senior in the college of agriculture is a mar ried student. He is a member of Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta, both honorary agriculture fraternises. Miss Monson, attendant to the Goddess is president of Home Ec club, member of Mortar Board, University 4-H club, ag execu tive board, Phi Upsilon Omicron and Omicron Nu. Constance Crosbie, senior from Lincoln, is president of Phi Up silon Omicron, member of the Fair board, Gamma Phi Beta sorority, home economics council and Omicron Nu. A senior from Ord, Miss Travis is a member of Phi Upsilon Omi cron, Omicron Nu, Home Ec club, Barb board and YWCA. Miss Eggert is president of Love hall, member of Phi Upsi lon Omicron, Omicron Nu, ag re ligious welfare board, Home Ec club and YWCA. The Goddess and her attend ants were elected from a large group of senior home economics coeds. Last year's goddess of Agricul ture was Mavis Musgrave. The Goddess and Whisker King reigned over Farmers' Fair ac tivities at Ag campus Saturday. 'Fair' Rodeo, Parade Held Despite Rain Spirited to put on a Farmers Fair, come rain snow or sleet, Ag college students went through with nearly all events during Saturday's rain. Winning in the parade "A Greater '50" held Saturday morn ing was the Voc Ag float, made under the direction of John Lam bert. It was a display of new and old-time teaching methods, showing a welder in action for the new, and a classroom for the old. They received the traveling cup awarded by the Fair board. The University 4-H club re ceived first honorable mention and the Tri-K club received sec ond honorable mention. Also re ceiving mention were floats by Alpha Gamma Rho and the Home Ec club. All rodeo events went off as scheduled except for the wild cow milking contest, saddle bronc and row cutting contests. In the calf roping contest, Buck Keister was named first place winner. Rex Coffman placed sec ond and Rodger Egan placed third. George Minford placed first in the bareback riding contest. Placing second was Keith Young and third place winner was Gene Rule. First place in the bull riding contest went to Rodger Egan. Kirk Gillispie copped second piace nonors ana raui siotceiy won third place. Jean Fenster and Bev Schuman composed the winning team in the coed calf catching contest. Second place went to Jo Ann Meyer and Lome Nielsen and third place went to Mary Ann Grundman and Jean Becker. First and second place winners In the rodeo events were awarded silver belt buckles. Winners in the coed calf catching contest re' ceived western style shirts. Earle Haggart and Jo Ann Meyer were crowned King and Queen of the pie-eating contest held Friday afternoon at 1 p.m. This is the first year such an event was staged and proved to be a great success by the attend ing crowd. Saturday's barbecue was held in the College Activities building A special feature at the barbe cue was a wrestling match held on the stage of the ballroom. Topping one of the wettest Farmers Fair in its history was the Square dance Saturday night. Members of the Ag Coun try Dancers did the calling. Sunday, April 30, 1950 as the reigning Goddess of . (Courtesv The Lincoln Journal) WHISKER KING MONTEITH Roland Monteith was named 1950 Whisker King at the Cot ton and Denim dance Friday night. His unique growth of: sandy whiskers won him the title from 21 other candidates. UN Mediator Plans Visit To Campus Dr. Ralph Bunche, top United Nations mediator, will meet rep resentatives of the Nebraska press and radio at a special news conference Monday morning, May 8 at the University. Following the press confer ence Dr. Bunche will address a University faculty luncheon. His major address will be Monday evening in the Coliseum. "The United Nations Intervention" will be the topic of the mediator's talk. Dr. Bunche served as mediator in Palestine after the assasina tion of Count Folke Bernadotto in 1948. He succeeded in bring ing the Arabs and Jews into agreement on the question of the newly formed Israeli govern ment. He received his A.B. degree with highest honors from U.C.L.A. and his master and doc tor degrees from Harvard uni versity. He has served as chair man of the political science de partment at Howard university since 1928, but has been on leave of absence since 1941. Dr. Bunche is now Acting As sistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Department of Trusteeship. During the war he sei-ved with the O.S.S., and after the war for a short time in the state department. He has served in the U. S. delegations to many nternational conferences. He recently was offered the as sistant secretaryship of the state department, but declined the of fer. First Semester 4Rag' Rated First Class The Daily Nebraskan has beer judged first class of excellent for the first semester of the 1949-50 school year. The award was an nounced in the Associated Col legiate Press Newspaper score- book. Each semester the National Scholastic Press association an alyzes and evaluates every mem ber college an dhigh school news paper and publishes it in the scorebook. Papers are judged on, news values and sources; news writing and editing; headlines. typography and makeup; and de parement pages and special fea tures. Members of the staff for the first semester were: Alan (Cub) Clem, editor; Fritz Simpson and Susan Keed, managing editors; Bruce Kennedy, Gene Berg, Norma Chubbuck, Poochie Red iger and Jerry Ewing, news edi tors; Jerry Warren, sports editor; Arlen Beam, agriculture editor; and Jean Fenster, society editor. The purpose of the ACP serv ice is not to create interschool rivalry, but to provide an agency by which staffs may be aided in giving their schools a significant publication. The system of rating seeks to create within the school a year-to-year effort to improve the quality of the school publi cation and to establish the ideal of improvement. Bizad Honorary Pledges Six. Girls'; ' Phi Chi Theta, professional business administration honor ary, Friday night pledged six girls into their organization. Those pledged are Marguerite Hughes, Elaine O'Neill, Patricia Van Sant, Marilyn Kranau, Bar bara Gardner and Joan Sherman. present the awards. nau. '