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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1950)
WW w .- UK 91 D3 T E3 E N E L"J S " Friday, February 10, 1950 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 f 5 ' '. 4 A Press Box Views . . . By Kimon Karabatsos (Sport! Editor. Dally Nebraskan) Why hasn't Coach Harry Good's basketball team received the national recognition they so richly deserve? How many times have you asked that question only to be answered, "they play weak schedule." That weak schedule stuff is just a place for sports-writers to hang their hat when they have to answer a question that might cause their face to become a vivid red. Let's take a took at the cur rent Husker's record and then decide whether it was weak or not. True, Nebraska started out the season with two breathers in Northwestern Missouri Tchrs. and South Dakota State, but they did turn in decisive wins. The "Teachers" fell 58-39 and the "Sodnks" felt the axe, 61-32. Everyone can remember that the subs played most of the last half in both games. Bradley Tech proved to be the first defeat for the Huskers. Playing without the services of ace rcbounder Joe Malacck and t Peoria, the Huskers fell 69-55. Bradley is ranked fourth in the nation and they have been in the elite 10 all season. Colorado Stops NU Bouncing bark from the per turbing loss, the current crop of ' Good-boys" ran up a streak of four consecutive victories before falling to Colorado in the Big Seven pre-season tourney at Kansas City. Before the Colorado defeat, the convincingly walloped Colorado State, 63-43; Idaho, 66-45: Bay lor, 69-55 and Iowa btate leacn ers, 60-54. Nebraska was dumped twice at KC, Colorado won 67-57 and Michigan pulled a victory out of the fire 67-65. The next night, the Huskers turned the gas up during the five minute overtime to completely humiliate Iowa State 86-67. New Record In those short five minutes. Bus Whitehead and gang ran up 19 points to set a new overtime record in Big Seven tourney play. Back from the grueling tour- licv, the Cornhuskers continued on their winning way until their ! neighbors from Colorado acain cut their victory string. This time it was at Colorado and Ken dall Hills doing the "dirty-work." The two-minute rule ran be credited with an assist for the Buffs. They held a slight edge with just two minutes left, but they stretched it to a 13 point margin as the game ended. That happens to be the worst defeat 1 slapped on the Huskers this sea- ! con. High-riding Kansas State, cur- 1 rently ranked tenth in the ria- I tion, had their wings clipped in ' an overtime tilt at the Coliseum, ' 65-62. Bob Gates was the hero j of the night as he sunk a 40 foot set shot from mid-court. Bob proved to his skeptical mates that it wasn't just luck.' The next day. in practice, he potted two from approximately the same place. Missouri, licking their wounds from a two-point defeat at the hands of Colorado, found no re lief from the Huskers. Coach Harry Good's team, even though on an off night, proved to be bad medicine for the ailing Tigers. The Huskers chalked up win number four in the conference race to keep even with Kansas State the team so many have tabbed as the team to beat. K-State Great I don't mean to take anything way from Jack Gardner's great basketball team. They arc the team to beat, but so are Nebras ka's Cornhuskers. They have AND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR flowers for all Occasions "EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE" FftlEY & FEBEY 63 YEARS OF SERVICE 1338 "O" Si. Dial 2-6928 Jayhawks Loom as Big Threat to Husker Title Hopes BY Kimon Karabatsos Nebraska's basketball forces get the "acid-test" Saturday night when they invade Law rence, Kas., for an important Big Seven encounter with Kansas University. Currently tied with Kansas State for the conference lead with four victories and one de feat. Coach Harry Good's cagers might get the chance to take over the command spot. If the Huskers win at Law : rence and Missouri keeps pace with their jinx on K-State at Columbia, it will leave Nebraska on top of the mad scramble. That "if" looms very big because Jack Gardner's quintet is determined to break the Missouri heckle. Second Chance On the other hand, Nebraska Sig Eps Still on Top; Phi Gams, FH Climb BY DILL ML'NDELL. (Assistant Sport Editor) It's still Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Nu, and Delta Tau Delta on top of the pack in the third week of Intramural Basketball Ratings. Fourteen teams have fallen before the powerful three since the season's start, practic ally all by one-sided scores. Top ranked Sig Eps added their fifth win last week, an easy 42-24 conquest of Phi Kappa Psi. Sigma Nu came through with two victories to pad their stand nn the second rung, a 41-26 win over Beta Sigma Psi and a 52 28 rout of Alpha Gamma Rho. The Delts, holders of an early season win over defending cham pion Farm House, gained their fourth victory of the year on a forfeit from Delta Upsilon. The fast rising Farm House capers climbed from sixth last week to occupy fourth position, replacing the ATO's who dropped to fifth. The Ar boys swept to two easy victories last week, one a 44-23 rout of previously unbeaten Tau Kap pa Epsilon. Behind the fifth place Taus and sixth place Inter-Varsity which dropped a peg. being idle, came Phi Delta Thcta and the Lutherans in the same postiions they occupied last week. A newcomer made its appear ance in the ratings in ninth po- won 12 games without a defeat an envious record any way that you might look at it. Saturday the Huskers invade Lawrence and another duel be tween "giants" is in the making. Clyde Lovellette, currently lead ing Big Seven scorers and one of the nation's leaders with his 22.3 point average per game, will have to do better this time to prove KU's advance notices on him. He has been tabbed the best center in the Big Seven. Buster, 1 in the last meeting, had the Terre Haute "Terror" completely baffled and the crowd was a lit : tie "disappointed" over the big build-up given the match. Some say that Nebraska counts too much on Whitehead. Sure, Bus is the nucleus of the I tram, but Coach Good has ; plenty of other players who have come through In the pinches. Joe Brown came through at Bradley with high point honors. Joe Malacek did his bit at Colorado as did Jimmy Buchanan. Tony Lawry has did more than his bit when it comes to scoring and rebounding. Bob Pierce can also be given some credit for Stewart work under the baskets. If the Huskers win Saturday night, sports-writers will have to think of a better excuse to please me. The "weak-schedule" stuff will be worn out. The rest of the games on the Husker schedule are conference LOVELINESS SUPREME . . . FOR HER ON ST. VALENTINES DAY will have to break into the win column as far as conference games are concerned on foreign courts. Nebraska has stepped out against Big Seven foes only once in regular conference play. It proved to be a disastrous step as Frosty Cox's Buffaloes upset the Huskers 72-59. That happens to be the worst defeat slapped on this year's Husker basketball edition. Kansas, with giant Clyde Lov ellctte, is in fourth place. Lovel lette has hit 42 per cent of his shots from the field and owns an excellent 52 per cent record on his gratis shots. In their game with Colorado last Saturday, the Jayhawk center hit 12x32 field goals and 6x10 free throws for a total of 30 points. Even with his 30 point game, sition with unbeaten Phi Gamma Delta pushing Independent Sig ma Gamma Epsilon to tenth. New Bee Leader. Phi Gamma Delta "B" took over the top spot in the "Bee" ratings replacing Delta Upsilon who was upset Wednesday by Alpha Gamma Rho and dropped to the fifth rung. The Phi Gams are all-victorious in five games. j Sigma Phi Epsilon took over the second spot vacated by the I Phi Gams by virtue of their j 54-3 massacre of Zeta Beta Tau. Two newcomers entered the "B" ratings this week. The AGR's through the strength of of their 31-24 conquest of Delta Upsilon, appeared in seventh place and the Kappa Sigs who put up a good fight against the sixth place Sig Nu's, entered the ratinps in the ninth. Independent Shake-Vp. The Independent ratings en countered a wild series of changes last week with only the three top teams remaining firm. Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Warriors, and Alpha Sigma Phi continued to hold down the top spots, all unbeaten. YMCA climbed from sixth to fourth with a 40-0 record while the Lilies took the big jump from tenth to fifth with a 36-25 win over Chem E. The Mustangs slapped down unbeaten Pill Rollers last week and earned the sixth step. The Mustangs were unrated a week ago. Dorm C and ASME both slipped a peg and are currently situated in ninth and tenth spots. games. In non-conference games, Big Seven teams hold a wide margin in the victory register. Teams from the North, South, East and West have felt the pow erful fangs of the Big Seven. Only Three Yet, only three conference schools rank in the top 30. Kan sas State is tenth, Kansas U is in the twenties as is Nebraska. Before you AP sportswriters do your picking, take another look at Nebraska. Compare the records and you'll find Nebraska rates two to one. "7i no ute. Mary, kft free like SO CIGARETTE HANGOVER don't hrvc to smoke like a dummy to discover that Philip Mouis arc milder, kinder' to your throat. Here's why: PUHJP Mp!f is the on agmetu proved definitely less irritating. definitely milder, than any other I brand., no otkei acuim CAN MAO THAT RATUERTt If iWi. FC3 riii Lovcllettc's mates .failed him as the Jayhawks went down 50-48 in an overtime game that saw only one basket scored during the extra period. Bill Lienhard did his bit for Kansas, potting 14 points. The other eight players on the Jay hawk team managed to score only four points. That's rathei strange for a team coached by Phog "Horn" Allen. Allen has usually banked on team scorini; balance for his Big Seven pen nants. Besides Lienhard, Allen has counted on Houchin. The long shot artist from the back-court has Fcored 115 points. He has been spasmodic in his scoring though, leaving his opponents in a dither as to whether he will go on a scoring spree and turn de- (.1S3S Seeks Victory BY KNOX JONES. The Nebraska Cornhuskers will have their hands full on Satur day when they meet the Univer sity of Kansas track team under the east Stadium in a dual meet starting at 7 p. m. The Jayhawks ,who have never been victorius over the Huskers in a dual meet, are go ing all out in an effort to turn the trick. In 1945 and '46, they managed to come within 12 points of a tie, but since then they have been severely trounced. Bill Easton, Kansas coach, is counting on his strength in the half mile, mile, two-mile and hurdles to upset the Huskers. He is hoping for outside points in the quarter, high jump and pole vault. After Four Records Four meet records, the mile, two-mile, half-mile and mile re lay, will be in jeopardy. Harold Brook's 4:22.1 mile mark has been on the books for nine years, but Kansas ace Bob Karnes has bettered this mark on several occasions and according to word from the Lawrence school he will be out to set a new mark. Lee Moore, Husker sophomore. has a 4:24.5 mile to his credit and may give Karnes a stiff ar gument. Pat Bowers, Big Seven in door champion and record holder in the 880, will be after his own half-mile mark which he set last year in 1:57.8. Bowers may double back in the mile as well. Herb Semper, Cliff Abel and Karnes are all capable of break ing the two-mile record now held by Karnes and Nebraska's relay team ran the mile three seconds under the present relay mark of 3:29.8 as they set a new record against Minnesota last week. Alexander Out It was learned Thursday that Lee Alexander, sophomore sprin ter and quarter-miler, will be that itwi hs cfeeoverotf tkert'i vkeu you tmoke Philip Harris.- II If (jd ' feat into a surprise victory. The only tames that Kansas has lost have been games where Lovellette has had no support That excludes the Ne , braska came when "Bus" Whitehead bottle d-up the transplanted Hoosier. White head did a commendable job in stopping" this high scoring: ace who has averaged 21.8 points per tame. Until the Nebraska gameLov cllcte had his average way up in the twenties. He will be trying to redeem himself this Saturday and Bus has1 his work cut out for him. , Wauith Returns j Jerry Waugh is expected to be ! back in top shape. The ankle that j he injured in the Iowa State I game two weeks ago has re Stickles Leaves, Now at Hastings I Chuck Stickels, all-state bas ketball player from Hastings, has transferred from the University of Nebraska to Hastings College. While at Nebraska, Stickels worked with the freshman team. At Hastings he will play for the Broncos' last five games. In 1949, Stickels posted a new Hastings High scoring record of 415 points. He also topped the state's Class scorers and led the Big Ten Conference for the sec ond straight year. Also leaving at the end of the first semester was Jim Aber nathy, all-state basketball player from Scottsbluff. He is now at tending Scottsbluff J. C. sidelined against the Jays with an ankle injury. Bill Mueller w ill replace Alexander in the 60 yard dash. The two-team entries as an nounced by Coach Ed Weir are: Kansas: 60 OrMnwor!. Srhutzel. Vtnnv; AO hlfthff Greenwood, Richard son. DeVlnney; 440 Dlnsniore. Bowers. Sohuticl; KftO Bowem, Pinsnlore. Hersh berirer. Karnes. Aglewsrd. Fisher. Mile Bowen. Karnes. Rnedenom. Ahel, Semper; 2 mile Karnes. Semper, Bnede nom. Abel. Aylward: Hich Jump Rou rhard, OeVinney, Greenwood. Newman. Brady: Pole vault Glows, Noma; Shot Lee Norris. Nebraska: 80 Mecinnis. Cooper. Muel ler; GO highs Bershfre. Maesaman. Cole; 60 lows Moomev, Marsamfin, Bedker; 440- Hurlbert. Kelll; Mtfi-Knnf. Jarohs. llurlherl, Baker; Mile Moorr, Robinson; 2-mlle -Aydin. Reere: Phot Toocood. Mr Tonnell. Reere; Hu(ch Jump Melssner. Sand. Mead: Broad Jump Randolph, Rlt ter. Brsinard, Pole vault Cooper, Kehl, MeCotinell. AT MILLER S The Gift That's Closest So very shprr. jut aliadow of a hade.. .but hat luscious flattery on her lesi are ihe new 13 denier, 51 gauge, Spring toned Peg Malloyt! Buy her Valentine honiery in Skylark (a Blue Grey) innome (new, light, and aandy) Ardr-nt (Neutral Tan) Twilight (misty Creyrd Row). fcius 82 to 10!:. 165 9 , 320 pair, pair sponded to treatment and he has indicated that he will be able to carry out any assignment given him. In commenting on his latest find. Dean Wells, Allen said: "Wells is a hustling, aggres sive basketball player. He is the kind of ball hawk every coach looks for. He could be the spearhead of a fast break, which would help our offense. All he needs is experience. He will improve every game." With that statement, it looks like Good had better be prepared for a fast break. So far, with men like Bob Ccrv, Jimmy Bu chanan and Joe Brown in the back court, no team has been able to consistently work the fastbreak. Wells did a good job against Geier's Gymn Team Record On Block Coach Jake Geier's undefeated ! gymnastics team will be seeking ! conquest number three of the current year when they encoun ter the University of Colorado gymnasts tomorrow night. The meet will begin at the Physical Education building, and will move to the Coliseum after the first two events. Action in the Coliseum will appear over television starting at 7:00. With balance and strength in all events, Colorado will be the ' stiff est competitors for the Hus . kers thus far. Bill Hasse, Colo i rado all-around man, wrenched 1 his back two weeks ago and may not be able to work all events. ' Like Cornhusker Al Dunavan, : Hasse is a threat in every event. ! This week, Al will work the ; horizontal bar, parallel bars, fly ing rings, tumbling, and tram poline. Craren Out. Because of a swimming meet in St. Louis, ace trampolinist. i Ed Craren will not participate in j the gymnastic meet this week. ! The entries: Sidertrne: Robert Twrwood, Om;lia; I.o Geier. Linmln; Arthur Hillman. DcHhler ( X t ; Phi Schern-r. Lew Con roy. Chnrr HornbAfk (Ct. Horizon! Hi bar: Norman And rnon. Grand Island; Paul Huirhra, Randolph; Bag Want Ads Brine Hosults. t . . illi the only pipe with llie cryslal filler Dc-.Xirotea Pipe! From England, the new lc-icotea makes liin xmoke milder, cooler, irritating! Fine, Dum finish briar. MEN'S SHOP First Floor to Her Heart X O e: At' f HOSIERY . . . First Floor mULER iPAME I-State by handling Cyclona floor-lcydcr Jerry Jrguson, but Nebraska fans won't soon forget Cerv's work on the Cyclone ace. Malacck Ready Joe Malacek will be ready for action. He was sidelined most of the Missouri game with an in jured knee. The swelling has gone down. Joe, still to hit hi scoring stride of last year, has been a great asset to the team with his rebounding. Playing only a couple of min utes in the Tiger fracas, Jo picked up more than his shara of rebounds off both boards. Ha was at his best in the K-State game along with Tony Lawry who kept the Huskers in tha money with his timely basket and rebounds. Al Punavan. Beatrice (N); Hasat, Kelt! Nesladek. Kenneth. Dunstan (C. raraliel D;ir: Ancorson. uunavan, c.cier tNj; Hasse, Nesladek, Dunbtaa (C). Klylnc rinps: Huehes, Cleler. Dunavaa (Nl; Hasse, Nesladek, Dunslan (CI. TumMmfc: Hiif-h. ;eier. Imnavan tN)l Hasse, Dunslan. Paul Vlllano tCi. Trampoline: Hughes, llunavan. Cliff Curnn. Omnha INj Hasse, sesladelc, antl Pcherrer (C. -mm tim m 4r t jQiqpiu::qptiop:t ootoa "Tribal Inm-tnma booming through he niclil. ... the ape-old tpelt of the Jungle! ... they coma llirillinglv alive when Vaughn Monroe sintr BAMBOO! Hnn-r for litis now RCA VICTOR hit! l,itrn to Sandy Jarkpon play on kltOY Pipe That Man 350 Other Mjles, other make, 1.50 to 7.50 V