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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1949)
Tuesday, November 1, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 U-flusExers Stress WALT SPELLMAN H u s k e r guard playing defensive line backer, was the bright spot of the Husker workout Monday night. Walt, always a stalwart on the defense, continually knocked down aerials. Frosh-Varsity Cindermeii Duel Friday The annual fall frosh-varsity j track meet will be held Friday afternoon, according to head ' track coach Ed Weir. Weir, in announcing the meet j Friday, said that there would be j a preliminary meet held Tuesday j afternoon to give him a chance to compare the frosh against the ! varsity as well as pick which of j the freshmen that he wants to i run. The Nebraska "G Teenies' saw their chances for an upset vic tory jump to a new high as Esref, the tireless Turk, Aydin was side-lined with an ankle injury. Aydin's injury is not too serious since Weir said that there still . was a very good possibility that he would run Friday. The frosh have already won two postal meets with Colorado and took another from the Kan- ! sas University 'Greenhorns." In I their meet with the Colorado ! newcomers, the Huskers made a ! clean sweep, slamming every i piace lor a 10-30 win. In their single postal meet with the freshmen from Kansas uni versity, the future varsity as- j pii au's dropped only a few ;' places as they almost humiliated : the Jayhawks. I Since the times of the freshmen ' y. ill be entered in the Big ! Seven's Freshman postal meet next week at Kansas Citv, this! meet will take on added impor- ! tance. Besides the 'best the van-it v" spirit, the Frosh will be striving : to turn in their best times for ! Big Seven honors. i Weir said that these t imcs will also be entered in postal meets with Missouri and Iowa State, : two schools that supposedly have very strong fieshme-n " track teams. Possibility for L'pset. Weir said, "The' Freshmen will have a very good chance to up-; fet the varsity, provided that ' they get in some gobd workouts: this week." In continuing the interview, Weir said that he wai very much concerned with the poor ' showing that the freshmen had in their turn outs, but wu quick to add that those who are out show much promise. Unless more students turn-out Coach Bill Glassford gave his Huskers a well deserved rest Monday afternoon. A rest inso far as they were in sweat suits rather than the conventional pads. Glassford and backfield coach Bill Davis were working with the defensive backfield on pass de fense, while the linemen were working on a defense to stop the Jayhawk's ace backfield that lit erally chewed-up the K-State line as they romped to a 38-0 victory last Saturday. Particularly outstanding on the pass defense was Walt Spcllman who was backing up the line. Spcllman knocked down Wie gand's intended passes time and time again. Besides Suellman. Glassford h;irl Pmitnin TVir.-i Mmnlr NTIlr Adduci. Jerrv Fermson and Kenny Fischer. Husker speedsters Harry Meginnis and Ron Clark were also used, switching to dif ferent spots in the defensive back field. Even though most of the passes were incomplete, Wiegand was able to complete some that had a TD label on them. Glassford pointed out various weak spots of the Husker pass defense and was slowly rounding up a good de fense. Line coach Jim DeAngclis had one combination working on plays while the other combo was try ing to stop them with various de fensive line-ups. No member of the squad ap peared to be injured as they were all out running at top speed. After the rough game with the Tigers last Saturday, it is a won der that none of the Huskers we re injured. Those who were able to make the trip to Columbia saw prac tically an iron-man team almost upset highly touted Missouri. Squad morale was very hiph. which can be credited to the moral i -tory gained last Satur day. Tuesday, Glassford will again run practice in sweat clothes and have top speed in preparation for the Homecoming tilt with Kansas U. Saturday afternoon in Memo rial stadium. for the team, there is a possi bility that fall track might be dropped at the University. It seems that intramural activities i have almost killed-off the minor sports because the students are placing more importance on the intramurals than they are in the intercollegiate sports. Since the frosh will be running against the varsity, the times that they turn in should rank high when Big Seven commis sioner Reaves Peters computes the times of the frosh from the various schools. MAIN FEATURES START VARSITV: ' Hard; ; Taler.t Pa rade." 7:40. ' Bomba. n? Jungle Boy." 1:17. 3:53, 6:29, 9:57. "Stam pede," 2 23, 5:04. 8:32. STATE: 'Ichabod and Mister Toad," 1:54, 3:53, 5:52, 7:51, 9.51. I4IH AftO ST.tBTS TOMORROW The Real of the Jol-on Story Larry Parks in "Jolson Sings gain HALF PRICE BOXED STATIONERY (lt fly Chr'utmat Cili) Well Known Brands GOLDEfJROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th street mmrn STARTS TOMORROW "The Judge Steps Out' with) Ann Southern and Alexander Knox f '-IValMr Gene Autry In "The Big Sombrero" Intramural Bowling grabbed the Intramu ral sportlight "over the weekend while the football teams prepared to go into action again this week. Two teams are currently tied for first place in both the Inde pendent and Denominational Leagues. Pershing Rifles and The Pros each won a 3-0 record after the first week's play to lead the Independents. The Methodists and Lutherans also are sporting a three-win, no-loss record to lead the Denoms. I Monday night the grid playoffs resume with four nine-man and two seven-man, frays. Favored in Monday's games are Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Alpha Gamma Rho, Farm House and Theta Xi. He took his girl to a barn dance, but got the same old stall. gp '. ... iV A 1 'V Ibm n i hi iimnii fli u jf.vMfc.-.-;- mmm V v Everybody can win In the BIG Annual IP MORRIS PHIL FOOTBALL (Ly CONTEST! What Scores Do You Predict? Nebraska v. Kansas Oklahoma v. Kansas State Colorado v. Missouri Contest Closes with games played November 19) (4 0 ? . as . t fj I- J.- , - li; rW :.6 S i ond everybody Ji ti Ti': f I wins in 'IJ ZTtSL' feV" smoking pleasure W given in America's Finest Cigarefte! I,, De Luxe Con sole and Table Model Radio-Phonograph Prizes to be given away at your Col legeto Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs or Living Groups at close of 9 Week Contest! for complete contest de tails plus weekly st ings of individual winners consult these contest heod quorter points! i n n n rA . i ray FOR U UUUlUU Redeem your Prize Certificates Here: To avoid delay in processing and in prize awards, submit ballots weekly. Ag Student Union Hermie's 'N' Student Union Campus Inn CALL J u m lo)