The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday- April 4, .1950
Page 2
' Member
Intercollegiate Press
Tha Pally Nrbraakan M publ1ihd bf the atudenta of Iht UnlVeralty of tit
bruka, n expreaeioa of atudanta' newe and oplnlona only. According to Article II
0I ha By Lawa governips aiudaut publication and admlniatarad by tha Board
of publication "It la tin declared policy of tha Board that publication, under
tta lurladlctloa iball ba fraa (torn editorial aeuorehtp on tha part ot tba Board,
ar on tha part of any member ot tha faculty of tha Unlvaralty but me.-nberi ul
tna ataffot Tba Pally Ntbraakaa are paraoaaiiy raapunalbla for what thay aay
or do or cauaa to ba printed. ...
t)ubaarlpH"3 rataa ara 12.00 par aamaatar, t S M per semester malted, or 18.00
tor tba oollnse year. ta.00 .mailed. Simla copy 6fl. Published dally during tht
chAol yaar exaaot Mondaya and Saturdaye, vacatlona and axaminatlon narlorta, by
the Unlvaratt of Nabraalta under tha auparvlilon of tha Publication! Board. In
ured aa Second Olaaa Waiter at tha Poet Office In Lincoln, Nebraeka, under Act
of Contraae, Marob , 1H79, and at apaclai rata of poataga provided for In Sec
tion 1104, Act of Ootobar a. 1817, authorized September 10, 1922.
Cditor ..... rlta Slmpeon
Aaeoclate Editor "' Md
Hunan nr. Editors Buce Kennedy, Oana Berg
Mews JCditora Norma Chubbuck, Foocnte Kediger,
Jamr Warren. Kant Axtell, Joan Krurger
porta Editor ............... Klmon Karaneleoe
Ac Editor Jean Feneter
Society Editor Pot WMman
v.inr w.Aita Emily Heine
Pbotok-rapber Kink Lammerr
Br Joan Kruegcr
Buelneee Manager ..- t"!"L,'j,i"".f"?.?i
ii.utmt Biuinau Uaiiinn Tad Handolnh. Jack Cohan. Cbucb Burmelater
Circulation Manager Wendy Oauger
Might Newa Editor Poochle Redlger
Suppling Supplies .
Before the end of the month, the University book
store will pack up its stock, bag and baggage, and move
to Its new location in Temporary B. Situated just south of
Andrews hall, the new store will have a more centeralized
location, and business should be boosted. But more im
portant, the new bookstore will have room to breathe. And
T.1th added space, the store should be able to handle sup
plies other than books.
Several attempts have been made in the past to ar
range for a set-up whereby the University bookstore could
carry supplies . . . noteboics, inK ana an tne necessaries,
but numerous obstacles lay in the way. Now that the Uni
versity store will have the space, the whole thing turns on
approval by the Regents. We wish to remind this University
directing groj to consider the advantages of a supply
Dusmess wnen iz meets next oaiuraay.
The obvious tmrrjose of the store is to see that stu
dents are supplied with materials essential for th t, classes.
An eauallv obvious corallary to this purpose is that the
business must be healthy ... it must not be constantly
holding its breath, wondering if it can make ends : eet. A
bookstore which is indirectly a Duraen on tne suaent s
pocketbook fails to fulfill its purpose and in reality offers
no advantages to its customers.
' All bookstore operators will agree that supplies are one
of their most profitable income sources, that they greatly
increase total trade. If the existence or the university is
going to be worthwhile to maintain, it must assure its own
existence as a self-supporting business. There is no advan
tage in having the store unless it is able to handle its own
operating costs. A self-supporting store has been the aim
of the administration; a supply business will increase the
possibility of making it self-supporting.
When the student purchases books he naturally wishes
to carry out the transaction at the least amount of in
convenience. If he buys his books at the University store
it means an extra trip to some other place to obtain his
supplies. More than likely he will go to the other store in the
the first place. So a supply business would have two advan
tages in this respect: it would end the extra bother for
the student, and it would increase the bookstore s business.
If the bookstore, with an extensive supply trade, found
itself operating at a considerable margin of profit, it is
conceivable that it might even be able to otter supplies at
a special, reduced rate. The University store has an un
derstanding that it won't sell books below list price, but
it is free to sell supplies below list price if business condi
tions permit it. When a student, after purchasing all his
required materials, finds that he owes a 20, 25 or 30 dollar
bill, he is more than a little concerned over finding a way
to cut down on such expenses.
.." ' In the final analysis, the possibility of arranging for
a university bookstore supply business offers many advan
tages. The student would welcome such a convenience.
Editorial Briefs
; In the last few days before vacation, students will be
turning attention to Holy Week devotion. Observance of
the pre-Easter, services began last night when approxi
mately sixty pastors led discussions at University houses
and organizations. An inter-denominational communion
service will be held Wednesday evening. The annual all
University communion, followed by a pasreant. will take
place in Emmanuel chapeL Students of all faiths are in
vited to attend the service. In our eagerness, for classes to
end, we should not forget the meaning of these Holy Week
programs. School and religion do not exist separately; our
laim is an integral part oi our daily lives.
"Cinderella," the Walt Disney
production of the story book
heroine, is a motion, picture that
should appeal to everyone old
ana young alike. Filmed in
Technicolor, the picture is show
ing now at the Stafe. Enchant
ing little heros in the picture are
the. bold mice, Jaq and Gus,
who are vying to serve Cinder
ella. The film is a light, joyous
romantic one containing a great
deal of enjoyment for the adui
ence. Some of the well known
popular song hits presented in
the picture ' are "Bibbldo-Bob-
bido-Boo," the magic words of
the Fairy Godmother; and "So
This Is Love," "A Dream Is a
Wish," "Cinderella," and "The
Work Song." One of the laugh
highlights is the sequence in
which Jaq and Gus, the mice,
outwit Lucifer, the cat, to obtain
trimmings for a dress for Cin
derella. Although in the past,
Disney has avoided stressing
romantic scenes in his pictures,
in this he permitted Prince
Charming to exchange a honey
moon kiss with Cinderella.
"Blue Grass .of Kentucky"
Told against the traditional
background of the Kentucky
derby, "Blue Grass of Kentucky,"
now at the Varsity, stars Bill
Williams, Jane Night and Ralph
Morgan. The aetress is cast as
the conniving daughter of a
wealthy stable owner whose
horses are often matched against
those of the Major Randolph
Mclvcr stables. She is obvious
regarding her love for the ma
jor's son, Lin, and stages a clever
trick which enables the Mclvor
stable to produce a derby win
ner even though one of her
fathers' consistant winners is
entered in the same race.
"There's a Girl in My Heart"
Starring Lee Bowman, Elyse
Knox, Golria Jean and Peggy
Rayan, "There's a Girl in My
Heart," will play as the co-feature.
"The Yellow Cab Man"
Starring Red Skelton, "The
Yellow Cab Man," begins Tues
day at the Lincoln. In the role
of a zany inventor who just can't
avoid accidents, and who gets a
job as a Yellow Cab driver in
the hope of demonstrating his
unbreakable elastiglass wind
shield, Skeltcn tries his best to
make the audience laugh. When
he picks up the first costumer
he jams a whole city's traffic,
and in other scenes he barely
saves himself from electrocution,
from gaseous explosion and from
drowning in a bathtub. Co-starring
are Gloria De Haven, Wal
ter Slezak and Edward Arnold.
"Cheaper by the Dozen."
The best-seller, of last year,
"Cheaper . the Dozen", will
play in motion picture form
starting Wednesday at the
Stuart With the Belvedere man,
Clifton Webb, Jeanne Crain and
Myrna Loy in the leading roles,
it is the story of an American
family with 12 children. Webb,
playing the part of Dad, refuses
a request for a . dog "because
any pet which doesn't lay eggs
is an extravagance, and buys a
victrola for the 'bathroom so the
children may listen to French
and German language records
without waste of time. Jeanne
Crain portrays a lovable 16-year
old who rebels against her
father's Victorian ways.
"So Proudly We Hall."
In a return performance on
the screen, "So Proudly We
Hail," starting Wednesday at the
Nebraska, stars Claudette Col
bert, Paulette Goddard and Ve
ronica Lake as army nurses who
gallantly fought along side of
American soldiers at Bataan
and Corregldor. The film is per
haps one of the best coining out
of the last World war. Miss Col
bert's romance is with George
Reeves, whom she marries dur
ing an air raid and spends a
honeymoon night in a fox-hole.
200 Prepsters
See Ag College
Morethan 200 junior and se
nior high school girls were, on
hand last Friday for a Hospital
ity Day at Ag college.
. Miss Margaret Fedde, chair
man of the home economics de
partment, told the girls that the
shortage of home economics
teachers is most acute. She said
that at least 15 high schools will
have to close their home ec de
partments if teachers are not
' Student speakers told the girls
about opportunities for well paid
Jobs in several phases of home
economics. Miss Ann Chamber
lin, a Nebraska graduate from
Kansas City, Kan., told the girls
about home economics in busi
ness. '
The 200 girls and the teachers
that accompanied them also wit
nessed a fashion show staged by
As: colleee students. They were
introduced to student presidents
of professional and honorary or
ganizations on the campus, in
cluding Annette Stopkotte, Home
Economics club; Louise McDill,
Omicron Nu; and Connie Crosbie,
Phi Upsilon Omicron.
if ,:. : T V"
m m-l)
Br Pit Wiedman
Ship ahoy my hearties! Gam
ma Phi ocean liner was alive
with weekend travelers. Ajon
Farber and Mary Pitterman kept
the party up full steam with
inrir rendi
tion of Ohio
dancing. Mary
Hischier and
Lynn Eller,
Glenn Rosen
quist and Pat
Bechann, Pat
Berge and
Randy Ewing,
Jo Finney
and Leo Gei
e r, Knox
Jones and
Poochie Redi-
ger were among the adventurers
listening to the Nautical Naugh
ties. The Kappa Sigs have come
and gone, leaving an exhausted
but jubilant Nebraska chapter.
All blind dates seem to have had
"a wonderful time" at the party
for the visiting Kansas men
come again fellows!
TKE carnation ball Friday
night was a definite success.
Celebrants Adrian Hertik and
Cecele Benn, Cristy Lind and
Carol Strong, Bob Van Voorhis
and Jo Sorenson, will testify to
that. Also partying in the lovely
spring (!) weather were the Sig
ma Nus. Only casualties were
Lois Jean Olsen and Donna
Prescott. Donna tripped over
barbed wire and snagged a leg;
Lois Jean, not to be outdonet
broke) her ankle. Picnickers Bob,
Rogers and Joyce Griffiths, Tom
Podhaisky and Roxie Elias, and
L. B. Day, Jean's date, have
christened the site "the Ivy
Navy uniforms were the order
of the day for the Trident ball
at the Armory Saturday night
Officers- and their - dates at the
annual affair included Norm
Sothan and Barb Glock, Ken
Hornbacber and Ginger Taylor,
Virg Kendall and Elaine Melick,
Jack Fuller and Jan Liljedahl,
Jim Plummer and Lucy Palmer.
Waxhinrton An old admin
Istrative standby received major
headlines when President Tru
man asked congress anew to
enact the Brannan plan with its
dual goal of 'cheaper prices for
perishable crops and direct gov.
ernment payment to farmers.
In an 1,800 word message to
Congress Mr. Truman uiita
them to avoid "makeshift legis
lation" and get busy on funda
mental improvements in a farm
program he said would -assure
fair prices to both farmers and
As surplus farm goods con
tinue . to bolt
the national
price scene,
favorable ac
tion to the bill
gains more ' , ... - iL-
g r o u n a in
1.- R e vision
of permanent
laws relating
acreage allot- Mi'!
m e n t s and m
marketing Wilcox
quotas, to provide for allot
ments "based primarily upon
each farmer's past planting his
tory. 2. A production payment sys
tem for potatoes and other per
ishable commodities so that "un
avoidable surpluses can be sold
to consumers and used, instead
of taken off the market and
largely wasted."
Washington Senator Mc
Carthy received a blast from an
influential, member qfhis own
party when Senator Lodge R
Mass.) proposed in the senate
that a 12-member non-partisan
commission be created to investi
gate disloyalty charges against
government employes. Lodge
said harm is being done by the
current investigation by Mc
Carthy and that the present
method of congressional investi
gation "often besmirches the
character of innocent persons,
weakens the position of the
United States before the world
and fails to find the really dan
gerous individuals."
Senator Lodge added: "All we
can learn so far shows clearly
that none of the current charges
(by McCarthy) has been proved."
Washington Senator Mc
Carthy charged that Owen Latti
more is a Russian agent and the
real architect of American for
eign policy in the Far East. Sena
tor McCarthy also charged that
.Lattimore is the instigator of a
secret memorandum of Far East
ern policies.
Later, Lattimore released the
memorandum which simply
stated that Lattimore advised
against "premature or excessive"
commitments in the orient. Lat
timore stated in the memoran
dum that "if here is to be war,
it can only be won by defeating
Russia not northern Korea, or
Vietnam, or even China." -
Miss Goddard, after "playing the
field," decides that Sonny Tufts
is for her. Veronica Lake's love
story is tragic. Her fiance meets
death at Pearl Harbor.
"Wake Island."
"Wake Island" is the co-feature
war picture. This is the
story of a handful of American
Marines, outnumbered In all but
spirit, who stood off a Japanese
assault for 14 days. Brian
Donievy, Macdonald Carey,
Robert Preston, Albert Dekker,
William Bendix, Walter Abel
and Barbara Britton star in the
N U Bulletin
'Shucks9 Gives
Activity Satire
Presenting an expose of cam
pu activities, the. fifth Issue of
Cora Shucks, campus humor
magazine, will go ou sale in the
Union lobby today.
The theme of the magazine
tenters around a satire) on "ac
tivity" men nnd women. A four
page spread shows pictorlally the
pastimes of campus "wheels."
. Don Ballard was "announced 'in
first prize in the" Corn Shucks
this issue E9 the winner of the
essay contest. The winning es
say is a light treatment of the
theme "Our American Heritage
the Men's Dormitory."
Second prize in the essay con
test went to Bill Leonard, for
r ig instructions on "Improving
Your Bridge Game." Winners in
the short story contest will be
Announced in the next issue, to
ba out approximately May 15.
. Not t be outdone by other
tarapui organizations, Corn
". Ks l"'1 announced a contest
i-'nt a Com Shucks Queen.
' are Pat Berge, Nancy
Julie Johnsork M. J.
7 and Clo Ann Kaul. Bal
. ; i . s pr'rted in the magazine,'
' a 1 :itof 13 prizes will be
1 to tha winner. : .
' 'can Movies
' Vj Ilxam Relief
in movies were shown by
i I '-i fi- ity to their exam
i f t. the mid-year
T'friod. 1 '
. . jnivflme Inter-
cf a noon pro-
r , vas fi - lented
i ( i t'-n-
' ' ' - ' nt
:'(, two
Wesley Foundation council
meets Tuesday at 5:30 p. m. at the
Corn Cob officers will meet in
Corn Cob office at 4:30 p. m.
Alpha ZeU meets 7 p. m. Tues
day in Crops lab.
Campus Improvements commit
tee of Student Council will meet
Tuesday in Student Council of
fice at 7 p. m.
IVCF meets Tuesday at 7:30
p. m. in Room 316 of the Union.
Nu Med. meeting at 7:30 p. m.,
parlor Z, Union. Dr. Kenneth
Meginnis, Lincoln, will speak.
- i) f
.-and EVERY Collead-Most Men PREFER
Arrow Gordon
Yes Arrow's Gordon Oxford's are
the college man's choice! They're
tailored to a man's taste . , .
Sanforized, and Mitoga cut to really
fit. Your choke of buttorvdown or
widespread collar! Come in for
yours today! ,
Jofin Brown prefers fe shop
for Arrow Sirfj oi
John Brown t
arrow ffvirPr"
OXFORDS it f ip I
to ANY Jl 1 j MlH
White feW , r- Nf SmA
"ARROW Cordon Oxfords ere tops on my list"
said John in a recent campus interview. "The collars
look good end fit perfectly. The body is cut right,
doesn't bunch at the waist . a They wear and
wash well, tool Best for MY money any day!"
ARROWsiiiiits & ties
I've told yo eight ttmew Thla teem deatn'i hava any plumbing.
Anyway you doa'i look like a plumber to anal"
Four Week Tour to Cover
John Muir Mountain Trail
Here's a chance for students
and teachers to walk or ride the
famous mountain trail, John
Located In California in the
Sierra Nevada, the range is
probably one of the most well
known in the world. Two trips
are being organized by a Cali
fornia archeoligist - mountainier,
Joseph C. Wampler.
The first group assembles at
Lone Pine, Calif., and leaves
Whitney Portal July 16, arriving
at Tuolumne Meadows Aug. 11.
The second group will leave
Tuolumne Meadows August 13
and reach Whitney Portal four
weeks later.
Join on Trail
Arrangements have been made
for a person to join either of the
parties at intervals along the
way. It is also possible to Join
the travelers for as long a period
as wanted.
Travel will be either walking
or riding with animals carrying
the dunnage. The group will
consist of a mixed party of about
35 persons. Cost of the four
week trip is $205 walking, and
$345 horseback.
According to Wampler the
trail is "not only an outstanding
vacation, but an unusual oppor
tunity for natural science stu
dents and teachers to make ex
tended observations in one of the
largest wilderness areas in the
The entire trail Is within the
boundries of national parks and
forests. Included in the scenery
are Yosemite National park, at
the northern terminus, and
SequoiaKings Canyon National
park at the southern end of the
trail, Mt. Whitney, Devils Post
pile and others. These mountains
are the ones often refered to as
the "Range of Light."
Muir Writings .
Some of the writings of John
Muir included "My First Sum
mer in the Sierra," and "The
Mountains of California."
The leader of the trip has par
ticipated ' in archaeological re
search in the Near East under
the auspices of the Pacific
School of Religion in addition
to exploration and mountaineer
ing in Europe and North Amer
ica. Wampler's address is 1940
Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
References for the leader are:
Sierra Club, 1050 Mills building,
San Francisco; and American
Trust company, Shattuck and
Center," Berkeley.
Dsnab Band Joins
Dantcabb 15"
Summer Courses '
Study and Travel
A RARE opportunity to en
Joy memorable experiences
in learning and living! For
students, teachers, others yet to
discover fascinating, historical
Spain. Courses Include Spanish
language, art and culture. In
teresting recreational program
For detail, write Row to ,
firm New lark IS. N. I.-
"Tsx Bbnkkb (above) plays Hoagy
Cannkhaer. . . Star Dust, Lazy
Bones, Rockin' Chair, S others in
new record album "Designed For
Dancing!" Just like ALL 15 of the
brand-new RCA Victob dance al
bums now outl Featuring 15 great
bends, 15 greet composers ... 90 bits
to sweep you to your feet! They've
touched off a nation-wide dance
craze . . . everybody wants them.
Beneke's album is terrific! Get it
and all the others at
Auto Equipment Co., co Gold St
--v e
ILqqIi I
ililiillli sTjicrlna"
Ocnd&l heel Tiylsns
What a boon to faehion-conacioaa vomea
everywhere no heels, no itraggling teams,
no viiible reinforcement except at the most
important place . . . the tot. Ak for
Prim'a Batlerina nylmia aheer, flawlessly
beautiful, perfect for popular open and
ling-hack footwear. In Tiasue Tan or Downy
Beige. .
Run Resistant Seam free. . . .1.25
Simon's Street Floor