Only Daily Publication For Students At Th University of Nebraska The Weather Considerable cloudiness Monday eool In the east and central portions. CDUmJ k. Vol. 50 No. 124 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Sunday April 16, 1950 flrn rn My. ft n UJ sr w v Students to Consider Ag ynion lAJWh Fee There will be an Ag Union, IF students support the raise in fees, which will be decided at an all-University poll. "This isn't the end; this astically commented Dean W. V. Lambert on the proposed building of a new Union at Ag. With the Student Council's approval of an all-campus poll on a raise of fees, students will have the question of the new Ag Union and city Union expansion put before Prof Wins Guggenheim Fellowship A University professor of chemistry, Dr. Norman H. Crom well, 36, is one of the Guggen heim Memorial Fellowship win ners for 1950. He will leave late this sum mer for a year abroad, which NORMAN H. CROMWELL Winner of the Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, will leave this summer for a year's study abroad. will include nine months of study and research at the Uni versity College, University of London in organic chemistry He will also visit several gen eral universities on the conti nent. The fellowship makes the study possible. A native of Terre Haute, Ind., Dr. Cromwell is a graduate of Rose Polytechnic Institute. He received his Ph D. with a major in organic chemistry and a minor in chemical engineering from the University of Minne sota. Dr. Cromwell came to the University in 1939 and became a full professor in 1948. He is the author of numerous techni cal publications in the general area of theoretical organic chemistry and has received two U. S. Public Health Service grants for research in the fight against cancer. Before coming to Nebraska Dr. Cromwell was associated with the Commercial Solvents Co., Wilington, Calif., as a re search chemist, and with Min nesota's school of chemistry, as a teaching assistant. Mrs. Cromwell will accom pany him to England. Tlieta Sic: Tabs Barb Schlecht 50-51 Head Barbara Schlecht, journalism school junior, has been elected president of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism professional honorary. May Lou Luther will assist her in her duties as vice-president of the organization, and Jeanne Becker will act as secretary treasurer in the coming year. Both girls are juniors in the journalism school. Out-going officers are: Eliz abeth Schneider, president; Mar ian Battey, vice-president, and Dorothy Travis, secretary-treasurer. New Members New members of Theta Sigma Phi will be named during this year's Ivy day ceremonies. Girls are selected on the basis of schol arship and participation in jour nalistic work. " Theta Sigma Phi recently held a tea for women journalism stu dents to acquaint them with the activities of the organization. This year members of the hon orary worked with Sigma Delta Chi, men's Journalism profes sional group, in assisting with the journalism school's annual high school journalism students convention. The organization does other work for the school, and at present, they are assist ing with publishing a pamphlet on the model United Nations general assembly. 2 lifctlt ' .fclll ..I I .... LiEiely Etaise 1 is just the start." enthusi mem lor tneir individual deci- sions. A raise in fees will go toward retiring a bond necessary ior me union construction, and towards operating expenses. The proposal on the construe tion of the Ag Union made by tne union Boards included the following: . Facilities Inadequate "As the facilities provided at tne Ag Union are grossly inade quate toeet campus needs, and the area occupied under an agreement of limited tenure; it is the considered opinion of the Union Board of Managers that more adequate facilities should be provided in the near fu ture ... "Any excess funds . collected by reason of an increase in fees previous to actual building will be held in reserve as collateral to support bond issue and will be applied to anticipated deficits encountered in initial operation period." The Board proposed that $100,000 be the sum on which a new Union at Ag is constructed. A low ranch-style type has been suggested in preference to any palatial type of building. With this sum in mind the Ag Union Building committee, headed by Jack DeWulf and appointed by Dean Lambert, has written to 21 colleges with an enrollment similar to that of Ag college, and whose Unions have been similar in cost Upon receipt of infor mation and plans concerning these college unions, the com mittee then plans to present their ideas to the Ag student body of what can be done with the pro posed sum of building money, Board Proposal Continuing with the proposal as prepared by the Union Board, it stated: "Within the proposed funds considered, it is tentatively planned to construct a low ranch-type structure equipped with the following facilities in rustic design 1. Multiple purpose lounge and dance floor. 2. Unit of meeting rooms with expandable partitions. 3. Fountain room following out Western motif. 4. Combination recreation unit to include billiards rooms, ping pong area and table game fa cilities. 9. Craft and hobby shop fa cilities. 6. Television-music lounge. 7. Service facijjties such as offices, checkroom, etc. Fee Increase Needed "In that fees based on esti mated future enrollments will not be sufficient to carry bonded indebtedness . . ., it is necessary that subsidization be received from apportionment of total Union fee income. It is possible that revenue producing facilities such as billiard tables will pro vide returns which can be ap plied to this difference." The Ag Union building com mittee appointed by Dean Lam bert is headed by Jack DeWulf. Other members are Dr. Good ing, professor of agronomy; Dr. L. Snyder, rural economics; Prof. Marvel Baker, member of the over-all University building committee: Miss Ruth Jones, home economics; Elaine Lsuer, Amikitas 6-1961; Ruth Kraft, Loomis 6-2137; Ruth Fischer, Love Hall 6-5064; Arlen. Becm, Alpha Gamma Rho 6-5034; Butch La Vine, Ag Men's Social; Rex Messersmith, Farm House 6-2436; and Roland Cooksley, Barbs, 6-4987. Students are encouraged to contact committee members for any questions or further infor mation. Britannica Jobs . Open to Students Summer salaries up to $75 $125 a week have been offered University students by the En cyclopedia Britannica, inc., in Kansas City. .The 182-year-old company Is in the process of expanding its distributing facilities for home reference. The duty of a summer time representative is to show parents one or another of the Britannica programs the 10- year Encyclopedia Britannica ed ucational program or the pro gram built around Britannica Junior, According to W. F. Craddock, jr., "Earnings, for those under graduates who can qualify, will generally reflect the chosen rep resentatives own energy, and the number of prospects to whom the program is shown." Further information may be h .Li.i A 1IT y 0 JjAnlr I i rtna riwA Vamaan rstvfl 6, MO. S&sxs-s- ti2rmmmmm' M i - f - 1 I " " ' ' ' V.rv.M J "'1 16 BOWLING ALLEYS This is part of the entertainment program provided by th University of Minnesota Union. Four other schools which have an enrollment the same as Nebraska's (8,000) possess a more improved recreational set-up than does Nebraska. Ohio State, Iowa State, Colo rado and Michigan State all own bowling alleys, in addition to billiard rooms, dance rooms and other , improv ORients. illlllllllii n1fe-H0fykC!l jJIB i.- no !: i m ULTRA-MODERN BILLIARD ROOM This is another part of the set-up which Minnesota Uni versity students enjoy at the Coffman Memorial Union. An addition such as this, according to a recent Rag poll, would find favor with many Nebraska students. Rated as most essential to a recreation expansion program by the pollees were bowling alleys and a billiard room. Students will have an opportunity to vote on the Union ex pansion question next week in an all-University poll. Poll i'o DeterfniEie Size of Ocsih ebrasfian It's up to you. On April 26 an al) -Univer sity poll will determine whether The Daily Nebraskan will con tinue next year as a full size paper. Subscription to the paper !s now 50 cents a semester and is included . in the tuition-fee "package" paid by all students. The enlargement of The Daily Nebraskan this semester has more than doubled the cost of production. Students' Choice Students will be asked whether they are willing to in crease the subscription price to $1 a semester to help meet these costs. ( If the ifesponse is favorable, the extra to cents will probably be added o the regular tuition fee and the present size paper continued; if the poll shows that the majority of students are against the increase, the paper will again be a tabloid. It's as simple as that. The committee on student publications,! when organized last fall, immediately Concerned it self with the problem of mak ing The Daily Nebraskan repre sentative of all interests on the campus. Decision to Enlarre The obstacle to achieving this goal was, primarily, mechanical in naure. The tabloid size pa per, ihe committee felt, simply was, too small to express news and views of the student body. iy . decision was made to en large the "paper to its present ieven-column size. Since the enlargement of The Daily Nebraskan, effective the second semester of the present school year, the committee is of Fee Hikes for the opinion that the paper is serving the interests of the stu dent body more efficiently. Additional improvements in the paper will be made next fall, if sufficient funds are available. An increase in the number of pictures is planned, and it is possible that wire service will be added to bring students more news of national affairs. 1950-51 Costs Costs of the large size paper for the 1950-51 school year will be as follows, according to R. V. Shumate, chairman of the com mittee on student publications: Printing and engraving for 150 issues, $27,750; salaries and wages, $5,400; and stationery, postage, photography, art, adver tising discounts, telephone, tele graph and ether costs, $1,000. This is a total of $34,150. Income tor the coming year includes an estimated $15,000 in subscriptions, at $1 a semester. If advertising revenue remains the same as for the current year, an estimated $18,000, the paper Will still experience a deficit ap proximating $1,000, The committee, however, has reason to feel that advertising revenue may be increased to per mit the newspaper to operate without loss. The per issue cost of the four page tabloid size pa per is less than half the cost of the present size issue. To Meet Deficit The increased production costs have caused an estimated loss ot more than $4,000. This deficit is being met by money earned by the paper in previous, years and deposited in the student publication fund. Comments from organizations which depend chiefly upon The Fwvure Daily Nebraskan for the all-important publicity, show that the increased coverage is appreciat ed. Staff members know how hard it is even to mention the many meetings and activities which go on daily on a univer sity campus when there is not sufficient space. And adequate coverage is impossible in a tab loid paper. Unifying- Force The group of people which gathers each year in a small area of Lincoln may become the University of Nebraska, in name. But without some unifying force, such as a strong campus news paper, the students are never brought close together so that they may all that is pos sible during t.ieir college years. Nor do they succeed in bettering the school to which they have given their loyalty. A strong newspaper crusades for a lot of things which might otherwise never get past the bull session stage things which can help both you and your Univer sity. Whether you consider this worth the price of 10 cokes a semester is up to you. IS Journalists Publish Weeklies Spring vacation was a busy time' for 44 Iowa State journal ism students who put out five Iowa weekly newspapers total ing 170 pages, and carrying $8,032 worth of advertising. The students gathered and wrote all news and all editorials, took all photographs, and sold all advertising. 'f Unions, 6Rug Proposal uplines digger City Union "Nebraska next" the campaign for the IMbn addi tion has begun. Members of the Union expansion committee who met' Friday afternoon decided that the drive for expansion and the main Union as well as Ag Union construction would be initiated Monday. Af ,er students have been properly informed on the increased facilities and finances involved, j, poll will be taken to decide whether the majority ol the students is inl favor. An outline presenting infor mation and proposals considered by the Union board of managers will be published by The Daily Nebraskan this week in order to fully acquaint each student with the situation. Shortly before the end of the first semester this year, students organized a committee to inves tigate the possibilities of obtain ing a Union addition or expan sion. It was stated that a Uni versity the size of Nebraska should have a better equipped Union. Other College Unions The committee later got plans underway to procure informa tion by asking other colleges to send some information about their Unions in regard to facili ties, already in use and also those to be added. Then about three weeks ago, the student committee began to promote more interest in. the program by displaying a photo graphic exhibit showing other representative Unions and also a large poster citing Union facili ties other Universities have which NU lacks. After student opinion was stirred by this display, The Daily Nebraskan conducted a poll in . an attempt to find whether students would favor and addition and still bo willing to pay a $3 increase which would be included in semester regis tration fees. The answer was noticeably "yes" in both cases. Recent Poll A convincing 98.5 percent of the 200 students polled were in favor of an addition while 137 voted affirmative for tne in crease. A list ; facilities considered definitely -ntial by tho board if the city campus Union is to operate effectively include three separate categories: Recreational, cultural, and service. Included among the recreation facilities are bowling alleys, a properly equipped billiard room, a ping pong room with no less than eight tables, a game room possibly combined with a tro phy display room and a recrea tion room for social dancing and limited refreshment service. Later editions of The Daily Nebraska will provide more ex act information concerning the details of the proposed enter tainment improvements. Other Additions Among the cultural addition proposals was included an in formal recital reception room. This would make it possible for piano and instrumental recitals, broadcasts or coffee forums. Wall arrangement would provide for art displays and seating would allow audiences of 150 persons. Service facilities considered include improvements for (1) fountain service, (2) multiple purpose conference dining rooms, (3) student organization offices and file room, (4) suitable offir ces and service area for Union activities, (5) a commuters lunch room, (6) craft and hobby shop, (7) television-audio lounge, (8) ticket and sales booth, (9) au xiliary checkstand facilities. Fee Increase The expansion committee sees a $3 increase necessary to allow for sufficient expansion of the city Union and provided more dequate facilities on the Ag campus and still continue a de sirable status of operations in view of recent enrollment de creases. Nebraska's fee has never been increased or, according to the expansion committee, never ad justed to conform to increased operating cost. The present fee is outmoded especially when it is compared with those fees of other Unions.. Ag Econ Majors Plan Organization An organizational meeting of the Agricultural economics club will be held April 18 in the Ag Union from 7 to 9 p.m. All un dergraduates and graduates in terested in majoring in ag eco nomics have been invited to at tend the meeting. The first part of the Tuesday meeting 'will be used to adopt the proposed constitution, and to elect officers to serve for the remainder of this semester. Lynn Cox, manager of the farm department of the First Trust company, will discuss the role ..of terjn management in ag economics, the job possibilities in the field. A question and an swer period will follow his speech. Governor To Address Ag Convo Governor Val Peterson will be the speaker before an Ag stu dent and faculty convocation Tuesday noon at the Ag Union. The talk will be at 12:45. Classes will not be dismissed for the convocation, according GOV. VAL PETERSON Will address students and members of the faculty at a 12:45 p. m. talk Tuesday at the Ag Union. The governor will speak on the topic, "Government in a Mod ern Society." to Jack Wilson, Ag Union con vocation chairman. The governor, who received an MA degree with a major 'n government from the University in the late 1920's, later did fur ther graduate work in the field of government. Fourth Convo Fourth in series, the convo is entitled "Government in a Modern Society." Previous con vos were aimed at acquainting students with current Missouri Basin development plans. Governor Peterson is a per sistent advocate of debt-free, pay-as-you-go government in Nebraska, and has been a leader in the program for maximum development of land and water resources in the Missouri Valley Basin. He now serves as chairman of the Missouri River State com mittee, representing ten mid continent states, and is a mem ber of the Missouri Basin Inter Agency Committee. Currently, the governor is re ceiving wide publicity with re gard to his proposed Nebraska highway improvement plan. Filings to Open Monday at Ag For S Boards Filings for Ag Exec board. Farmers Fair board and Coll Agri Fun board will open Mon day, April 17 and close Friday, April 21. Applications will be re ceived in 202 Ag hall from a. m. to 5 p. m. dally. The Ag Exec board is the gov erning body on the Ag campus. The sponsors general Ag campus activities and the annual Farm ers Formal. Robert Raun is the present head. Six positions, including on man and one woman from of the freshman, sophomore and junior classes are to be filled. Fair Board The Fanners Fair board plana the annual Farmers Fair, which will be held this year on April 28 and 29. The 1949-50 manager is Don KnebeL Three men and three women from the Junior class will be elected. The Coll-Agri -Fun board, cur rently headed by Jack Wilson, is responsible for the annual Cojl-Agri-Fun show held each fall. One man and one woman from the freshman, sophomore and junior . classes will be elected. ' Each candidate for office must huve a 4.5 average and must have carried 12 hours during the current and previous semptcr. The Ag spring elections will b held May 3. A. ? x i $ u 1 a. fir. '(A