Vol. 50 No. .129 r. r UNIFICATION Retiring president Bill Modk hands the gavel to Bob Phelps, new head of the Candidate Officer's association. The group is made up of candidate officers from the Army, Air Force and Naval divisions of the ROTC at the University. Mook repre sents the Army while Phelps is in the Naval ROTC program. (Rag Photo by Hank Lammers.) Union Addition Drive Enters Final Stages Campaign maneuvers are still In strong operation in the drive for -a Union addition. "Nebraska Next" posters with large bold red letters, aotive campaigning for support from campus organizations, scheduled radio time on University pro grams, a planned questionnaire to be taken to every part of the campus by a staff of nearly 100 Union activities workers all are a part of the big drive initiated at the beginning of this week by the Union expansion com mittee. The campaign will continue through Tuesday, April 25. Wed nesday the students will decide in an all University poll whether thove will be a Union addition. So far, 42 organizations hav? pledged their support of the in crease in fees which is necessary before any expansion may be accomplished. They are: Independent Student's As sociation, Gamma Lambda, Pt Kappa Phi, Women's Athletic Association, Phi Upsilon Oml cron, Alpha Omicron Pt, Kap pa Phi, Theta XI and All Women's Society. Pioneer House, Non-U House, All University Fund, Towne Club, Sigma Chi, Phi Mff Alpha Sinfonia, Beta Sigma Psi, Tas sels, Innocents society, Tau ' Kappa Epsilon, Sirma Delta Tau, Zeta Beta Tau, Kappa Sig ma, University Builders, Slma Kappa, Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Delta Delta, Amikita, Al pha Gamma Rho. Corn Cobs, PI Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, In ternational House, Love Memo rial, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega. Phi Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma and American Society of .Civil Engineers. - The questionnaires to ascertain students' opinions will be taken out Monday afternoon by a spe cial group of workers who will be fully informed on the Union situation as it now stands and will be able to answer questions concerning addition proposals. They will note the views of the students regarding the consid ered facilities. More information tbout the large scale student contacting and results will be published in following editions of the "Rag." It is planned by the commit tee that the student contacts will be as representative as possible. In order that this may be ac complished, the contacters, who will not merely be pollers, will take out the forms to all parts of the campus. " Also the survey will be more authoritative if the student in terviewed will include simple information about himself. This will eliminate any haphazard tabulation on the part of either the interviewer or. interviewee. 11 This Is the reason for the pre liminary section asking personal information. The committee is asking the co-operation of students in grad ing the questionnaire sheets. The compilation of returns from the contacts Monday afternoon will be revealed in Tuesday's edition of The Daily Nebraskan. It is felt by the committee that with the student contacts a careful analyzatlon of the feel ing on the addition may be made. It will give en opportunity for all students to participate in the planning of the building if the vote is "yes" Wednesday at the election. Members of the committee wished to point out to students that as students visit the polls they should remember that the fee increase is the only means See UNION ADDITION, Page 4. Summer, Fall Registration To Benin With Ticket Issuance Registration ticket numbers for summer and fall registra tion will be available to stu dents with 89 or more hours on record Monday, April 24. This announcement was made by Dr. Floyd W. Hoover, assistant regi strar. Dual issuance of picket num bers for registration of the two terms will take place m the Military and Naval Science building on the second floor be tween the hours of 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. It will be imperative that stu dents show their identification cards in order to obtain registra tion tickets. The order for the remainder of the students to pick up reg istration ticket numbers is as follows: Tuesday, April 25, stu dents with 53 to 88 hours on record; Wednesday, April 28, students with 25 to 52 hours of credit on record; and students who have not yet been advanced from Junior Division, Thursday, April 27. , . No Ag Tickets Ag college students will not need tickets for registration, ac cording to Dr. Hoover. However; they are to schedule appointments with their advisors during the week of April 24, and work out their class schedules. Official Ag campus registration will begin May 8 in Room 102, Animal Husbandry Hall. Graduate students have been requested to wait until June 6 or Sept. 11 to begin registration. They wil not need ticket num bers. City campus registration for the 1950-51 school year will be 1,11 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Rag Contrasts 'New and Old' Page Sizes Today's front page is a far cry from what students and faculty members have been seeing in The Daily Nebraskan this semes ter. The amount of news-filled space represents the old tabloid size, the size to which The Daily Nebraskan will return unless students vote for a 50 cent fee raise to continue the present seven-column paper. Students will have the chance to express their approval or dis approval of the larger Daily Ne braskan in their Wednesday 9 o'clocks, with the proposed Union fee raise. The seven -column paper has been running on the same subscription price which paid for last semester's five column "Rag," and this fee has not proved sufficient to make ends meet. If the students vote "yes" on the subscription hike, they will continue to receive the larger paper. Short of Space Last semester, working with the amount of space represented on 'today's front page, the "Rag" staff often was unable to print much of the news which came into the Nebraskan office. It gen erally was necessary to cut stories down to the minimum facts; and if an item wasn't the "big" news of the day, it ran the risk of not being printed. Had the tabloid size been used throughout today's paper, on all four pages, much news again would have been lost. "Just Around" and "News and Views" would have been tossed out, and the other columns which appear in the larger "Rag" on other days of the week would never see print. Sports would take a heavy blow, and editorial space would be limited. Continuance of the present, "king-size" Nebraskan depends on the student vote. gin' May 8 in the Military and Naval Science building. Regis tration will go according to numbers. Class Lists Class lists are available in the office of the Registrar, Jtoom 103 Administration building, for stu dent checking. Any students in doubt as to their classification should check their grade rating before obtaining registration numbers. "This will give students an opportunity to determine their standing in advance of the week of April 24, anc also make it possible for them to make any corrections," said Dr. Hoover. Following the issuance of registration tickets, students are asked to make appointments with their advisors for confer ences. .These conferences will be held during the period of April 24 to May 3. s Fall Program x When the programs for the fall semester studies are made up, students will leave their work sheets with their advisors in order for necessary signatures to be affixed. Students registering for sum mer school work . may register for the six weeks session which will run from June 6 to J illy 14, or the eight weeks session' to run from June 8 to July 28. Questions concerning , Junior Division registration may be answered by contacting those headquarters in Temporary building A, according to War ren R. Bailer, director of Uni versity Junior ' Division and Counseling Service. To Open for P (Th rvJ U d P emit! Formers Foitr Ag Goddess, Whisker King To Reign at April 28 Affair Music by Eddie Haddad and his orchestra will enter tain students in rural garb at the Cotton and Denim dance Friday night, April 28, at 8:30 p.m. in the College Activities building. , The Cotton and Denim dance traditionally opens the Ag College Farmers Fair, to which all students are in vited. Cottons and denims are the order of dress as they will be all this week on Ag campus. Tickets for the dance if, U P ! ' ; v ' . ; m im iiiliinffiiMMiilliiMn4-rVhJ-""t''ftrr"v"' EDDIE HADDAD Will play for the annual Farmer's Fair, Friday, May 28. Journalism Groups Plan May Banquet Five journalism organizations will combine to sponsor the annual spring journalism ban quet at Cotner Terrace on May 11. The banquet traditionally marks the climax of student ac tivities for the year in the School of Journalism. All students in journalism, staff members on any campus publications or others who may be interested, are invited to attend. Like the last two years, the speaker will be a journalism pro fessor from a neighboring state institution. Prof. Leslie G. Moel ler, director of the University of Iowa School of Journalism and past president of the Iowa Press association, has accepted the in vitation to be this year's speak er. Sponsoring groups include Gamma Alpha Chi, women's ad vertising sorority; Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism pro fessional; Kappa Alpha Mu, pho tograhpy; and both the campus and state professional chapters of Sigma Delta Chi, men's journal ism professional. Following a custom of previous years, undergradua'1'' s, who have been initiated into Sigma Delta Chi this spring, will be guests of the chapter at the banquet. Other guests will be five state news- paper editors who will he- initi ated into the professional chapter at a special ceremony preceduig the banquet. ' Med School Test Deadline Mays 13 ; All : premedical students who hope to enter any approved med ical college, September, 1951, should make application to ,take the Medical College admission test, May 13, 1950. Application for admittance must be made with the Educa tional Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, not later than April 29, 1950. Nebraska students may obtain application forms from Dr. Pow ell, the premedical advisor, 306 Bessey Hall. uiru Sunday, April 23, 1950 will be on sale in the Ag Union from Tuesday to Friday for $2 per couple. Goddess and King The presentation of the God dess of Agriculture and the Whisker .King will take place at 10 p. m. in a unique ceremony sponsored by the Home Eco nomics club. This year's pre- Farmers Fair Program Friday, April 29 9:00-12:00 p.m. Cotton & Denim dance in College Activities building. 10:00 p.m. Presentation of the Goddess of Agricul ture and Whisker King. 11:30-12:00 p. m. Farmers Fair rally and lighting of the barbecue pits. Saturday, April 30. 9:00 a.m. -5 p.m. Midway and concessions. 10:00 a.m. "A Greater '50" parade on Fraternity row and downtown Lincoln. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Rodeo in the arena near beef barn. 3:30 p.m. Women's program in 320 Foods and Nutri tion building. 5:30 p.m. Barbecue at the Athletic Field. 8:00-11:00 Square dancing in the College Activities building. sentation will be centered around the song "K-K-K-Katy." Arlean Beam will be master of cere monies. At 11:30 p. m., all dancers will go out of doors for the bar becue rally to be held near the pits. The barbecue pits, to be located south of the College Ac tivities building, will be lit at the rally. Group singing and pep talks by students will high light the rally. Judging for the Whisker King contest will be held at 5 p. m. Thursday in the Ag Union. Judges will be Mrs. Angeline An derson, Prof. R. Abbott and K. Cannon. Beards will be judged on uniqueness, length and den sity. The Goddess of Agriculture will be chosen by an all Ag stu dent vote Wednesday, April 26. Voting will be from 9 to 5 p. m. in the Ag Union. The Goddess and her four attendants will be presented at the Cotton and denim dance along with the Whisker King. The Goddess and attendants will reign over the entire Fair and will be featured in the parade. Senior 'Women Candidates ' are senior women enrolled in the College of Agri culture who have been active on the campus. A srhnlnsHo aver age of 6.0 is required for all con testants. ' - ' : , '. . The Goddess of Agriculture contestants are:; ..', t La verna . Acker, Elaine Aren son, Sue Bjorklund, Dorothy Bo land, Gladys t Spencer Brown, Joan Corzine, Connie Crosbie, Charlene Eggert, Vivian Frazier, Joyce Freiberg, Joan Graham, Florence Hagen, Sally HartZ' and Jean Howe. Donna Lu Johnson, Donna Lauber, Mary Ann Lindauer, Doris Malmberg, Mary Manning, Irene Maricle, Gwen Monson, Louise McDill, Margaret Mc Geachm, Winnie Ricketts, Donna Rudisil and Mary Travis. Vote for Five All Ag college students may vote for five of the seniors on See 'FAIR DANCE, Pag i. Dance ' p t 1 i 1 ': ft ' V, ' i : J f' ti k 4 i A 1 0 f"-'i" 'rr