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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1950)
.4 r Reese Leads Malmen In Race For Trophy r-1 Herb Reese is far ahead of his University of Nebraska wrest ling mates for the Earl Luff high point trophy. Reese, who won the award last year, has 32 points after 10 matches. Louis Caniglia, who missed the last three meets because of a knee injury, is still in second place with 21 points. The five leading scorers: Herb Reese 32 points, Louis Caniglia 21, Bob Russel 17, Mike DiBiase 17. Harold Gilliland 14. H Hl Mi In tiJ Lm VI W W BILL DENRtR Husker third sacker takes a few practice swings during indoor practice in the field house. Denker, playing his last year of eligibility, is beginning his third season as regular third baseman for the Cornhuskcrs. Matmcn Host to Colorado in Final Coliseum Appearance BY BOB BANKS. The Cornhusker wrestling tram will make its last home appearance of the season at the Coliseum on Saturday night at 7:30. They will meet the Colorado i Buffaloes in a conference dual meet. The only college that both j teams have met is Greeley Teachers of Colorado. Respective j scores give Colorado matmen an edge over the Nebraskans. This will be the last time for ! fans to see Mike DiBiase, j Howard Doerr, and Mickey Spa- j rano in action. DiBiase is cap- j tain of this year's squad. I DiBiase, Champ In 1947 he was National A.A.U. wrestling champ and last year ! hp won the conference crown. Also in the heavyweight divi- 1 1 "WP.s; Hon is Doerr. He has had to understudy DiBiase during most of his career but has been an able replacement. Another man who w ill be mis sed next year is Mickey Spar ano in the 145 pound division. He won the conference cham pionship last year and has done verv well this year. Coach Patterson stated that the squad isn't up to par physically lor Colorado. Louis Caniglia is out of action for the remainder of the year. He was injured in the Wisconsin meet. His replacement. Ken Brown, is bothered with a sore shoulder. Also on the ailing list are Spa rano with a bad back and Herb Reese isn't expected to be up to his usual form. Final Tune-up This will be the final tune up battle for the Patterson squad before they go to Man hattan for the conference meet where they will defend their Big Seven title. The Huskers have lost only one conference dual met this year. That was to Oklahoma last week. t f-.f ! V A. "SaT Weir FicEis 22 Men NU Defends At Indoor Hobc Jones Leads Frosh To Victory Nebraska freshman trackmen won their third straight indoor dual meet over the week end as they swamped the University of Oklahoma yearlings 7156 to 32 16. The junior Huskers outscored the Sooner frosh 41 56 to 26 16 Twenty-two Cornhusker track on the track and 30 to 6 in the Ill !,. T innnln ot 71(1 field. mull will 1. a v t " O 'I- W AVNE GLASGOW rated fourth amongst the Big Seven scorers with 110 points and a 12.2 point average per game, miRht cause the Huskers a lot of trouble before the game is over Saturday night when the Huskcis make their home sea son finale. a. m. on Friday for Kansas City and their defense of the Big Seven indoor track champion ship. Preliminaries in all events and finals in the broad jump will be 'icld on Friday evening and the est of the finals on Saturday evening. Weir listed 24 entries Wednes- Hobe Jones, former Lincoln high distance ace, was the high point getter for the Nebras kans. Jones scored firsts In the 440, 880 and was a member of the winning mile relay team in addition to taking third in the mile. I Don Coupens, Alliance pole I vaulter, won the vault in his best i effort of the year, 12 feet 10 inches. j CHIEF LOSS from the 1949-50 Nebraska WTestling team will be Captain Mike DiBiase. This is his third year at Nebraska. In 1947 he was A.A.U. heavyweight wrestling champ and he captured the conference heavyweight crown twice. InTheWeather Coach Sharpe Needs a Break A break in the weather is Coach Tony Sharpe's main desire as his Husker baseball squad prepares for their first game April 10. Until outside practice can be held, a definite team lineup can not be arranged. But Sharpe said that daily workouts in the field bouse have the players in good shape. . ,. ., , A full conference limit of 2t game have been drawn up lor the squad. Ten of these will be played on the iocal dia mond. The schedule: April 10 at Southern Illinois University, 11-13 at Washington V. in St. Louis, 14-15 at Mis souri, 18-19 Kansas State, 21-22 Luther College of Decorah, Iowa. 28-29 at Oklahoma. May 5-6 Kansas, 12-13 at Iowa State, 15-16 Wichita U., 19-20 Colo lado, 22-23 at Kansas State. Hutl Heinenian Is Possible Choice Contending; for a forward slot cn the All-Big Seven basketball team this season is Bud Heine man, Missouri's leading scorer. Heineman has netted a total of 76 markers in nine games for an 8.4 average besides playing a consistent hard game. High School Gymnasts Here Sat. for Championship Meet BV IRA EPSTEIN (Maff Sports Writer) The Cornhusker gymnasts will play host to the Ne braska High School Gymnastics Championship meet this i Saturday in the Physical Education building. The side horse, rings, and tumbling will be run off in the morning starting at 9:00, and the horizontal bar, parallel bars, and trampoline are scheduled to begin at 1:30 This year for the first time, ! vHsjsssWHBsWisasBlsillllilsH there will be two divisions. One for the beginners who have not Huskers In Finale Saturday Will the University of Ne braska's basketball team meet the Kansas State Wildcats in the deciding game for the Big Seven championship, or will Coach Bruce Drake's Oklahoma Sooners blast their hopes with an upset victory? Saturday's tilt marks the last home game for the 1950 season as tar as Nebraska is concerned. Four of the five probably starters will be seeing their last game on the local maples Joe Malacek, Anton Lawry, Milt Whitehead and Bob Cerv. Only Jim Buch anan will not graduate, he is a sophomore. The Huskers had to stave off a late rally by the Sooners at Norman in early February to take a 57-55 win. Other Nebraska winners were day afternoon but must cut his Dan Tolman in the high hurdles, .. . . .... . . Rlob-A Pdlhrft in iha lnir hurHloc list to a Dy dus time, uonier- "" ....., . -i. . tviin Warren Jensen in the shot put i 8 ' and irving xhode in the high squad of only 22. jump. Esref Aydin, fifth in the two- Sheldon Jacobs and Dick mile last year has been suffering Stansbury tied for first in the from stomach trouble and will j 60 yard dash with Cox and De- be left behind Lee Alexander and Rog Ritter are also on the injury list and will not make the trip. Nebraska entries: Pole vu!t Don Cooper, York : Jim Mc Connfll. Central City; Leonard Kfhl. Sootmiiluff. Hlnh Jump Rlphsrd Meiwner. Omaha: Ted Head, Scottsbluff; Robert Sand. Ne- o-yani hifrri hurdlm Ray MaKFsmen. i LtndsRv; Bob Berkshire, Omaha; Wendell Cole. Weeplnc Water; Don Bedker. North j Platte ; Bruce Encle. Central City. 60-vard dash James C l.yle. Omaha; 1 William Mueller, Omaha; Harry Meginnia. Lincoln. fio-yitrd low hurdle Berkahire. Wil liam Moomey. York; Entile. Cole. Mas aamen. Bedker. Mile run Lee Moore, r.rand Island; Kenneth Jacob! Mlnden; Eurene Robtn lon. Oshkosh. Harold Kopf. Lexington. Shot rut McConnell, Charles Toocood, North Platte. Broad Jump Ted Randolph. Ord; Owen Bralnard. Lincoln. 440.ard run Loval Hurlbert, Ord; Kehl. MeKlnnina. Kopf. S mile run Dean Barnell. Clav Center Kao.yard run Moore, Robinson, Kopf, Hurlhert. Jacobs. One mile relay Kehl, Cole, Meglnnli. Hurlbert. Kopl. Leonard Raffensperger, Iowa's new football coach, announced that spring football practice will pet underway Monday. Coach Ed Weir issued a call to all freshmen trackmen to report to the East Stadium Thursday afternoon between 3:30 and 5:30 p. m. to better their marks in preparation for the "Frosh" Big Seven postal meet. weese of Oklahoma. Summary: fin-yard daah Tie for firat. aecond and third between Con (01. Deweeae (O), Sheldon Jacobs IN), Dick Stansburg (Ni. Time :06.i. 440-vard run Won by Hope Jones N. second Dale S-chnackel IN), third Cox (Oi. Time :f2.. 80-vard run Won by Jones fN. sec ond Mccormick (O), third 8chnackel l.Ni. Time 1S9 2. Mile run Won by McCormick tOi. second VarKua (01, third Jones (Ni. Time 4:37. Two-mile run Won by Drummond (OI. second Wayne Judds (NI. third Bob Kisfinirer iN'. Time 10;ti3.5. fin-yard high hurdles Won bv Dan Tolman iSi. second and third tie be tween Neal Prince INt and Ferguson tOl. Time :08.1. 60-yard low hurdles Won by Blake Oathroe iM. aecond and third, tie be tween Tolman N, Ferguson INI, We weese Ot. Time :07.4. Mile relay Won by Nebraska Rchnac ke Chester Scott, Bob Barchus, Jones). Time 3:331. Shot put Won by Warren Jensen 1N1 45-10; second ted Conner (Nt 43-3S: third Georre Prochaska IN! 43-3. Pole vault Won by Don Coupens (N) 12-10; aecond Jim Sommcrs IN I 11-5H; third Hylatt (Oi 11-1V Broad Jump Won by Cox lOi 22-7S; second Glenn Beerlme fNl 22-0; third Irving Thode IXi 21-5 High Jump Won by Irving Thode (NI second Prince (N) S-8V; third Beerlln (Ni 5-9. t v i V ,; t LOYAL Hl'RLBERT Nebras ka middle distance ace from Ord will be counted on to give the Huskers needed points in the quarter-mile in the Big Seven indoor meet. Hurlbert placed fourth in both the 440 and the 880 last year but time schedules of the preliminaries make participation in both events almost impossible this year. Best Relay Squad To Chicago Relays The Big 7 one-mile relay teams will have an added incentive for victory when they compete in time with a mark of 30:30.7 the conference meet. The team that breaks the tape first will journey to Chicago and run in the Chicago relays. The Nebraska quartet of Leon ard Kehl, Wendell Cole, Harry Meginnis, Loyal Hulbert have the best mark thus far. They were clocked in 3:26.8 against Minnesota. The Missouri team is runner up w ith 3:29.9 which they did in beating Nebraska. But Hurlbert and Meginnis were not usecf in this meet. Oklahoma has the third best X i BUD HEINEMAN Worthy of consideration for a position on the All-Big Seven Basketball Team, is Missouri's top scorer. A steady and consistent ball player, he has an amazing .740 free throw average. competed in a previous meet, and one for the advanced who have had previous gymnastics expe rience. The thought behind this two division meet is that it will al low a more balanced scale of competition for the beginner, in that he will compete with boys of like experience. A trophy and runner-up certificate will be awarded in each division, and the first six places will be recognized toward team scoring. The first three places In each event will get medals, while the last three will receive certificates of merit Entering schools are Scotts bluff, required division: Has tings, required and optional; Omaha Central, required and op tional; Omaha Benson, optional; and Beatrice, required and op tional. Other probable entries are Boys Town, Teachers College High of Lincoln, Norfolk, and Omaha Tech. Geier, Director Director of the meet will be Coach Jake Ceier. co-ordinator of events is Leo Geier, and the chief tabulators are George Alex ander and Dave Spelts. Assistant scorers are Bill Huber. Don Yodor, Bob Swaim, Mark Newman, and Jerry Tubbs, while room assignments will be handled by Assistant Coach, Phil Sprague. Vine Judges Judges, consisting of varsity and freshmen members, will be Art Hillman, Bob Yarwood. Bob Norton, Bob Orr. Norm Ander son, and Paul Hughes. Other Judges are Al Dunavan. Ira Epstein, and Cliff Currin.' Any high schools interested in starting gymnastics team can get needed assirtjnce through Coach Geier, who will conduct clinics, and show movies at re quest. Central AAU Meet Cancelled Illinois The University of Illinois has cancelled the Central AAU track meet to be held in its armory March 10. Illinois of ficials said that this action was caused by the coal shortage. Save money on Rag Want Ads. Try Rag Want Ads. IMIOTEY Bro's. Coll ege Calendar For MARCH, 1950 JUST ARRIVED Latest Attire in Spring Wear, Sport Shirts, Tee Shirts, Slacks Flannel Suits Huskers Lead; Falter in Scoring .Hi .177 CO.VFEUNCB srrAKDINO raka Kuial tXMo 1 haasa S kraaW a .MHJ OHiHans 4 . low. SUtte MktsMUt 1 111 Although being the league leaders, the Nebraska basketball ers have to take a back-seat to some of their conference op ponents in some of the other scoring divisions. As of games played through February 27, Kansas State is leading with the highest average I points per game with 69.2. j LoveUete of Kansas University is currently averaging 24.5 points i per game, while Cornhuskers' Bus Whitehead is going along ! with 17.4 clip. 1 Colorado has an astounding free throw average of .700, while Nebraska has 235 personal foals ! charged to its opponents. I Kansas State is also leading I in the number of field goals with j 243, and Missouri is at the bot tom of the league with 135. 1 Harvey Bros. College Committee Invites 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 Saturday , ! JjBslead -llal fcr r.rad- AW Rep. l eel tn (.Ilea W rell!nf Colo, at Ba.Lrlhill Oklahoma you to view our New Spring Styles Imme- a'sr-r 8",k Ht" ' ;,"; .u - - .... diatelV. IZjUOjt. Aeto'r. 'laboratory Pr- TurmHke le. riper dartloB lempte lM Arlors l-aborl..r Fra il a r Dane Modest dwtla Temple 1:3V laloa S:M . m. 5 Sunday 6 Monday 7 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 9 Thursday 10 Friday 11 Saturday ,,. i,Uvlmtr4 reraaa. K1m Meet hajuas I. at Ac Vl t Meellnr 14 Ra.ketl.all Kllma Ml- Aftor. Ibvraton Pea- Kappa Phi a. ni. ,m Meet I al.-eraltf af Wle" CJlTlV H.H - ad .Natntlo. Kldf. de.1 I Ho. d.etto. - Bid,. Klnr. lallrol - Hrtirj ' . .J"1" J... 1-i p. m. l.le lerpt. iearml e- M Huuev "l(n "Wlraom doamaj nim "l loair Hr..n- " erlee1 Aetor. Iborat..r Pra- nni aholattle Kepnrta Madrat lsb-7:t 4 ' dartloa Teanpte Blda. l( A Mectlns Temple Bids. Aareeheart Ball Mudral l aloa f p. sn. 1 2 Sunday 1 3 Monday 1 4 Tuesday 1 5 Wednesday 1 6 Thursday 1 7 Friday 1 8 Saturday LKer..., Co.- fMlfomln A. 1 M-MV Mee Wea . Ie1.- - . AV .r .1 P. Mee,- ComhoJ-ajee - M.e.. K.a Ballr-a. - . . . . ",r,m.deol laloa 10111011110 Home tc. fariora a. m.- p. . ta " ' ' , . m("-loe.d br tot- t.. eL!a. Htale Hiia School Sain Graduate BxltaJ Xoeial Mate Ralm Meet far Hoar) C iHinj Diet hcicaera A ad. i p. m. hj Ballroom Kddr T - r- M Moderately . "SjTpJ mH" - rum "The Idser" Priced VM A f ora'm Temple h'p Sa4rat laloa 1:M Bids. 19 Sunday 20 Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday 25 Saturday "rr kh,r "KpTiJr--- -.ssr - rf? sxir2rsz see our Caffe. Boar - "TEXT Tampike-La-re .la. !i,-5lS Vh?."1 ,. , . t.i w", l- Belgium Suede Vlltn "Tales af favibat- um" i'M Sport Coot I I ' 26 Sunday 27 nday 28 Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30 Thursday 31 Friday Bn. r nlea M, V.J.eJJ.t, Pr Br. CM Carer, M.dea, WrrT-Modeat laloa - " Meettas-Hom. to P- I au,a Made.tlal.eaS..-.. -W- 1::a "Vol Were Mrwit tan VM-YW roram Temple Blata Bauraom aaar far Mt" Bids. " CeaeraJ ateeJtal faMirf ftnin U- Me. . teJ. Hprtaf B.l-I lalversltr Theatre Fra-daialv.