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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1950)
Mm if Slifiiil U liJ H MM tat bJ I Vital W Friday, February 17, 1950 THE DAILY NEBRASKA N PAGE 3 Huskers is . Cooper Is Shelved Must Win 1 (1 1 y Jr . y."v V " iniiiiiimuiiiDii mill n-i . .UH.I....II ! e 0 ? 'jjh iiiiii n.iin.1a an ...n.i.i. ,, i. . in. in BIG BUSTER hoping to break the Colorado jinx, will cany the scoring load on his towering shoulders. Bus gained high ac claim from Okahomans for his 24 point effort last Monday night. Besides his scoring ability. White head can work equally as well rebounding. ySig Ep Lead Narrowed; Both Fiji Teams Advance By Bill Mundell 1 Mant Sport Mltiir, Dally Nr-braakan.) Sigma Phi Epsilon still leads the pack of intramural basketball teams in the fourth ratings, but its margin has been cut to a whisker. Four team are crowding the Sig Eps for the top spot, three with perfect records. Delta Tau Delta, Farm House, Alpha Tau Omega, and Phi Gamma Delta, rounding out the first division, are all field goal of the high ..within a perch. The Sig Kps chalked-up thrir sixth straight contest last week, thumping the ZBT's for the sec ond time, 43-15 with Art Han sen's 14 points helping a great deal. The Delts, ATO's, and Thi Gams also won their sixth straight last week. The Delts had a rough time of it, edging Beta Theta Pi by the score of 29-28 with the ten points of Vandel. The Phi Gams took the 'big one,' dropping Sigma Nu, 41-35. The ATO's copped two con tests, a 88-22 massacre of Sigma Alpha Mu and a 41-28 decision over Pioneer Co-op. Sigma Nil Fall Sigma Nu took the big fall in losing to the Fiji's, dropping from second to seventh behind sixth place Phi Delta Theta which limbed a peg. The Nu's recov ered Wednesday, however, to thrash Alpha Gamma Rho, 64-22 for the Aggies seventh straight loss. A newcomer appeared in tenth position with the Phi Gamma Delta "B" team occupying that rung. The Fiji Bees are all vic torious in five games and round out the top ten behind the Lu therans and Sigma Gamma Ep silon. Absent from this week's ratings in Inter-Varsity, last week in sixth place. The Denom boys ab sorbed their first beating last week, a 27-38 decision to the Xutherans, giving them a 7-1 record. Independents Stand Firm The Independent ratings re mained unchanged with the ex ception of three teams. Sigma Gamma Kpsilon still holds down the top spot but is being pressed by the Warriors. Both have 4-0 records with the SGE's margins of victory more impressive. Alpha Sigma Fhl, YMCA, and the Lilies round out the first di vision with only the Lily record spotted with a Iom. The YMCA cagen have the bri record of the Independents, 5-0. mm i E aiaj IvwaaJ Bavaad Y. v 4 1 i ,( . . Jangle drums boom and throb croM the nation! They're laying "love is gone" to Vaughn Monroe aa be maVcs muaical history with BAMliOO . . . hu powerful, pubr- tingling, newest KCA VICTOR hill I w it riftht wal The pressure is on the Nebras ka Cornhuskers Saturday night in their game with Colorado in the Coliseum. With the Big Seven basketball race half over and Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas State tied for first place, the Huskers must chalk up their sixth conference win of the season in order to re main one of the top contenders. Two-fold Reason Coach Good's cagers have a two-fold reason for skinning the Buffaloes. First, the Huskers have twice been beaten by Colo rado. At the pre-season Big Seven tourney at Kansas City the Buffs took a 67-57 victory and then second was amidst the 'Hills of Colorado" where the up and coming herd handed the Huskers a smarting 72-S9 loss. First or Second? By the time the two teams meet Saturday night, they will either be dead-locked for first or tied at second. The standing depends upon the Iowa State Kansas State game at Ames Fri day night. In all probability they will be perched at second. The Buffs have their own reason to want to win besides the title chances. Coach "Frosty" Cox announced his decision to resign from the CU coaching helm and since then the team has been winning for "Frosty." Their three victims have been Missouri, Kansas and Iowa State. The latter being one that edged the mighty Buffs in one of the first games of the season. Sixth ranked Mustangs held on, but the V-5's slipped from seventh to ninth. The Pill Roll ers and Dormitory C each ad vanced a lung and now occupy seventh and eighth. The Dorm men won their third of the year last week, a 26-23 affair over Student Union. The Dorm win was made all the more impres sive by the fact that they fin ished the game with only three men. "A" League Jumbled Only four teams held their po sitions in the Fraternity "A ratings as the ratings underwent a thorough shake-up. The Sig Eps remained on top but Sigma Nu dropped from second to seventh, making room for Delta Tau Delta, Farm House, and ATO which all climbed one peg. The Farm House machine kept rolling towards its second All University championship with a 55-11 rout of hapless Cornhusker Co-op. Only an early season de feat at the hands of Delta Tau Delta blots the Aggie record. Phi Gamma Delta climbed two notches over the week on the strength of their win over Sigma Nu and now rest in fifth. Phi Delta Theta remained in sixth position with a 5-1 record, their latest win, a 42-27 victory over Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Pioneer Co-op made its first appearance in the ratings and now rest in tenth spot with a 3-3 record. Two of the Co-op losses were at the hands of fourth ranked ATO. Lutherans Gain Top The Lutheran Student House took over first place in the De nominational league by beating last week's top team, Intcr-Var-sity. The Lutherans, however, have suffered two defeats this year, one by Inter-Varsity and tne otner Dy ivewmun uiud, ranked third, which makes the three teams well bunched. Presby House continues to hold down fourth place and Cotncr House remains in fifth, both with unimpressive records. DONT WAIT! Get Your Tickets NOW for FR1. FEDR. 24 TUnflPIKE V a. IS f J and A eem KISRASXA STATE FINALS of Contest PESNCESS NEBRASKA Who Hill She Be? Only Limited Number of Advance Ticket will be sold at Schmoller at Mueller FUne Co.. 1212 O St., at tl 60 plus Gov't, tax, total J 00. Adm. at the door will be 12.40 . tax Incl. . - JIM ARM ATAS "Frosty" Cox's utility man, has hopes of once more being the "thorn in the Huskers' side." At Colorado, the little guard consistently broke up Husker plays. He has the highest percentage of field goals made for the Buffs and could cause a lot of troi i e. AGRI's Climb Alpha Gamma Rho made the biggest climb in the Fraternity "B" ratings, jumping from sev enth to fifth. .The Aggies now sport a 4-1 record in "B" com petition. Phi Gamma Delta kept a strangle hold on the top "B" po sition with Sigma Phi Epsilon continuing in second. Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Delta Theta also remained firm in third and fourth to complete the first division. Delta Upsilon and Sigma Nu each slipped a rung over the week, both being idle. TUB RATINIIS Al.l.UNIVKRSITT 1 Sinma I'hl Kpillnn (8-fl). 2 liol'a Tau Ixlta iflcil. !l Farm Hotiae lfl-1'. 4 Allihn 'Ian Omma (S-fl). ft. I'ln i;mm Hrlta Itt-llt. f'lil I leliH Thelu (5-1). 7. Hlnma Nil I'M I. a l.lil)i.rHna 0 SiKma 'inmmn Kprnlnn M ill. 10. rt)l (iamnia Iirlla "B" (.'i-O'. INDKI'KNIiKNT 1. Sigma fiamma Kimllon. I Wiirnorn 14-111. : Alpha Kitma I'hl (3-l). 4 YMI'A CHII. ft. 1. !!! l.'Mi . MilMahM I :M 7. Hill Kulkm 1 1 1). a Dnrm r i i-1 1. . V-.Va 12 'i HI. AHMK:i-lll HKNOMINATIONAI. 1 I.M'hrrHMH 1 Intel - Varhily 4 7-1 - .1. Newman fluh itl-'i). 4 liin!y llounf (2-.M. ft. Cottier H"UMf I l-ni. KKATKKNITY CLASH A 1 Sterna I'hl Kl'Mlon. 2 I'rlta Till) lirlta 3 Farm Hou. 4. Alpna Tiu omiKa. A Phi llalmna I'rlta. a Phi lit-lta Theta. 7 Hixma Nil H Hikitim III 1(1-1 I. . Hem ThiMa I'l (4 21 11). I'lflierr l'o-np 13-31. HtATKKNITY CLASS B I. Phi ilamma Ilclta. 2 NlKina I'hl KpniUm CI IN. 3. Alpha Tau OrilffKN (4-11. 4. Phi l)rlla Tllala (4-1 I. ft. Alpha i;nnima Klin (4-1). II. I'rlta L'pallon 14-1), 7. Hlknia Nu i:i-2l. ft Kappa Hucma 12-31. 0 8i-nia Alpha Kpailnn 12 II. 1(1. llrlla Tau Htlta (Mil. MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "East Side West Side," 1:00. 3:05, 5:10, 7:18, 9:23. STL'ART: "When Willie Comes Marching Home," 1:37, 3:37, 5:37, 7:37, 9:37. Sneak Preview, 8:25. NEBRASKA: "The House Across the Bay," 1:28, 4:49, 8:10. "Stand In," 3:00, 6:21, 9:42. CAPITOL: "The Lady Eve," 2:15, 5:09, 8:25. "Ghost Catchers," 1:00, 3:55, 6:50, 10:06. Stage, 8:00. HiS A A OSCHIST2A 9h fie Uo ' JOE . MALACEK even .though hot and cold in the scoring col umn, has aided the Cornhuskers cause by using his 6' 5", 195 pound frame to capture many rebounds. Joe is due for a hot night, and it might be this Sat urday against the Buffaloe's. HARRY GOOD on his should ers rest the task of having the right man in the game at the right time. So far, his spot sub stituting has given the Huskers three wins Kansas, K-State and Oklahoma. STANWYCK VAN JAMB KEFLIN MASON gj bAKUritK El a;yo tnsraw 'EAST SIDE. WEST SIDE EXTRA! COLOR CARTOON 1 JthimVom Comedy Hit! , "WHEN WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME" I)n DAILEY Cc.rinne CALVET Colleen Townsend U Jl n OPEN 12:4S 44e to 6 HUMPHREY BOGART JACK CARSON IN n l GEO. RAFT J WALTER riDGEON IN HOI MK At ROKH THK BA Amateur NIGHT on our Stag at : P.M.! 4 Tan Acta! On the Sffrf en! Barbara Htanwyk "lady" I'llll "fih'nt 'alrhrr" TOIMORKOW! Wnr Kflly frank Wnatnt Rrtty .arr. lt In ' 1'rrhn.rulur f Blnnrr" I I ! PI hp! "S.nth H ' ' J.. Pi ; ? .St A si ' . ' : :::'; ;tm, ( - ' iiw-''" : .-. i- STANWYCK -jr j ill II VAN JAMB ' f :i: 1 1 j " STAND II." I l i 11, ? '"'fo'i:l.A-,.4 . ' r m- EUGENE ROGERS- scoring 162 points in 17 games, is the fourth high scorer for Colorado. Ilusker-Tiger Entries Mil nin: Missouri Rnhirt Fox, Ches ter Kranz. William MrfSuire, Marlin Myr. NebMakR Let Moor, Ken Jac- obii, Gene Robinson. 6l-yn1 (lath: Mlpsourl Harold Carter. Byron Clark, Charles Schranck, Robert HchuKter. NebrasKa Don Cooper. Bill Mtiellfr. Harry MeKinnts. Jim Lyle. 440-yard run: Misnoiirl Klmer Klein, Oil Phillip. JameH Whltitcre. Bill Penre. Nebraska Loyal Hurlbert, Jim Perry, MeKlnnlfl. 0-rd hlth hnrdlen : Missouri Frank Bardot, H. Carttr, Bert Heidenreich, Bill Sif. Nebraska Ray MnKnamen, Bob Berkshire. Wendell Cola. Don Hedkrr. Two-mile run : M liaourl Fox . Franz, MrOuIrt, John Wells. Kebranka Ksref A yd in. Dean Barnell, Robert ltppetv 1IIMi-yrd run: Missouri Gale Holsman, Jean Madden. Duane Wolfe. Nebrasks Harold Kopf, Loyal Hurlberl, Ken Jacobs. flO-yard low hurdles: Missouri Bardot, Carter, Heidenreich, Self. Nebraska MflffHamen. Bill Moomey, Wendell Cole. Bedker. Pole vault : Missouri Gene Furnish, Dick Moore. Paul Warne. Nebraska Cooper, Leonard Kehl, Jim McConnell, Myron Trary. Hlfh Jump: Missouri' Bob 'rtorden, Mitchell Ijaunlu. Pick Odnr. Nebraska Dick Meissner, Ted Mead, Bob Hand. Broad unip; Missouri Lome Buchner, ftuy C'hilders, Bon Henley, Laddie Ktov !l. Nebraska Ted Randolph, Owen Bralnard, Roer Ritter. sht put: Miesouri Keltv Pelts, Ron Mlddletnn. Phil Brusen. Nebraska Mc Conneii. Wayne flees. Charles Tooood. ' 1 Smart, youn( and perfoclly 1930 the alory of llie lady with a nlritw Sailor on lier brow! And even the Sailor, villi all iu traditionally rlaaaic atyllilK, aliifta per annalitica lo suit ita wear. Typical examples from our Spring collection i A. Swia aatinette straw with more crown than brim . . . more alylr than aire. In Navy, Red. Mack, White, ith bee atick-iip. 12.95 MILLINERY . . . Fosfiion Floor . . . Second MILLER & PAINE By Knox Jones Nebraska track fortunes suf fered a servere setback Thurs day. It was learned that Don Cooper, Husker sprinter and pole vaulter, sustained a pulled leg muscle in practice and may not be able to compete against Mis souri on Saturday. Cooper will definitely not run the 60 yard dash but may com pete in the pole vault. The Huskers have been count ing on Cooper's points, particu larly in the vault, and should he be unable to compete on Satur day, Nebraska's chances of beating the Tigers will be con siderably impaired. Lee Alexander, Plainview sophomore, is still shelved with an ankle injury and Bill Mueller and Jim Lyle will join Harry Meginnis in the 60 against Mis souri. Lyle, Omaha senior, turned in a :06.4 in practice Wednesday. Moans from MX. All is not roses in the Missouri camp either. Word from Colum bia reports that sprinter Randy Vanet and kuarter-miler Bob Schuster suffered pulled muscles against Notre Dame last week and will be unable to make the trip to Lincoln. Vanet is lost for the remainder of the indoor sea son. Schuster, probably the Tiger's best quarter-miler, was being tabbed to place in both the 60 and the 440. His loss will also aid the Huskers in the mile re lay. Hurdlers Bill Self and Bob Foster, sprinter Roy Beavers and distance man Chester Franz are still recuperating in the Mlzzou camp from early injuries a nd are not expected to compete. With the loss of Self and Foster the Huskers should score heavily in the high hurdles and Loyal Hurlbert may be able to bring home a blue ribbon in the 440 although he still bas to face Tiger veterans Phil Klein, Gil Phillips and Jim Whitacre. All men who are eligible for Varsity Tennis are urged to attend the first meeting; of tennis candidates to be held on Monday, Feb. 20 in room 114 Physical Education Build inr at 4 p. m. Every man eli gible is requested to be pre sent. il:::::iiiiii:i:::!:i:::::::iiiiiii:i:i::iiHiliii . ON I. Tlie brim sa!n Import ance . . bear a puff of aofl veiling pulled tlironiih tailored aide hown. In Red, Navy, Black, Grey. A V' g- BOB FIERCE the third of towering three-some. the COLLEGE NIGHT Dancing 9 to 12 Couples only Adm. 1.50 per couple Tax Included 1 TONIGHT i (WW THE LEVEL Hi HI lit iii !!i ill iii ii iii iii ::t ::: :M y.i iii If! I ::: n to till kid 3 t opt u.a '.i):;."- i