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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1949)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, October 13, 1949 YM Announces French Movie For Oct. 14-15 "The Well Digger's Daughter" will be the first YMCA-spon-sored foreign movie of the se mester. It will be shown this Fri day and Saturday, Oct. 14 and 15, at Love Library auditorium at 8 p. m. The French movie with Eng lish sub-titles tells the story of a bewildered wen-digger whose daughter has an illegitimate baby son. Fiaimu, celebrated French actor, plays the well-digger, father of six daughters. Josette Day is the "daughter"; George Gray, her flyer lover who wins the girl in the course of a moto cycle ride. A top international comedian, Fernandel, plays the father's pal. Admission to the movie on both nights will be 50 cents. American critics were undi vided in their reception of the movie as top French comedy. The New Yorker critic called it "some of the funniest comedy scenes to come along since 'The Baker's Wife. " James Agee in the Nation com mented, "It has about it a very remarkable amount of truth and beauty." About the acting, Agee wrote, "Raimu is superb as the well-digger who accepts six daughters and grudgingly admits to a grandson, and Fernandel as his chuckle-headed assistant is one of the international screen's finest comedians." Time magazine said of the pic ture's theme, "Surprisingly, the French have contrived, in this tender, low-keyed picture, to use illegitimacy for a few pleasant, amoral chuckles." Council . . . Continued from Page 1. Stoddard to man the council's parking permit set up. These members wil keep regular hours in the council office, from 1-2 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and 2-3 on Friday. Howard also extended the date Ex-State Senator Is Law Freshman A former state senator and graduate of the University of Nebraska, Harold C. Prichard, has returned to school as a fresh man at the law school. Mr. Prichard, who received his masters in history here in '39. served for four years with the First Army as a first lieutenant. Part of the time he was in Eu rope. He holds the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. During his term in the 1947 legislature he was active in work on school redisricting and has been a frequent speaker on that subject throughout the state for the past three years. Prichard, who has farming interests in Richardson county, graduated front' Peru State in 19.33. An active Young Democrat, he was Albin Anderson's campaign manager during the latter's un successful campaign for the Dem ocratic Senatorial nomination in the spring of 1948. lie is a student of the social sciences and has been active in support of the United World Federalists. IVCF Will Hear Kearney Pastor Rev. Wesley Smead, pastor o. the First Presbyterian church of Kearney, Neb., will be the gucs speaker at the Thursday evening meeting of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He will speak on the subject, "The Bible, God's Infallible Word to Man." Scheduled for 7:30 p. m., the program will include a cornet solo by Harold Krantz, Arts and Science senior. , BABW . . . of pub board filing to Friday Oct. 21. He stressed that students must submit a letter to the coun cil stating number of credit hours, reasons lor application and constructive suggestions for pub board operations. Members of publications staffs are not eligible for pub board. SpsudaL (pWiduWL Bold--Handsome to sell Ties .J at S? S f v $ 'ftwill Alex Cochrane Jr. former I! of IS grid tlar, it now buyrr or Miitrr't Men't Wear and Sfwei. He knnut tchal ciilf mm want, and Mill be ready to welcome ISebraka mni in Men's Wear , . . First Floor (J uit imide F.att door) Continued from Page 1 1. Book review 2. Charm School 3. Weekly meetings with Board mem ber C. YWCA 1. Vespers 2. Commission group 3. Staffs and tommittees a. Office staff b. Vespers planning committee c. Publications etc. D. W A A 1. Intramural teams 2. Clubs a. Orchesis b. Tei'nis c. Swimming il. Ruling etc. K. Publications 1. laiiy Netirvskjn 2. Conuhucks '1. Corniniskef 4. Coinhusker Countryman F. M1s(vll.tneou 1. Tassels 2. ivpiien .1 Rallies 4. Active scholastic and professional groups .Y Uepaitment groups i. College Hoaids and Councils a. Student Council h. Mortar Board c. WAA Board d. Publications Boaid e AWS Board f. Coed Counselor Bnard g. Builders Board h. Tassel Board I. TWCA. Cabinet J. Home Ec. Club k. Ag. Executive Board I. Student Faculty m. Student I'nion Board n. Farmers Fair Bourd 6. Elections 7. 1'oliiicai party meetings 8. Towne club or house meetings 9. Builders 10. Convocations 11. A L'F 12. ISA 13. Chcei leaders 14. Class officers la. Debate squad 16. University Theater II. Two point pet hour lor BABW A. 1'vpiug B. Calling C. Posters I). Other woik Carter Classified AGENT WANTED Earn liberal commiaisons in school Belling1 kits of beautiful matched fabric and ynrn lmiorted and hand-loomed. for sweater-skirt sets. For details write to I.OOM-SETS, Box 251. G.P.O.. New York 1, N. Y. IJST: Acacia fraternity pin; right triangl with pearl and garnet sets. Call Bonnia Weddel. 2-7371. FOR Sale Kodak 35 mm camera. Excel lent condition. Call Coburn 2-2583. LOST October 3 - Ronson lighter on or campus Sentimental value. Call Welier. S-W21. FOlT-S7ile-'M "Pontine Convertible. Call Continued from Page 1 sionnl journalism fraternity, will sponsor a luncheon for the editor author Friday at noon in the Union. Carter will give an in formal speech at the gathering. Members of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism groups, will also attend thn 1m ' .-nn. The price will be $1 a plate. Carl, 2-3'J!l3. after & p m. '' : "i -CIGARS RAY'S CANDY Try Our HOT FRESH POP CORN THICK MALTED MILKS 1516 O Street rj viy cm waft, v SOWN Br ATKINA JCWELI BY OIRIHOORN1. V X f 1 ... s I x ' . ...X .' & j :y , :v.;,; -"'f . . -. f . -: s . ' ' w I'M r If ' i'r tmm in J WITH SMOKERS WHO KNOW. ..IT'S Yes, Camels are SO MILD that in a coast tp-coast test of hundreds of men and women vsho smoked Camels and only Camel for 30 consecutive days, noted throat special ists, making weekly examinations, reported HOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT I2RITAT10H DUE TO SMOKING CAMZLS! t -r - " T.vff Z miLLER PAiflE