The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1949, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Tuesday, October 25, 1949
I'ingpong Tourney
To- Start Nov. 1
which is slated to start Nor. 1.
All men students of the Uni
versity are eligible lor play. En
tries are due in room 102 of the
Physical Education building by
Friday, Oct. 28, and pairings will
be posted in the Student Union
the following Monday.
Contestants will have to make
arrangements with their oppo
nents to play their game. Games
may be played anytime; however,
priority, for the tournament play
will be between 5:30 and 7:00
p. m.
The Intramural Department of
the University and the Student
Union are co-sponsoring the table
tennis championship tournament
I .4 -w V,
Everybody can win
In the BIG Annual
Is "
i .. ?
11USKER DEFENSIVE MITES. Art Bauer, five-foot ten guard and
Don Bloom, 145-pound halfback, were continuous thorns in the
side of the powerful Oklahoma ground attack Saturday. Bauer's
play this year has been a bright spot in a dark Nebraska grid pic
ture, and Bloom is one of the Buskers' top scorers in the 1949
HI Moves Ion's'
Seven Le
TVxm w 1
Oklahoma 2 0
Missouri 1 ft
low Stilt 3 1
Kansas State ' 2
Colorado 1 2
Kansas 0 3
1 (HH
1 Ortfl
By Kimon Karabotsos
Missouri, entering Big Seven
competition for the first time this
year, found Iowa State had little
to offer as they steam-rolled the
Cyclones 32-0.
Their win sent a loud challenge
to the Oklahoma Sooners for con
ference laurels even though the
Sooners severely trampled the
Buskers 48-0. The Tiger win over
Iowa State took on more impor
tance than it has in the past since
the Cyclones had won three con
ference games previously and had
been tabbed the Big Seven's "dark
horse" by many sports writers.
Everyone had expected a pass
ing game at Iowa State, with Bill
.Weeks, the Big Seven's leading
passer, and Thil Klein, the Tiger's
ace quarterback, matching tosses;
but neither team used their air
arm very much.
KU Improves
Kansas' entries of the Big Scvm
provided the surprises of the
week. KU finally found them
selves as they completely routed
highly favored Oklahoma A. & M.
55-14. Their win had everyone
wondering if the Jayhawks were
returning to their old winning
The Jayhawks are practically
out of the running for the con
ference flag, but they may figure
prominently in who will take it.
Kansas State, rated at least a
21 -point favorite over Memplv.s
State, -uffered its third straight
deieat as the Dixiecrats threw
aside the form sheet and plastered
a 21-14 defeat on the Wildcats.
Top Game at Lawrence
Thi Saturday the Big Seven
spotlight will turn to Lawrence
where KU and K-State meet for
the 47th time. The Wildcats lost
the services of fullback Gerald
Hackney in the second quarter of
the Memphis State game and un
less the hard-charging back is
sufficiently recovered from his leg
injuries to play Saturday, Kansas
will be a heavy favorite.
The "high-mountain" bnys from
Colorado had to put three long
touchdown runs together to pull
a 207 win over Utah State in a
game .that was supposed to be a
toss-up,. Saturday, Utah Univer
sity travels to Boulder and it
looks !ike a Big Seven victory.
Iowa State, still licking their
wounds that they received from
the Missouri Tigers, Jock like they
will be an easy prey for the Okla
homa Sooners. One might go as
far as to say it will probably be
another warm-up game for the
Cotton Bowl-bound Sooners.
Missouri Favored
Nebraska makes a quick trip
to Missouri Saturday and I'm
afraid that it will be a long trip
back for Coach Glassford's
Don Faurot has his eyes on the
Big Seven crown and he isn't
looking for Nebraska to stand in
his way. Missouri has lost two
games this season both by one
point to powerful opponents. Ne
braska doesn't look strong enough,
but there is always a chance that
the Tigers might be looking a
couple of weeks ahead to their
date with Oklahoma which will
probably decide the Big Seven
Even though this week's sched
ule is dotted with five conference
games, whatever might happen
will just be an anti-climax to what
happened over the past week-end.
Tigers Enter
Title Picture
Missouri, after pounding out a
convincing 32-0 win over a help
less Iowa State College eleven,
proposes a serious threat to Okla
homa's conference title dream.
With a line that admits to 209
pounds per man and a back field
boasting four top runners in the
persons of Phil Klein, Dick Braz-
nell. John Glonoso, tina wmmra
Carter, Missouri's chances for a
share in the Big Seven seem to
improve with every game that the
Tigers play.
In the Illinois game Missouri's
Split-T formation exploded for
two markers in the first eight
minutes of the opening quarter
and another in the second as the
Tigers rolled into a 20-6 half-time
Klein Paces Attack.
Quarterback Klein was the
whole show for the Tigers against
the Illini with his punts keeping
the Illinois team at bay through
out the afternoon.
Tn ihc Iowa State-Missouri en
counter the Tigers proved that
they had more than one DacKiieia
star on the team as Glorioso, tsraz
noll and Carter took turns punch-
inn hnM n the c vc one aeiense.
Glorioso scampered 44 yards for
the first touchdown, and five plays
later Brazncll went tor the secona
rlimav. a 50-vard drive. The third
rfriv wa the result of the efforts
of Carter, who piled up most of
the 66 yards covered.
Glorioso Hero.
Missouri's hero of the last two
games is Glorioso, a Kansas City
iuninr uhn wasn't even first
string until Nick Carras, the reg
ular Tiger back, was injured ana
Glorioso given a chance of making
good at the halfback slot.
John showed he can run as last
as Nick by taking the ball on Mis
souri's second scrimmage oppor
tunity of the Illinois contest and
going 49 yards to a touchdown.
IM Volleyball Play
To Start Oct. 31
Leagues are now being organ
ized for volley ball which will be
gin Oct. 31 in the Physical Edu
cation Building.
The games will be played ac
cording to match play consisting of
three games set up in round-robin
style. Percentage standing w 11 be
computed by matches wo:i and
If sufficient teams, sep
arate leagues will be organized in
the following manner: interfrater
nity, interdenomirational, and independents.
philip raoti
What Scores Do You Predict?
V! ; -
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end everybody Vj J 10 -r, ;ymr l
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Ofdmhai De Luxe Con
sole and Table Model Radio-Phonograpr
Prizes to be given away at your College-to
Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs or
Living Groups at close of 9 Week Contest I
For complete contest de
tails pins weekly post
ings of individual winners
consult tbeso contest head
quarter points!
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Student Union
Campus Inn
Ag Student Union
Hermie's- "N"
V mmmrn