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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1950)
Friday, March 17, 1950 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Can You Pick Six Beauty Queens? Contest pen to Male Voters Only I gC. 1 1 1 ? I '5 I A i i ' j 1 I p ! ;i ;d L-i- L . i ,i.Ldg.-l.... ..,.,..x. - , i' J I , " p ' ;. hr? 4 H( 4 -Z. I f ' . y 4' - 7 vvr r 1. -V A tL,,,. . "- -. iMifrr 1 1 'iiffc' ' 11" Jft mf Can you seelct the six 1950 Cornhusker Beauty Queens? Can you name Henry Fonda's selections for the titles from the list of 23 lovely finalists? Can you chose the sextette of campus royalty from an array of campus beauty? If you ran, you may be a winner in tne Junior Class coun cil's Beauty Queen contest to take place in connection with the Junior-Senior Prom. The contest opens today and is open to all male students in the University. Details of the contest are: Rules (1) . Entrants will use the bal lot printed today in the Daily Nebraskan. All entries are due on Friday, March 24, the date of the Prom, by 4 p.m. They should be turned in to the ticket seller in the booth in the Union lobby afternoons prior to that date, or to the Daily Nebraskan office, sifined by the entrant. (2) . All contestants must be present at the Prom to receive the first, second and third place prizes. They will be awarded on the correct six answers or the nearest to the correct answers. In case of a tie, the earliest en tries turned into the booth or Rag office will be judged winners. All decisions will be in the hands of the publicity committee of the Junior Class council. Entries will be marked as to time and date when they are turned in. (3) . Entrants should choose six coeds from the list of final ists for the 1950 Cornhusker Beauty Queens. The names of only six girls and no less should appear on each entry. (4) No member of the Corn husker staff or participants in the judging of the Beauty Queens will be eligible to enter the con test All other regularly enrolled male students of the University mav take part in the competition. Three prizes, a first, second and third prize, will be awarded to winners of the Beauty Queen contest. They will be presented at the Prom following the first f V IV 'ft : b i lv j f ; ! A ; i i v Ay i , i f ' - i f l, i t i - t:..- , f MMMMMMMWMW ' SIX BEAUTY QUEEN CANDIDATES left to right: Sue 9tratbucker, Nancy Dixon, Louise McDill and Jo Jcffers. Wiliams, Janet Loudon and Anita Spradley. Samuelson, Jackie Sorcnson, Martha No pictured are Pokey Bergh, Aileen D n BEAUTY QUEEN CANDIDATES Top picture, left to right Peden, Phllis Barribo, Betty Booth and Ann Webster. Bottom picture, left to right: Virginia Taylor, Bev Deal, Betty Stevenson, Dolores Bauer and Clo Ann Kaul. Sue Eastergaard, Martha Discus, Joan Anderson, Jan Champinc, Ann Students to Call Square Dances Plans are almost completed for the all-University square dance that will be sponsored by the Ag College Country Dancers Satur- d3Expei ienced dancers will take turns at calling the "squares from 8 to 11 p. m. in the Ag Col lege Activities building. No admission win ne i".u.i but, according to country custom, a hat will be passed during the evening. your frh church I BY MARVEL IMHLLIPS BAPTIST Sat., March 18, 6:30 p. m. Mar ried Students Fellowship meets for covered dish supper. Waldo Dahlstedt will speak on "Prison School Room." Sun., March 19, Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. and Worship at 11 a. m. in all Lincoln Baptist churches. 4 p. m. Cabi net meeting. 5:30 p. m. Baptist Student fellowship supper. Sol Demet will talk and show slides of his native country, Turkey. Thursday, March 23, waffle sup per will be served at 5:30, 6:30 and 7. p. m. at First Baptist Church, 14th & K, sponsored by Baptist students. Catholic Sunday, March 19, 9 and 11 a. m. Muss services, XYZ Union. Christian Friday, March 17, 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Fireside at Cotner house. Discussion subject: "Is Religion an Opiate of the People?" Sun day, March 19, 4:45 p.m. Chris tian Student Fellowship, third floor of First Christian church. Charles Kamp, executive secre tary of the YMCA will speak on "Psychology and Religion." Wed nesday 3 to 5:30 p. m., Friendly hi Cotner house. Thursday, March 23, 8 to 9 a. m. Bible study cell group at Cotner house. Congregational Sunday, March 19, 9:45 a.m. Student class at Vine church, "The Christian and the Separa tion of Church and State." 11 u. rn. worship services at First J'lymouth, 20th and D, and Vine rnurcn, zstn ana s. r.ju p.m. Sunday Evening club meets at First-Plymouth church for ves pers, refreshments, and recrea tion. Emmanuel Campus Chapel Sunday, March 19, 11 a.m., Interdenominational worship ser vice. Rev. John R. Lapke's ser mon will be "The Religion of Nothing-to-Do." Evangelical and Reformed Sunday, March 19, 11 a.m. Worship service. 7:30 p.m. Spe cial Lenten service on "The Beatitudes." St. Paul church, 13th and F. EpiHeopal Sunday, March 19, 9 a. m., Holy Communion followed by break fast. 11 a.m. Morning prayer end Chaplain's sermon: "Bread of Life." 6 p.m. Lenten supper and Chaplin's hour. 8 p. m. Eve ning Prayer read by Ed Miya hara. Monday through Friday, Evening prayer will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, 7 a. m. Holy Com munion. Breakfast following. Evangelical Covenant Sunday, March 19, 9:45 a.m. Students' Eible class; William Becker, teacher. 11a. rn. Sermon by the Rev. John Anderson of Chicago. 5 p.m., Students' sup per meeting. 7 p. m. Evangel and sound film on "Life of Paul." Jenihh Friday, March 17, 8 to. 9 p. m. "Non-Religious Wedding Super stitions," South Street Temple. Lutheran Friday, March 17, 8 p. m. "What Do You Believe?" Discus sion designed to give opportunity to voice doubts and questions concerning Christian Religion. Everyone welcome. Sunday, March 19, 5 p. m. Duane Sellin. Ag LSA, will show movies and talk on "My Visit to Finland." Supper and social hour before the program. Ag LSA meets at Student Center, 1200 N. 37th at 6:30 p.m. for .supper. Program features student-led discussion, "Living in the Church." Lenten I vespers will be held every Tues 1 day during Lent, 7:15 p.m., Stu j dent house, 1440 Q. Pastor Pct i erson delivers message and spe cial music is provided. Mif-ouri Lutheran Sunday. March 17, 4 p. m. There will be a grouiid-bie;iking ceremony for the new Lutheran chapel and student house on the site at lfth and Q. The Rev. Erck will conduit the service, and the student choir will sing. Dean Griesse of Concordia Teachers college, Seward, will speak. At 5 p.'rn. Lutheran alumni will assemble for annual meeting in Room 315, Union. Lewis Klein, state supervisor of agricul'ural services, Lincoln, is i president of the group. 6 p. m. annual student-alumni banquet. Parlors ABC of Union. Gov. Val Peterson will address the group. Larry Leubbe will serve as mas ter of ceremonies. Program in cludes vocal music, group sing ing, and various addresses. VIethoclit Sunday, March 19. St. Taut, 9:45 a. m. College i lass. Prof. , Albin T. Anderson: 11 a.m. Ser- 3CS.S10I1 mon: "The Greatest ivc M-uers Ever Written," Dr. Frank Court; 5:30 p. m. Wesley Fellowship sup per. Grace 9:45 a. m. college class, H. W. Deems; 11 a.m. Ser mon: "Begin Again," Dr. Har old Sandall; 6:30 p.m. Wesley Fellowship. Trinity 9:45 a. rn. College class, Prof. N. F. Thorpe; 11 a.m. Sermon: "Without the Cross," Dr. Theodore Leonard; 6 p. m. Wesley Fellowship supper. Elm Park 9:45 a. m. College class, Charles Olsen; 11 a.m. Sermon: "Who's Is It," Rev. Carl Bader. 6 p.m. Wesley Fellowship sup per. Warren 9:45 a. m. College class, David Sanders: 11 a.m. Sermon: "The Hour Has Come," Rev. Virgil Anderson; 6:30 p. m. Interdenominational Fellowship supper. Epuorth 9:45 a.m. Col lege class, Roy Sheaff; 11 a.m. Sermon: "Can You See Yourself at the Cross," third series, Rev. John Sheaff: 7 p. m. Wesley Fel lowship. Wmley Foundation Monday, Wesley Players meet at 7:30 p.m. Kappa Phi active alumni meeting at 7 p. m. Tues day. 7 p. m. S.T.E. meeting. Wed nesday, 7:15 a.m. Lenten service with Rev. C. Edwin Murphy, speaker. Friday, State MSM conference will be held at Kear ney. Wesley Foundation Auxil iary meets at Ag center, 1 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, March 19, 5 p. m., supper "md forum. Rev. Knowles wiil speak on "Christian Concept of the Physical Universe." Mon day & Wednesday, 7 a. m. Dis cussion of Bible and race rcla- in ths presentation of the six new Beauty Queens. Prizes will be cash awards with $10 as first prize. Ballot. The Cornhusker Beauty Queen ballot appears below: BEAUTY QUEEN CONTEST (vote for six) Betty Anderson Phyllis Barribo Dolores Bauer Pokey Bergh Betty Booth ( " Jan Champinc Bev Deal J Martha Discus , J Nancy Dixon Sue Eastergaard H Jo Jeffers Clo Ann Kaul Janet Loudon Louise McDill n Joan Pcdcn J Sue Samuelson Jackie Sorenson Anita Spradley n Ann Stevenson Martha Stratbycker Virginia Taylor Ann Webster Aileen Williams Syracuse Adds Bizad Electives As a result of recent admin istration surveys, the Syracuse University's bizad college has incorporated 11 more liberal arts courses. By the action taken following the survey, the courses were add ed especially to olfer a more var ied selection of liberal arts elec tives. New subjects accented under the college's croup include sub jects ranging from calculus to chemistry. The Muslum year is composed of 360 days; the present Muslum year is 1369 (1950). n (Name of entrant) (Time ballot turned in) MEET "MISS HUSH" . . . TUESDAY, MARCH 21 MARTHA GRAHAM AM DANCE COMPANY SPONSORED BY . . . 0RCHESIS IRVING JVMOR HIGH SCHOOL ADM. SI .20. 12.40, 13.00 Grl Tlrkrli at Nludrnl 1 nlon, Grant Hall, Mimlr Store EAST H MULLS 70th and South ID A N C E Tomorrow Night 9 to 1 BOB DECKARD and his orchestra FREE Booths and Tables Adm. 83c Plus Tax Sm ing green is a color as re freshing as the season. Begorth, 'tis the day for wcarm' o' the green. Not the day for your face to turn shades of emerald, but one lor you to feel mint fresh, j Do it with cosmetics, and cos- ! metic news is pastel news. Petal soft pinks, watermelon pinks, I pink velvet and pink secret are i new shades. True reds are here to I make you lovelier. Sure, and 'tis ; just a wee bit of blue undertone to some light shades for looking smarter in your navy-colored clothes. Dorothy Grey has a new color line in a true red, Cherry Bonnie I I Rubunstein has now swirled her ! pure silk into 12 new lipstick i colors. Guaranteed to give a smoother finish. Piiik silk is out officially the 19th at Golds. Top o' the morning. You will capture the tame tender look i i with Touch and Glow, Revlon's ! i new liquid make-up. It's a new j I powder base which leaves your ' skin petal smooth not caked because it contains lanolme. Powders are the same, but iow rier bases aie news, and you'll find Touch and Glow at Millers. Also at Millers is Deep Down Cleansing Cream. This recent Frances Denney product gives .. I vou that scrubbed feeling soap MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "Nancv Goes to Rio." 1:00. 3:07, 5:14, 7:22, 9:31. STNART: "Three Came Home." 1.011. 3:11. 5:15, 7:19. 9:23. NEBRASKA: "Johnny Eager," 237, 5:5!, 9:21. "House Across the Street." 1:15. 4:40. 8:02. CAPITOL: "Bungalow 13." 1-20, 4:2H, 7:35. "The Blue La goon," 2:30, 5:37, 9:15. Stage, 11:40. Continued from Page 1 Walter Willi, the special issue will include a letter from Chan cellor R. G. Gustavson, an edi torial by Sue Allen, steering committee chairman, and articles on the speakers and issues. This issue of the paper win De distri buted free. Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism professional, will prepare a report of the entire conference. Pictures of last year' confer through one of its committees, the UNESCO committee. Hill and water users love but none of the taut, dry feeling of soap. The watermelon pink cream changes to white foam to wash pore openings down deep. Be one of the "Eyeds" of March. Spring glows from your eyes as they seen larger and mot e beautiful. It can be done with Coty eye tint and the skill of your third finger. Golds have five eye tint colors to match you your mood and your costume. A free, tiny painter's palette hold ing eve tine, new rouge tint and powder base is attached to each 1 box of Coty tare powder. At Gold's, to change the interest command to eyes right! In the back room. Over col fee ti,.,.lo tr.llr about it. Now I I uji.. -..- it is for e veryone to know, n s the big Easter edition of the Dailv Nebraskan coining out March 21. This spring edition will give vou a look into the O Street fashions that arc wailing lor vour approval. Just as though you puked a four-leaf clover. You'll be as lucky if you own a belt of versatile aluminum disks from Simon's. Why? You can detach anv number of colorful pieces to make a separate bracelet, neck lace, or scarf clasp. The one-inch pieces slip together easily and thr.v can't become scratched or tarnished. You'll find them in costume harmonizing colors, in eluding true green and char treuse if you like wcann' o' the green. As many shamrocks as are on Erin's Isle. You'll find as many gay ideas as these St. Patrick's dav at Eastman's. For that boost to Irish laughter, there are dainty green whisk brushes that swivel like lipsticks, a pottery ash tray in the form of St. Pat's hat, a green, leather bound scrap book. JANE POWELL 'NANCY llnon Ofirn l'!:4.i llr I ntll e I' M.: OI.OH Ml Sll ll.l I.I ! ANN SOTHERN t.OI.S 10 RIO' HMlKt HI I I l A ( AKMKN MII1A.MIA I III I- C AI.HKKV EXTRA: TOM N JERRY 5 U IU AIM 4 If td H W NO wTj r If Claudette Colbert I v Putric Knowles mm:.: TAJIK no.Mir PLUS! BUGS BUNNY Cartoon NIEIllIitAWIM Lclmondson is piesulent ot inu- ' ,,. , . , , fii CWA. Sue Allen heads the jW JCllltil U 1 TICS the conference hteering commit tee. Other steering committee members are Irene Hunter, Janet Kepner, Walter Willi, Ruth Sor ensen and Jerry Young, ence and of the mock assembly planners are now on display in the Union lobby. The exhibit also contains scenes from the actual general assembly. The mock conference Is spon sored by the Nebraska Univer sity Council for World Affairs, tions. Tuesday, March 21, 7:30 a. m. Lenten worship . rvice. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OK FRIENDS Sunday, Mardi 19, 9:45 a. m. Meeting for worship. 10:30 a. m. Discussion period, led by Mo hammed Roeshan of Afganistan. Religious Socict. of Friends Church, 302 So. 23. New Fee System A new incidental-fee system has been incorporated into regis tration procedure at the Univer sity of Wichita. According to President Harrv F. Corbin. a flat fee of $23.50 was charged this semester, mak ing improvement in enrollment and accounting routines. This mear.f. that all students enrolled for more than six credit hours at the University will be charged the flat fee. Activities, health, department, course and library fees were combined into the total sum of $23.50 A special feature of the new fee is that student may attend any University-sponsored event upon proper identification and eliminate the traditional activity ticket. NOW) Re-Prrsents! TT ROBERT TAYLOR f LANA TURNER d VAN IIEFLIN "JOHNNY EAGER" ;T "THE HOUSE ACROSS ': THE STREET" Open 12:45 Mat. 44c to 6 P.M. CAMP'innOHL f t.-n i. N Jk Kldi He j AMATKI K MIGHT! (In Our Ktir H1H) P.M.? FEBRUARY FINALS! 4 TOP ACTS! 4m tlw Mrreen "Th Hlu l.afown" In Clor flu "HunialDW 1.1" TOMORROW Spencer Tracr In "Malaya' Plna: Tne Laaj lakra a Sailor" Sal.. March 25lh "Battleground" mm JVC Your Collepp Clothes Store Younger Than Springtime!' PASTEL JEWELRY JvHvh by I hi riil You'll adore the heirloom look of this smart r oMcl jewelry . . . perfect for sprin-j and summer wear. Antique gold metal finished pin, necklace and earrings ... a perfect trio and a perfect low price! Pin, Euringt, Necklace each itun tax AcCCAHOrice. M AGLETS Ehti Eloor V - : :'. .- i v