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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1949)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 16, 1949 JJvl (Daiti VkbAaAliarL Mcmbw Intercollegiate Press FOBTY-SEVENTH YT.KB. rue nlly Nebrankaa U pabllihrd o the etBdeata af the Ualrenlty at Ncbraaka m a exprrmioB ol studrnU aewe and opinion only according to article 11 the At Law covernlni student pablleatlona and .dmlnlaterea bj the Board af Publication "II la the declared policy ot tha Board thai publication andrr Ite Inrtadlctloa riia a Irea (rom editorial ecuaorsaip aa to ear af Um Board, a aa the part ai any member ol the (acuity of taa ealvenlty: Mil member of tba ataff of The itaily Mabraakaa are prraonaJly responsible for what they aay ar da ar cause to be printed." Bnbsertptloe rales are 12.04 per semester, tt.S per aetneater mailed, ar S.1.M for the college year. $4.04 mailed. Single copy Pabllshed dally during the school ycai except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by the UaWerrtty af Nebraska ander the snpervlsloa of the t'abllratloe Hoard. Katered aa Second Class Matter at the Post Office la Lincoln, Nebraska, nader Aet ot Coairresa, utarro 1, 1879, and at special rale of postage provided tor la seettoa 113. Aet el Octobei a. 1817. authorized September 1. 19S2. EDITORIAL Published, written, Our apologies. and concocted by the Corn Cobs and the Gamma Phi Betas. With Tongue in Cheek At long; last, staid, sophisticated Nebraska University a- r has awoken to the needs of its more progressive under graduates. The germs of progressiveism, so long dormant in the workings of the school, have finally taken seed. The apostles of this cult have taken up a new battle cry. "Three-Two beer in the Union. Why give all the stu dents money to downtown establishments with their no torious environment. Make the Union a piace for old soa--, friends to congregate." This paper is glad to see changes of this kind taking place on this campus. If we continue this trend toward progressivism, we may well be on our way towards being a university for the students. A special invitation has been issued to all students interested in this proposed plan to attend a meeting next Saturday at the Grove. The meeting is sponsored by the TN , Progressive students party. With Foot in Mouth . . . by Wes Kohtz and Rex Pettijohn. Hats off to Charlemagne Alexander Wolfgang Bimbo Clem. The first man to tackle an editorial without having anything to say! Although a brilliant man of philosophy (he got an 8) his articles are simple enough to be under stood by the average alfalfa-seed PBK. This illustrious edi tor while able to rank high scholasticallv (in philosophy) and currently employed as janitor of the Mueller Tower and publicity agent of the Cooper Foundation, finds time to attend University Theatre and 7 a.m. Pep rallies. Perhaps you think that the editorial page suffers because of this abundance of outside activity. Such is NOT the case. On the contrary, these activities form the nucleus of his "editorial policy." If it were not for these activities we might well not ever have an article or editorial by our esteemed editor. Congratulations on your editorial eggs may you lay them ever more. Simon Snooper Last week was the scene of various fraternity parties. "Hoot Hoot" made another comeback at the Beta "Balm Beach" party when he staggered in with grad "Ice Cold" Patty Guihn. Hugh Follmer, potential ex-pinmate, was seen chugging his bottle of hair restorer as he searched for his wandering date. The Phf Delts "Record"' party found Clarence "Wistful" Gates passionately holding hands with one-time party girl Fran "The Search" Edee. "Dark Horse" Me- Rlnnis passed the evening running his 70 yard dash to and from the bar. "Points" McCann broke all records with blind date "Tish" Swanson. . Saturday night the DU's were stopping at their annual "Out House" party. Jack Asmussen, social chairman, was dateless. It seems every one of his women are now going steady. Howard Den nis also stag, was found off in a dark "hakstack" reading "The Murder in the Bathroom" or "Who Shot John in the Head?" Mel "Jobby" Johnson, big-time contractor, was swapping future party plans with Bill "Bashful" Brinkman, intermural favorite, while "Swedie" Hanson was humming the Alpha Phi Sweet heart Song. New Steadies. Wes Kohtz and Marge Putt, Fran Nagle and Charlene Hol- comb. Also "Boom Boom" Bloom and Jan Nutzman and Bob Phelps vs Ginny Koch. New pin mates are Cub Clem and Erna Marie Trefz; Bob Reynolds and Emily Hiene; George Wilcox and Sara Fulton. Last but not least, Nancy Cre meens is now wearing the Farm house pin of Keith Frederickson. Question of the week: Who stole the T.N.E. stencils???? R.S.V.P. Pleeze!! NU Bulletin Board All Kosmet Klub workers re port at the Temple Theatre 7 p. m. Wednesday. Alpha Zeta meets Thursday at 7 p. m. at Crops lab. Willi Tongue Out of Cheek Girls, do you want activity points without doing any thing to earn them? If so just become a member of Pan Hellenic. This group of high and mighty women dictate the policies of all the sorority women on the campus. And what an active group it is; twice a year they make their annual announcements. The first anouncement is al ready out, which is, "No sorority women may take part in the Homecoming parade." The second announcement will come in the spring and will sound like this, "No sorority women may take part in the Kosmet Klub spring show." With the two above announcements the Panhell proves to the whole campus that they are nothing more than pup pets; and, that they have no interest whatsoever in assist ing the university in an "all campus" function. The only reason given for the first announcement: "No participation in the Homecoming parade," is that the girls have too much work to do that weekend. Yet every fratern ity, and organized house including female groups entered into the homecoming activities 100 (house decoration and float), and the Student Health Clinic didn't have one re port of overwork, or of a nervous breakdown. Yet poor, frail little sorority girls are "just too busy." Last year, to hear any sorority girl talk, it was the fault of the well known, woman dictator, Mrs. S. Now that she has been removed, girls, who can you blame? At the end of the "dictators reign" everyone was very happy and was looking forward to great achievements on the part of sorority women. But what happens, the same old trite an nouncement. What is the trouble ? Are our sorority women so weak willed that they can't even express themselves, or is it that they are just too lazy to get out and work for the university. The Homecoming week is certainly one of the most important events of the school year and the parade is like wise one of the most important parts of this memorable occasion. Surely the girls can exert as much effort as the men and the other women's groups do to make it a success ful week. Why can't our sorority women work for our University like women do on every other campus across the nation. Come on girls, stand up, and make everyone proud "of the ingenuity and cooperation of our sorority women. Abolish this "do nothing" attitude and start pulling your weieht. If you are bound so completely by the dictates of Mrs. Girard ney Mrs. b., surely there is one of strong enough to stand up and rectify the situation. Just for a change let the second anual announcement read, "Any sorrority woman MAY take part in the Kosmet Klub spring show, if they so desire." Quit hindering the university and start building. Corn Cob Advisory Council Tau Pi Sigma Reveals Plight All despondent Corn Cob work ers were today given new hope. For the first time it has been of- y.v.v.v.v.w.v.w.v.w.w.w.sWaV.w.".v.w.vv 5 S . . . . Si" : 1 A man Hasn't a Chance in an Arrow White Shirt!" i kii- i M w 1 V U i Quite right, young-man-about-to-live-in-a-cavel Their perfect-fitting, good looking collars are downright irresistible. They can "take It," too, and will give you long, hard wear. Your choice of broadcloth or oxford regular or French cuffs. $3.65 up. ARROW SHIRTS I xs - TIES UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRTS va.v.v.v.v.".v..v.v.v.v.vAv.v.v.v.v.v.vv.,. WWAVWWVftViVi'iWiVMVMWiWiWtVi'.V I I Neatest 7 A- Lines... ffv?h. arrow n ca I DART JE'V''-ilV- I DALE CT--T In? ,S i ; ficially announced that the TAU PI SIGMA campus undercover fraternity founded last year by four frustrated and bitter ex Corn Cob workers will this year take their first pledge class shortly after the Cobs announce their new members. This fraternity which is ex clusively dedicated to the tear ing clown of "Rally Tonight" signs and the destruction of all home coming displays has been at work several weeks renovating the "roundhouse" which is to be their future home. All those Corn Cob workers who have not as yet sold more than 10,000 N flowers or 3,000 yearbooks are invited to the Tau Pi Sigma smoker which will be held Friday evening in the men's washroom at King's. Although it has never been of ficially released, campus sources claim that the true name of this organization is The Order of the Purple Shaft as nearly as it can be translated from the original Greek. Censored! Both Arrow's Dart and Dale give you that neat non wilt collar that needs no starch and stays fresh all day. Both are Sanforized (shrinkage less than 1). Both have burtons thai are anchored on to stayl Both should be seen drop in today! ARROW DART-long wearing broadcloth $3.65. ARROW DALE-extra-quality broadcloth $4.50. (Regular or French Cuffs) j a a" a"" 5 J iJf (a aar MafiaaSaW aattaaaW VeV.WLwS v.v.v.v.". ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES FRIDAY INFORMAL COLLEGE NIGHT ft is . o h ( h t f. t n n - r Wear Rally Clothes Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. 1.S0 per couple Tax Included