The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 04, 1950, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, January 4, 1950
Intercollegiate Press
tiprr-slnn el -Indents " opinion "'- r2. ?li Koiird nnllcatlon.
Tl.!. .n.ernla. student pabllratlons and dmlni.tered ' lhu
T" U th. declared Miry .. th. Itoard a4 ---
In from editorial eeasorslilp on the ,u(f s( The .mil
mber of th. ..coll, ol lh. LJTww o b. printed."
toilet, year. 84.00 mailed. Mnalj '"l' J .nVrld., bh I nl.enltj
,,p Mondays and eiaturdays. acatlnn. an d ,,..,.4. r.nlered a. eonO
If Nebraska aader th. "- . J' Nehrn'kl,. -d.-T A't of lre... rfnre
.I 1.17.' aull.orl-rd bf.t.mbo M. )T0RI AL
Ciih firm
rdltor rrll Simpson, Num. Kcri
PlItllMSIII "-
" Hank lammer.
I'liiitiigrftplwr Jean rfimiri
Society K.dltor , k.,..u nurnirl.tet
Assistant ll.islnes. Minim Kannoipn. M),ny ,.,.,
t initiation Mimagrr I'uoi hie Uedliicr
Mht New l.dltnr t
With Tongue in Cheek
concept of the
scientific front.
t . i ...1 (i,., M'miii tv:is soitlim: down to a
J USl I 1 V I 1 I I If , v. .
1 1. ll II. ,11 l,,r.:,l; lunse :iL';iiil on the
atomic doiuu, cm iii "
Kinstein has been at it again.
His 1141 Christmas present to humanity tame in tlio form ol
a "generalized theory- of gravitation, which most loadmg saent.sts
believe may become the most important development of all time.
Now wc were inclined to be grateful to Mr. Einstein lor his
theory on relativily. We thought that was swell, and we were,, t
inclined to blame him too much when it eventually helped lead to
the atomic bomb.
But we balk when lie starts mossing around wnn si.iw..
don't like the visions wc see of future wars being fought by hurl
ing millions of enemies right off the face of the Earth by some
scientific legerdemain. Personally, we'd rather have an atomic bomb
hit us, a possibility, we suppose, that also rather appeals to many
of our readers. Or do we have any left?
and a self-addressed envelope to The s
(Free copies of this stirring bit may bo obtained by sending 50c
and a self-addressed envelope to The Daily Nobraskan.)
Christian movement in America.
Jerry Young will lead a discus
sion on the subject "The Tlaee
of the Y on the Modern Campus,"
following the film.
Nomination for new officers will
be held at the meeting.
The city campus YM cabinet
will meet Wednesday at 5:30 p. m.
in the Temple lounge. Plans for
the annual YM-YW banquet will
be made at this time.
Cily Campus YM
Plans Film Forum
A film forum will highlight the
first city campus YM meeting of
the year Wednesday. Jan. 9, at 7
p. m., in the Temple lounge.
The film is "John R. Mott,
World Citizen," which features the
;n tho rnreer of John
Mott. foremost leauei oi o--
ulrd fmuimmn
at Hmilhir tinir
I At Miller's
I r .1 I
tor tne i
I Mow Ymt I
I non,
y H m- v-vfs i M) s
r r1 - , ni.
I I I III l '.
I If m 1 I I " '
(Beauli til Vs 3 ! IS
' , i p.m. tu
G umpua-dened color- in the .l.wrrrt and W
liesl of hose. Choose "Holiday" or "Carefree .n
three proportioned lengths Mm 8'i to 11. 5 j
gauge, 13 dt-nior. rj '
3 poir 5.70
HOSIERY . . . First Floor j 5:S:
i 2 p. in
(TIlLLER 6 PAiflE m
BY JI.AN- H'.NSl r.K
Santa Claus evidently treated
the gals about campus pretty good
at Christmas and through vaca
tion. We have practically noth
ing but pinnings and engagements
to fill today's column not a bad
subject to write on either.
Engaged are the following:
Phil Thoinnson and (lordon
Pauley. Mary I-n Graham and
(ilen ChtbaiiRh, Pat Watson and
John Theodeson, Dorothy Borcens
and Norris llardiiiR, Kay CoRlry
and Cliff Chi ienson. Kathy
Willie and Roz Howard. Kay
Mi-nke and Bill Denker, Tat Stou
ral and Don Stockholm, l.ois Ro
din and Larry Veta, Olive (lell
nran and Tom Brownley. Louise
Sasserstrin and Sidney Winn in
Kathleen Maharry and an ATO
from Iowa U. Joyce Kihausen and
home town beau, Nita Uae Bnd
cnhaiiKh and home town flame.
I.cKov BauRhn and Marilyn Dixon
(to be married Jan. JH). ' 'tR :
i:ilis and Dick Capek, Marcaret
Napple and Pat Thomas, Pat War- :
wick and (lordon Ludlow (Has-!
tings college), Jo Corzine and Boh
Mason, Katv Llliott and Hoy i
Yalcy. Jane Bailey and Tom Lud-j
ifi. Norma (Irothe and Warren .
Porter, Carol Russell and Ted
Kelstrom, Barbara Dun and Dick
Russell. Marsaret .loiinson aim
Bill Marsh, Rosie Kimball and
Jack Wagner. J
TV. a, 1,1 trt llu- lollli list of Oil- '
gagements, there's another small
list of pinnings. Pinned are:
Dorothy Maxwell and Jack Mc
Meekin, Ann Penner and a Delt
from Kansas City, Diane Thomas
and Fritz Ware, Mary Ryons and
Bill Stewart, Jan Ryman and Jim
Kenner, Harlan Beideck and Dor
othy Taylor, Jean Walker ana
Chuck Stewart, Sally Gardiner
and Tom Lawrie, Jo Shickley and
Annapolis flame, Lou Ann Fahn
Kmnv llenkins, Pat
Horstman and Ray Stryker. I
Tlierc was one unpinning dur-
irig vacation Jody Loder and
Steve Reed.
r f nrno, nut tn ho a
little joyous for Pat McCormick
than she had expected.. Tom ed-
w.nn rnmo Vinmp linCXDCCtedli'
from California and they trc now
going steady, aiso going sie,ui.
are Jean Smith and Bill Holm-
quist. .
piv IValifM entertained at a
iew i tin a o ,.y -f
C.,(,,, ,lo r,irrht Rill StOWCCl W3S I
ljiI LIM l-ltl T iiii-tttv -----
with Peggy and other couples in
eluded Ajon tamer ana rav i.h
Bad Business . . .
"Student shoots fraternity brother at Ohio State uni-
VCrS"Fratcrnity man accused of strangling girl friend after
party at Iowa universiy." . .
1 ii nffwdals str ke drinkmsr 'upper class
Ullltn uiimimi-j -
social clubs' from recognition list when s udent nearly dies
from drinking quart ot Aiaruni cihkic...
These are three stories which have been getting more
than enough publicity in American newspapers during the
past few weeks. Yet there's something behind these stones
which every fraternity, sorority and social organization
member should think about. It applies to Nebraska and
any other school whore such organizations are a part ot
Simply this-Greeks will find it extremely difficult to
survive unless they stop bringing adverse criticism upon
themselves and start creating more good will via the good
deeds route. , , , j
Of course, Creeks will say, "Sure, but why condemn
the entire Creek set-up when the troubles are caused by
a few individuals?" Granted. But the situation njight as
well be faced squarely. There are far more people who
would jump at the chance to eliminate the Creek system
than there are people who desire such a system.
Fraternities in all sections of the country are under
fire because of racial discrimination clauses in their eon
stitutions. This has naturally brought unfavorable criti
cism Incidents such as those mentioned above also bring
discredit upon the system. True, only one student shot his
fraternity brother, and only one fraternity man strangled
'his girl friend. Nevertheless, all eyes focus back: on the
entire Greek system as a result of such happenings. The
i manner in which they are played up in many newspajrs
! illustrates the feelings people have on the matter. ; ;
It only takes one such incident to make people say,
i "Yea those fraternities all they do is play and get in
: . . . ., ii 3., i u nrtlii,f rl i cmIs Vfvl nU
trouulc. in oiner wuius, uic uu innuuvt u..,r.. j
Greeks is more widely recognized and remembered longer,
than the good conduct which is often forgotten. X
Creek organizations caji do a great deal of gViod for
themselves and their universities, or they can do a great
deal of harm.
The situation deserves some serious thought by those
concerned in all colleges and universities.
Fritz Simpson.
NU Hullctin
AS.U: meeting, 7:.'10 p. m., 20(
A. E.
Cosmopolitan Club, 7:30 p. m.,
room 315. Union. Final plans will
be made for the Chancellor's re
ception to be held Jan. 7.
Phalanx, 5:15 p. m., West Sta
dium, uniforms.
WAA Rifle Club, 4 p. m.. Mil.
Sci. Pldg. rifle range. Come
dressed for shooting and bring $2
Amateur Radio Society meeting
mid election, 7:30 p. m., Praco
Red Cross Water Safety com
mittee, 5 p. m., Union.
Xu-Meds meeting, parlors, XY,
Union. Dr. Frank H. Tanner, Lin
coln, speaker. Nominations for
next semester's officers will be
A call for "poll-cats" has been
issued by the Daily Nobraskan.
Students interested in assisting
the paper in polling students on
contioversial questions contact
Beth Randcl, Pag office, 1 to 4
p m. anv afternoon this week.
Copies" of the '49-'50 Student
Directory may be purchased at
the campus bookstores.
Theta Nu picture 4:50 p. m.
Friday, West Stadium.
Final Exam Schedule
w VvM; h il VI l( ill ilVlin ' r.. lift l,r, .1 ..x,ln.i.m. Mh Hl.nvr s,.,-. -Il V arrHKl '"''
M) Spanish M. ..1. I- " " ,.,,,.. ,, ,h.r llmr sl,.,,.l,l l.r ln.,.1,. m, U.o rirparlmrnt ...ncrii. .1
in Irrnrn, arranut-nifiMH mumimi ih- n.n,,,- ... ,
II m.
S p.m.-
I Ihsms iiH'i'lint n a.m.
lassrs mrrliiiK al II .
I rl., or any one r tu il lh"e la.
nr any itnr nf Ihrse da t.
i ollsniml
II, 12. (CollKrlim)
, livr nr four ilay, r Mmi.,
flr nr funr lnH. ot Mini., Wnl
. TiiiMlay., Thiir., r Nat
Tilt KSiDAV, I Nt AltV 1(1
lo i n, (Ibkm-h mrrtiiiR at 3 p.m., Thih.. Thnra., or ellhrr i.n- l tl- ila.
In II a.m. All wrtlnm In Mi-rhanlral KnlniTlni; I.
In 10 a in. All M-rllnn In llnmp r.rmi,niili 41 anil 42.
In HI .m. All siTllnns In HiihIiips llruanlallun 21. ( iilln-nm)
... n .'." til ti-rtlnn In llllslni Orcnilliat Inn 141. iollriml
i., in a.m. All M-rlliim In r rrnrii II, i.i.
to ID a. mi All necllon In Npanlih ftS.
! 1 -'Z-." :T .i '! n lilr .,; four lay. r Mo... Krl.. nr any one or two of lhr day.
1 1 , sSM mr. llnii al 10 a.m.. five nr four ilax. nr Mm., Writ., Krl., nr any inr nr two of Ou-nr ilaya.
! nltn, 3 ,,m., flvr or four ,,. Mon.. Vrl ar any r r . . - ;
.. .. . f .. !,,.... .. r 1 1 ... .I.. .
n . . i i? wn i la s,t'M mi'i'iinr ai n.n,.. w. n,, ... " 1
n ' ... . , .... ... ii (A in
t ia m.A hf n inn in ,ii,-,,i n ,
I p.m. All aeruonn in .Maini-maur i-i,
5 p.m. 4 laM' inwllnir al H a.m., Tur,
5 p.m. ( mm'tlnt at S p.
.1 p.m.
B p.m
ft p.m.
41, III.. Knlisrnml
U. II, 42. UNI. 10. MuliM-nm)
. TIhim.. Sal.. tr any one- or two of thr-M day.
firs rr fonr das, or Mon., Writ., Krl., or anv onf or two of tlionr iiay.
lassen mri-tinK at p.m.. Turn, and Thum., ur rllhfr onr nf thi'se days.
1aKtiH mn-llnit at 7 p.m., Mon., Weil.. Krl., or any one or two of thesr- day,
lassrn nxn-llm al 1 p.m.. Turn, and Thiirn., or rllhrr one nf thesr day.
tn jj ,. (ssr nuw-tinc at 9 a.m., fix or four day, or Mon., Wrd., Krl.. or any one nr two ol thrw days.
to ft p.m. t lasr mrellnit at I p.m.. Tups, and Thnrs, or rllhrr tint nf thfv day.
Sam to 12 m. Tlaswn nicllm at 12 m., flv or four daya, or Mon., Vrd., Krl., or any onr or two of tUrse daya.
' a m', to 12 m. All wHIona In ( I it Knijini-erlnr.
8 a m. tn 10 a.m. All arrtlons In Business Oritanlrulinn 147. iColliiim)
8 a.m'. to 10 am. All wrtlons In Kdnration SO, Hi. 82. (loll scum)
10 'tO am. to li:S0 p.m. All acrllons in Husinrss Omaniialion 3, 4. (foliiwum)
lo' lO a!m. to 12:30 p.m. All sections in I'syrlmlnry 70. (Collspiiml
2' p.m. to 5 p.m. t la-swa meeting- at II a.m., flvr or four days, or Mon.. Wed., Krl., nr any ttnr or two of tnrse "'"
9 am. to 12 m. (lasses meet I nr. at I P.m., five or four days, or Mon.. Med., Krl., nr any one or two of these da.
to ft p.m. (lasses meeiinK ai in a.m., iues., 1 nuri, ai., or any one or iwo 01 im-e uay.
to 12 m. ( lasses meetlnit at 9 a.m., Tues., Thurs., Sat., or any n nr two of lli.-ne days,
to ft p.m. All sections In K.ncllsh. 2.
to A p.m. All serf inns In Knicllsh 3, 4.
to 5 p.m. All sections In Knullsh 17.
to ft p.m. All sections in Klec. Kiie. 135, 198, 238. 237. J
to ft p.m. All sections in K.ronomics 115.
tn 12 ni. Classes meetinc at- t p.m., Tues. and Ihnrs., or rither aa ( these days.
to 4 p.m. All sections in Knelish H, 1 iColisrum)
to ft p.m. All sections In Sociolory S3
to B p.m. All sections In K.neineerln-f Mechanics 228.
to 8 p.m. All sections in Mrrnanirai r.nmneerinx 6.