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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Husker Frosh Meet Manhattan Wildcats Constitution amended. Barbara Van Every, president of the Women's Athletic Associa tion, gave warning to all members that they must present their iden tification cards to receive their ballot. A ballot box will be placed in the WAA office Tuesday and members will be able to cast their ballot between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. The WAA office will be open Monday through Thursday be tween 1 and 5 p. m. Fein Fun WAA members, who were eligi ble to vote last spring, will decide in an election Tuesday, Oct. 18, whether or not they want their Tuesday, October 18, 1949 Cornhusker fans will get a look into the future Friday night when the Husker yearlings tangle with the Kansas State freshmen at Manhattan. Coach Ike Hanscom wouldn't venture a guess as to who he thought would win, since neither team has played this season. He said he would field a strong club with the defense overshadowing the offense. The success of the Husker attnek will rest on the shoulders of four quarterbacks, who have not yet been tested under fire. They ;ire Jack Ladds of Shenan doah, la.; Buster Lehman, El Paso, Texas; Dick Hcacox, Barry, Fa.; and Stan Gerlach of Lincoln. Gerlaeh is the only southpaw in the group. Hanscom uteri both offensive and defensive lines have been running well. The backs look good on defense, but are not run ring with enough certainty or speed of the T formation, which is new to most of the boys. The starting lineup averages G'l" in heifiht and 203 pounds. The line averages a hefty 213 pounds per man. The frosh out weigh the varsity 13 pounds to the man. The Nebraska team possesses enough strength in numbers and manpower to be able to field both a defensive and offensive team. The conference rules pcnit freshman teams to play two games per year, but Nebraska is playing only the K-State Frosh. Fifty-live men are expected to make the trip in two buses. They will return to Lincoln after the game in order to be back in time for the Oklahoma-Nebraska tilt Saturday afternoon. The starting offensive and de fensive lineups: Offensive. LE LT LG C TIG KT RE QH I.H mi FB LE LT LG C KG RT BE QB LH mi FB 37 George Paynich 14 Don Boll 15 Carl Brasee C7 Cliff Rifcnbark -32 Tom Harper 30 Wayne Handshy 20 Ted Connor 40 Jack Ladds 41 Jim Lcvendusky 56 Ed Wingenclcr 46 Allan Osborne Defensive. 37 George Paynich 14 Don Boll 15 Carl Brasee G7 Cliff Rifenbark 32 Tom Harper 30 Wayne Handshy 20 Ted Connor 49 Bob Reynolds 31 Bob Harm 5G Ed Wingendcr 23 Gerald Dunn Cyclones Slop Wildcats 25-21 For Loop Lead Iowa State dumped K-State 25-21 Saturday to eliminate the Wildcats from the Big Seven championship race, but the K Staters sounded due warning that they would still figure in decid ing who would have the crown. Missouri, after recovering from two one-point losses, marched 65 yards for a touchdown in the last lew minutes of play to gain a 27 20 win from a spirited Illinois team. This was the first loss for the Illini. The Oklahoma Sooners buried the KU Jayhawks 48-26 to keep on the pace for the conference crown. Kansas proved to be a little more stubborn than they were last year when the Sooners completely .baffled the Jayhawks 60-14. Nebraska's venture out of the )ig Seven was a costly one as ?enn State's rejuvinated Nittany Lions gobbled up the Huskcrs, 22-7. Minnesota's Golden Gophers covered another mile towards the Rose Bowl as they baf fled the experts by humiliating: Ohio State 27-0. Army and Notre Dame kept way out in front of the pack as they continued on their winning ways. Army gave Harvard their worst defeat since 1804 as they rolled to a 54-14 win. The Irish smoth ered Tulane 46-7 in another one of the games that had experts worried. Other important games found V Sooner Tackle Wade Walker bolsters Oklahoma's forward wall at the tackle spot. NU-Sooners Meet in Top Bijr-7 Game c The Oklahoma Sooners. rated third last week in the AP's na tional poll, invade Memorial Sta dium Saturday afternoon as the Big Seven spotlight returns to Nebraska. Coach Bud Wilkinson's boys, running in the wake of a 14 game winning streak, will be looking lor their 15th one and all indica tions point to just that. In getting warmed up for the Big Seven race, the Sooners trampled on three outsiders: Bos ton College, Texas A. & M. and Texas. Using Penn State as a measuring stick, Oklahoma will be a decisive favorite. Oklahoma walloped the boys from Boston and Penn State in turn whipped Boston. Nothing nPoH hn said about Nebraska's 25 yards gained against the Nittany Lions. Walker Is Ready Tackle Wade Walker, mainstay of the Sooners line who is living up to all pre-reason praise, has been ailina from an injury, but will have recuperated by game J:i1iirrl;iv nnri be reaflv to go the entire 60 needed. Oklahoma seems same strencth that to height of the fornnn aZ well National recognition. Everyone remembers how the Sooners sur prised in the Cotton Bowl by whipping highly favored North Carolina New Year's Day. Saturday's game captain Tom Novak offered this thought as the Buskers returned from Penn State: 'Don't forget that Michigan was favored to beat Army." Highlighting the game will be the parade of 3,000 Nebraska high school bandsmen through the streets of Lincoln at noon and at half-time they will drill with t h e University's high-stepping band. Early conditioning at Curtis is really bearing dividends in one respect. All players who made the trip to Penn State came through without a hampering in jurythe only thing really in jured was the Busker's pride. Marvin Franklin, Husker end coach who scouted Oklahoma against Kansas, described the Sooner rushing attack as the most devastating he has seen. All four Oklahoma backs arc capable of going the full distance if the de fense makes a slight error. The Sooners combine their speed with hard running. minutes, if to have the carried them Big Seven con as civing them Iowa downing Indiana 35-9. Northwestern taking the stick to Michigan 21-20 in the days' up set and Wisconsin Navy boys, 48-13. everybody can win In the BIG Annual HILIP itflOEmiS FOOTBALL (Ly CONTEST! What Scores Do You Predict? Nebraska v. Oklahoma Colorado v. Utah State Iowa v. Northwestern h iii i HmmiuMMiiiii mmmmmmnrmm 7 1 vi - WV-J ! . y 111 1 17 7 and everybody wins in smoking pleasure XU.-Y- t I'll I H It A. S II - S ft ll HIM" given in America's Finest Cigarette! Ojdtnilal De Luxe Con sole and Table Model Radio-Phonograph Prizes to be given away at your Col legeto Fraternities, Sororities, Clubs or Living Groups at close of 9 Week Contest! 1 for, complelt contest it- toils plat woekiy post- iojs of Individual winners consult theso contest beod- quarter points I Redeem your Prize Certificates Here; CALL RD FOR ii A QJ J JUU o)fo) n) n) Q U Li Ag Student Union Hermie's "H" Student Union Campus Inn J . . . . . r rc-i-v- v.i5'tn,-iw-rv :' l.vw