The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1950, Image 1

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    Only Daily Publication
For Student At Tha
University of Nebraska
o; u
The Weather
Continued, fair and cooler
Tuesday. Cloudy. Hirh, 45-55.
Vol. 50 No. 130
Tuesday, April 25, 1950
AJf2imM fl
'Rag' Future Rests
In Student Decision
the time the next issue of The Daily Nebraskan is distributed in the halls and
houses, students will have decided the fate of their seven-column newspaper.
A vote in all nine o'clock classes Wednesday morning will determine whether the
present "Rag" will be continued or returned to the five-column format employed last
semester, it students approve
print the larger paper again next
The need for the fee hike was
necessitated by an estimated
four thousand dollars plus defi
cit which The Daily Nebraskan
has incurred this semester. While
students are still paying the sub
scription rate for the small tab
loid paper, theyJiave been re
ceiving a newspaper with twice
that amount of news, features,
columns and pfctures.
In addition to the insufficient
subscription receipts, the Daily
staff has had to meet the prob
lem of advertising which has not
kept pace with the increased
amount of space devoted to news.
For example, while advertising
in one issue of the five-column
paper took up 40 per cent of the
total space, it constituted only
35 per cent of the total space in
the. larger paper, even though
the actual volume of ads had
been increased.
In March alone. The Daily Ne
braskan went $1,301.16 in the
red. The net expense for putting
out the paper that month was
$5,415.51, while the total income
took care of only $3,114.35 of the
Publications Fund
The debt incurred by The
Daily Nebraskan this semester
will be made up for through the
so-called publications fund. The
amount of money in this fund
varies with the profit acquired
by the paper each semester. If
Continued on Page 4
'Law Always
Says Pound
Ex-NU Dean
Gives First Talk
American law, which was
born and developed in an era
of unhampered individual lib
erty, is currently undergoing a
marked change.
Dean Roscoe Pound, distin
guished authority on law, de
scribed what he believes are the
new paths of law now beginning
to appear which might be called
humanitarian and authoritarian,
In his lecture Monday night.
Dean Pound's address was the
first in a series of three which
inaugurate the University lec
tureship bearing his name. He
will deliver lectures on Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings at 8
p. m. in the Union ballroom.
These lectures will enlarge on
the general theme of the series,
"The Paths of the Law."
"The humanitarian path is the
path indicated by a new idea
of security. The authoritarian
path is the path of increased
subjection of regimented coop
eration for individual initiative
and moving toward the omni
competent bureau state. Pound
Path of Liberty
' Pound said that the path of
liberty, which seems to be the
trend of modern law, was begun
in the sixteenth century. The
path of liberty was firmly plant
ed in the nineteenth century.
"The era from discovery, col
onization, development of new
areas and exploitation of natural
resources from the sixteenth to
the nineteenth centuries was par
excellence an era of opportu
nity,' Pound said.
There were. Pound said, un
limited opportunities to achieve
distinction until at least the end
of the century, and in America
until the lend of the first world
Meaning of Eouality
The meaning of equality
changed., with the teachings of
Karl Marx. Originally, it- was
taken to mean equality for'eaual
self-assertion, but Marx held
that it meant equality of satis
faction of material wants. Re
cently, Pound said, security has
been coming to mean security
from all the ills that human be
ings, are subject to, not merely
interference with free opportu
nity, but want, and fear, and
frustration, and a person's own
Pound will speak on "The Hu
manitarian Path" on Tuesday
evening. Wednesday, he will dis
cuss the "Path of Liberty."
He was dean of the Nebraska
Law School from 1903 to 1907.
He has since served on the fac
ulties at Northwestern, Harvard,
and Chicago Universities. The
Roscoe Pound lectureship was
created in 1948 by members of
the Nebraska Bar association,
and University law alumni.
Attend Annual NU Honors
a 50 cent subscription fee
Its t "m V ft
... ' 8': '
FARMERS FAIR RODEO The rodeo, one of the main attractions
of the Farmers Fair this year, has been part of the Fair for a
number of years. The Fair was first inaugurated on Ag campus in
1916. It was not held during the war years, and in its duration
many attractions have come and gone.
'Fair1 Cele
infers 44$E
An institution on Ag campus,
Farmer's Fair has been the larg
est student-sponsored event for
44 years. No longer just an ac
tivity, Farmer's Fair is the
crowning event of the year for
the entire Ag campus.
There is some reason to look
back with pride and satisfaction
on the record of this time-tried
institution, for Farmer's Fair
has not come about by accident
It has survived two wars, and a
major business depression, not
to mention the typical Farmer's
Fair rains, which have more
than once become blizzards.
The first fair was staged in
1916. The idea had been bor
rowed from the University of
Missouri. Like many such inno
vations the project was not a
Small Crowd
Attends Ag
Union Panel
Only 50 students turned out
for the all-Ag Union convocation
held at the College Activities
building at 4 p. m. Monday
"Either students have already
decided to vote "yes" on the is
sue of increasing . fees or the
weather must have been too
much for them," commented
Butch Nevine as he opened the
A history of the Ag Union sit
uation was presented by Dr.
Goodding, chairman of the Ag
Union building committee.
Questions Asked
After telling the complete
story of the Union, Dr. Good
ding opened the meeting to dis
cussion. Questions asked by the
student audience were answered
by the committee members who
formed a panel. Questions in
cluded: Q. What can we build for
Arlen Beam answered by giv
ing the audience a picture of
some of the buildings the com
mittee had visited here in Lin
coln of similar building cost. He
expained the cost and measure
ments of the following build
ings: Delta Tau Delta house, Na
val reserve station, Delta Upsilon
house, Physical Education build
ing, and a new structure at Wes
leyan, all built at a similar cost.
Q. Where would the Union be
Rex Messersmith stated that
the new Union would probably
be placed near the new proposed
library to be locrted south of the
College Activities building.
Q. How long would the in
crease in fees be in effect?
Fees would be increased until
the debt involved would be li
quidated, probably about 20
years, said Dr. Goodding.
Q. Would the ballroom and
lounge be combined?
According to Jack DeWulf
these were the original plans
now deemed inadvisable. Final
plans would be up to the stu
dent body, he said.
Q. Does failure of the 6tudent
body to approve the increase in
fees wipe out the possibility of
a Union altogether?
. Dr. Goodding replied, saying
that the type of thing proposed
does depend on the student poll.
The ball is now rolling, he said,
and another attempt may take
years to act on.
increase, it will be possible to
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colossal success. That first fair
board had to blaze many new
trails, and they had the misfor
tune to draw a cold rainy day
for the initial show. Despite
these circumstances the show
drew a crowd of about 500. The
fair was born.
Time Out
The prelimiary plans for the
1917 show were laid that same
spring. When in April of 1917
the Allies entered the war Far
mer's Fair was laid aside for the
more serious business of win
ning the war. Many of the men
left school to join the forces and
still others returned to the home
front to produce food for the
With the return of the men
to the campus in 1919, peace
time activities were resumed.
Farmer's Fair was among the
first activities to be reinstated.
Ex-service men handled the sec
ond fair and it met with much
more success than the first. A
firm foothold for the lasting
tradition was gained.
Each year the fair expanded
its program and its reputation.
1921 saw the first "Wild West"
influence creeping into the show.
It was rumored that many stu
dents were thrown in the horse
tank that year, a tradition that
has been well preserved. That
was the first year the Home Ec
girls presented a pageant. This
was continued off and on for
many years. This year too, ad
mission was charged for the
first time.
Kin? Size
By 1923 the fair had assumed
large proportions. Tents, stands,
and bleachers were spread over
much of the campus. To handle
a crowd of eight r ten thousand
though, required a lot of space.
In 1923, the Fair Boards with
memories of rainy days the two
preceding years, decided to in
sure against bad weather. They
got coverage up to 10 a.m. But
the weather man played them
another dirty trick. Clouds
formed in the evening, and at
about 10 p.m. rain started to
fal)r routing most of the evening
crowd, losing most of the reve
nue from the night's perform
ance, besides depriving the -management
of their insurance in
demnity by a bare ten minutes.
The next year the exhibits
were housed under a single "big
top" for the first time. The day's
entertainment was a huge suc
cess in all respects.
The big event of the 1926 fair
was the horse show, which was
the first of its kind to be staged
in Lincoln. The following year
the new Activities building was
used for the first time and the
Style show was added to the list
of attractions.
The Intersorority riding con
test was the new event of 1928
and was continued for several
years. -
Mother Goose
A pageant entitled '-Mooter
Goose Day" was the outstanding
event of the 1930 program. That
year. was a red-letter one as far
as attendance was concerned,
12,000 people passed thru the
In 1930, apparently, the effect
of the 1929 boom days had not
worn off, and people had not be
gun to feel the pinch of the de
pression that was soon to fol
low. Nineteen thirty-one, how
ever, was a different story.
Money was becoming scarcer,
the college 'enrollment was fall
ing off, and there was a general
Continued on Page 4
& hr LJ
Wednesday will be voting day
on the Nebraska campus.
From 9 until 9:50 a. m. in an
all-University poll, students will
decide whether they desire an
increase in registration fees to
allow Union expansions on both
city and Ag campuses and con
tinuance of The Daily Nebraskan
in its present size.
Voting will be held in 9 o'clock
classes as well as at two special
polling places,, the city - Union
lobby and the Ag Union. The
Union move for additions, if af
firmed by students, would in
crease fees by $3 and The Daily
Nebraskan increase would be 50
Separate Issues
On both matters, the Unions
and the Rag, voting will be com
pletely separate. That is, if stu
dents favor the Union increases,
they need not okay the "Rag"
increase, or if they vote "yes"
for a "Rag" increase, they need
not approve the Union proposals.
The voting will terminate the
Union campaign which was
thrown into action a week ago
last Monday.
In issues of The Daily Ne
braskan following the opening of
the drive, have been a series of
articles explaining the situations
that exist at 'both Unions and
increased costs of productions
encountered by the "Rag" in its
enlarged size this semester.
Union Increase
The additional funds acquired
by a $3 increase in tuition would
permit $600,000 worth of facili
ties to be provided in the city
and Ag Unions.
For The Daily Nebraskan, an
estimated $15,000 would be ob
tained which would enable the
paper to continue as a full size
paper rather than a five column
Increased production costs will
have resulted in a deficit of more'
than $4,000 by the end of the
semester. The present fee of 50
cents which is included in tuition
payments is not sufficient to
meet the deficit. Money earned
in previous years which has been
collected and saved in the stu
dent publication fund is being
used now to make up for the
49 Groups
Pledge Support
To Fee Hike
More endorsements of the
Union addition proposals have
been received by the Union ex
pansion committee. Seven more
organizations offered their sup
port to the campaign by backing
a $3 Union fee increase.
The campaign will continue
through Tuesday.
The organizations raise to 49
the number of groups pledging
their support of the fee hike.
They are:
Alpha Kappa Psi, Sigma Theta
Epsilon, Farm House, Coed
Counselors, Phi Chi Theta,
YWCA cabinet, and Theta Sig
ma Phi.
Other groups are:
Independent Students Associ
ation, Gamma Lambda, Pi Kap
pa Phi, Women's Athletic Asso
ciation, Phi Upsilon Omicron,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Phi,
Theta Xi and Associated Women
Pioneer house, Norris house,
All University Fund, Towne
Club, Sigma Chi, Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia, Beta Sigma Psi, Tas
sles, Innocents society, Tau Kap
pa Epsilon, Sigma Delta Tau,
Zeta Beta Tau, Kappa Sigma.
University Builders, Sigma
Kappa, Alpha Chi 0nega, Delta
Tau Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu, Del
ta Delta Delta, Amikita, Alpha
Gamma Rho, Corn Cobs, Pi Beta
Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, Interna
tional House, Love Memorial,
Alpha Phi. Chi Omega, Phi
Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, American Society of
Civil Engineers and Phi Kappa
Damp Cottons,
Denims Mark
'Fair9 Season
With soaked cottons and mud
splashed denims, the Farmers
Fair tradition of Cotton and
Denim Week got off to a wet
start Monday.
Not to be outdone by. the
weather man, some high spirited
Aggies threaten even wetter con
ditions for Ag students without
the traditional garb Tuesday or
the remaining part of the week.
Even Farmers Fair necker
chiefs drooped from the damp
ness. Cowboy boots appeared on
th-seene -wifBaiAtfJa- "vsrpose
of wading thru the water and
anticipating Saturday's rodeo.
Cotton and Denim week tradi
tionally opens the Farmers Fair.
All Ag students are to wear cot
tons and denims during the en
tire week and to the Cotton and
Denim dance scheduled for Fri
day night April 28, at the Col
lege Activities building.
Bright colored neckerchiefs
are also for sale in the Ag Union
to promote the Fair. Hand-made
by Amikitas, Ag barb group,
they sell for 20 cents. They bear
the words "Fanners Fair '50."
They are still available in red,
blue, green and yellow.
U n io nA dditionMopes
Lie in Student Vote
Students will determine Wednesday in the all-University poll whether they wish
Union additions on the city and Ag campus.
Their votes will be the factor deciding whether there will be two expansions al
lowing the installation of new facilities in two Unions, and continuation of present op
erations without further drops in the budget.
Smith hall room into a chapel
worship workshop commission. Lead by Mary Sidner, (front riglit)
the group has made a bookcase, varnished a table, painted and
washed windows. The worship room will be open to all University
women and will contain devotional material. This is one of several
YWCA projects which are planned as a service to the University.
YW WeeEi Theme
"A Better World Begins With
Using the individual as its
theme, as it does during the en
tire year, the national Young
Women's Christian association
opened a week of special pro
grams and meetings Monday.
On the University campus the
observance began with a special
luncheon Monday noon in honor
of advisory board members. Miss
Fern Babcock, program coordi
nator for the national student
YWCA, and Miss Annamma
Thomas, traveling secretary for
the student volunteer movement
for Christian missions, were
special guests.
Attend Conference.
As a climax to the week YW
members will attend the Ne
braska district student YMCA
YWCA spring leadership train
ing conference at Midland col
lege in Fremont, Friday through
Sunday. All freshman and the
YWCA upperclass members may
participate in the conference.
The individual. . the YWCA
feels, is the important first step
in building a better school, com
munity, state, nation and finally,
world. In a year when the gov
ernment is counting people, the
YWCA, as always, is directing
its attention toward making
people count.
Freshman Program.
The emphasis on the individual
as far as the University YWCA
is concerned begins early in the
school year when the director of
tho freshman nroeram. her as
sistant and several special lead
ers plan meetings for lirst year
University women.
Rnnn after the first six weeks
of school have passed, the fresh
man weekly meetings begin. Av
eraging 15 members, the groups
have an upperclassman as lead
er. Topics are planned by the
freshman council, using sugges
tions from the freshmen them
selves. Part As Individuals
Throueh the entire first se
mester the program was aimed
at making the freshmen con
scious of their part as individ
uals rn the camDus of a large
university, and at making these
new students more aware oi tne
importance of other individuals
The freshman program is oniy
one of a variety of commission
en-nuns to which any University
woman may belong. Many of
the upperclassmen prepare in
dividuals for specific jobs. There
lc tnr Aismnle. a erouD which
specializes in leadership train
in a This erouD teaches would-
be leaders the principles and
techniques of leadership.
ThA summer Droiects commis-
nifes a studv of camps and
other vacation activities both in
thia rmintrv and abroad. YWOA
members often enroll for these
ovfroa Th ramn counseling
group prepares members for the
special summer wont oi mat
type. ' . .
Worship workshop
Another side of the individual
is emphasized in the worship
workshop. This week the group
will rnmnlete the worshio chapel
on the third floor of Ellen Smith
halL Members have been mak
ing a bookcase, varnishing a
converting a third floor Ellen
are these members of the YWCA
table, painting and washing
National Program
The commission groups which
function at the University are
an outgrowth of the national
program objectives of the
Continued on Page 4
Poll to Decide
Question of
Artist Series
University students will decide
Wednesday whether they want
to hear some of the finest con
cert artists in the nation.
A student poll by ballot will,
in effect, ask the students
whether they want to spend $1.50
for a season ticket to a series
of first rate instrumentalists,
vocalists and special concert
The artists caa be brought to
the campus only in the entire
student body is favor the pre
sentation of the concerts. The
regular prices for just one per
formance of an artist such as
Marian Anderson range from
$1.75 to $3.75. A guaranteed in
come through season tickets is
the only way students can listen
to these artists for such a small
"The ticket for this series of
performances must be bought by
about 80 per cent of the students
or the concert artist series will
not work a Council spokesman
Audiences at the performances
will be limited to students and
faculty. They are the ones who
will decide by the Wednesday
ballot whether they wish to
spend the small amount for their
listening pleasure.
Concert Artists
The concert artists are spon
sored by the National Concert
Artist corporation. The follow
ing are some of the artists ap
pearing in the series: ,
Marian Anderson, contralto,
has appeared in more than 750
concerts inthe U. S.. alone. The
Negro singer, a Philadelphian,
has made tours abroad and was
decorated by the Finnish and
French governments. She has
sung Easter sunrise services in
the Lincoln memorial and was
brought to Washington to sing
the Star Spangled Banner for
General Eisenhower's V-E day
Nathan Milstein, violinist, is a
Russian who has toured hi na
tive country, Europe, the United
States and Canda. He has ap
peared 36 times before the New
York Philharmonic
Benno Moiseiwitsch, pianist, is
also Russian from Odessa who
has received one of Great Brit
ian's highest honors, the Order
of the Commander of the Brit
ish Empire. He was invited by
Toscanini to perform with the
Palestine symphony.
Robert Merrill
Robert Merrill, baritone, is the
property of the Metropolitan
Opera association. He won fame
through the "Met Opera Audi
See Poll, Page 4
The voting will climax a cam
paign of the Union Expansion
committee begun last week. The
committee has been working on
the possibilities of a new Union
on city campus since the final
days of last semester.
The committee's work has in
eluded investigation of the situations-
which prevail in Unions
at other colleges and universi
ties throughout the nation. Their
reports during this semester
were made to inform students
of facilities lacking at NU, but
present ,t other Unions. This
was made possible through bul
letins and letters obtained from
other colleges.
With student approval of the
fee increase, the following ad
vantages will be received, ac
cording to the expansion com
mittee: Operational costs of the pre
sent building will be met These
costs have increased due to over
taxing of present facilities.
Also chances of an inevitable
budget decrease will be less. In
creased depreciation has already
caused one budget drop.
Facility additions in three
categories, recreational, service
and cultural, would be made.
Recreational improvements
would include (1) bowling al
leys and supplementary facilities,
(2) properly equipped billiard
room, (3) ping pong room with
minimum of eight tables, (4)
game room equipped with "lei
Continued on Page 4
Honors Day
To Commend
Over 1,000
Students to Hear
Cecil Brown Talk
Over 1,000 University students
will be honored for outstanding
scholarship today at the Honors
day convocation at the Coliseum
at 10:15 a. m. Speaker at the
convocation wil lbe Cecil Brown,
internationally known radio com
mentator and correspondent.
Both 10 a. m. and 11 a. m. classes
will be dismissed.
Brown, who recently returned
from a European tour, will speak
on "Crossfire in Europe." He will
tell of the "cold war" and the
progress of the Marshall plan.
Twenty-five senior students
possessing superior scholarship
will be seated on the Coliseum
stage in recognition of their
scholastic achievement. Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson will pre
side. Brown has won the George
Foster Peabody, the Overseas
Press club, Sigma Delta Chi, and
National Headliners club awards
for outstanding radio commentat
ing. He also is well known for
his war time reporting.
On his recent European trip
he visited France, England, Ger
many, Austria, Switzerland,
Italy, Spain, Portugal, Yugoslavia
and Israel.
Communist Control
Brown wrote on completion of
the trip: "After you've seen,
what communistic control does to
a people and how it makes peo
ple outright slaves, stopping the
tide of communism by means of
American aid is something to be
grateful for."
Brown's experiences during
his journalistic career have in
cluded brushes with French,
British and Australian authori
ties. During the war, he was re
primanded by the French Vichy
government for remarks he made
of it while he was at Cairo. Ha
angered British authorities at
Singapore by telling of the lacka
daisical attitude toward the
Japanese. Australians did not
like the criticisms he made of
their failure to conscript men for
overseas fighting.
Ship Torpedoed
Brown was aboard the ship
Repulse when it was torpedoes
in the China sea. He covered the
invasion of Crete, the escape of
the king of Greece and the ac
tivities of Fascist Italy.
He is the author of "Suez to
Singapore," a best seller wartime
novel, and has contributed vari
ous articles to Colliers, Readers
Digest and other magazines. -
Brown began his career as a
UP reporter on the west coast.
In 1937 he left for Europe to be
a free lance writer. He served
for three years as a International
News Service correspondent in
In 1940 the speaker took up
his present job as radio com
ft. 4
I .