The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Wednesday,. April 19,. 1950
JuL (Daily TkbhaAkcu v
Intercollegiate Press
Tha Dally Nebrssksn It published by tho studaota off ttia Untvsrmty of Na
vaaka as axprnuon ot students' nawa and opinions only. According to Aitlcl II
ol tha By Lawa governing atudant publications and administered by the Board
a Publication, "H la tha declared policy ot the Board that publications, under
Its Jurisdiction shall be tree (torn editorial censorship on tha part ot tha Board,
or oa tha pari of any member ot the faculty ot tha University but members ol
tha stair ot Tbe Daily Nebraakan art personally responsible for what they say
or do or causa o be primed. .
SubaertptloB rates ere (2.00 par semester, $3.50 par semester mailed, or IS.Ou
tor Um college year. $4.00 mailed. Single oopj 6a. Published daily during the
school year except Mondavi and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by
tha University of Nebraska under tha supervision of tha Publlcatlona Board. En
tered aa Second Class Matter at the Post Office In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act
f Congress. March S, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for IB Sac
Uaa 110, Act at October 8, 1817, authorised September 10, 1923,
WW,.,.,' " IJST,
Associate Editor ............... d" ".' " V.''Vh'J rZr. h.
L4,n,rtn FiitArtt .......... Bmce Kennedy, Gene Berg
NasEditors Norma Chubbuck, Poochie Redlger,
new a fcdltora WarrM1 Kent Axu, joan Krueger
.rf tm, .... ., .Kimon Karabatsoe
lrt EiiltaaJ Fanstar
Pat Wtedman
Emily Heine
........... Hank Lammers
mJKkiUimm mnilMM) 1 1 afcfaA j
A( Editor
Society Editor
Feature Editor
Keith O'Bannoo
AsUtut Busnlen ila'inrtr.HPh. Jack Cohen. Chucb Burmelster
Circulation Manager Kent AxVell
ytght Newi Editor "
Bookstore Predicament ...
It was rather disappointing to return from Easter va
cation to find that no action had been taken by the Regents
on authorizing the University book store to carry suopnes
other than textbooks. In view of the fact that the students
do favor installing such a business at the bookstore and
that no obvious reason exists for not setting it up, the
Regents must have some other motive for not acting on tne
Tiro to sal.
It wasn't that they didn't know that a supply business
had been suggested for the University bookstore. Members
of Regents had been approached on the issue, dut. no one
was willine to bring it up at the vacation meeting
The inertia or deliberate refusal to consider the issue,
whichever the case may be, has left the bookstore in a fad
predicament, because only the Regents can authorize the
MtAblishment of such a business.
It remains for some outside individual or organization
to see that the issue gets proper consideration by this Uni
vprsitv directine croup. Last year the Student Council man
ifested its interest in the matter, and it seems logical, if this
interest has survived, that the Council should take up the
Issue ASTcUXl
The Council has a list, compiled last year, of 20 typical
supplies carried by college bookstores tnrougnout uie coun
trv Tt investio-ated the purchasing cost of supplies, pricing
the items on its list from several suppliers and comparing
them with retail prices which were being cnargea Dy iocai
stores. 4.x. -t
Tim nnlv obstacle which the Council met was that, it
the University bookstore were to carry supplies, -it would
need more space to operate man it naa m 11s iocuuuii m
the Temple. This set-back to the Council's plan was obvi
ous, since the store hardly could establish a supply stock
when it scarcely had enough room to handle a book busi
ness. But this obstacle no longer exists. The University
bookstore is moving to a larger location in Temporary B
where it will have the space to operate a supply business.
And since there is no other obvious objection to the
bookstore's purchasing supply stocks and getting a supplv
business going, it should be tne uouncu a tasx xo see uia
the matter is broueht up before the Regents.
Council investigation has shown that the University
bookstore, doesn't even share student trade equally with
the other campus bookstores. If the store is gomg to insure
its own self sufficiency, meeting book-purchasing, manag
erial and other operational costs on a non-profit basis, it
will need the additional source of revenue which a supply
business would bring. Operational costs now come indirectly
out of the student's pocket, for the store at present is sub
sidized by the University. The students naturally are eager
to put the store on a self-supporting basis, and a suprfy
business would contribute to the store's ability to pay for
A supply-carrying University bookstore, centrally lo
cated, promises evident advantages for all students. As a
representative voice for the student body, the Student
Council has the task of pressing for the establishment of a
supply business.
atTfasssssaTssssssssssssssTMaailll 1
Editorial Briefs
. i
With all the hustle and sup
posed flurry that , accompanies
the initial planning of a large
exposition, something is bound to
always foul tlv: works.
This year's v .
Farmers' Fair
stumbled a lit
tle last Mon-
day night.
Then 18 bulls
on feed in the
Farmers' Fair
arena strayed
from the pen.
The reason
a c c o rding to
reports: Some
"citified" mor
on evidently
left three usually closed gates
glaringly open. Twenty wers in
the coral; all but two strayerj.
By morning, tho. Tom Dowe,
who is currently doing research
in animal husbandry, and Ray
Bohy, herdsman, had the strays
rounded up. Some Aggies re
marked it was just like home.
WITH REGARD to the new Ag
Union. ...
I was over at the agronomy
department and saw Dr. Good
ding about it all. In a quiet
manner of speaking that belongs
to him alone, the doctor related
just what the present standing is.
He said: "Well, we've had to
fight for the thing . . . are we
going to linger around now, or
we going to be ready to go?
At a future student rally,
whether to linger or go forward
will be thrashed by all Ag
Other old timers say that if
we young squirts knew of all the
sweat and fight that has been
endured in the past, we would
see that we have it easy going
now. All we have to do is okay
the measure and plan the build
ing. Sounds easy, doesn't it?
Another spokesman said this
with regard to just what the
Union will stand for if and when
it is built. An adequate Union is
needed on Ag, if for no other
reason than to serve as a "Hub"
to pull a pretty much divided
campus into a common meeting
place, and thus it is hoped, a
closer knit campus.
Each of these talks pretty
straight to me. And. come to
think of it, I haven't yet heard
one dissenting view.
MEN SEEN traipsing about Ag
campus with paddle in hand
aren't, as I suspected, snipe
They are prospective Alpha
Zeta. Men who have, as initia
tion haze, orders to acquire
signatures of all actives in the
honorary, as well as local alums.
The men also can be identified
by red bandanas, overalls and an
Alpha Zeta sign on chest and
back. This will be the official
ga-b until Thursday evening
when the men will be initiated
in the horse barn. Following
initiation, tho, the new actives J
win oe treated to Danquet in tne
Uptovn Union.
EVEN SOME of our nationally
planned agriculture programs
have worked in favor of the dust
storms. Some parents of college
of agriculture students who were
forced to cut their wheat acreage
this year in order to participate
in the government program, left
plowed strips implanted. When
the wind struck recently some
of these strips poured forth great
volumes of dust. Latest reports
also have it to be the driest sea
son ever in western Oklahoma
and Kansas. Could be the begin
ning of another spell like the
iiinwei i . mmuiiiM. j'ew.'iMl.e !."' siaMSliaeoa mu-sw 't
Jb I
jp Vy
I ml vim
TENNIS WIZARD Lou Pagliaro, well-known tennis speed demon
will appear in an exhibition performance Wednesday at the Union
ballroom. The three-year national singles champ will be sponsored
by the Union activities committee.
Ping Pong Star to Appear
In Afternoon Exhibition
Coronet magazine brings a breath of fresh air with its
current article, "Sex on the Campus." Reporting on a
survey of 250 America i colleges and universities, the mag
azine points out that sex standards on the campuses are
among the highest in the country. The article says the
poll reveals high moral standards among college students,
in addition to a "sober and intelligent" attitude toward
sex. With the current attention on sex tragedies in this
area, it is nice, for a change to get a sane, over-all picture
of college morality as presented by Coronet
Ag campus elections "as usual" are now being readied.
Filings for Ag Exec board, Coll-Agri Fund board and
Farmers Fair board are now open. Student interest in the
filings and the election is the only guarantee that well-
qualified, interested people will continue to serve the Ag!
students on the trio of governing bodies for that campus.
A current "hot potato,' loyalty oaths, continue to
bring cries of protest currently from the faculty of Cali
fornia university. Reaction to the oath, asked by the uni
versity's Board of Regents, has been reportedly overwhelm
ingly in opposition. The faculty members and students
have even taken to writing poems in firing on tbe direc
tive. Communism's threat to civil liberties thus continues
to garner headlines from coast to coast, in both political
and academic circles.
The college of Engineering, showing ever-increasing
Interest in all phases of campus life, will now produce a
juuvic auuut its scnooi ana engineer s me, to be shown
throughout the state. The 20-minutc, black and white film
will be loaned to groups in Nebraska especially high
schools, to acquaint them with the opportunities and bene-
iits oi uie university engineering set-up. The movie
should prove to be a vital means of "selling" outstanding
students of the state on their state universitv. a contHrni.
tion to the future of this institution which deserves hearty
Connecticut university fraternities are taking a big
iu ncip uneir puDuc reiauons. Tne Mediator, comp
arable to our Interfraternitv council, is offering n isnn
scholarship, starting next September, to a boy whom it
cuniaers oeservicg. me scholarship will take the place of
Connecticut's annual Greek-Letter dance and is one of the
largest awards at that university. The choice will be based
upon ie&aerEfiip, scholarship, need and character. And the
1rz::rr.Af or independent element does not fit Into the
fkiure. Cther a Creek or Barb male student may win the
& .ward, end every fraternity cn the Connecticut campus is
contnLutms: to its support Fraternities at Nebraska or
r -y other school might well consider a worthy project such
t tZZaxzz a scholarehjp, 1
Continued from Page 1
equipped with small lockers for
storage of lunches and provision
for hot beverages. This facility
could readily be located in pre
sent Crib space or in proposed
multiple purpose room area.
(6) Craft and hobby shop fa
cilities could be established in
area presently assigned for ping
pong, but which is not suitable
for this activity.
(7) Television-audio lounge
designed for maximum view,
wide-angle television reception
in comfortable surroundings.
(8) Tickets and sales booth
near north entrance for ticket
sales in advance of events. The
present activities office in main
lobby could be assigned as tem
porary headquarters to sponsor
ins organizations in advance of
major activities.
(9) Auxiliary checkstand fa
cilities convenient to north en
trance and recreation area.
N U Bulletin
Corn Cob present active mem
bers will meet tomorrow in 315
Union, at 5 p. m.
WAA Rifle meeting will no
longer be held on Wednesday for
the remainder of the season.
Meetings will be held on Friday
Cosmopolitan Club meeting
Wednesday, 7:30 Parlor XY 0f
Union. Bjron Carlsen will talk
on Norway.
Htunanitiefl romp will meet
at 7:30 p. m. Thursday in room
204 Morrill hall for a discus
sion of the Renaissance period in
history, ar'w music and litera
ture. Delta. Sifma Ch will meet
Thursday at 5 p. m. in 203 Tem
ple. At Cnlon dance lesMnt Wed
nesday at 7:15 p. m.
University 4-H meet in Ag
college activities building, on
Thursday, at 7:30 p. m.
Craft- Shop in the Asl Union.
Thursday at 7:30.
Are you tired of classes? Does
your table tennis game need in
spiration? Does your gal like aft
ernoon dates? The solution is
simple. Plan to arrive at the
Union ballroom at 4 p.m. today
and see a game of table tennis
played by Lou Pagliaro.
In addition to the exhibition
game which Pagliaro will play
with his tour partner, Hamilton
Canning, he. also has a trick shot
routine which is guaranteed to
make audiences blink their eyes
in disbelief.
Pagliaro plays a match with an I
imaginary opponent whi'Mi re
quires him to run back ai forth
from one end of the fcible to the
other, returning his .shots. An
other stunt is blowing a ball back
and forth across the net with
unerring accuracy.
Tennis Match
lightning called the ball.
One amazing fact about Pag
liaro is his eyes are so keen that
he can read the title on a phono
granh record while it is in full
Holds Titles
The holder of many titles,
Pagliaro plnys offense and de
fense with equal skill on either
forehand or backhand. He has
been reported to be "nimble as a
fawn, as, agile as an acrobat and
i graceful as a ballerina."
According to Bob Russell, spe
cial activities chairman, the
Union is very fortunate to be
able to present Pagliaro at an
exhibition such as this. Russell
continued by saying, '-It will be
a terrific show for both table
tennis enthusiasts and non-players."
It has been reported that once
a proponent of the lawn tennis nifY Stfttt fJVffie
game chided Pagliaro that a Jti i lulls
ranking tennis player could ! J TT. 'Fiieion'
easily beat him at table tennis. " r LUtllVU
A match was arranged with this
player, then at the top of his
tennis career and a good table
tennis player. For a time the ten
nis player was unable even to
hit the ball and it was not until
Pagliaro seated himself in a chair
did his opponent have a chance.
And even from a sitting position
Paeliaro won the match.
This is an example of t'-.e game
"Yeishea" is the center of con
versation around the Iowa State
campus, these days. The spring
festival is an annual event, ap
pearing this year May 11-13.
As part of the celebration, visi
tors will witness the traditional
play, -Stars Over Veishea," and
the annual "Vefshea Horse
Show." In casting for the hu
morous play, directors are look
Unionites will see. Tuesday aft-j ing for a president of the United
ternoon for 25 cents. Spon- States, two Communists, and a
sored by the Union activities university president,
committee, Pagliaro claims the A special issue of the Green
title of the world's greatest table Gander, campus humor magazine,
tennis exhibition player. will honor the event. In descrip-
lhe firey little Italian claims : tion of the issue editors sav ."Our
that table tennis is the world's
fastest sport and audiences
usually agree with him after
sperding five minutes trying to
watch the little round streak of
strength is as the strength of ten
because our hearts are pure, and
the same may be said of the
Greon Gander in the coming issue."
States Tuesday accused Russia
of shooting down an unarmed
American navy plane over the
Baltic sea and demanded indem
nities and punishment of the
soviet fliers responsible, lhat
accusation and the accompany
ing demands were contained in a
note handed to the boviet toreign
ministry in Moscow at 5 p. m.
The state department spokes
man, Michael J. McDermott,
made the note public and went
on to deliver an oral denuncia
tion of the Soviet Union for its
"astonishing lack of common in
ternational courtesy and . . . un
usual disregard of human life."
The note it
self denounced
"the unpro
voked destruc
tion of Ameri
can lives and
property." The
plane had
vanished on a
flight over the
Baltic sea on
April 8 with
ten crewmen
aboard, and no
trace of the
ship or its crew have been found.
On April 10, Moscow fired a pro
test to the United States charg
ing than an American plane had
flown over Soviet Latvia and
fired on sWiet fighter planes
that intercepted it. Those alle
gations were denied flatly in
Tuesday's note, which pointed
out that the ship was unarmed.
McDermott further called the
Soviets to task for decorating the
Russian fighter pilots who shot
down the American plane and for
their failure to help search for
the missing men.
The note emphasized the fact
that the plane in question was
under specific instructions to fly
over any foreign territory with
out the express permission of the
foreign government concerned.
The note pointed out that the in
vestigation by the government
has convinced it that the U. S.
navy plane did not fly over any
soviet or soviet occupied terri
tory or waters.
watch was placed on John N.
Grant Tuesday as police ad
vanced a love triangle theory
for the near-bombing of a plane
carrying 16 persons, including
his wife and two children. Grant,
32, was placed under strict guard
after it was discovered that he
had torn strips of cloth from his
jail cell mattress attempting to
make a noose .
The aircraft engineer's ro-1
mance with a red-haired airline
stewardess was being investi
gated. The plot failed when
Grant had a change of heart al
most at the same time that a
cargo-handler saw smoke com-;
ing from the home-made, gaso- i
line-filled bomb and jerked it off j
a United Airlines DC-3 four
minutes before takeoff time
Monday afternoon. 1
CHEYENNE, Wyo. The Den-!
ver and Rio Grande Western
railroad's fight to open the Og-'
den freight gateway vent to an
ICC examiner Tuesday for his ;
recommendation. Taking of tes- !
timony in the freight rate case, I
brought last year by the Rio !
Grande against the Union Paci
fic railroad and nearly 200 other
J - f
. x vf ' " f
r ui
By Dutch Meyers
After a nice long vacation, I'm '
back at the typewriter trying to
tell you what's new in tne wax
music line.
Actually, I'm quite disappoint
ed in the lat
e s t record
ings. There
seems to be a
s h o r t a ge of
really out
standing num
bers. Flanagan
has come up
with another
disc. As usual
it's an oldie
the Flanagan Meyers
aggregation. "Spring Will Be A
Little Late This Year" is the of
fering. One of my favorite vocalists,
Mindy Carson, has come up with
another honey, "Be Mine." This
song is sung all in one key and
the orchestral accompaniment
does the tricks.
The satirical versions of "Mule
Train" and "Riders In The Sky
are good for laughs, but I'm
afraid they'll wear quickly on
the nerves.
The favorites in the Crib dept
. . . On the latest record change
in the Crib I like Herb Jefferies
on "Solitude" and Sarah
Vaughn's ."Lover Man."
On the air: Studio B is doing
a six weeics series of Willy
Shakespear's "MacBeth." Start
ing this Wednesday at 9:15 p.m.
over KOLN.
Authors of the Ages for the
past . two weeks or so has been
doing a series of readings of John
Hersey's "Hiroshima." Because
of the baseball season, this can
be heard at the regular time
Thursday at 9:30 p.m. over
KFOR, or Saturday at 7 p. m.
over the same station.
Goodnight, Giovanni.
carriers, ended in Lneyenne
State and Local
LINCOLN The Lincoln El
gin Watch company plant will
cut its working schedule to a
four-day week for five weeks.
beginning now. Plant Manager
Elmer Jurs said Tuesday. The
reduction, affecting about 1,400
people, was due to the fact that
orders for watches are not com-
ing in at the anticipated rate, the - V
manager explained.
"Tha Sundowners"
1:32, 3:33, 5:32, 7:32, 9:33
'Deputy Marshal"
1:15. 4:05, 6:57. 9 At
"Square Danes Jubilee"
2:46, 548, 1:30
XM. 5:60, 734. 10:66
1:11, 3:44. 6:18, 8:52
Any way, and every way, you measure it
FIRST. . . and Finest lowest Cost!
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And remember Chevrolet alone
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Come in! See Chevrolet for 1950.
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Introducing Chtvroleft xdutlvt New
sw$mt 4ptmui aa Ot L
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xfr an.
New Lower Prices make Chevrolet more than ever
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F Assuring a remarkable degree of steering
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Er (in Fisher Unisteel Bodies) Supplying ex-
rtra vision all around the car-extra body
strength and durability extra safety -pro-tec
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t- Biggest in every way, for Chevrolet k the
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F- and traditionally, bringing you mor value
F when you trade; for Chevrolet can are
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nova cftn-AH hydiauuc makes
Giving swifter, safer, straight
line stops and embodying
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brake luungs that last
op to twice as long.
aTswHsan-mimi . i . al ' E.
feel J2Z i v-rx5SSisr-' P jss
TIm tfrMkM B Um 4-Oaw Was)
Convenitnlly titled under "Automobiles" in your total classtfed ttltphent fSnctary