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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 18, 1949 PAGE 4 ROTC Announces Student Commanders, Staff Officers Top student command assign ments for the year in the-University ROTC program are: Navy, Midshipman Capt. Don A. Finstrom, Kearney. Army Ground Forces, Cadet Wildlife Films To Promote Conservation "Trails for the Millions" is the title of the first in a series of color motion picture-lectures depicting all types of wildlife and wilder ness. The movie, which will be given Oct. 25, at the Love Library aud itorium, is the story of the amaz ing variety of wildlife living in Ncv.- York City. Explaining the movie as it is in progress, will be Allan Cruickshank, a nationally known photographer. Sponsored by the University Extension, the State Museum and the National Audubon Society, the films are offered in the in terest of wildlife protection and conservation. According to James Taylor, of the Extension Division, these Programs, known as Audubon Screen Tours, are being present ed in 100 American cities this year, including Lincoln. Taylor stated, "The Tours bring the finest natural history lectur ers, who personally present the best in all-color outdoor motion pictures on a variety of wildlife subjects." Areas shown in the photograph ic records include Arizona. Mex ico and Michigan. Season tickets mav be purch ased from either the Extension j Division or the state Aiuscum ior $2.40. AZ Meal Judging Tram Announced Team members comprising the meat judging team which will represent the University at the ' American Royal Intercollegiate Meat Judging contest were an nounced recently by Prof. Charles H. Adams, team coach. The men who will participate in the contest at Kansas City on Tuesday, Oct. 18 are Neal Baxter, Grant A. Cornelius, Merwyn G. French, and Lorcn C. Schmidt. All of the men are seniors in the College of Agriculture. The team is made up of three mem bers and one alternate. The American Royal Intercol legiate Meat Judging contest is held each year in conjunction with the American Royal Live stock show. Rutgers Course A new four year course is be ing added to the curriculum at Rutgers University this semester in engineering administration. The course will include two years of technical training and then the student will be required to study in the various business fields in addition to engineering courses. This is for the benefit of the many engineers who would enter management without previous business experience. The soccer baseball schedule for Tuesday is: K;iopa Delta versus Alpha Phi and iV.ernational House versus Pi Beta Phi. Classified ,1, think yiMir urnart In Holiday xporl shlrl. AVH1S, 1400 O. AOKNT WANTKIJ Karn liberal commlmiionii In a'hfiol iielllnj; kit of benutlful mulched fabric and ynrn Imported and hand-loomed, for w!ilcr-Hktrt drtit. For dctRim write to I.OOM-SETS, Box 251. G P.O.. New York 1, N. Y. NOTH V. I All outdated advrrtlln wrtl flralr will be honored If turd before October 28. fOI.VIN-HKVN WTUMO, lit South 1.1th M. Host October 3 Ronmm lighter on or nnr campuii. Sentimental value. Call Weber. 5-2l. -6r t r,;u,.a ntrlut watch which J rv nnur. cost $:k.75 new, for $20. Harold Haniwn, Box -in. COZY ROOM for one or two student. Clone to U. N. 321 worm mm. J'OR SALK 1937 Chevrolet. 2128 N St. Inquire after T p. m. fciissn -Pltlc rimmed icleii, aequined brown cloth poucn. o-sm. Col. Dwight S. McVick?r, Lincoln. Air Force. Cadet Col. William C. Kinsey, Shubert. Other student staff officers an nounced by Capt. W. L. Messmer, Navy; Col. James W. Clayburn, Army, and Lt. Col. Alex C. Jam ieon, Air Force, are as follows: Naval R. O. T. C: Midshipman Cmdr. Kenneth D. Hornbacher, Nevada, la., battalion executive officer. "A" Company Midshipman Lt. Cmdr. Gordon L. Pauley, Lincoln, commanding officer; Midshipman Lt. W. R. Bayreuthcr, Chatham, N. J., executive officer; Midship man Lt. (jg) Harold L. Gerhard, Jr., Newman Grove, 1st Tlatoon; Midshipman Lt. (jg) Robert W. Hackbart, Seward, 2nd Platoon; Midshipman Lt. (jg) Frederick 11. Herzog, Lincoln, 3rd Platoon. "B" Company Midshipman Lt. Cmdr. Lawrence E. Donegan, Jr., Lincoln, commanding officer; Midshipman Lt. R. H. Berkshire, Omaha, executive officer. Mid shipman Lt. (jg) Bruce M. John son, Holdrege, 1st Platoon: Mid shipman Lt. (jg) Robai t F. Cha ncy, Falls City, 2nd Platoon; Mid shipman Lt. (jg) James T. God frey, Tuthill, S. D., 3rd Platoon. Army R.O.T.C.: Cadet Lieuten ant Colonels Robert Pfeiler, Lin coln, 1st Battalion: Rodney G. Benson, Lincoln, 2nd Battalion; Glenn V. Elliott, Mitchell, 3rd Battalion: Robert Vanderslice, regimental executive officer. Cadet Majors Loiys Meyer, Fremont, regimental adjutant; Ralph R. Koch, Wahoo, 1st Bat talion executive officer; Robert G. Steinhoff, Sargent, 2nd Bat talion crecutive officer; Willard B. Golwick, Falls City, 3rd Bat talion executive officer. Air Force R.O.T.C.: Cadet Lt. Col. William R. Mook, Lincoln, executive; Cadet Lt. Col. John D. Campbell, Lincoln, training; Ca det Major Banned C. Creed. Hinsdale, 111. Squadron C.O.S.:Cadct Lieuten ant Colonels Patrick L. O'Dea, Omaha: Nolan T. Jones. Gothen burg: George W. Wolfe, Grand Island; Fred L. Pflug, Lincoln. Squadron Executive Officers Cadet Majors Cecil P. Duryea, Lincoln; Robert E. Sweet, Sioux City, la.; Kenneth E. Johnson, Lincoln, and Ralph A. Wells, Lincoln. IT'S taCK-OST TIME ...IT'S . by GREYHOUND Get Your Gang Together Attend the Big Games IIEBH-IDWA STATE Nrbr.-Iowa State. Nov. 12 $7 75 (AM Tu) CHARTER A GREYHOUND Keep your crowd together! You'll have more fun and enjoy the game a lot more if you go and return by Greyhound. Arrange your own schedule the ratei are amazingly low. Ask for details about charter trips. Union Bus Depot 320 So. is 2-7071 Former Coeds Named as Ak Princesses Nebraska University again claims royalty. Three of the 16 Omaha women who will attend the fifty-fifth Queen of Quivera as Princesses of the Ak-Sar-Ben coronation Friday night are University alums. They are Marjorie Ben son, Barbara Stryker and Sara Stuht. Miss Marjorie Benson, who was graduated from the Univer sity in 1948, is now assistant librarian at the University of Ne braska College of Medicine. She also attended Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Mo. Princess Barbara Ruth Stryker attended the University of Ne braska and was graduated from the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque last spring. The other Princess, Miss Sara Louise Stuht, attended the Uni versity four years and was grad uated in 1949. Regents Inspect Cat lie Experiment The University Board of Reg ents left Lincoln Sunday for Crawford where they will inspect the Fort Robinson cattle breed ing experimental substation. The trip will be made via the Burlington and accompanying the Board from the University were: Chancellor R. G. Gustavson, John K. Selleek, Carl Borgmann, Dean W. V. Lambert, M. L. Baker and George S. Round. It will be the first time that the Regents have had an oppor tunity to inspect the experimental set-up which is being operated cooperatively by the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture and the Agri- NU Bulletin Board Dean's Advisory committee Teachers College meets Tuesday noon in Room 213 Teachers. Gamma Alpha Chi will meet in Room 306 of Burnett at 5 p. m. Tuesday. General Entertainment commit tee will meet at 7:15 p.m. Tues day in Parlor X of the Union. A.W.S. pictures for the CORN HUSKER will be taken Tuesday at 5 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall. Scabbard and Blade actives and pledges will meet in 206 Armory Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Union Tublic Relations commit tee will meet at 7 p. m. in Parlor Y of the Union on Tuesday. All members of the Freshman pep group will practice for the card section at the Oklahoma game at 5 p. m. Wednesday in the stadium. Audition for sound effects of the dog in Faust will be held from 3 to 6 p. m. Wednesday on the Tem ple stage. Sisma Gamma Epsilon will meet Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. Those interested in organizing a Square Dance club on city cam pus will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wed nesday in Parlor X "of the Union. rhatanx meets in Armory: Ac tives at 7 p.m.; pledges at 7:30 p. m.. Wednesday. ASAE meets at 7:30 p. m. Wed nesday. Election of Ag. Eng. En gineers week chairman; more in formation on Inspection trip; speech by Kenneth Hotchkiss on "Farm Structures and Materials." Mectinp of all concession sales men Thursday 7:30 p. m., in N club room. cultural Experiment Station. Pre viously, Fort Robinson has been used for years by the U. S. Army as a Remount Station. The group returns today. Your College Clothing Store ill First Issue of Binders Paper Out This Week Over two thousand copies of Scarlet and Cream, a monthly newspaper published by Builders, will go into the mails this week for Nebraska prep students. The October edition, the first of seven for the year, will in clude articles on the new Muel ler Carillon tower, the high school press convention, University sports and other news of interest to high school students. Staff for the newspaper in cludes Dick Kuska, editor; Bruce Kennedy and Poochie Rediger, managing editors; Kent Axtell, sports editor; Dick Billig, feature editor; Susan Pryor and Kiki Bock, circulation managers; and Jerry Warren, Jerry Ewing, Su san Reed, Arlen Beam and Fritz Simpson, all reporters. Future issues of Scarlet and Cream will include high school news reported by the prep stu dents themselves. The second edi tion will be mailed in November. Final Exams Out? At San Diego State College, in vestigations showed that final ixam grades determined one third )f the semester grade and covered the entire course. One third of the faculty agreed that two-to-four extra sessions a week would be a desirable sub stitute for finals. I CIGARS RAY'S CANDY Try Our HOT FRESH -POP CORN THICK MALTED MILKS 1516 0 Street JARMAN'S Shoe With Style It's Jurman for shoes with lots of style and value at a small price, says Mike Madden, Magee College Committeeman. Shoe illustrated is in Scotch grain with double lea M 'cr soles for lots of long 'n hai ' wear. 1495 PLAID SOCKS Wool All IS'vlon Bob Farner, who holds forth on Magee's First Floor during off-campus hours, selects these new diamond-pattern socks as A-l for college men. Either in pure wool or all nylon . . . slick color combinations. 295 M.4C.EVS Firt f loor