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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1950)
i PAGE 2 Tuesday March 14, 1950 Iho, (DailiL Tl&bhaAkajv ; ' 5.1 VEMTH Vt Alt i V 1 by tin students of iht L'tmermty t.f Ne r J and opinions only Arrordlns lo Artie e II f ibl..stl.n. ant admni.stere.l oy Ih. K..V llr ol tha Board thai pulilh-atlona. undei . s r Mimbit Intercollegiate Press FOKTV -SEVENTH ItAB Th Dally Nebrajkan M published by Braaka ai .xpresaion 01 aiuucn.. i.. . of ma dj t-m m ---- - -- .... of Publications, "It la ma declared po. r ""- 7 . rt . B,mr(1 It. jurtadlctlon shall bs h ot ll,. faculty ot th- but msmhsr. ol scnooi year - .nervUuon of th. Publications wni r.n fh I nlverftlty 01 nrum'na ........ - ., h.hki uiuler API n-' . I k r, . , fimni r I THF HATTY NTFRRASKAN 1 1 1U i a, A a a. - " - MBaslassss. .vV - Ia Eiiriiiccriiig 0cn House to Show rt 14 ini Architectural, Irrigation Displays 53 w.a- ! BY JOAN ktuixier "My Foolish Heart" College students both Uiuyh and cry over "My Foolish which will be held over at tna oai L i. u. EDITORIAL Editor Aanoclats Editor Managing Editors Nsws Editors ' Sports Editor An Editor Society Editor Featurs Kdltor Pbotographsr Bualneal Manatr Assistant Bumneas Managers Circulation Manager Might News Editor Fritz Pimp'or HMme Kecil "".V Bril'c. 'Kennedy. C.ene Brig Norma L'liul'tiuek, PoochH Rcditier. J"y Warren. Kent Axleli ..... Kimon Karanatam Jean FenHtei ' Pat Wledmai .. Emily llelni Hnnk Ijmmirf BVSINEflS IllTed Randolph, Jack Cohen Keitn O Bnnnon Chii-h Ktirmemtei .. Wendy '".fi'icei . . Pontine Re.tlfcer Exam Solution mu. . of,i:,ntr nrnhlpm is not a dead letter. And. stua'.t. li s the inc caoiu ""b i . . . i,lstorv ol hei- ...t,- n. faltv members meet today 10 coiibiuci u.v Mjkc ()f . . 1L :n tobo tViAir nlaees with open, the Canadiiin problem, we nope mey wm ,.;. Northwest w hmiA their attitude is directea iowaiu iuiuib Mounted I'o- at the State through Tuesday. It's the story ol Susan Haywatd. stu dent at an exclusive Kills' school and Dana Andrews, a playboy. Simple and clever, it holds in terest and amusement lor col lege students especially. "Mrs. Mike" Out of the memorable novel by D e n e d iet and Nancy F r e e d m a n comes the mo tion picture, "Mrs. Mike," starting Wed nesday at the minds, we nope uieu ounuui nium.ic u . u- lu. wm Wp hone their attitude is not lice (D i c k Knwr a SOlUUon iu uic ---r Powell) who meets Kvelyn Keyes nnp of stubborn determination against any action Dy uic 0 Bl)Ston Although Mike warns -J-. 11.. .:tt nn oil iiu. iii ini ...i...ii...i faculty to remeay lc By Pat Wlei'niaii The newest comparison ol quiet has been connected to tlic Hoys" Dorm II. Ever since the last stupendous water battle on the third floor, a semester ao dociors have stopped r e c- 0 in m e n d- 1 n K Shady Hest and have certified the peace of D o r m B. Could it be that the Uni versity Re- i Hents have siiuelched the natural b o v- ishness of the Wiedman Dorm inhabitants? Newest members of the Disc Jockeys' Union are Gloria 1'in ney and Nancy Miller. All fan letters must be addressed to the Theta house. Another new in novation, in the St. Patrick's Day line, is the green sock party planned by the Beta Sins for Friday night. Dale Bunson and Kathy Baker, Harold (Iloystein :ind JoAnn Meyers, Carl jfcs ; ana. .4' Hueb- lier :mrl Ruth Alrr will check their shoes at the door, prior to ! tim :mrl rrons to be crown are 1 dancing to the music of Walt rietermincd by the chemist and The public will have an oppor tunity to see tools and method uaed in training lor farm archi tecture and irrigation work, at the Ag Engineering building open louse on Wednesday at 7:30 u 1.1. 'ihe importance of training foi these phases ol. agricultural en gineering is shown by the fact that the practice of irrigation, beyun in the arid west, has spread over nnst ol the United States. Some" 20 million acres of farmland have been made pro ducti"e through irrigation. Forty per cent ot the nation's construction work is done on farms, and a vast, field is open to those trained in agricultural construction work. Those work ers have much to do with ad vancing the standards of living for farm families. An irrigation project involves the cooperation of several agen cies. The amount of precipitation in an area is determined by the weather bureau. Water streams above and below ground are sur veyed by the U S. Geological Survey or the state engineer. Quality of water, soil classifica- sty (li'ff''' -.srf as MIKUle' w.f". ..' ,nTi .wwl -mr uiiy iu iciuvujr i wilderness The matter is not too far in the past ior iacuuy iovc in is touiih. -she is in p with him mui thev cot mu- .-.Ii-, Iflfonco fnr ni;irripH. Tho film tells ot their bers to have forgotten tne issues. iu - , struBRlcg from post , post aftPI. exam stealers was that the emphasis placed on tinais maae, a cruel cpiriemic it diphtheria. ... , 1- tUof o flunk on the exams which kills their first child. At them fear the tests ana realize umt a . lnst Mrs. Mike ,, ises courage and mio-ht mean a flunk for the whole course. This argument . starts biU.k for I!ostl,n but en has had the support of students, the Council and many, routeh,,. a change of heart and instructors. It does not mean that they, or The Daily Je- S;uK.ei.s hraskan condone these low practices, and we can hardly ( The bi)fiinR st01.ies ()f tlic "fiy , , i t f;th in the stu- '"R saucer" scare which startled blame faculty members who have lost taitn in me tiu the dent's Standards. , , , .. f 1 years, have been incorporated But the problem must be met. And the solution cn- inl0 the niot ion picture, "Fiy- r j ; itil nnA YV ran condemn the students for ing Saucers." starring Mikel Con- fered is a practical one. vve can tonuci. their actions, but we feel that de-emphawzing l inais is V;ll,tv the remedy which shows more promise for relieving tne Co.teiiUirc js .Thc piriltcs of rrohlpm Capri," the storv of the mystcr- Cuttine down the important phase of the proposed .ous Captain Sirocco, played by tuning uuwii lui , 1 .v,inh hnvo Louis Havward, who led his pi- solution, does not end the list of suggestions which have, t. (hc hppn nffprpd as a sincere, mature remedy tor exam steal- 0, NiiplcSi n,ui ,ie woman he in- The senate must also turn its attention to the possi bility and desirablity of giving more short tests to com pensate for de-emphasizing finals. It must consider the effect of designing examinations so that they test the students's ability to think and reason, not his ability to memorize. It must look into the suggestion that the Uni versity take a definite stand on cneaung anu insist. u Goodbrods combo. Top o' the morning' to you gang! New York, New York what a wonderful town, The Bronx is up and Bob Park ers battery Is down. ncronnmist. From then on, the Ag engineer takes over, planning the irriga tion system He must plan land leveling operations, establish supply ditches and drainage r.. i, i ,.v, .!, iirAiiri : svstems. Throughout, he must curt of ISA sweetheart Phyllis i pay close attention to thc find- i . .; ac . ' ...,.,vtvnsi,i,inis in Ac E 2S4. rcclama- S the flow ot wiuer from the permanent. inst.:,l irrigation pu.flp. This is the only hydrau hes lab o , he University campus. Picture left to righ arc Leon I leice, Howard Hogan, Ken Sughroue, worm i-ieii anu mit v-w...-. lull iisnii. Viewine the nresenta- tion of the candidates for na tional recognition were Vernon .loy and Jer Merritt. Paul Hathaway and Darlene Imirr. Former braus were floodinc the Gamma Phi Beta house with condolences and congratulations when Jane MrCuaic and Paul Weltcherk announced their steady deal Saturday nieht. Steady Deals: Barb Glock and Norm Sothan. Pinned: Jean Oaks and Dick Armstrong. loved, Binmc Barnes. Thc cap tain is officially known as a count who is engaged to Miss Barnes. However, she is in love with thc mysterious captain, and the climax occurs when Hay ward reveals his true idenity. "Western Renegades" e, ..i:. ... ik. VCl olLV LttnC a. ucluiii-v owiw.v v. o - oiiiiiiu r i nui v ctl oil; iiuti:i 4. t nnf Vir AT T. faeilltV members. It mUSt: theater will he .Tnhnnv M:i,-. take UP the proposal that instructors should not oke about Brown in 'Western Renegades, idtvc up iijc P1"!'"-' . , icQ cri-oatpr rirr Lovers of horses wil enioy this cheating on examinations and should exercise gieater care fj)m is .,r,llstv -Savcs in the matter of keeping exam questions secret. I a Life," another of the Rutsy We repeat that we do not condone exam stealing but; series, that this solution of de-emphasizing exams bears a closer -The Big steal'' resemblance to beine a practical solution. We repeat thatl With Bob Minhcm in the star the proposal could not be set up as a rigid standard . tor c. -The Bjr srni .begin all courses but that it would be applicable to most classes. 7on Qlics, Ulc s)orv (lf cxpioi. The fate of the problem lies with the factuly senate. The tations along the Amazon River, students have no vote in that powerful body. We only can the second feature, hope that they will face the problem with their minds "Three Came Home open to the proposals and with their sole objective that of ciaudettc Colbert in the trying to wipe this plague from the campus. wj open 't the stuart Wedncs. day. It is the stirring talc of an American mother, her little boy, and her husband, held prisoner by the Japanese for three years in a Borneo concentration camp. "Nancy Goes to Rio" Starting Tuesday at the Lin- 2 Big eeven cuilicicncc maiuiiuuai. (.(,ln wjn be ..NalK.v Goos t0 Tha rnrnhnsUprs havp in realitv. accomplished feats i?,n" roiietie stnrientv sepino thp during the past two seasons which few fans realized could sneak preview of the picture a be accomplished. In the conference basketball tournament, Xl?lm&X of both seasons in Kansas city, tne nusKt-is iinihiit.-u m seventh place with eight teams competing. But when regular season play ended each year. Ne braska had battled its way to a share of the Big Seven crown. For a team which had been considered a none-too-strong candidate for the championship, these were feats which deserve much credit. Aa fnv fViia tmar'a tonm nrnhnhlv flip hisTPPst factor in its 16 won, 7 lost record was the team play displayed Moms, jams Paige and urucc by every Husker competitor. Again and again, it was "'wi'.open T aMhe evident that Nebraska had a group of men who realized Nebraska theater. The film is that team play produced winning scores. the story of a young managing o l,oo ooi,t V,o T-TimbcrH uprp liirUv in vein- editor who tries to combat a ning several of their games this season. Maybe winningj ,,uThepl'c,. close games can oe caiiea iuck, dui ior our money, it incnn.- Eager. mm p7 BY GEORGE WILCOX International London Prime Minister Cle ment Attlee ruled out once more . through Mo any new approach to the Soviet I Washington, Union ior outlawing uie aiuiun. and hydrogen bombs. Attlee told the house house of commons. "I do not think a new approach would get liv ings of the other agencies. Opportunities for great work are open to thc Ag engineer in the farm construction field. Since consultant architects have little to do with farmers, it is up to the Ag engineer to give him the expert skill and care for detail which the farmer would not have otherwise. The farm architect must cor relate his work with thc ma chinery to be used, with refrig eration, heating, water suppily and other factors. Since. farm buildings arc bas ically thc same as they were thirtv years ago. a need for new research and development is needed. The public may sec how thc problems of farm construction, irrigation, and engineering in j general are being met by attend i ing thc Ag Engineers' open 1 house. i y . 1 f'A -3 ' V J ; - r y I II Champions Again . . . Congratulations go to Nebraska's basketball team and Coach Harry Good for their repeat performance in sharing the Big Seven conference cnampionsnip. er the difli- (f culty. which is the unwill- f i n g n e s s of Russia to co- ; operate." A Laboritc in the house " o f commons prompted the Prime Minis- vIm , a 4sen vsttw world, includinR China and Yug oslavia and most of their busi ness with the Soviet satellites loscow. It is noted in that there has bfen a relaxing- on the part of Rus sian diplomats toward newsmen and other persons. Washinn-ton Senator Mc Carthy continued a trend of Con gress in a new spy nuiu oy uck ing off to a senate foreign rc Intinns committee the names of cijio rlpiiiirtment enlDlovecs he INSTRl'CTIOV BY DEMONSTRATION Students watcn a Dem onstration of thc use of the carpenters square in roof construction. M. G. McCrcight, instructor in Ag E 7 lao metal wuikmg, g.ves the demonstration. N U Bulletin Board p. m. Wednesday. All members are urged to attend. Wesley Foundation Lenten services will be held at 7:15 a. m. Wednesday. rdi milS rail inmiu nm la Tuesday. Tuesday at 5 p. m. Scabbard and Blade pledges i Kosmet kluli meets Tuesday fat will meet at 7 :3iT p. m. Tuesday I 7 p. m. in thc Kosmct klub room. state department employees ne Armory. No active meet- says have displayed communistic 1,1 - sympathies. State and Local Housing developments in Lin coln reached a new stage HTIVA Publicity committee meets Tuesday at 5 p. m. in Room r 313 of the Union. Corn Cobs meet at 5 p. m Gustavsoii Plans Talk on Science one laugh out of it. Starring Jane Powell and Ann Southern. it depics Jane as a young girl who tails in love. Thc only thing wrong with this setup, is that the man she chooses happens to prefer her youthful actress mother. "House Across the Street" With a cast headed bv Wayne co-feature ;s "Johnny "The Lady Takes a Sailor" the team has courage, ability and drive to come through I When "the Chips are down. Making a comeback perform- rriU f , r, Innm r. .1 n twW- Kn nmr nil t r alien :it Dip ("".-milii! l:irtinf Sat- 1 iiC SULtCa UL LUia )IUI O caill vniilivi. 1 hilu vv. ..... w -- - --I r. any one person or player. Credit goes to the coach, to the. ..isst Le Wyman! players and to their obvious attitude that, man lor man, ncnnis Mlt.Hn and Eve Anien. 4 Vt Air iirnvA Vf t or V i n tViftir r i mnnpn t I Tli i- u i-t lum i 1 1 u u t 1 h fiiT:i nV Editorial Briefs Tlie varn begins at the ocean s bottom and winds up in the sea 1 of matrimony, otfcnng plenty of laughs. "Malava." starring Spencer i Tracy, James Stewart, Sydney Greenstrect and John Hodiak, is thc co-fcaturc. "The Blue Lagoon" "Thc Blue Lagoon." si... ing Wednesday at the Capitol, traces the adventures of a boy and a 'krocli3 Ktnrlents Kppm narticularlv adept at kicking the gift horse in the mouth. Not only did they cast dis ramnn rnmarUe n thp stones t)iled ud on the carillon lower, but last year the very bought of a chance Jor i CX grow scholarship seemed to bore them. Since only 400 to 4o0 up thpi(? wjtnout thc aid of adults 6tudents applied for scholarships, and since not all of these i nr civilization. The setting is applicants were eligible, many of the offers went un- filmed in the Fiji Island. i' Ann ,..oo oo oo-ain nn thn HneUpt this Co-feature is "Bungalow 13. ciaimeu. ixw.., aa..o ".j" ti ,; starring Tom Connoly. vear for students who offer the highest bids with the y. . . n . .i i.. i.:u highest grades. Kequirements are relatively easy . . . ms" grades, a comprehensive exam and in many cases, a need for financial assistance. Those students who have main tained high marks deserve a chance for these awards. We hope that anyone who believes he is eligible will investi- nofn ha r,ffar anr? that nr sehnlnrshins will ?o ttn- gaic bin. vj... . ....... 1 o claimed this year. Such oportunities represent the mark of! democracy ano progress in eaucauon. Mlni ter to make the assertion. Wilcox The Laboritc, Norman D. Dodds. asked the Prime Minister "Will the prime minister take thc ini tiative in calling a conference lor the purpose of endeavoring to tind ways and means of out- ' lawing the hydrogen bomb and I all atomic wcaixins in view ol the desire of the people that he should do so?" Altlrr rcnlied that the initi ative had already been taken as long ago as 1945. We have been prrssing the matttr continuously and it is now before the I'nited Nations." Winston Churchill. Conserva tive candidate for Prime Minis ter, had aroused world comment with his proposal of a new top level approach to Joseph Stalin in thc recent British elections. New York Rumors of "Rus sian deals" hit a new high with the report of the New York Times that United States o! fi nals believe thc Soviet Union is making a new effort to arrange a "spheres of influence" deal with this country. James Reston : in a Washington dispatch re ports: I I. The Soviet I'nion is tryiiiR to minimize or eliminate westrrn influence in all communist sate- lile states. 2. Arrange a two-world settle ment with the I'nited Stales under which the western nations unnlri a Hunt a hands-off policy throughout the whole communist l.A Lincoln builder broached , Tuesday. All workers should lur Prairie in ,iip pitv rnuncil a rilan for a low-cost co-operative housing project. . 2. A Huskervillc resident urged the council 1o set machin ery in motion to permit indi vidual construction of homes at the aii-basc. .1. City Counrilwoman lern Hubbard Orrtic returned to the citv housing authority her rc- . r : . : n . I w. n l.f I lie quest ior an iiivt-wfianw. . , possibility of having low-cost h housing at the airbase. turn in salcsbooks Schooner." Wednesday. AIEE will mrel Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. in Social Sciences auditorium. Kappa Phi and S.T.E. will sponsor an Orphan's party at 7 Chancellor R. G. Gustavson will address a meeting of the South Street Temple Men's club Tuesday at 8. IS p.m. in thc so cial rooms of thc Temple. His topic has been announced as ? consideration of "Recent Progress in Science." MAIN FEATURES START arTTw?rPi "My Foolish Heart with Susan Hayward 1 :. S:I1. :5. I:"- :" "Flying Saucers" 1:00, 4:00, 7:00. 10:00 "Pirates of Capri'" 2:26, 5:26, 8:26 I JJ lIH ANU -O- I ax iiei;si:x sunns Are Sold Exclusively in Lincoln at Men's Store Strerl Floor golds: 4 f?diAk V V,vv............. y II IM ANU -O- "Wake of ths Hed Wilch" 238. 5:59, 9:21 The Window" 1:21, 4:22. 8:04 When the Prairie Schooner sails off the press late this month it will live up to its reputation of carrying the best in literary contributions. Many articles which have ap peared in the official University literary magazine have irin not inn ai neelaim and rlistinrtivp awards. Subscrintions to the Schooner can be obtained from Corn Cobs. A copy - .. - -4...J i I I. ...,,1 V, Ol lie magazine on any stuueiit a uoub. ouch, wuuw uc money well spent. Wanting to take Lent in earnest would seem to indi cate the desirability of attending the weekly University vesper services. "Need We Sacrifice To Be Religious?" will be the topic under discussion Tuesday afternoon when the t.. William Rarnrls arldrpssps vesnpr-E'oers. With science tCV, una". . . 1 f ... playing such an important role in our lives today, it is im portant not to forget that religion offers us a vital ap- u ,writAzv livino- To manv students Lent seems pruiltlt cvli; ""j o- - j --- to begin and end on Ash Wednesday. Vespers offers every AIR MIIIDED? An Interviewing Team will be here to give you all the facts about a career as a U.S. Air Force Officer! TODAY-AG UNION I If you're ninRle, between tha HKes of 20 mid 2ti1,j, And nut alxiiit tilt edu.' and thy Kh iil rtMniireiiiHiitn f0-" lilt or iiiiviKutor trainniff as an Avia tion (Judtt! u. s. 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A new shirl free il ) our Van Hcuscn shrinks outof size! e 0 VanHeusen "the world's smartest" ullli IJ) NEW YORK I, i , Y. rillLLIPS-JONKS CORP. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv,vv,v'vvvvvv,vvvvvvvvv,'v? e i A i A one to take tins season m wiucsi.