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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Friday, November 11, 1949 C3eire Aire Ymw Warners Expert and ' KS- Colo.- Minn- Bay- Corn- Navy- Army- III. Iowa- Mo. Percentage Ok. AM N.Mex. Pitt. Wyo. 1 Dart. Col. Penn. 0. St. Wise. Okla. Jerry Warren (.824) Ok. AM Colo. Minn. Bay Corn. Navy Army O. St. I Iowa Okla. Cub Clem (.793) Ok. AM Colo. Minn. Bay Corn. Navy I Army 1 0. St. I Wise. I Okla. Fritz Simpson (.775) Ok. AM Colo. Minn. Bay Corn. Navy Army I O- St. Wise. Okla. Harlan Beideck (.740)1 Ok. AM Colo. Minn. Wyo. Corn. Navy Army O. St. I Wise. Okla. Jack Donovan (.724)1 Ok. AM Colo. Minn. Bay Dart. Navy Army O. St. Wise. 1 Okla. Jerry Ewing (.724) Ok. AM Colo. Minn. Bay Corn. Navy Army O. St. I Wise. Okla. seft lHlpes Mi; ibirllx SfldeflDoned By Kimon Karabatsos Ron Clark, who leads the Husk ers in three categories and is tied for the lead in another, will see only limited action Saturday aft ernoon against the Iowa State Cyclones. Coach Bill Glassford announced Thursday night during practice that Clark's injuries, received during the Missouri game two weeks ago, have forced him from practicing this week. It was thought earlier in the week that Clark would be ready to go at full speed Saturday, but his in juries have not responded to treatment. Clark's injury is the second blow dealt the Huskers' chances of gaining an upset victory over Iowa State within the week. Gerry Ferguson was injured in practice Tuesday night when he was tackled on the last play of the night's scrimmage. Glassford's main worry now Is who will do the punting. Be sides Clark and Ferguson, only Frank Nagle has done any punting and that was only once. These two, despite their in juries, will make the trip. Clark will see limited action while the Scottsbluff fullback will be defi nitely out. Replacing Clark at halfback will be Harry Meginnis. Meginnis has been running from Clark's place all week. His running and pass defense work has been a bright spot in a comparatively "dark" scrimmage for the Huskers. The probable starting lineup for the Huskers will find Ralph Dam kroger and Bob Schneider at ends, Charley Toogood and "Moon" Mullen at tackles, Art Bauer and Walt Spellman at guards, with Tom Novak at center. Nagle to Start In the back field, Glassford will probably use Fran Nagle at quar terback. Harry Meginnis and Bill "Rocky" Mueller at halfbacks, and Nick Adduci at fullback. Don Bloom, a 149 pound half back, and quarterback Ken Fis cher are expected to sec plenty of action even though they did not draw starting assignments. Fischer will probably start if the Huskers kick. In his weekly letter to the "Alums," Glassford said, "I am confident that your football team again will show the deter mination and spirit true to the Cornhusker tradition." Reports from Ames show that the Huskers will need all the spirit and determination that they can muster. "That's the game we've just got to win," is the way the Iowa Staters has been referring to their Saturday encounter with Huskers all season. The 18 or so seniors on the Iowa State have bitter memories Classified TWO hludl'ula, illfcln Ix'ii.t, eonluliK I'l I- IIfkfr. Clour to Iiiik. 4-D3S8. 3724 H Ht. 1S.(MI per month. WANTKI) r ilr !i t.'hiriiKn. TbahkKivlng. Cull Nina or Jhii. 2-1174. VK.MHK rlile M!nnFiioll for ThnnkuKivlnn. Share expennex. Hill Maxe. 2-78.'.S, rial LOST October 20 watch. Reward. Hamilton Bold Call 2-44ti8. l'HOKKSSIONALi typmt working at home. Htandnrd rate. CaU 0-3H4I. KOR Sale 37 Chevrolet, flood running condition. Priced to nell. 5-6807. Jim Clark. JtlDK wnnled to CIiIi-uko Thankanlvlni!. Hhare expemva. Coll Lr.n, 6-.'iift3. WILL atinlmt who hrouKht pume to 1801 C call 3-41.17. jJjST Nov. 7. Pair of kIhiwb In brown ran between Mimic aehool and Bancroft. Kinder plrane contact K. A. Dudek, 810 No. 14th, 2-4B82. WANTKIl- Hide Share expenaea. to Cheyenne Cnll 3-.'.M7. on 2.rd. l'(H K A Lk) Typewriter Portable. B-3160. '48 KemiiiKton KTAKT the yrur rlt'ht wlh BerklFy ' Hquarev ault a4 AYf.RH 1404 O Ht. Intramural Sporfallc BY BILL Ml'NDELL. The Brown Palace is the 1949 ball champion. The boys from 11th and J added this champion ship to their belt after downing the Presbyterian Student House Wednesday night, 6-0. The Palacers took command in the second quarter and ruled supreme for the rest of the game. A first quarter Presby flurry carried to the Brown Palace 12 yard line before being stopped. From here the victors drove to the Presby four before bogging down. Score on Last Play. A second Palace drive late in the first half carried to the Presby nine and on the last play of the half, Bob Stake took a Mel Williams pass from out ' of the arms of the defense to score. The winners threatened once more late in the game, being finally stopped just a foot short of the goal. Statistics also favored the Brown Palace. The victors com pleted 12 out of 26. .passes s compared to 8 out of 15 for Presby, while they chalked-up seven first dowrl 'io -four for th.' losers. i ence wins, saw their hopes for their first Conference win com pletely die out as they suffered two losses to Oklahoma and Mis souri. The Cyclones are the only team of the original Big Six con ference that has not won at least one championship. v4 RON CLARK Big Seven punt return leader, will be able to sec only limited action against the Cyclones Saturday after noon. Clark, who was injured during the Missouri game, has not been out for practice this week. took three victories in a row, starting in 1943. Iowa State, starting their sea son with three straight confer- You can order printed Glarfts ta See our huge selection All Alike and Boxed Assortm'ts, also Norcross Cello. Packs. Prices as low as 4.90 for 100 Complete with Envelope and Printing) &turr $c JjJrmttng (fin. 215 North 14th Street (School of Commerce Bldg.) Open Shopping Nightt to 9 Fern Fun A modern dance hour is being held every Tuesday at 5 p. m. in the dance studio of Grant Memorial. It is open to any uni versity student interested in mod ern dance. It is sponsored and conducted by Orchesis. Seventy five percent participation earns points towards W.A.A. voting privilege. It's all for fun and recreation. TURNPIKE Proudly preontx SAT. NOV. 12th I i. : 4 f. 3 Wr enarntee this band a The BKST BAM) In Lincoln i iiih weekend or wf will refund double your money COMING SUN. NOV. 13 t NFilASKA'S I If OWN HUB fin ii i i of the last two games with Ne braska. In 1947 wherv the Husk ers took a 14-7 victory at Aames. the Cyclones felt that Nebraska didn't deserve the win because they failed to make a single first down. The Huskers turned two breaks into five yard touchdowns for all their scoring. I-State Traises NU Coaches Then, come 1948 when the Cy clones were in Lincoln, Nebraska took a "disputed' 19-15 victory when an alert Huskers recovered a fumble and ran over for a touchdown. Iowa State press releases state, "Coach Bill Glassford has his squad 'eating raw meat' and . . . this is the best conditioned Corn husker team in years," the release continued by praising the Huskers' coaching staff saying, "the 1949 Cornhusker team is the best coached team in years." Besides the want for revenge, the Cyclones are hoping that they will be able to give Coach Abe Stuber a victory for his birthday, which, incidentally, falls on Sat urday. Also celebrating his birth day on that date will be senior Guard Bill Meyers. Nebraska holds an all-time vic tory record of 34 won, eight lost, and one tied. Iowa State, stocked with many Navy V-12 students, ONIGHT av GHaun and his orchestra COLLEGE NIGHT AT mm Dancing 9 to 12 Couples only Adm. 1.50 per couple Tft Included Give l the A. V. f. Your College Clothing Store I 3 U-A; ft Dotted Sotin Is Supreme Jean Lang Dress You'll look ultra smooth hour-dancing or being "quite the young lady" at a tea in Jean Lang's new dotted satin dress with its perky cuffed sleeves, its new pouch pockets and gently flared skirt. In green, blue or mink, all sizes. 22?5 MAGEKS Thin! Floor