The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1949, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Friday, December 2, 1949
PirosEi), JuonQir Lw
" If B
University of Nebraska fresh
man and junior law students,
composing 106 teams in all, will
act as attorneys in appellate cases
in the law school's fourth annual
Moot Court competition which
opens at 3:30 p. m. Monday.
Twenty-eight freshmen teams
and five junior teams will be act
ing as lawyers for every type of
defendant ranging from an ac
cused murderer to a dismissed
school teacher seeking reinstate -
First argument to be he.ard in
the beginning session of the
"mock court" will be by students
. Joe Vosoba and R. Steinacher, at
torneys for the fictitious "Arturo
Valentino," found guilty of mur
dering his sweetheart after she
rejected his proposal of marriage.
Down Town Judges
Vosoba and Steinacher, com
posing one of the 10 junior teams
who will participate in the pro
ceedings this week, will match
wits with the state's prosecuting
student attorneys, G. Stahl and
R. Moodie. Three downtown Lin
coln lawyers, Julius Hopkins,
Royce Harper and Bob McNutt,
will "sit in" as judges of the case
and hand down the appellate
court's decision.
Valentino, ''the man, who when
his sweetheart refused to marry
him, pointed a gun to his head
and said, 'There is nothing to live
for.' " was charged with first de
gree murder. Student attorneys
Vosoba and Steinacher will argue
that the girl, fearing his suicide
attempt, reached for the gun and
was accidentally shot in the en
suing struggle.
File Briefs.
Both "attorneys'' have filed
pleadings in the form of a brief,
which cites the points upon which
the appeal is based, and discusses
Following the ''Valentino" case,
second case on the trial docket
will be heard at 7:30 p.m. that
night. This case will be presented
by student "attorneys"' J. Jones
and H. Schwartz, arguing against
another team composed of D. L.
Brock and W. D. Blue.
"Judges" for the case of "Wil
liam F. Malsh vs. Garrard Glen"
will be Don Krocger, John Bin
ning and Dick Harnsberger, all of
Lincoln. This case involves an in
surance difficulty on a $50,000
cheese factory which burned
Written By Board
Both cases, as are all others on
docket to be argued between
Monday and Thursday in junior
competition of the court, were
prepared and written- by members
of the Board of Advisors, super
vising the Moot Court.
With actual competition begin
ning Mondav. winners will be
picked from six of the junior
team and will argue before the
Supreme Court next spring. Sen
ior team members, Glenn Feibig
and Donald Boyd vs. Forrest Fu
gate and Richard Berkheimer,
will also appear in senior com
petition in next spring's session.
Freshman participation begins
Dec. 6, with the first practice
case of moot court competition. A
total of 48 arguing teams will
compete. Compulsory for fresh
man students, this round has no
With or Without Imprinting
Also Christmas Letter Sheets
See this Urge selection
before you buy.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
connection with the actual com
petition of the court session.
Other Cases
Among the cases to be appealed
in this session is one in which
the constitutionality of a certain
statute prohibiting political par
ticipation by a university instruc
tor will be argued. Plaintiffs for
this case will be freshman "at
torneys" Edward Addison Cook,
III, and Michael Madden.
Lawyers for the defendant,
Mary Jones, an instructor dis
missed from her job because of
participation in politics and who
is seeking reinstatement, will be
a freshman cousin-team, P. Eng-
ler and M. Engler.
The mock court, which has be
gun at this time of the year for
the past four years, is a memorial
Yidctide Singfcst
Sel for Sunday
The third in the series of five
community Christmas singfests
will be held at St. Paul Methodist
church on Sunday evening, De
cember 4th at 8:00 p. m. under the
auspices of the Women's Division
of the Chamber of Commerce and
the Lincoln Ministerial, associa
tion. Rev. John Wichelt of the First
Evangelical United Brethren
Church will preside and give the
meditation. Robert Stepp will
lead the community singing and
Beverly Tracy, contralto, will
provide the special music. Camp
Fire Girls under the direction of
Miss Phyllis Dent will usher.
The public is invited and urged
to attend.
l7Tr-iZ t i Comfortable Formality!
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to the late Thomas S. Allen, the
first student to graduate from the
University of Nebraska Law
school. Idea of the court was set
up by the Board of Regents and
the faculty as a training for stu
dents in arguing appellate cases
New Directory
Ready Monday
For Students
Student Directories will go on
sale next week beginning Mon
day, in Union booths, bookstores
and the organized houses, accord
ing to Bob Mosher, business man
ager. The publication is recognized
this year by a light gray cover in
contrast with scarlet and cream
colors of last year.
The annual publication contains
a complete list of University stu
dents, faculty members, Lincoln
addresses, phone numbers, class
ifications and hometowns of all
regularly enrolled graduates in
the University. The Directories
also contain information on stu
dent houses, religious groups and
clubs on the campus.
Booth Sales
Booths will open Tuesday and
continue through Friday. Mickie
Fike, who is in charge of booth
sales, said that persons who have
already paid for their Directories
may pick them up at the booths
by presenting their receipts. Lee
Alexander will be in charge of
book store sales.
A lot of fellows about ramnns
are cettine a little bit learv ahout
this "starvation dinner" deal. It
seems that a few pockets are on
the lean side. It's all for the good
of the cause, fellows.
Going out to the Italian Village
Friday night before the Military
Ball are Hank Lammers and
Adele Cramer, Cub Clem and
Poochie Rodiger, Bob Yarwood
and Donna Burley, Frank Munk
and May Scherf, Bill Cozier and
Shirley Hudson
Arbor Manor patrons will be
Tom Millikan and Shirlov Rilivr
Bob Waters and Kay Meckc,
Betty Boothe and Bryce Shopp,
Jack Barnhart and Nancie De
Bord. Sigma Nus and their dates go
ing to Harold's Steak house are
Don Hutton and Ginnv Noble.
Jack Craig and Jean Loomis,
Jack Young and Tat Dishner, uomeiord and Molly Myhrc.
Pat Hanlon Dassed the candv
twice to announce her pinning to
Fred Kinghorn. She passed candy
at the Chi O house and then at
Loomis, ye old home.
Don Rice and Evie Osoff of
Omaha announced their engage
ment Wednesday evening.
Zeta Beta Tan is havino a
dinner party before the ball Fri
day niffht Connlr: nttonrlinft will
be Aaron Schmidt and Kathy
Clements, Ed Kantor and Fran
Hansen, MM Maisel and Peggy
Judd, Ajon Farber and Pat Lan-
The Pi Kans will miirrata in
thA Victorian ton hnucn hpfnrn
the Bali. Couples include John
Berigan and Jan Liljedahl, Gene
Wiedmaier and Jan Zlomke,
Emerson Inks and Liz Rogers.
Class Head
Filings Attract
Only Two
No one has filed for senior
class president. Two persons have
filed for junior class chiel exe
cutive. That was the situation at 4
o'clock Thursday at the Student
activities office. Filings for both
titles close at 4 p.m. today.
The class officers, to be elected
Tuesday at an upperclassmen's
election, are the traditional
planters of the ivy at the Ivy
Day ceremony. This year they
will play a part in the Junior
Senior Prom, according to Roz
Howard, member of Innocents
society, sponsors of the dance.
Filings should be made in the
Activtities office in the Admin
istration building before 4 p.m.
Students applying must have a
5.5 average and have qualified
junidr or senior standing in their
respective colleges.
Information which all appli
cants must submit includes full
name, college and number of
hours now being carried. Grade
averages will be checked by
election officials.
Frank Hoffman and Perky Flab.
Dates going to the Military Ball
from Ag campus include Georgia
Tivey and Art Becker, Dot Bow
man and Stan Lambert, Joyce
Shaner and Johnny Sahs, Joyce
Schroeder and Rex Messer-
schmidt, Jeanne Holmes and Phil
All of the excitement this week
end seems to be centered in one
place on one night namely the
Military Ball Friday night Sat
urday night is the first basket
ball game of the season. We pre
dict a record crowd after Friday
night's blowout.
"Nassau"-The new
spread collar style
Whethor you're prom
chairman, glee club
man, or stag at eve,
you will be correct and
comfortable in Arrow's formal
shirti, dress ties and collars.
See your Arrow dealer now
for your Christmos and New
Year's formal wear needs.