The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1949, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, No ember 17, 1949
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TACKLE Ghnrley Tooauod, Husker tackle, threw the key block to
spring Harry Meginnis free on his 70 yard touchdown gallop against
Iowa State Saturday as the Iluskers chalked up their third victory
of the season. He has been one of the unsung heroes of the Corn
husker camp. Toogood has been labeled one of Coach Glassford's
"60 Minute-men."
her Pa
i J lb
The Nebraska Cornhuskcrs'
passing arm was given a good
polish Wednesday night as the
iluskers set aside their defensive
work to work on a good offense.
Quarterbacks Fran Najjle and
Kenney Fischer were handling
the passing chores on the two
top offensive units. Working in
the backficld with Nagle were
halfbacks Don Bloom and Ron
Clark, who seems to have re
covered fully from the groin in
juries thai allowed him to see
only two plays during the I-State
game last week, and fullback
Rich Yost.
Fischer was working with the
first string backficld of halfbacks,
Bill "Rocky" Mueller and Harry
Meginnis, and fullback Nick Ad
duci. Glassfoid had his quarter
backs using various plays against
the different Colorado defenses,
hoping to find a weak spot in the
Buffs' defense.
Novak Honored.
Composing the forward wall of
the "Fischer team" were center
Tom Novak, who was recently
picked to play for the West in
the annual East-West game to be
played New Year's Day, guards
Mike DiBiase and Walt Spellman,
tackles Charley Toogood and Bob
Mullen and ends Frank Simon
and Bob Schnieder.
Working with Nagle were cen
ter Joe McCill, guards Art Bauer
and Rex Hoy, tackles Don Min
nick and Herb Reese, ends Ray
Magasman and Tracy Bush.
Squad spirit rose to a new
high since now the Iluskers
can look forward to a third
place tie with Iowa State in the
Big Seven conference. All that
the Iluskers will need is a win
Saturday afternoon.
Brightening the outlook for
Glassford was the return of soph
omore Ron Clark, who despite the
fact that he didn't get a chance
to make a punt return last Sat
urday, still leads the Big Seven's
punt returners with a net of 231
Halfback Harry Meginnis, with
his 70-yaixl TD punt return
against Iowa State, would have
the command spot in that cate
gory had he made at least five
returns. Meginnis has returned
three punts for an average of 26
yards per try.
Charles Buehrer took over the
second place spot among Ne
braska's punters with a 29.3 punt
average. Bruhrer, who had not
seen any action in a regular game
for the Iluskers until last Satur
day, did a praiseworthy job as
he punted Nebraska out of
trouble ten times, averaging 29.3
yards per try.
Last Game for Seven.
Seven Nebraska seniors will
Phi Delta Theta is the 1949 IM
swimming champion. The Phi
Delts added seven points in the
diving event Monday to increase
their already substantial lead over
second place Sigma Alpha Epsil
on and thus sew-up their third
intramural title this year. The
Phi Delts have already won the
Fall Golf and the Fall Tennis
Behind the victors' point total
of 57 and the runner-up Sig Alphs
with 45 came the Phi Psi's with
20, the Sig Nil's with 25, and the
Delta Sigma Pi's with 24 points
to round out the top five teims.
The Independents topped the
second division, totaling 20 points,
followed by the Phi Gams with
14. the Ka'ppa Sigs with 13, the
Betas with 4. and the Sig Eps
with 3 points.
Blunier Wins Diving
Paul Blumer. Phi Dclt. led the
wav in the final event of the meet,
the diving competition, to total
j 72 points as compared to 69 points
, by runner-up Leonard Jones,
: Delta Sig Pi. Jerry Barrett, Inde
pendent and Jim Fans, Sig kp
tied for third 'with 68 points
apiece. Fifth place was earned by
Independent Bud Lade and the
sixth point-getter in the event
was Bob Burhans, Sig Alph.
The Phi Gamma Delta hopes for
third place in the meet received
a severe jolt when their winning
relay team was disqualified after
it was learned they used an ineli
gible swimmer. The 13 first place
points were deducted from the
Phi Gam total and every other
placing team was moved up ac
cordingly. Indoor Track Entries Due
Attention all intramural mana
gers!! The deadline for entries in
have their last chance to put their
names down among the Huskers'
all-time greats.
Tom Novak's name will un
doubtedly go down as the great
est center ever to perform in
Husker togs. According to some
of the "old-timers." Novak is the
best center ever to .have played
in Memorial Stadium.
' Besides Novak, Ralph Dam
kroger, Bob Schnieder, Darwin
Salestrom, Mike DiBirse, Ken
Fischer and Harry Meginnis will
see action for the last time for
the Cornhuskers.
Students and faculty mem
bers should exchange their
football tickets for basketball
tickets Monday, Nov. 21, in
the lobby of the Coliseum.
A meeting will he held in
the employee dining room of
the Student Union, Thursday
evening at 7:30, to discuss the
formation of a Table Tennis
Persons who are interested
and cannot attend shovld sign
a petition in the activities of
fice of the union Friday.
ocoooocc coooocooooocooooocooooocooooo
o w
THE 1949
Original Fraternity Skits
John Cars n, M. C.
Presentation of
Nebraska Sweetheart
and Prince Kosmet
Friday, Nov. 18, 8 P.M.
Tickets 70c each tax incl.
University of Nebraska Coliseum
From ihc Sporls Desk . . .
by Jerry Warren
"We got the break and we hung
on." That was Bill Glassford's
explanation of the Iowa State
game in his letter to the alumni.
He described the game as the old
fashioned type, in which the
Huskers played close to the
"vest" all afternoon.
Glassford went on to say that
the magnificent 70-yard run by
Harry Meginnis was hardly a
break. Any run where the car
ried drops the ball, picks it up
and is touched by seven men be
fore he reaches mid-field, is defi
nitely not a quirk of fate.
I Special mention should be
made of Charlie Toogood when
talking of Meginnis' run. If it
had not been for Toogood's bruis
ing block of two Cyclone defend
ers, the game would have been a
scoreless tie.
Toogood, Tom Novak and Walt
Spellman played the full
Saturday. Nick Adduci
missed only four plays in the
rough game.
Novak received more national
recognition this week when he
was picked to play for the West
in the annual East-West New
Years game.
Patterson Announces First
Nebraska Wrestling Clinic
A new clinic will make its ap
pearance on the campus Nov. 19.
The University will sponsor a
wrestle clinic for Nebraska high
school wrestlers and their coaches.
"Pat" Patterson, Husker coach
will direct the activities.
"We want the boys to come to
Nebraska and the best way to do
it is to show them the set-up we
have here," said Patterson as he
explained the program.
The high school wrestlers and
coaches will be shown different
types of holds, methods of warm
ing up and escapes. Cornhusker
varsity matmen will give the dem
onstrations and two high school
coaches will give lectures.
Patterson will conduct a ques
tion and answer period for the
group following the demonstra
tions and lectures.
The complete program, which
will be held in the Coliseum, in
cludes: 10:00-10:110 Warm-up drills and take
downs Newt Topple anil Mickey Sparano.
10:30-11 :00- Rides and Plnhold combi
nations Vern Ekfelt, coach, North High.
11 :00-l1 :no -Kscapes-Orville Orr. coach,
Thomas Jefferson tiiRh. Council Bluffs, In.
1 1 :30-12:OO -tjuesiions and Answers
Fatterson and varsity men.
12:00-1 ::S0 Rules
eon at Spencer's.
L':oi) Aitcnd the
discussion and lunch-
folo-Nehr. football
the 1949 indoor track meet is Fri
day at 5 p.m. No entries will be
accepted after that date. Also, any
men interested in becoming paid
referees for intramural basketball
this winter, see Hollie Lepley,
room 107 P.E. on Monday, Tues
day, or Wednesday next week.
l:AH a rord sport shirt to class. i:t
new colors lit Al KKSJ4(10 O St.
VVANTKiTriiie lo Chicago. Thanksgiving.
Call Nina or Jan. 2-1174
vVANTEH - Hide
Share expetises.
to Texas
Kob Kelly.
2-4 40S.
ON Campus, board only. Reasonable
rales. Rooms available soon. 2-443H.
1!H0 Olds, pood running condition. 3-6112
Aflernoon and evenings.
LY. JAKK. 2-7741.
LOST- Brown purse.
Nov. 14. Reward.
of Music,
FOR SALE: Beautiful Midnight Blue
tux. size 40: shirt, size 15'..., tie, studs
anil split calf shoes size H. This is a
$(0 outfit that s been worn twice. All
vours for J4S. Call Keller. 2-7631, Kxt.
WANTED- Rides lor two to ChicaRo or
LansinK, Mich., Thanksgiving vacation.
Share expenses. Morne. 2-7431.
I'"OR Sale: Portable typewriter. Excel
lent condition. Call after 5 . 3-3472.
ATTRACTIVE sleeping rooms lor boys,
newly decorated, innerspring mattresses.
Close in. Reasonable rates. Student
Hotel, 327 So. 11th St. 5-3O20.
LOST C.reen billfold. Ag College Cam
pus. Mary Ann c.rundman. 2-7S7.r.
Tl'X for sale. Size 40. Phone B-0777.
LOST- (ilasses in brown case. Bob Robin
son. 6-1319.
Rugged Fabric Mastered By Expert Tailoring!
U i
No need to let rough weather check your style pace I
Clarks fall topcoats are medal-winners in appearance
as well as warmth. Fabrics are rugged, to be sure
. . . Heavy coverts, staunch gabardines. But then ex
pert stylists and tailors take over. They shape, crease,
stitch, reinforce with patient skill. Result . . . top
coats to do you proudl Clarks fits your topcoat to
your wallet as carefully as to you.
$3950 T0 54750
Ha OS 3
Corner 11th and "O"