The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1950, Image 1

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The Weather
Fair Thursday and Friday.
Warmer in west Thursday and
over the state Friday. Hlfh
Thursday near 55.
Only Daily Publication
For SludenU Al The
Vnivenity of Nebraska
Vol. 50 No. 127
Yell Team
Eight Men
Innocents Start
Training Period
When the Scarlet and Cream
cheerleaders ' make their initial
appearance next fall, sports fans
Will see an all-male squad.
It will also be a completely
reorganized Yell Squad that
leads the cheering sections and
rallies during football and base
ketball seasons next year. Eight
men will compose the squad,
replacing the mixed sauad of 12
L5ittnembers this year.
ah men interested in cneer
leading' should contact Jake
Geier, gymnastics coach, at the
P. E. building in Room 104,
April 24-26 between 4 and 6
p.m. Candidates will work out
under the supervision of Geier
and Don Klein speech instruc
tor, until May 9 when they will
tryout before the new Yell
Squad Advisory Board which
will select the new squad.
The committee on the re
organization, organized last fall
by the Innocents society, was
composed of Merle Stalder,
John Connelly and Rodney
Lindwall. The Committee stu
died answers to 15 question
aires sent to colleges and uni
versities thruout the country
well known for the cheering
and school spirit, to find out in
formation about their organiza
tions. Out of the 15 polled, eight
were closed; six of these had
squads comprised entirely of
"Best" Plan
After meeting with various
members of the faculty, admini
stration, pep groups and student
body about reorganization, a
plan was set up, which was
thought to be the best for situ
ations in this University."
The Yell Squad each year
i wouia De elected Dy tne xen
f Squad Advisory board. Persons
w ; 1 1 ; u; 1 j . : . :
who will choose the 1950-51
cheerleaders May 9 are: Presi
dent of Innocents, Merle Stal
der; president of Corn Cobs,
Rodney Lindwall; president of
Tassels, Shirley Allen; director
of athletics, Potsy Clark; Yell
King, Frank Piccolo; the gym
nastics coach, Jake Geier; the
speech instructor, Donald Kline;
and the - band director, Don
Lents. Other's helping this year
on the- reorganization were Katy
Rapp Clem, past president of
Tassels, and Col. C. J. Frank-
Kroner, associate proiessor ui
Members of Sauad
The squad wil be composed of
one senior as head cheerleader
and one alternate selected from
three junior cheerleaders. Three
juniors selected from the ranks
of sophomore cheerleaders; and
four sophomores. The Yell
See YELL SQUAD, Pare 2.
Ag College Students to Debate
Union at Mass Rally Monday
Ag students will congregate at
a mass meeting Monday, April 24,
at 4 p. m. to discuss the Ag
Union situation. The meeting
will be in gymnasium of the
College Activities building.
Students and faculty on the
Ag Union building committee
will form a panel to answer
questions and lead the discus
sion. Butch Nevina is the com-
Tassels to Pick
;e iiass
At Tea Sunday
A new Tassel pledge class will
be selected Sunday from the
rushees planning to attend the
annual Tassel tea.
The tea will be held from 2 to
4 p.m. at the Kappa Alpha
Theta house, 1545 S street.
' Both affiliated and unafilli
ated girls will attend the tea.
Members also are chosen to se
cure representation on "both the
Ag and city campuses. The girls
named to be pledged at the tea
will fill vacancies left by girls
who arc leaving the organiza
tion this spring.
Barb-at-large and Ag-at-large
representatives will be selected
from the girls who filed for
membership last week. Organi
zed houses each have two mem
bers In the organization. They
send two candidates for each
vacancy, two or four girls, to
the rush tea, and the active Tas
sels make their selections from
among these girls.
Pledge Selection
Pledges are chosen on the
basia of interest in the organif
zauon ana tneir general wnnngi
ness to participate in Tassel ac
tivities. They also must main
tain scholastic requirements, i
.Rushees will wear afterno6n
dresses or suits, hats and heels
to the tea. They will meet all
the Tassel members, and re
freshments will be served.
Girls who are chosen ( to
pladgr the girls' pep organiaa
tion will be notified Monday And
will be invited to a picnic tliat
evening. Transportation will I be
provided to the picnic, which
will be held on Aff camnus. All
active Tasaels and the girls in
vited to pledge will meet at I the
Union at 5 p.m. Monday I for
rides. Formal pledging cere
monies will follow the picnifc.
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COMMUTERS LUNCH ROOM Part of the new fcilities offered at the new Michigan State Union,
completed in June of 1949, this room enables commuting students to eat comfortably and economic
ally. This rom is the end section of the plush grill which is lavishly decorated in colors of "red,
chartreuse and taupe. Other facilities include bowling, billiards, and a music room with separate
listening booths.
31 Groups To Offer Support
To Union Addition Campaign
Still more organizations have
pledged their support of the pro
posed increase in registration
fees to allow Union expansion.'
Added to the list of 14 campus
groups whfch responded Tuesday
to the expansion committee's let
ter asking backing of the fee
hike, are 17 more, making a total
of 31 now in favor.
They are:
Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Delta
Delta, Amikita, Alpha Gamma
Rho, Corn Cobs.Pl Beta Phi,
Gamma Phi Beta, International
House, Love Memorial, Alpha
Phi, Tau Kappa Epsiien, Chi
Omega, Phi Gamma Delta,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi
Kappa Psi, Delta Gamma, and
American Society of Civil En
gineers. Letters were sent to honorary,
professional, social and other or
ganizations on campus,
v The fee increase which has the
approval of the Student Council
will be up for a studeat vote at
the all-University election sched
uled for Wednesday, April 26.
Three separate student units of
the University, which were rec
ognized by the Council as inade
quately financed to meet operat
ing costs and make new improve
ments. These are, besides the
ctiy campus Union, the Ag Union
and The. Daily Nebraskan.
"Nebraska Next" ,
"Nebraska Next" is the cam-
mittee member in charge of the
mass meeting.
In addition to psesenting fi
nancial information the commit
tee hopes to be able to answer
any question the Ag student and
faculty body may have.
The purpose of the meeting
is primarily to discuss those
topics which are pertinent to the
proposed raise in fees. Accord
ing to the committee, ;headeTi
by Jack DeWulf, an Ag Union
will definitely be constructed if
the raise in fees is supported in
the all-University poll scheduled
for 10 a. m. Wednesday, April 26.
A raise in fees will go toward
retiring a bond necessary for the
Union construction, and towards
operating expenses.
$100,000 Proposed
The Union' Board proposed that
$100,000 belhe sum on which a
new Union at Ag is constructed.
A low ranch-style type has been
suggested.1 With this sum in
mind the Ag Union building com
mittee has written to 21 colleges
with an enrollment similar to
that of Ag college, and whose
Unions have . been similar in
Members of the committee
have also visited a number of
reefcntly constructed buildings in
thie Lincoln area whose costs ap
proximated the proposed allot
rtient. From the ideas gathered,
they hope to be able to present
iplans soon to the Ag student
body for their suggestions or ap
proval. Facilities
j Facilities for the proposed Ag
Union have been suggested. They
1. Multiple purpose lounge and
dance floor.
2. Unit of meeting rooms with
expandable partitions.
3. Fountain room following
out Western motif..
4. Combination recreation unit
to include billiard rooms, ping
pong area and table game facili
ties. 5. Craft and hobby shop facili
ties. 6. Television-music lounge.
7. Service facilities such as
offices, a checkroom, etc.
Dr. Gooding, professor" of
agronomy and member of the
Ag Union building committee,
commented that one of the major
needs in the Ag Union is a dance
floor. At present the gymnasium
in the' College Activities build
See AG UNION, Pace 4. j
paign slogan that is being used
by the expansion group to pub
licize the drive for a Union wing.
Seen as essential to betterment
of Union facilities are improve
ments outlined in three categor
ies: Recreational, cultural, and
Recreational additions would
include bowling alleys, a proper
ly equipped billiard room, a bet
ter ping pong room and a game
room combined possibly with a
trophy room and a social dancing
Cultural additions proposed
were informal recital reception
room with wall arrangement pro
viding for art displays and a seat
ing capacity of 150.
Service Improvements.
Service additions considered
include improvement for fountain
service, multiple purpose confer
ence dining room, student organi
zation rooms, suitable provisions
for Union activities, commuters
lunch room (similar, perhaps to
that illustrated), craft and hobby
shop, television-audio lounge,
ticket and sales booth and aux
iliary checkstand facilities.
The expansion committee sees
a $3 increase necessary to allow
for sufficient expansion of city
Union as well as the Ag Union
and still continue a desirable
status of operations in view of
recent enrollment decreases. The
fee has never been increased
since it was established in 1937.
Support for "Rag"
The tuition-fee "package" now
paid by all students also allows
subscription to The Daily Ne
braskan. At present, the "Rag" costs
each student 50 cents a semester.
However, enlargement of The
Daily has exceeded twice thq
original cost of publication.
At the poll, April 26, students
also will be asked whether they
will be willing to increase by
50 cents the subscription price to
help meet the added costs.
If the vote on the question
Council Changes
Office Hours
A change has been made In
the office hours of the Student
Council. According to Presi
dent Roz Howard, new hours
will be from 2 to 4 p.m., Mon
days and 3 to 4 p.m., Wednes
days, Room 305, Union.
Those students wishing auto
permits are reminded to contact
Howard at the Council office be
fore obtaining them from the po
lice offices at the west stadium.
Union to Send Three
To National Meeting
Convention bound, D u a n e
Lake, director of the Union, Herb
Reese and Bob Mosher, Union
board members, Will leave Satur
day for Swampscott, Mass., to at
tend the 27th annual convention
of the Association of College
The organization includes 178
college union's throughout the
country as well as- unions in
Canada, Mexico and Hawaii. Ac
cording to Lake, between 300 and
400 representatives, staff mem
bers and students, usually attend
the convention.
Lake, vice president of the or
ganization, is in charge of set
ting up the student discussion
program. Discussion groups and
panels have been formed, with
topics of general , interest to stu
dent representatives and . those
planning and operating unions.
To Discuss Expansion
One entire section of the con
vention program Is being di
rected toward t those who are
planning or operating new build
ings. In addition, there will be
discussions for students, direc
tors, . social directors and food
See UNION MEET, Pare 4.
is affirmative, the extra 50 cents
will be added to the regular tui
tion fee and the paper in its
present size will be continued. If
the vote is .negative, The Daily
Nebraskan will be forced to re
vert to its former tabloid size.
The paper's expansion this se
mester was made in order to give
sufficient news coverage to the
campus as large as it is. In
curred up to date is a $4,000
deficit due to increased produc
tion costs.
Comments from campus organ
izations have given The Daily
Nebraskan complimentary notice
that they appreciate the increased
To Discuss
The period of the Renaissance
in art, history, music and liter
ature will be discussed Thurs
day evening by the humanities
Meeting at 7:30 p. m. in room
204 Morrill hall, student and fac
ulty members will hear short
talks by E. N. Anderson (his
tory), Myron Robeits (music),
Benjamin Boyce (literature) and
Duard Lagfng (art).'
Anderson will discuss such
points as: For whom was art in
tended?; sources in subject mat
ter, in heritage and in experi
ence; social origins of the artist;
and the social basis of the Renais
sance. Concerning music of the pe
riod, Roberts will mention the
'development of technique in
counterpoint and the improve
ments in musical instruments.
Modern World Starts.
Boyce will treat the Renais
sance as the beginning of the
modern world the medieval
synthesis going to pieces and the
modern coming into existence.
He will discuss what happened
to literature when the medieval
Christian civilization and the
pagan classic civilization came
The change from medieval
symbolism to art that is easily
recognizable will be brought out
by Lagir.g. He will explain this
representationalism as it parallels
humanism, and tell of the in
dividualism which grows out of
A general discussion period
will follow. The meeting is open
to interested students and fac
ulty members.
v. j5 u . rt'
CONVENTION PLANNERS Duane Lake, Bob Mosher and Herb
Reese make plans for their trip to Swampscott, Massachusetts,
where they will attend a national convention of the Association
of College Unions. Lake is vice president of the organizations.
Reese and Mosher arc members of Nebraska's Union board.
Classes Dismissed
For Honor Convo
Dean T. J. Thompson an
nounced today that all 10 a.m.
and 11 a.m. classes will be dis
missed for Honors Day convoca
tion Tuesday, April 26. Cecil
Brown, radio commentator and
correspondent, will speak before
the cgnvocation. Brown is win
ner of the George Foster Pea
body award, the Overseas Press
club, Sigma Delta Chi (nation
al honorary journalism fratern
ity) and the National Headllners
club awards for outstanding ra
dio reporting.
The speaker is author of sev
eral books, one of them being
"Suez to Singapore."
Alpha Zeta
To Initiate 28
New Members
Alpha Zeta, honorary profes
sional ag fraternity, will initiate
28 students Thursday, April 20
at 6 p.m. Ceremonies will take
place at the Horse barn on Ag
The ceremony will be followed
by a banquet at the city campus
Union at 8 p.m. John F. Cun
ningham, co-founder of Alpha
Zeta which was founded on No
vember 4, 1897, at Ohio State,
will deliver the principal address.
He will speak on the history of
the fraternity. 11
Cunningham received his B.S.
and M.S. at Ohio where he after
ward became instructor of horti
culture. The speaker was also
editor of several Ohio farm pub
lications and dean of the ag col
lege at Ohio from 1932 to 1947.
He is now chairman of the Land
Research Council for the Missis
sippi Valley association.'
Membership for Alpha Zeta is
qualified by requirements that
one and a half years of ag col
lege must be completed and that
the student be in the upper two
fifths of his class.
The ag fraternity has 46 chap
ters in the United States. Ne
braska was the second Alpha
Zeta chapter to be founded.
Faculty advisors for the chap
ter are Dr. Ephraim Hixson, Dr.
Darrel Deane and Chairman C.
H. Smith.
The following students are to
be initiated in Alpha Zeta: Rob
ert Johnson, ' William Mattern,
Paul Kemling, Victor Larson,
Wendell Thacker, Lloyd Fischer,
Robert Beck and Robert Radin.
Other initiates include George
Reichenback, Darrel Heiss, War
ren Monson, Glen Baum, Don
ald Lawson, Jarry Johnson, Ad
rian Kluna, Boyd Linder, Ralph
Hansen, Norman Landgren, Don
ald Clement, Philip Warner and
Donald Bever.
Eugene Robinson, Steve Eber
hart, Rex Crom, Norman Swan
son, Burnell Swanson. Clayton
Yeutter and Donald Reeves.
'Cover Girl'
Search Open
Are you the girl Jon Whitcomb
is looking for?
The illustrator and creator of
Whitcomb Girls is looking for
four new, feminine faces to mo
del for color-page advertisements
for the coming year.
Whitcomb and Community Sil
verplate company are offering
four prizes for each of the four
girls to be chosen from entries.
Each will receive an all-expense
trip to New York for one
week; $100 a day model fees
while posing (approximately
three days during that week),
and $100 extra cash for inciden
tals. The original of the $2,000
painting by Whitcomb will also
be presented to each model.
No application may be post
marked later than midnight,
MFinai winners will be chosen
by a committee of which Jon
Whitcomb will be chairman. One
girl will be chosen from towns
of less than 25,000; one from
towns of 25,000 to 100,000, one
from towns of 100,000 to 500,000
and one from cities over 500,000.
Decision of judges will be final.
Jane MacQuaig is campus rep
resentative for the contest.
April 22
Council Approves
Election Revision
Vice President to Coordinate
Work of 4 Activity Committees
Next year's Student CouncH will be composed of 30
members plus four committees of representatives from
campus activities. The committees will meet as a body
from time to time when called by the vice-president of
the Council who will act as head of the activity commit
The plan passed last night In
an overtime Council meeting,
calls for four activity commit
tees; student spirit, campus im
provement, religious Welfare, and
orientation and activities. One
representative from each com
mittee will be a voting member
of the Student Council.
Two House Group
Rod Lindwall and Gene Berg
presented their plan for a two
house legislature. Heated discus
sion followed Berg's presentation.
Objections to the Lindwall-Berg
plan were made by Don Stern
who said that the two houses
would conflict. He continued by
saying that under a two house
system such as they proposed, no
one organization would be re
sponsible to the other for any
thing it does. He stated further
objections to be the size of the
Council, and expressed doubt
that such a large organization
could function efficiently.
Rob Raun continued the dis
cussion by saying, "You can't
have equal levels of responsibil
ity. It just won't work. If you
did have two levels of organiza
tion you would have to have a
third level above them. This
would mean that some other
group would rule the whole Uni
versity." Co-ordination
"Under a two house system no
one would know what was com
ing off. The .responsibility would
be divided. I think activities
should be co-ordinated but not
by groups which have nothing in
common. I can't see that Tassels
and the Religious Welfare Coun
cil have anything in common,"
said Shirley Allen.
"Gene and Rod's plan is just
what we would need if we had
a student body of 100,000," com
mented Ben Wall. This belief was
generally held by the Council.
Rob Raun, Council treasurer,
moved that the question of the
Artist's Series be taken off the
proposed ballot to determine tui
tion fees for next semester. The
Artist's Series vote will not be
considered by the-. Board, ot Re
gent's but -will be used only to
determine whether students
would subscribe to such a series
individually. The price of the se
ries will be $1.50 and will include
six top-ranking artists. The vote
will determine whether Nebraska
can support the series and the
issue will be entirely divorced
from the tuition question. .
Herb Reese, asked for a spe
cial order of business to present
the Junior Class Council's plan
for elections of class officers. He
requested that the by-laws be
amended to provide for four class
officers, to be elected in the
spring of the year. The question
was postponed until next Wed
nesday. Arnold Society
To Choose Top
Husker Flyer
The Arnold Society of Air
Cadets has anounced a contest
to select an outstanding Nebras
kan who has served in the Air
Force. The air cadets hope to
name the Nebraska squadron of
the Arnold Society in his honor.
The society voted at a Tuesday
night meeting to hold the contest
"in order to choose an appro
priate Nebraskan by a greater
and more thorough selection.
The decision to hold the con
test followed suggestions made
by the national Arnold Society
headquarters, that member
squadrons might choose names
honoring air force heroes.
Rules of the contest are:
1. Any Air ROTC student not
a member of Arnold Society, ad
vanced or basic, is eligible to
2. A prize of $5 will be awarded
the contestant submitting the
name of the winning Nebraskan.
3. Entries should be submitted
at Air ROTC headquarters, Room
201, Military and Naval Science
4. The name of any Nebraskan
who distinguished himself in the
Air Corps of the Air Force, in
World War I or II may be sub
mitted. 3. Entries should be in 250
words or less, relate the Nebras
kan's accomplishments, address
and reasons why his name should
be 'chosen.
6. All entries must be submit
ted on or before Saturday, May
13, 1950. The Arnold Society will
be the Judge of the best entry.
Tho Wnl-irnslr a snnartrnn of the
Arnold society was one of the ten
charter groups of tne organiza-
tinn fnnnrfpri in 1949. Until now
it Vina hmn rtpsiffnated as "Sauad-
ron A-8." The society itself is
named lor ine late Air rorce
general "Hap" Arnold.
Home Ec Slaff
Plans Honor Tea
The Home Economics staff will
honor its senior and graduate
students at & tea, "Saturday,
April 22.
The tea will be held at the
home of Miss Margaret Fedde.
About 150 guests have been invited.
Thursday, April 20, 1950
Fair Rodeo
To Include
Six Events
Students to Show
Western Abilities
Six events are listed for thil
year's Farmers Fair rodeo, ac
cording to Don Bever and Jack
Wilson, co-chairmen of the
event. The rodeo is scheduled
for 1:30 p. m. Saturday, April 29.
Sponsored by James Dunlap,
animal hus
bandry in
structor, and
announced by
Jack King, the
rodeo promises
to again be the
highlight of
the Fair.
Jim Mona-
han is arena
director and
true ooiscuoii t
- i- -. 1- -11
tickets. Work .Bever.'
with stock animals win oegia
next week, with a possible elimi
nation due to the number who
have signed to participate, ac
cording to the chairmen.
Rodeo events include calf rop
ing, bull riding, bareback riding,
bronc riding, cow cutting con
test and coed calf-catching con
test. , . '
Organized houses have been
c o n t acted to
select one team
from each
house to par
ticipate in the
calf - catching
contest. Wom
en not living
in organized
houses and.
wishing fo en
ter the contest
are to contact
Virginia B a s-
Wiison kins, 2-6095,
this week.
In saddle bronc riding, all rid
ers draw their mounts by lot,
losing rein, being buck off, fail
ing to scratch (keeping feet mov-
Gov. Peterson
Lists Functions
Of Government
"Too many favor regulations
on all but their own field," said
Gov. Val Peterson at an Ag
college convocation Tuesday
noon. His topic was "Functions '
of Modern Government."
He stressed how our functions
of government have grown,
pointing to the fact that 100 years
ago public schools were much
opposed. Since then we have got
ten public schools, public li
braries, as distribution, elec
tricity and general state projects.
He especially emphasized the
importance today of government
Peterson gave the following in
determining the functions of
"First, don't permit the gov
ernment to do anything that can
be done by private individuals
as well or better. Second, when
the government acts, have the
thing done by the unit of gov
ernment acts, have the thing
done by the unit of government
that is closest to people because
people can scrutinize government
activities and costs much better
on the local level."
Cut Cost
He also listed two ways of cut
ting the cost of government:
"First, make the government
more efficient and effective.
Second, subtract unnecessary
functions from the government"
On the question of tariff, he
felt that the Nebraska tax sys
tem needs revision and that the
property tax is excessively high.
He said that the state revenue is
too low to maintain and expand
state institutions such as roads.
Following the talk by the
governor, an open discussion was
held for students to ask. ques
tions. The convocation was sponsored
by the Ag Union convocations
committee, headed by Jack
Nebraska Dames
Announce Tea
The University of Nebraska
Dames wil hold their annual
spring tea at Chancellor and
Mrs. Gustavson's home Sunday.
April 23 from 3 to 5 p. m.
Faculty advisors who "Will, be
present are Mrs. B. H. Burma,
Mrs. I. L. Williams and Mrs. B.
L Hooper.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Robert
Poulson, Mrs. Robert L. Meyer,
Mrs. William Reiske, Mrs. Rob
ert Benton, Mrs. John Lambert,
Mrs. Allen Moore and Mrs. Lee
WUiie. . .
4 I