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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1949)
'Tippler' Types Found Among (sh!) Huskers By Alger Bibble & Joe Zilch. "Call is at three today." To a great majority of the stu dents on the campus, this would mean nothing whatsoever, but to a certain element, this is an inci tation. "Shuffleboard? I'll go." Same thing. Another invitation. Undergraduate drinking is a problem of almost every campus over the country today. In spite of the opinion of the Office of Student Affairs, it does go on. And it will go on. There just isn't much that we can do about it. But, for the benefit of the green little freshmen on the campus, we will identify come of the more ob vious types seen in some of the local bistors. Number one is the "Gee fellas, I'd like to but I dont' know if I should because my folks don't know I drink" or freshman type. He is ultimately convinced that it will do him more good to sop up a couple than it will for him to go to that horrible orientation class. Number two is the "Sure I'll go if I can borrow some identifica tion" type. He manages to get a draft card from some old senior who is 21, but doesn't go in for minor sports. Usually most sopho mores fit into this group. Number three is the junior THE DAILY NEBRASKAN class, of the "I don't give a damn, I'm going to quie school anyhow," type. He even cuts classes in or der to be with the fellows. Usu ally manages to get his assign ments done and tests taken but his average isn't too high. Number four is the senior or "This is my last year before I go out in the cold cruel world" type. He is out for a last good fling be fore he goes to work. Realizing that this is his last chance for a good fling, he makes up for his lost three years by losing another. And so we have them, kiddies. Look them over well. And remem ber that some of your best friends probably fit into one of these cat egories. (Ed. Note): We're only kiddin' honest. This doesn't really go on at NU. Will all social fraternities and sororities that have not returned the CORNHUSKER questionnaire, please do so immediately. NU Bulletin Board Ak Inter-Denominational Youth Fellowship meeting at 5:30 p. m. Sunday. Trident Naval fraternity gov erning; bo ird will meet in the Ar mory at 2 p. m. on Tuesday. Trident Naval fraternity will meet in the Armory coffee lounge at 7:15 p. m. Wednesday. All Corn Cob actives will have their CORNHUSKER pictures taken at 5 p. m. Monday in the photo lab, West Stadium. No Tassel picture Monday. Tas sels don't have to wear uniforms to meeting in the Union. Ak Exec Board group picture will be taken at 4:45 p. m. in the photo lab, West Stadium. Corn Cob meeting for workers and actives. 5 p. m. in the Union, Tuesday. Pan-Hellenic group picture for Sunday, October 23, 1949 Cornhusker will bo taken at 4:45 p. m. Monday in the photo lab in West Stadium. BABW formal group picture will be taken at 5 p. m. Tuesday in the photo lab of West Stadium. 1 Classified AGENT WANTED Earn liberal commlslsons In school idling kits of beautiful matched fubrle and yarn Imported and hand-loomed, for sweatcr-sklrt seta. For details write to LOOM-SETS. Box 251. G.F.O.. New York 1, N. Y. INTKRESTKD? See now, make choice early. Hoxer puppies, AKC re. Bid. 17, Huskervllle. Just eaat of rental! office. Ren Matthews. TYPINO done for students. Experienced. ReamnRhle. Mrs. P. Johnsen, 6-6142. All- WOOL rabardine alack at AVERS IN(., mw . Call "Andy" 4 MtTHI I.OST AOPI sorority pin. Tilly, 3-491. Reward. FOR SALE 1 new 1949 Conv. Ford cus tom. Black. Priced to sell. Magnus Swanson Sons, Ceresco, Nebr., I'hon 44W2. "CHESTERFIELD SURE IS m CIGARETTE. . .1 HAVE BEEN A CHESTERFIELD y? PAN FOR YEARS ! 1 1 v'f M Ik. Ill lIlliPBliilP -fpp) M5iD s.M.!ir lllilk c... Iiilllf?: :-:v.-.v . .. ;' :i:':i:i':;:::v:':-X-::::;v: 1 .',V:::v;:.v;::::::v:;!::::::v';:-:::,:: ' .y.':cyWA. 'TWyWlyW'' l$f .., &:yy:.:yy-My -y yy-:'jy."- y-- y y . : . ..:frf.';.x:.x ..v V , ,,m,,mtl'Mi': ' ' ' T t I J 1 Lt.J i s) V-J-jULUJL- L-'-U r