The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1950, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
r s SPRING HAIRDOS AT NEBRASKA Spring hairstyles are going up here on the Nebraska campus this spring, or staving at a neat shoulder length. Either way, the emphasis is on the neatness and simplicity of the hair style. Pictured above are three of the most popular hairdos on the NU campus. At the left is Sue Samuelson who accentuates her blondeness with a short bob. She wears it in a waving curl at the nape of her neck, with a pompadour wave in front. In the middle picture, Pat Baldwin shows how some coeds have kept their shoulder length bobs for the new spring lines. Pat's auburn hair is worn with a smooth wave in front and combed out in back and on the sides to accen tuate the natural curl. Joel Bailev, right, shows how suave the new "boyish bob" will look for spring. Joel wears her brunett tresses cut off in a bob in back with curls around her face. Spring Hair Styles Range From 'Shingles9 to 'Bobs' THE DAILY 'NEBRASKAN iCosmo Paper Cites UN Work An address by Chancellor R. G. Gustavson, .complimenting the students of the University for having taken steps to hold a model United Nations assembly, appears in the March issue of the University of Nebraska Cosmo politan; publication of the. Uni versity Cosmopolitan club. One way to find a solution to world problems according to Chancellor Gustavson, "is for representatives of organized groups to come together to study these matters from many points of view. As a result of such study should come recommendations and programs of action." Also appearing in this month's issue is a greeting from H. E. General Carlos P. Romulo, presi dent of the fourth session of the general assembly of the United Nations: and a message trom Sue Allen, chairman of the UNESCO committee of NUCWA, and of the steering committee of the model conference. It also contains a conference schedule and several other stories and messages concerning the United Nations activities at the University. Three Lengths Highlight Spring Formal Picture By Jane Randall. "The shorter the better," the most recent cry in hair-style trends, has graduated from "shorter" t "shortest." Thus, the shingle-bob has come into existence. This clip-up routine which has become a fashion "must" for smart coeds is best described by its shaved-up-the-back and curly frame-around-the-face appear ance. Some style-wise misses add bangs swept slightly off the forehead plus a wave over the crown to relieve that boyish or just plain "butch" effect pro duced by the reverse view. Then too, this innovation makes for ultimate ease in pro ducing a chic coiffure that is the carbon copy of a Vogue creation. A quick shampoo, the swish into place of a couple of pincttrls on either side, and a time-saver of a hair-do is fn the making. The hair dries in an instant, requiring no setting in the back unless a wave is desired. The latter becomes an easy task when a few drops of wave sot, several bobbie pins, and a little dexter ity of the fingers combine forces. Perfectionist. The shingle-bobbed coed is a glooming perfectionist when she greets the spring with her new "straight on the head" chapiu. and her suit or coat with the flattering stand-up collar, ac centuated by the ever-popular tear-drop earring. With all these wardrobe accessories to comple ment her hair, how can a smart girl miss? Now, this is not a mass move ment against all those who are gifted with long flowing locks. A carefully shaped and thought fully groomed page-boy is most appealing, to be sure. However, its glamour can soon become an unsuspecting gal's un doing. The shaggy-dog style or horsetail rendition are too easily acquired. Granted, those sleek creations are still in unceasing demand, but their popularity certainly isn't hurting the cute gals in shinglc-bobs any! I 'tahm felly awn Dvins is much too good for the footwear. Personally we prefer i 1. .. ...II mA Ihl Ilia til , . : ha snoes. i ney ICII nir mai mr win- people mai - . tMs yw ar. gojnR , unlucky writers. When this col- bf m3ide f lhe wjnter fabrics, limn was started, it was supposed j jv,e only difference is that the to be a humor ???? column in weicms oi me maienais -T-V.-4 ...u.4 tn ! greatly reduced make it. Last week, the boom was Clean-up . . . (Continued from Page 5) starting this spring: One-third of the girls will be taking April showers, one-third will be flying kites, and one-third will be out for spring football players. This last is actually official. AGR Shrubs. The AGR boys will finish a project they began last spring. i ney cut aown some trees men i troduced a and now are planning to replace : Delightful the empty spots with shrubs. Contest Open for Air-Mind ed Coeds Any woman student on cam pus with talent for writing about aviation topics is eligible for the contest sponsored by the Women's International Associa tion of Aeronautics. The contest, open to national and international writers, pro fessional or amateur, is spon sored to stimulate interest in the various forms of air traffic. Articles, short and long stories, and poems are acceptable en tries. Deadline is Oct. 1, 1950. Suggested topics are: "Flying Via Airlines." "Piloting Civilian Aircraft," "Radio, Movie and Television Scripts on Aeronau tics," "Round-World Flights," "Aeronautics of the Future" and "Peace by Air." Contest entries should be mailed to Mrs. Ulysses Giant McQueen. 220 North Dnheny Drive, Reverlv Hills. Calif. Heading the list this season in the way of evening wear are the white and pastel laces. These may be seen in either the short dinner dress or the full-length formal gown, black predominat ing in the latter. White, off-white, and pastel colors make a strong showing in the shorter lengths. Nylon tulle is combined with other fabrics, like lace and taf feta, and so is chiffon, but to a smaller degree. The chiffon dress is a minority choice with consistently high fashion endorsement. It appears in white with silver or gold beaded bodice, and in black, flame red, and pink strapless gowns beautifully draped. Ankle-length Favorite. In general the ankle-length evening dress is a 50 per cent choice; the floor length is a 30 per cent favorite; and the day time length evening dress ac counts for t strong 20 per cent. The percentages change accord ing to the place, but always the ankle-length predominates. As for the daytime length versus the floor length, the long evening gown is preferred at gala events; the daytime length makes a stronger showing on formal nights. Bare tops remain strong in all types of evening dresses. Sleeve less dresses with covered shoul ders are getting significant ac ceptance. The biggest short evening dress of the season is a strapless white or pastel lace, with snug fitting bodice and full skirt. The cut! oi the bodice sometimes has the pat tern in the lace etched in beads. and sometimes it is draped and caught in front with a velvet bow. Often the velvet is repeated in a narrow belt or sash. More dramatic are the short dresses in bright taffeta, the skirts having an exaggerated peg top, and bo dice interest being drawn to one shoulder with a strap, bow or rosette. Iiace Gowns. The long lace gowns have open necklines and covered shoulders. Skirts are full, tiered, or worn over taffeta petticoats, or pan eled with insets of nylon net. Beading appears on bodices and skirts, and a few of the more elaborate gowns are beaded all over, in jet sequins on black lace worn over white, or seed pearls on white lace. . New looking for evening is silk organdie in white or flesh trimmed with black lace. While not a major fashion, it appears enough to foreshadow greater importance for summer. Chiffon prints have not won noticeable acceptance for eve ning wear up to this time. Sep arates are conspicuously absent from the formal scene this sea son. T..e bouffant gown with pleated skirt or tiered skirt edged in pleated lace ruffles, or March 21, 1350 1 Ui'w-Js-'vj j , pleated nylon tulle, is one of the big trends. Starched chiffon in a rainbow colored print makes an all around pleated skirt. Another treatment is seen in straightline skirts, with small box pleats, the center of each pleat beaded to give a striped effect. Another trend in dresses is nylon tulle for the all-white or all-black dress. Crystal beads are used to trim on the white, either on the bodice or spattered over the entire gown. Black lace, rather than beads or sequins gives interest to the black net gowns. T no-Credit Class D raivs 'Gripes' Answering complaints from students at the University of Pennsylvania, a faculty commit tee of that school will probably take steps to decrease the num ber of two credit courses. MEET "MISS HUSH" . . . Tl'ESDAY. MARCH 21 MARTHA GRAHAM AM) DANCE COMPANY SPONSORED BY . . . 0RCHESIS IKVINO Jl'MOR HKiH SCHOOL ADM. 1.:0, (2.40, 13.00 (let Tlrkcti at Sludmt I'nlon, Cranl Hall, Walt'a Musk Store Syracuse Begins 'Beauty Contest lowered when this writer was assigned to write a column con cerning the latest in men's spring fashions. Well sir. we aim to please, so we're off. Please read this entire column even tho you don't want to. Who knows you may learn something. First of all we made a survey of the various stores downtown thai supply men's furnishings and we were surprised to find out that they sell clothes. We inquired as to what fashions are beins pushed this sprine and the general results are as follows, Light colors in suits and slacks. Combination suite that can be worn as not only sport suits but as regular suits as well. A tread to a more conservative style in men's suits, that is. one, two and three button, long roll, single breasted suits. A new style in shirts is poking around the corner in the form of the "pin point collar." It is a de viation of the old "Bold" collar which permits a smaller tie knot to be used. Also t collar bar is used with this new collar. It is sold in all colors including white. Surprising isn't it? There seems to be a war on both sides of "O" etreet as to the adaption of this new shirt. The South side claims that the Bold Look is out while the North side maintains that it isn't. Only the actions of the cus tomers will determine who is right. Personally, we like the new pin points. Miller and Paine is pushing their new cord sport jackets done with the Roy Check and Hound Tooth. They're kind of sharp if you like that sort of thing. Thry also have a 3-wajr sensation shirt which may be worn as a C.aucho, Turtle Neck or open collar. It comes in a great array of color rombinations and sells for $3.95. The newest in indoor sportswear Is the pajamas which are nice if yoo like something different. Cuffs, tippers, snaps, plaids and checks are all features of thU new style in PJ's. Next we hobbled to Simons and had a look see at what was new for you. Beltless slacks, weird new fabrics which have an lrridescent air about them are being presented under the lable cf "Desert of the Sand." Not too bad. In the tie department Reps snd big patters are still the style. The hand paints are still a large turnover item. Over at Magee'a Shirtcraft's Model "Z" (for ripper) is a big Item. Iff a good piece of mer chandise, but watch out and don't ret your tie caught when you zip it up. The Terry Cloth Snapons are a rood present if any of you gals are wondering. You not only can dry off after a shower with them, they're nice for Just plain lounging. A new awning stripe la being incorporated in the new models. Nylon loafer socks are nice if yon Like something new in If it s true ml be great. Over at Gold's the usual up to date merchandise is sure to be found. Pants with two legs and five fingered gloves are still the craving, according to the Gold's correspondent. One of the new items that seems to be creating somewhat of a craze are the white bucks and moccasins. Of course they always were the thing on the East coast and it has just been recently that the fad has spread to the cornbelt. If you want to see how they look in the raw, contact or observe Paul Weltcheck. Across the street at Clarks. the latest and newest is the combi nation sport suit and dress suit. If vou get tired of the drape of a SDort coat, rebutton the darn thing and you have a slick single breasted suit. Not too bad. Some thing else new at Clarks is the new light fixtures. Of course they can't be worn, but at least you can see what you're buying. This is the sort of thing we'd like to see more oi. One of the stores that not too many people are familiar with is Lofink-Thompson. If you want to see some smart and fascinat ing new styles try these people. Most of the merchandise is spe cial order and believe me the costs are reasonable enounh. If you want some extremely fine shirts (made to order in Oxford cloth and others see the staff at Lofink's. They tell me over there that the side vents and middle vents in men's coats are coming back. From what we've seen, men's clothes are as much subject to change as are wom en's. It's a cruel, hard world. Well, that just about' does it. As I said before, 1 don't know much about it so maybe that will exp ain this column. Some of the styles that have been suggested by various people on the campus are as follows: Passionate women that can be worn around the "?ck in practically any season with money and a car to boot. Powder blue Cadillac converti bles are a must for all men who wish to be a member of the social set on campus. This is a contention offered by a few Ne braska women. AH we say is hah. We'll be back to the usual drag on Friday. Until then, we re main ardently and odorously yours. Over. The Daily Nebraskan isn't the only campus newspaper to spon sor beauty contests. The Daily Oranee at Svracuse. N. Y., in- unique "bamson ana one. As long as you look good from v.n YufV r 4 vnnr head, the The Farm House boys will do a orange doesn't" care if you're little lawn raking. j ugly, cross-eyed or burktoothed Rosa Bouton hall girls will be , Hist so you have a neao. I The Orange writes tnai mc contest is designed to give a busy clipping their shrubs. Al pha Xi Delta will plant another flower bed, and Alpha Phis will be content to give their house a thorough workover with the us ual housekeeping tools brooms. vacuum cleaners, and dust cloths. The Tckes have already given their house the scrub job and are now sitting back and enjoying their spring fever. The Delta Gammas across the street are perhaps hoping they can get by this year without tak ing apart their whole house. "Maybe the windows could stand a little cleaning," one was heard to remark. But it won't be long before they too will get the housecleaning. beautifying uige. As soon as that big warm sun starts shining on the DG root lor about five days in a row there j will be all kinds of activity around there. Rugs will be shaken out the I windows, vacuum cleaners will run, and the glass will sparkle. And thus it is with the Uni versity houses as a whole. Once they get the desire they can do about anything in the manner of changing things. Students from these houses can still get a lot of worthwhile things done and still have time to be lazy and "think about the opposite sex." Later in the season natural or dyed fabric shoes in linen, shan tung and burlap will be good. chance for all girls with one eye. one tooth, and one nostril or any single girl to be called "Delight lul." Even boys cpn compete in the contest The only limitation is placed on students with wigs or toupees. Back to Nature . . . (Continued from Face 3) break all speed records down the campus lanes. Letting nothing stand in the way. they join the mass migration to the forest ; primeval. It's picnics, picnics. . . morning, noon and night. If any one thinks he's going to be the fust to open the picnic season, he'll be sadly mistaken, for a few brave couples could hardly let 1he thermometers rise above 32 degrees before they began pre-pre-pre season picnics. Camp! ires ace lit and oie be fore anyone will stir to find more fuel, the gals retire in one di rection, and the males in the other. At last, all University Cindercllas see 1hey must hurry I home under stricl orders liom i the fairy AWS godmother, or their ragged jeans will turn to rags and the convertibles to pumpkins, j Picnics and parties. Arbor day ' and Ivy day. . .it all adds up to that giorious lirTic ol the year reserved especially lor lun and j g. lines. . .Spring' AVm Fashions Point to Sheers; Linens Also TaUe 'Radiant9 Colors Tops in Woolens Colors that have a radiant quality are fashion news for spring which may be een in woolen collections. Again to the fore are coppery tones, electric and royal blues, lively navy, emerald green and blue-cast greens, magenta purple, and vivid reds, some with purple casts and rusty orange tones. In New York, new develop- I ments in the separates point in ; new directions for summer pro motions. I First and lortmost. sheers have popped up all over in new groups. Full skirts, sleeveless and camisole tops, aid luil slecved blouses are the formula all over. Sparkly buttons and velvet belts are the mark-of-the year in these. Linens are causing a lot of new commotion. Crease-resistant linen separates are being offered in skirts and short-sleeved, unlined, button-front jackets. The skirts are tailored, straight types or semi-flared with important pock ets. Slacks and long shorts are rriaking an appearance also. Tweedy Linen Now a tweedy-looking im ported linen is beinif introduced for summer wear. It is woven in a herring-bone pattern and has colored slubs. This, and a good-looking woven plaid linen (both based on natural) are shown in skirts with front-box pleats or unpressed pleats, in boxy-or-belted-topper-jackets with deep-puffed elbow sleeves; in a classic jacket and a young flarey button-up bolero jacket, for example. Spotlight Oflercd l"r contrast are solid navy or brown imported 1ittd jackets or sl-ies blouses. Tbeie is a solid linen duster, too. Multiple row of stitching trim some of the solid linens, and braid is used to acccnl ti.e tweedy linen jackets. Hayon jersey "chiijon weight" is added for summer. Tucki d and inverted-pleat fronts on blouses (with and without sleeves) are shown to go with gathered or unpressed-plcaled skirts, for example, and bright sashes offer contrast to the two parts. Eggshell and pink are some of the colors in this new group. Gaining Momentum Those circular skirts, prints and solids, aie gaining nmmer- turn everv da v. It has gotten to be the full-circle cut thi't is im rxirtant. as well as the bis splashv prints. For example, trends are toward a circular skirt in a paisley-like print done in bands and to the circular skirt in solid cottons Another summer skirt registering popular appeal has a low flounce which sweeps up in back. This is in woven checked-plaid cotton. The rayon jersey with all-around side cleats, too. is gaining in popularity. Open Thurs. 'til 9! SPRING WORSTEDS cr ' IJ i y i W M rq t ' i : f .... y " "is,;.l-' v : tailored by CAMPUS TOGS in clear-cut patterns alive with color Spring's your cue to color up in "lighter, brighter" shades . . . and our skillfully tailored Campus Togs worsteds have just that! Choose from unique patterns rich with invigorating color, in the 2-button single breasted model that expresses the advanced attitude oi men moving up. s50 Exclusively. Simon's Second Floor Your fit Comes fust at Simon'il QUESTION ? I)II YOU KNOW THAT VK PLANKING JUNU WEDDINGS AS EAKLY AS ItlCIIT NOW? AXSWEIK ! IIIIOP IN! SO THAT SOMETHING DIFFERENT MAY HE PLANNED I OU YOLTl WEDDING DAY!