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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1949)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, October 19. 1949 JIvl (Daily TkbhatJiarL Membac IntercoIIegiaie Press FORTT-SEVK-N'TH TEAR Tfe Dally NebrMkaa la pabUah4 T the W Cha CatWjKy Maaraafc aa tipmwi W iMratt awa H optatou omij. Areocdi fca ajttela n Of Uwi tovcnuBC atadeal pabilrsttotii a4 4miBUInd T tha Baar W rwlnlllM: ifc wunj oiir t ite RAr4 tktmt Mbtkrattona aadfT tte JariaaMrttoa to IM from editorial eeaaonaia aa Um part ai taa Board, a aa tha part af any aiamtwr af Um (aealty at tha aaiTcnity: tat awnben af taa ata.Cf at xaa fa Kabratkaa are perxm&Itr rranoaaibla er what tr aay ar aa ar tMM to to fte. Mabarriptioa rain are Ct. r aamester, Sl.M p aMwratar aaaited. a . On aollrca yar. 4.0 mailed. Siatto ropy ar. r-aaUdted daily darlaa tba arhool yaai impt Monday aad Saturday. Tarattoaa aad erantnttoa period, by taa lalvrrty af Neferaaka andr the anprrvtoioa af taa rabliratioa iUaro. KuW-rrd a daaa alaner at tn Pout fflea ta Uarota, Nrbraoka. aadrr Art I af Coacma. " X, i7, and at peeal rata af nmttaca provided for ta arettoa lltS. Art af October ft. Mil. aothorired September 1. IVZt. EDITORIAL Editor II I'M NESS ftaatam. Manacer Kcitk O Baaami Nirbt New Editor 'rr Ewiat Campus Chatter Dear Editor: I'm afraid I can't make you see how I feel about them how (1 know) many of us feel about them. But, lot me try. I glory in their coming! Bells symbolize the vibrancy of youth, the pulse of living, aspira tions, the spiritual, the urge of idealism. We need them to summon us to' think of other things than daily tasks and burdens. Why should they ring only on Sunday? Ours is a utilitarian campus. How completely lacking it is in the material things which have as their objective the pleasurable! Why should not our campus be iitted to educate (e-duco) the more esthetic side of those young enough yet to learn? Why should I blind myself to the beautiful by holding before my selfish eyes another use which I could have made of their price? An added instrument to my kit of educational goar? You and I could think of a hundred and one more "useful" (?) things! But, what is utility? 1 paraphrase Lecomte du Nouy. The "useful" thing is defensive its primary purpose is the perpetuation of the status quo. That which is outside of the mere utility range, a "useless" (?) thing, is that "rich leads us forward and upward. Put in the mathematical terms of the engineer, we need to ex pend some energy for acceleration, over and above that required to maintain progress. Our velocity will increase only if we have an additional dvdt. Yes, I glory in the coming of The Bells. May we have more "use less" things brought to us, until thoughtful idealism takes some manner cf hold upon us all! O- J. Ferguson. Ed. not He is rffrrrine to the Mim-1It Carillon tower. Something new has been added in the way of serenades. Ye old sorority prexies did a pretty good job under the able leadership of Pat Nordin. From the viewpoint of the passer-by, Wanda Young and Gloria Ferschtman got a rousing welcome home by their sorority sisters. General comment of prexies after their return home: "Don't ask us what we did, just do what we sav from now on." Retraction: Fig Flagg is NOT an old-timer, he is one of the more prominent has-beens. (We hope this retraction raises your dating average back to normal, Fig. Bud Sehaberg made a trip to Colorado U. last weekend to see Theta Mary Lou Marnaby. Sunds pretty important. Colorado holds an interest for Jack Bur ley. He gave his pin to his favor ite girl at Denver. Christened several weeks ago With Tongue In Cheek By Cub Clem The King Features Syndicate is getting out of hand. They must think Lincoln newspaper readers are excep tionally smart; at least it would seem so from the crossword puzzles they continually send to the Lincoln Star. We are something of a crossword fan ourselves, and when we saw the Oct. 8 Star lying on a table untouched, we thought we'd try our hand at the puzzle. Twenty minutes later we emerged from our solitary intellectual combat with three words, namely "llama," "Essen" and "retie," filled in. We enlisted the aid of a law student and a pre-med student and after another half-hour we succeeded in adding "abating," "seemer," "artist" and "baton." There the joint command was forced to surrender. We left the field shaken mentally and morally and went out into the night in search of simpler pleasures. Crossword puzzles circulated in such mass media should also not be that difficult. As we see it, they should give Mr. and iMrs. America an easy way to prove to themselves how smart j they are. About all they do is frustrate jeople. Maybe the average person would like to spend hours the Sigma Kappa annex ou "at ! trying to figure out a seven-letter word for "supporting Piedmont has been pretty popu- j figure of an entablature," a five-letter word for "primitive lar for a certain Sigma Kappa- ; rhHtian Wp fpnst " n fnnr-lrttpr u-nrrl fnr 'P.PnVi .l.I wind" or a three-letter, word for "ship lumber piece." Per sonally, we think we'll pass it up. Jaoj?v WjUkhiu Personally Yours i .fir Wf Matiftnr-ry r note paper pe-rMnml iiM-d. Oior OaneV fine -x'1iim-K at front bo1! or pm M k. Iile-. ". lo $5 50c for personalizing paper Miller In your choice of Greek letters, initials or name in colored inks Monopramiiir-d matches in metallic or card board rovrn. cr1ate drum protect matclir from bendinp. Have jour friend remem ber iou ilh personal malIi. S1.0 for 30 personal ized metallic matches. fl.00 for .0 personal ised cardboard matches. lUue Uhite Mark Red Kappa Signia crowd. This week the party will be held at the Kap pa Sig house in view of the barn dance to be held there Saturday night. Donna Prescott and Jim Kelly will take roll, assisted bv Kay Schoonmaker and pinmale Rex Hoffmeister. Going steady: Bobby Russell and Evie Young, Ted Randolph and Burdelte Pecha, and Max Vestal and Joanne Noble. En gaged: Don Walker and Shirley Schafer. Special for the week: Bill Coz ier has TWO dates this weekend. An early preview of the Theta Xi Mountaineer party: Planning to attend the post-game affair are Ken Johnson and Carolyn Cam eran, steadies: Dean Armstrong and pinmate Joyce Buck; George Schantz and Mary Spencer. This is another costume party. A lot of blankets and sheets decorated the Sammies yard Mon- day. Here's hoping the pledges are good pole climbers. A note to tennis fans on cam pus: After a series of tennis matches, the big question again arises who is the weaker sex? Janet Carr and Iris Wells won three out of four sets Sunday from Willis Kroger and Bob Steinhoff. They are now playing for blood. New runnings: Margaret Trim ble and Curt Weatherhogg, Jan Harrison and Bob Reichenbach. In fact, it was a double pinning for Jan: she go1 her active pin the same nihl. Another diamond is sparkling on campus Janet Kahn and Mel Engler are engaged. An other steadv Lou Eiler and Bob Axtell. The Sig Ep "Comic Cantei" Costume party Saturday night was a big success with a fine turnout and lots of good costumes. The prize for the best couple went to Clyde Luther and Marilyn Cummings uho carr.e as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Other good costumes were Marv "Pretty Boy" Franklin and Bev Thompson who came as Tarzan and Jane; Don Darst who came as '"Champ," a punchy boxer; and Russ Laird, who made a convincing pirate. Something must be done ! ! ! NU Bulletin Board I'nion Board meeting tonight at 4:30 p.m. in the faculty lounge of the Union. Campus Quarterback films of the Xrbr.-Penn State game will be shown at Wednesday noon in the Union ballroom. There is no ' charge. All are welcome. i All members of the Freshman ! pep group will practice for the ! card section at the Oklahoma game at 5 p. m. today in the stadium. Audition for sound effects of the dog in Faust will be held from 3 to 6 p. m. today on the Temple ' stage. I Sip ma Gamma Epsilon will mee t ! tonight at 7:30 p. m. Those interested in organizing a Square Iranre club on city campus will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Parlor X of the Lnion. Phalanx meets in the Armory: Actives at 7 p.m.; pledges at 7:30 p. m. tonight. ASAE meets at 7:30 p.m. to night. Election of Ag. Engineers wet-k chairman: more information IV U Lambs Win Most Placinjjrs The University was the winner of the most placings in the Amer ican Royal's fat lamb show Mon day. A pen of grade Southdown lambs took the reserve champion ship of the day, along with first, second and fifth placings in the class. A pen of Shropshire lambs won first in that class with indi vidual placings of first, second and fifth. In the purebred South down class the University won fifth and sixth individual placings and third placing for a pen of purebred Southdowns. be paid at the meeting or by nail to Helen Halberslebc-n. Those planning to attend are advised to take the Irving school bus and stop at the Royal court in front of the home of the hostesses. Kappa Phi meets today at 7 p. m. at the Methodist Student house. An orientation meeting of all Krd Cross Institution workers will be held this afternoon at Classified on Inspection trin: swech bv Kenneth Hotchkiss on "Farmj o'clock in 313, Union Structures and Materials" are on i Kosmet Klub workers will meet the schedule. at 5:00 p. m. Wednesday in the Meetine of all concession sales- : KK rbom of lhe Union. men Thursday at :3U p.m. in N-rlub room. All Independent students are urged to sign for Cornhusker pic tures in the Union booth before the end of this week. The booth will be open from 1 to 5 p. m. every afternoon this wet-k. Phi Lambda Theta, women's educational honorary, will hold a breakfast meeting at the home of Luvicy Hill and Gertrude Beers Saturday morning, Oct. 22, at 9 a. m. Tickets for the breakfast are ; 50 cents. Dues for the current year will AliKM WANTKIJ Earn lil-ra 1 commif iwpts in thfol u lnt c Vim imported and cm.d-lfH.iried. ..r fuc'ir-fkirt wu. Ff.r d-iiti rne to I.OOM-S.E7S. Box 2il G F O . New York j, N y NOIHI.: All atdal-4 a4-rtiiac v-rtl-fK-at- will be ..i...rd if uwd hrfurr Or1..t-r ZS. Mil UN HH Mllllll, J OR SA1-K- If--!? Inquire bftr 7 P m 212 N fU BY POPLLUt DKM AM) FH 1 1) V, SATL'KIMY, OCT. 211 AM) 29 IN PEKSON JULIA LEE CAPITOL RECORDING ARTIST lias Recorded l Didn't Like It the First Time" Sit Down and Think It Over" "Charmaine" And many other at your Javorile record toi MISS LEE AND DfiVE BAD ELL PLAYED AT THE REQUEST OF PRESIDENT TRUMAN FOR HIS INAUGURAL BALL Voli Your Hrfrratittn h'arlr ARBOK "MANOR I r'OTNI r-!ai(1ir nmrLni flhsf-it. tiTf-wn flrh T""" h. C13 ,S-.',7:: nt-ut ctrpi: Smtimrrtnl Vklur - Cull 81'WIAL Hudrnt tirliftii for rr,rt ut "hnrnNr Wumr cfrrrtii foni"rd I'jr N r ri,ni ol Mumc on ulr Wdt--dy !d Tt.jrnli.v in ITm'jd klby. WANTKD r.idr fmr 2 mudmu to Kanua City. Ca.l S i8 u1rr i. TTPJN(i tiipftt lfr Kludefim. Kxpri-rt-(l. Jk'iriiib Mr. I. JonriM-n. ' H2 !.NTKRh.tTKI)T now. mi, kr h.i, rut iy. liciwr puj. )., AKC rt Hidr 17. j lrvilie. JuFt rb ol rmxitl l lOVim Im-i a.i4 .tiki-iidT fr a hi s.. um u. HALF PRICE BOXED STATIONERY (Fall Clearance') Well Known Brands GOLDEHROD First Floor (TllLLER i PAIflE 4C00 N. Hth IHal 2-5077 fnr rCeerrfr STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14 (h Street $2.00 Minimum So Cover Charge Stationery