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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1950)
Wednesday, April 19, 1950 PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN City Campus Offers Housing To 800 Rodent 'Boarders' Re-Hifls Cam piss As tlie gentle, sweet flowing Strains of "Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue" flow out of every con ceivable place on campus, stu dents are kept quite aware of the latest fad at the University ukuleles. It's not a preparation for a mass migration to the Ozarks. It's not an extension of a pro gram of Cousin Minny Pearl. Nor is it a "Return to the Simple Life" movement It's just plain Uke playing. And pwners and players of the instruments be come very indignant if anyone even hints about the oddness of them. About a month old now. the. fad still finds students purchas ing the things in soaring amounts. One music store in Lincoln has sold more than a gross of the novelties since Christmas. No Limits There don't seem to be any limits or qualifications for a person to learn to plav it. One of the instruction books starts out: "Almost anybody can learn to play the ukulele." However, when one ambitious; young freshman tried to learn to play, her unloyal roommate, after hearing the unearthly sounds for two weeks, concluded that there are exceptions. It is well that the book includes the word almost." she concluded. , The ambitions of the players seem to be extremely high. All feel that they will, in the near future, be able to win an ama teur night at some small town theatre. Since the cost of trav eling to a different town would probably far exceed the booty 'I -x y! I - - A i 0K x - x jf : a V i V - - " J cd kf U t j S Lrw.imi. t m limiii inw 'li'iiii n 'n "'"nniT irmHN-'wwnt tliBwiWiani'i in fir'- r-niwimiiiiiMiiiiimiiiM imim mini uriialiiiwMiMiHiwIff ifrm. FIVE FOOT TWO, EYES OF BLUE Ukulele players, and hope fuls strum out tunes on just a few of many ukes available on campus. Pictured are: (L to r.) Esther Zorinsky, John Dick, Betty Pells, Mary Lou Flaherty, Gerry Kirk, Jeanne Smith, Bud Gerhart, Paul Gaiter and Elliot Wagner. of the prize (last or first), it is suggested that the potential rnaestros stick to the local con tests. Despite the advertised sim plicity of learning the contrap tions, there are two specifica tions (these are for the sole purpose of protecting the player) 1. Tone deafness (that way you can be immune to the sounds that all others must hear): and 2. Insurance on the first finger of the right hand. Classrooms Left Out So far, the only place barren of the heavenly sounds are the classrooms. Strangely enough, the School of Music has not yet mailed invitations to the uke players asking them to become majors in the art of music. More than likely, the letters would offer compensation if they would keep out of the de partment As for the distribution of the noise-making boxes, the DG's must find the music the most soothing for they have 16 of them in the houes. Only two of all the sororities, the Tri Pelts and the Thetas, lack hav ing at least One of the ukes. The Kappa Delts have four of them .and the Gamma Phis, the AOPi's and the Alpha Phis have Single Rag Issue Costs Two-Thirds of One - Whenever a student picks up sn issue of The Daily Nebraskan, it is costing him a mere two thirds of one cent. At the all-University poll on April 26 students will decide whether having the present size campus paper is worth one and one-third cent each issue. That is the amount of increase necessary for The Daily Nebraskan to con tinue in its present full size. Th 60 cents a semester stu dents pay for the paper, which is included In the tuition- fee package" paid by all students, is insufficient to pay for the full size paper. The enlargement of The Daily Nebraskan this semes ter has more than doubled the cost of production. The total raise asked to meet Uxa cost is $1 a semester. . . . . . ., , Choice ' .., If the students decide by vote that they are willing to pay one pud one third cent per issue, ' is $1 a semester, the paper v i continue in its present size; fl in -.Jortty vote against the in ' the paper will again be ..i, n the committee on stu t r"oUcsions was organized . J. !, it was concerned with 1 ; ' m of making the cam- r;ipf.r representative of ) . .'s on the campus. .r to achieve this, the three. The Alpha Chi's have two .and all the others one. But the coeds don't have a monopoly on them. Nine of them are found in the Sammy house. The DU's claim six of them, and the Phi Gams have five fel lows with them. The Kappa Sig house has four, and the Phi Psi's, Betas, TKE's and Sig Chi's all have three. Very few of the fraternities do not have them. Various kinds of the instru ments are floating around. They range from an almost cream colored type to ones with ivory on them against a darker back ground. Regardless of the color or appearance, all sound ap proximately the same, especially when the repertoire of num bers is limited so often to "Five Foot Two" and "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," the first piece in most of the instruction books. One rather amusing time comes when two people decide to play a number together. Then, of course, the two instruments must be turned together. And that is where the trouble comes in. The owners of the instru ments may know how to hold, strum and play the "theme" song, chances are they have no idea how to tune it. After winding and unwinding the strings up and down, the result is generally horrible especially "when the two commence to play. "My Dog Has Fleas" is what most players TRY to tune the four strings to. That too, has its variations. For music, the play ers use everything from "play ing by ear." to books and using old music that has the uke chords above the music. Some of the copies of "Ain't She Sweet," "Mississippi Mud," "Darktown Strutters Ball." "Margie," "Show Me the Way to Go Home" and others have the chords above them. These are songs frequently played by the uke fiends. Also, most songs of on the Gay Nineties can be played onthe instruments. Many folk songs and most cowboy songs are also popular for this instru ment Several of the music stores now have tiny cases for the little gems, but as .yet. these are lack- il..'? from the campus. The uke players become ex tremely hurt when someone asks them to play a piece, and then say "But, I didn't recog nize it." Contrary to what a lot of people think, the uke merely plays chords which harmonize to the actual music and which accompany singers. This is true in most cases, and because of this, it is possible to acquire a large repertoire in not too long a time. The only consolation for the uke "haters" is that there are only two months left. But in that time, from all present indi cations, many will be converted to the "uke appreciating" side. Penny committee decided to enlarge the paper to its present seven col umns. With the added space the committee felt that more ade quate coverage of news and views of the student body could be had. If sufficient funds are avail able next fall, additional im provements in the paper will be made. An increase in the num ber of cictures is planned, and it is possible that wire service will be added to bring students more news of national affairs. $4,000 Deficit The ' increased costs h'ave caused an estimated loss of more than $4,000. This deficit is being met by money earned by the paper in previous years and' de posited in the student publication fund. Organizations which depend chiefly upon The Daily Nebras kan for the all-important publi city, comment that the increased coverage is appreciated. Staff members know hoxr difficult it is even to mention the many ac tivities which take place on a university campus when there is not sufficient space. And ade quate coverage is Impossible in a iablcld paper. ; The price of the Increase is the cost of ten cokes a semester. Whether students decide the nev'gpaper is worth this, will be decided April 28. BY JERRY BAILEY. Animals are not a monopoly of the Ag campus. The Univer sity houses collections of live' stock in the basement of several city campus buildings. The animals are the white rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters used in scientific research. The rodents number 800. Perhaps best-known is the col lection in Bessey hall, kept for the benetit of the zoology de partment. Aside from the pick' led-in-formaldehyde collection, some white rats are maintained at the present time for such classes as parasitology. , Insuf Teachers College Offers Aviation The Teachers College of West em Michigan College is offering a new course in aviation this semester for' all students train' ing for a teacher's certificate. The new course is designed to introduce aviation and show its place in elementary education and secondary curricula. Flight time and field trips will enliven the course. Students who have never flown will have a chance to pilot a light plane, and trips to nearby aviation instal lations will include one to Chi cago Municipal airport. In addition there will be time to construct such aviation in struction aids as model airplane mock-ups information files, and specific data for the students teaching specialty. Ribbons Help Pay E-Week Expenses What are those ribbons with the big block letter "E" on them? That's the question Uni versity students will be asking again this month. The ribbons are another of the traditions of Engineer's Week. They have been a part of the week for so long that no one seems to remember just when the sales of ribbons were started. Old records make mention of them as long as twenty-five years ago. The indications are that they were used at that time for identification of engineering students at the annual field day. In recent years, however, they have played a much more important part in the success of Engineer's Week., The revenue from the sale of 'the ribbons is used to defray all the incidental expenses which arise from so large an undertaking. Sales Give Points Points in the competition are given to the department selling the greatest number of ribbons on a per capita' basis. In the competition in the past two years the chem e's have won handily. In both years they sold not only the greatest num ber of ribbons per capita but also the greatest number of rib bons. Last year was the biggest as far as the sale of ribbons was concerned. There were 3,728 ribbons sold, as compared to 1,686 in 1948 and 365 in 1935. The ribbons will go on sale at 7:30 a.m., Monday, April 24. They will be sold all over the campus until 5:30 p m. Wednes day, April 26, when the com petition willclose. All YW Members To Meet Today The spring all-membership meeting of YWCA will be held this afternoon, April 19, at 4:30 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall. An annual event, the spring mass meeting is one of the few occa sions during the year where the entire organization has the op portunity to meet together. Elec tion of the new advisory board will be held. Included in the program is a topic which is of, interest to everyone marriage. A movie designed to promote discussion on personal traits of perspective spouses will be shown, Mary Hubka and Alice Jo Smith will lead the discussion about summer opportunities in national parks. Both girls worked at Estes park last summer. "Y" members will be given details of the training confer ence for YW and YM to be held April 28, 29, and 30 at Midland College, Fremont, ficient space keeps the number of animal boarders low. Rat Mentality. In the depth of the Social Sci ences building, W. J. Arnold, as sistant professor of psychology, is studying the mentality of rats. He maintains a maze and other equipment that is commonly used in experimenting with ani mal psychology. Arnold's cur rent research deals with the ef fect of X-ray radiation on the brains of rats. He cooperates with Dr. J. Mar shall Neely, who exposes the rats to the necessary X-rays. Arnold states that research in this line has .not been carried on long enough for observers to reach any conclusions. Pharmacy Collection. The largest collection of ro dents is housed beneath the pharmacy building. A quick cen sus disclosed that something like 600 white rats, 200 white mice, five guinea pigs, nine rabbits, and four hamsters are being used by the physiology and pharma cology departments at the pres ent time. The count of the pro lific rodents changes rapidly.. Mastervof the caged world is John Ernst, who has a full-time job caring for the animals. He was hired in 1947 and has been busy since, undisturbed except by a few professors and a hand' lul of students. When full classes work with animals, the rats and their kindred are removed from the cage department for study, Cocker Spaniel. Ernst's full-time companion is his cocker spaniel "Captain." At one time, according to his mas' ter, Captain cornered a rat that had escaped from its cage, and held it unharmed until it could be re-caged. In addition to being care taker in the rat department. John Ernst raises pigeons for a hobby. He works with both the homing and "oriental frill" types of show birds. Ernst has partici pated in pigeon shows across the nation and is a member of six pigeon-fancier's organizations. A boyhood hobby of raising guinea pigs helped prepare him for his Dairy Group Sets Judging Contest Date Varsity Dairy club's annual student judging contest will be held Friday and Saturday, April 21-22 on Ag campus. Dairy products judging will take place at 5 p. m. Friday in Dairy Industry. The cattle fudg ing contest will begin at 7:30 a. m. Saturday morning at the Dairy barn. " The Dairy club awards rib bons to the - top men iin both contests. In addition, a variety of prizes are being given the winners by the local Lincoln dairies. The contest this year will lay stress on education in the field of dairy cattle and products. Milk, butter and ice cream will be judged by the "taste test." in the dairy products con test. According to James Yoder, chairman of the committee in charge, the contest will take ap proximately one hour to com plete since reasons will not have to be given by contestants. Judge Taste The men judging the dairy products will pass judgment en tirely upon the taste and other characteristics of the samples. Breeds to be judged at the cat tle judging contest will be Brown Swiss, Jersey, Guernsey and Holsteins. The program will be divided into eight classes con sisting of cows, bulls and heifers. Oral reasons will be given or! only two of the classes, says Charley Fairley, contest chair man. "Some of the classes will be judged on type alone and others, will be judged on type, production and pedigree," com mented Fairley. The dairy cattle judging this year was designed to give prac tical experience to men with limited experience in picking out animals for foundation breeding stock. . Contribute Prizes The contests are being active ly sponsored by the local dairy interests, who, besides contrib uting prizes for place winners, will award trophies to the top individuals. These trophies, along with the prizes, are currently on display in show case on second floor of the Dairy Industry building. A practice judging session will be held in dairy industry hall on Thursday afternoon for any in terested men. The principles of dairy products judging will be reviewed and demonstrated at this time. Winners at the affair last year were Jack Sander. Joe Havelka, Bill Moore. Charley Fairley and Dean Whitmore. Sander was last year's high man in the contests. Havelka won the Jersey judging division, Moore took first in Guernseys and Fairley won top honors in the Holstein division. Whitmore won the dairy prod ucts contest. , - . Classified LAMB knit llporer, V mrk put! nwcat er. Appl vrern and Bky bine mw the popular colors. H7.BO at AYKHS ltOO O GOLF BALLS AH 5o brand. Wllion, Aronhnrt, Spaldlnir. 1M doxra to ehooM from. t4.7ft-f6.T6 doicn. Warren nariHtt. S-ZS9Z. MARRIED dental atudent would anore data hearlnr of apart.nent available aDout June l. call 3-2489 or 4-1815 FOR SALE. White Tux coat. 38U 6-6459. Reasonable. Worn once. SdARV lo know that COLVIN- HKi.l WTI'DIO will honor alt their e plred advertUlof coupons If used before Apm au. (JiRl--For theatre conueulone land. Apply 32.1 Stuart Bid. NEW Underwood portable "Charoulon.' 90. Call 3-3W5 after 7 p.m. present job. , Rat Studies. Among experiments currently being carried on with the rats are studies . of vitamin diets, glandular studies and observa tions on the effect of antibuse on rats. The last, a recently-discovered drug that combats a de sire for alcohol, is' being studied by Dr. Harold Hoick, professor of pharmacology. Care and feeding of the labor atory menagerie is very strictly carried out. As proof of sani tation procedure, Ernst proudly states that no diseases or para sites have appeared among his charges. Unique among the many ani mals are the four hamsters, sometimes called- "little golden bears." Like bears, they hiber nate. Hamsters stand out be cause they are completely odor less, a quality which adds much to their lovability. All in all, things are pretty quiet with John Ernst, his dog, and his 800 rodents. Beef Researcher to Speak At Annual Feeders1 Day Plans are nearing completion for another Feeders' day at Ag college Friday. April 21. There will be programs for both men and women. Prof. William J. Loeffel, chair man of the animal husbandry department, who is in charge of arrangements, said highlight of the event for the men will be a talk by Dr. R. T. Clark. Dr. Clark is in charge of beef cattle re search in the U. S. department of agriculture at Washington, D. C. He is slated to speak dur ing the afternoon at . an indoor meeting. The evening of Feeders' day will be highlighted by the honor ing of Sam McKelvie, Valentine publisher and rancher. McKelvie who is also a former governor of Nebraska, will be honored by the Block and Bridie club's Honors Day banquet .. - . . X-Disease Talk " The morning Feeders' day ses sion will open at 9:15. Speakers include C. T. Blunn, T. W. Dowe, C. H. Adams. John Matushima and L. E. Hanson, all researchers in the animal husbandry depart ment. In addition to the speech by Clark, the afternoon session will teature a discussion of X-disease by Dr. Carl Olson, jr., head of the animal pathology department. Other speakers will include Prof Marvel L. Baker, associate director of the Nebraska experi ment stations, on the effective use of pasture in beef cattle pro duction, and Prof. M. A. Alexan der, on sheep 'breeding research. Home processing of lard will be featured during the women's portion of the Feeders' day pro gram. Miss Florence Atwood. state home extension leader, said the meeting is designed to encourage women to use the abundant Ne braska product in their own kitchens, with instructions for practice use. Discussion Speakers Speakers at the discussion will VACATION Transportation, hotel ac commodations and special sightseeing all included for one low cost ! California Yellowstone Pacific Northwest Colorado Rockies Historic East Pacific Coast Chicago Fair New York City Old Mexico Alaska Oihw tnjoyabli Tourt tlfo available. FREE FOLDER! Gat your copy oi Greyhound'! Amaz ing Amarica Vaca tion Foldar, giving day-by-day daecrip tions of icoraa of earaiiae) tours. When you return home this summer go Grey hound frequent sched ules, low fares ! See your Greyhound Agent about your vacation plans, and full travel information. GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT 820 S. 13 Lincoln, Nebraska TOURS :t r:7:v WHITE ELEPHANTS Bill Dugan and Pat Beechan seem puzzled as to thinking up a sales campaign to get Tid of a "wnite elephant." However, the two will not have such a big problem, in managing the sales campaign for Builders' 1950 Calendars. The remainder of the Calendars, which were not sold at the first of the year, were put on sale Tuesday for half price. They are selling at two for 98 cents or 50 cents each. They are on sale at a booth in the Union lobby. include Charles Adams, Dr. Jose phine Brooks and a representa tive of a meat packing firm from Omaha. How to remodel old furniture into household assets will be demonstrated by Miss Evelyn Metzger, assistant professor of home economics. The reasons Nebraskans should be proud of their state will be outlined by Mrs. C. Petrus Peter son of Lincoln. She will present a talk on "There is No Place Like Nebraska." Music will be furnished for the program by Ag college stu dents under the direction of Mrs. Altinas Tuliis. Finance Students To Vie for Prizes Two hundred and fifty fi nance students from 50 univer sities are competing for prizes totaling $900. They are being offered by the Pierre A. DuVal Foundation. The prizes of '$500, $300 and $100 will be awarded on the basis of greatest appreciation and best dividend return for the investment of a theoretical $25, 000 over a one-year period. "A careful study of the first reports made by students in dicates that the majority pos sess more than a theoretical knowledge of investments," said Pierre A. DuVal, president of DuVal's Consensus, the "Read er's Digest of Financial Advisory Services." Among the institutions repre sented in the contest are Har vard, New York University, Yale, University of Southern California, Princeton and many others. (tpen Thurs. 'til 9! Smorteit lines for !h thorteit diitemet between two summer points I Tennis to town . . . beach to dinner tablel Stripes manipulated wfth exciting 'Freshy-ness". Mitred Intrigutngly on cuffs and collar of the finely tailored shirt . . . zigged-and sagged across the flip pockets of the full-blown skirt I Cotton Madras In horizon blue, copper beige, pink beach. Sizes 10 to 18, Skirt 4.95 Mid-riff .....3.95 Blouse , 3.95 Sportswear, Simon's Fourth Floor Si New Sigma Tau Officers Named New officers of Sigma Tau, honorary engineering fraternity were elected last month. Serving as the new president is James Stoddart. Ed Bartunek was elected to the position of vice president. . Sid McVicker Nolan Jones will hold positions of recording secretary and cor responding secretary respec tively. Historian is Clarence Cunningham. Retiring president of the hon orary engineering organization is Kent Tiller. Students Receive Pay at Connecticut A new wage rate schedule for students which ranges from 55 cents to 75 cents an hour, and which will be retroactive to Feb. 1, has been announced by the placement office at the Univer sity of Connecticut. According to the placement of fice announcement, the new schedule does not mean that every student on the campus will receive a pay increase since no additional fluids for the st'ident payroll are available in the cur rent budget. Any increases given to students will be apportioned from money already allocated to various departments. Based on job analyses, the rate set for each job is a mini mum so that a department head may vary the date up to the as signed amount. The new rate schedule does not affect the number of hours a student may work per week. Even the Nebraska coaches paid to watch the two teams in action, Coach Bill Glassford said. The proceeds of the game will go into the grants-in-aid fund which pays tuition for athletes. point of view froi n sun-up to sun-down! Advertiied In MADEMOISEILI Bra .2.50 ; Jester Blouse . .3.95 Shorts ......3.50