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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1949)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, November 3, 1949 Membership Requirements For YW Told by Niilzmaii Requirements for membership in YW wer listed today for the convenience of prospective fresh man and uppcrclassman women by Jan Nutzmati, city YW presi dent. He lore joining YW one must accept the only national require ment for membership. This is 1 1 1 1111 H RTt To Speak at A Meetings Dr. O. V. Wells, chief of the Bureau ot Agricultural Economics, will be one of the principal speak ers at Farm and Home Week at the University. Dr. Wells, one of the nation's top larm economists, will deliver the main address at an all-University convocation at the Coli seum at 11 a.m., Nov. 16. The bureau chief also will ap pear on a panel discussion on the following Thursday at 10:15 a.m. Topic for discussion will be "Ag ricultural Programs." Discussion leader will be Dr. C. Clyde Mitch ell, new head of the University's rural economics department. Other members of the panel are Dr. T. W. Schultz of the Univer sity of Chicago. Kirk Fox, Des Moines, la., editor of Successful Farming; Sam MiKelvio. Valen tine rancher; and Frank W. Reed, Lincoln, state chairman of the Production Marketing administra tion. The annual Farm and Home Week, which replaces the former Organized Agriculture meetings, will open with the all-University convocation on Nov. 16 and close with the Colorado-Nebraska foot ball game the following Saturday. Corn Shucks Out; CCCCC Revealed Complete with cartoons, jokes, brand-new features, and CCCCC, on campus Thursday afternoon. Selling for 20 cents per copy, the first issue of the humor magazine will be sold in Sosh, Burnett Hall, Temple, City and Ag Unions, and at all drugstores and bookstores on campus. As in the past, all subscribed copies will be delivered to all organized houses. Other subscrib ers should pick up their maga zines at the booth in the Union. Besides the mysterious CCCCC, Corn Shucks contains several other features including the Frosh Foto Quiz, double spread of a typical sorority open house, the "new" Shack-Best Trophy and many other bits of college humor. Cornliusker Tells Picture Deadline Indepedent students who have not had their individual pictures taken for the 1949 Cornhusker have until Tuesday, Nov. 15- to do so, If the pictures have not been taken by that date they will not appear in the yearbook, because no laie pictures will be accepted. Appointments for having the pictures taken may be made in the Cornhusker office in the base ment of the Union any week day from 1 to 5 p.m., or by calling 4228 during those hours. Editor John Connelly points out that "it is to the advantage of the student to have this taken care of immediately." KU Students Plan Migration Here University students will not only be hosts to Nebraska alums this week end. but also to a large portion of the Kansas university student body. The general migration of KU students will be taken to this campus this week end, and their entire pep section is expected to arrive Saturday morning. Several houses on campus have been notified of the expected number of students that will need eating and sleeping facilities, and the estimated crowd is larger than any previous out-state migration to this campus. I the purpose of the Young Wom en's Christian association, the text of which reads: "We, the members of the Young Women's Christian as sociation ofthc University of Ne braska, unite in a desire to realize a lull and creative life through a growing knowledge of God. "We determine to have a part in making this life possible for all people, "In this task wc seek to under stand Jesus and follow him. "I wish to enter the fellowship of the Young Women's Christian association and will endeavor to uphold the purpose in my own life." The above does not mean that non-members cannot attend group meetings; everyone is wel come. The following are the only two local requirements for member ship: 1. Payment of dues whicn amount to $1 per semester or $1.50 per year. 2. Attendance of at least four meetings ofthe same commission or committee group. At this point we might add a reminder that members must attend four metings betore Christmas to be eligible to vote in the January elections. Although YW is open to every one regardless of membership, members only exercise the fol lowing privileges: 1. Voting. 2. Elifiibility for positions or offices. 3. Teh right to send written recommenadtions to the nominating committees, inating committees. 4. If one joins and attends the city campus YW she may vote at Ag elections, (dues for Ag campus are $1 per year and there is no attendance requirement). 5. A voting member may vote at regional conventions. In previous years freshman women have never been per mitted to attend upperclassman commissions and committee groups; this year freshmen may attend these groups but their at tendance requirements must be fulfilled in freshman groups. In joining our campus YW one automatically becomes a member of the total YW and also of the World Student Christian federa tion with countries throughout Europe, Asia and Africa. Upperclassmcn who have not joined should do so at once. Membership cards may be picked up at Ellen Smith hall. Rag Requiem Rit; Final Fish Fails The race is over the gurgling has stopped Daily Nebraskan and Cornshucks have joined Cornhusker in fish heaven. In the quiet solitude of an empty office the two surviving fish ended their struggle for life sometime during the night. A "post-mortem" revealed nothing but stale water, so the cause re mains a mystery. The two were discovered floating on the top by the editor's secretary. The emptiness of the glass castle, filled now with only cold, clear water stands a memorial to our lost companions. Bright mar bles sparkle in the bottom. The demise of even the "itty bitty" fish, Cornshucks, which was favored earlier to win the race to a "gurgling finish" left Rag workers with a lost feeling. But we can always solace our selves by recalling that time heals all. Of course, three more fish would also help. Classified NEW gabardine sport coats In nrrrn, rout, blue, and grry. Her them at AVKK.H CI-OTHINO . 1400 O St. ATTRACTIVE sleeping rooms for boys, newly decorated, innersprinK mattresses. Close In. Reasonable rates. Student Hotel, 327 So. 11th. 5-3020. HOMECOMING Sale: AKC Boxer pups. Top breeding. 50. Building 17, Husker vllle. SECRETARIAL, stenographic service avail able. Several years experience with all variety of typing. Reasonable rates, work confidential, prompt. Public steno grapher. Lindcll Hotel, 2-7006. BEDROOM, private bath, home privileges in exchange tor light household duties. No cooking required. Two in family. 3-4040. ROOMS for rent -! 12 No. Hth. 2 male students, $3.50 per week. Linen furnished. Ri 17 Ui Dc danc Ac schec end, "D," Wi the 1 be tl by th Th 9-12 Ralp comr one are" and 1 Pn will chest be p ley Smith Play for lion Dance dication, displays, and a e. cording to the above list, iulcd affairs, for this week ull exciting things begin with tiding up the first full day of lomecoming celebrations will le special pop dance planned le Union dance committee, e affair will take place from in the Union ballroom, stated h Taylor, chairman of the nittee, who added that evcry is invited to "come as you from the rally, dedication, house displays. miding music for the dance be Riley Smith and his or ra. "In addition, there will lenty of atmosphere, refresh- i WITH V (JametJ, V toFeoaMe,n ) i ?.'. r. . V'" ::r JX , - r, - ' :" ' . - v- . " . 1 - : - . ,V. . $ i- Pre-Rally... (Continued from Page 1) The winning candidate will be announced and presented at in termission at the Homecoming dance Saturday night at the Coliseum. Last Year's Tcp Queen, Mary Helen Mallory, will reign at half-time festivities at the KU Nebraska game Saturday after noon. Parade at 10 a.m. Saturday Homecoming parade entries will start their route through campus and the Lincoln business district Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. at the Coliseum. Be tween fifty and sixty floats have been entered in the parade by organized houses and organiza tions. The two divisions, men's ments and entertainment," as sured Taylor. Stags and couples alike are urged to attend. Admission will be 44 cents. If SMOKERS WHO KNOW... IT'S U' Yts, Camels art SO MILD thai in a const to coast test of luindrejs of men and women who smoked Camels -and ony Camels for 30 consectilive days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! and women's, will be judged on a set of standards drawn up by a Corn Cobs and Tassels parade committee. Do your part to restore health, self-confidence, and long in terrupted studies to classmates abroad. One world or none. GIVE TO WSSF. lwkij;s 16th Anniversary Sale Jewelry Bargains from 3c up Slipp in at LOWELL'S JEWELERS 1341 o st. IVEMNJ 8 roi l V ESTHER DOROTHY -jiweli mr CARTICI 4 V