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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1949)
1 ' bv Brooklyn first sacker. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Mere Are Yur WiiUBers Expert and Percentage Cal.-Wlsc. Clem. iMiss St. Harlan Beideck (.800) Cub C4em (.800) T Cal. Clem. Cal. Clem. I Fritz Simpson (.800) I Cal. Clem Jerry Warren (.800) Cal Clem. IS Colo. ZIl JS IS Colo. Navy Duke Duke Duke Duke Jack Donovan (.700) Cal. Clem Jerry Ewing (.700) Cal. Clem. IS Is Navy Duke Navy r'Army- f Minn.- Mo.-Ok. I USC- Tex.- I KU- Mich. N'w'rn AAM 1 O.St. ' OkJla-,L G-w sh- I M ichT I Minn. f" M o. USC 1 Okla. KU Army I Minn. ( "' Mo. I OSt Okla. KU I MichTT" Minn. " Mo. O.St, i Okla J KU I Army" Minn. Mo. USC Okla. J KU Mich, "i Minn. I Mo. 0St. i Okla. KJJ j Mich. ' Minn. : Mo. I USC i Okla. KU E'3 ushers Forfiiffy By Kimon Karabotsos All indications point to Ne braska being at top strength for their 1949 Big Seven debut against Kansas State Saturday afternoon at Manhattan. Even though the Huskers were ragged at times in their workout Wednesday, there still was sparkles of brilliance. An encour aging note was that Glassford will be better fortified, as far as sheer manpower is concerned, than he nrrninst Minnesota. Min nick Bolsters Tackles Don Minnick, transfer from Fairbury JC, will be expected to bolster Nebraska's strength at the tackles. Last week the Huskers were low in reserves at that spot. Glassford has named guard Dar win Salestrom to captain the Huskers. Salestrom is a 190 pound guard from St. Edward. The Wildcats will be after their third consecutive win, a feat that they have been unable to accom plish since 1942 when they won their first three games one of those wins was against Nebraska. "oastinir 82 points in two games, which is more than they scored all last season; K-State is ex pected to throw a rushing game at the Huskers. Nebraska's attack will probably cnier around the passing arm of Fran Nagle who hit 12 for 22 against the Golden Gophers. Nagle Best Passer Coach Ralph Graham believes that Nagle may be the best passer the Cats will face all season so mavbe an airtight defense will Coed Fall Frolic To Be Held Oel. 11 The Fall frolic for all new women students will be held at 7 p. m., Tuesday, at Grant Me morial Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the coed to WAA. There will be skits by the various clubs, and refreshments will be served. Recreational facilities will be available for all interested so the dress will be informal. All those interested in joining WAA are in vited. Orthosis tryouts will be held Wednesday, Oct. 12. at 7 p.m. in Grant Memorial. ... , Swimming Club tryouts win De held Thursday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m. in the Coliseum. Swimmiug per mits will be required unless the students are enrolled in swim ming class. Bl !' B ' : ' ' ' " CIGARS IY'S CANDY Try Our HOT FRESH m m I'OI CORN B THICK MALTED MILKS B 1516 O Street " MAKE MONEY IN SPARE TIME Here is your chance to make big money on a pari time basis selling the improved DEFIANCE KEYLESS LOCKING GAS CAP No keys needed yet positively protects gasoline from theft! iVZtiL Siphon-proof, theft-proof, loss proof! Permanently installed by Jmi .anyone in 10 seconds, without I: T7 ! tools! Cannot come oft or be m en. i.nromc piaieu. Stores of salesmen report orders on the first time they show this tmrmK I-... 1 mi : ph ( HA I S gas cap. "u -w........ on part tunc basis by showing to friends and fellow students. You risk nothing price ot salesman's sample refundable on return of cap. Write today-ask to be representative for your campus. Sample only $1.4(1; sells lor $2.7V You nuke $1.35 w 4VX PROMT! I This is a sincere, bonafide offer fo college students. ..Send $1.40 for your, sample and money making sales plan today to DEFIANCi MFG. CO., INC. 1631 COSMO ST., IPS ANGIUS, CAHF. Mi-. .'. -v AA -5 $ " l XX.aXXX Dodgers Even Up Scries; Win 1-0 Pitching was again the whole story as the Brooklyn Dodgers evened up the World Series at one game apiece with a 1-0 vic tory over the Yankees. For the second consecutive game, the first time in Series history, the game was a one-run shutout. Preacher Roe went all the way for the Dodgers and lim ited the Yanks to six nits, no more than one in any inning, while the victors banged seven off loser Vic Raschi and reliever Joe Page. Roe, while not as sensational .n the strikeout column as his team mate Newcombe was in the opener, was tough in the clutches and his three strikeouts were reg istered with one man on base each time. Raschi pitched good steady ball, and was taken out not for pitch- - ( ing failures but for a pinch hitter in the eighth inning. Jackie Robinson opened the Dodger second with a screaming double and advanced to third on Hernia nski's pop fly to Coleman. Robinson then scampered home with the game's only run on a Classified Gil Hodges. Friday. Yankee manager Casey Stengel is expected to start south paw Ed Lopat while Burt Shotton of the Dodgers said that he would start either Rex Barney or Ralph Branca. The scene shifts to Eb- bets Field in Brooklyn for the iipvt thrpfi camps and as tradi tion goes, "Anything can and usu ally does happen in tiODeis Field." Shotton has invited all the members of the Dodgers" 1920 Na tional League championship team to attend the series. Burt is plan ning a special welcome for one of the team, Casey Stengel TONIGHT COLLEGE NIGHT at A boy In share n eomforliible upstairs room with Ireshman K. student. In iliviiliuil ilosk. lied with innerxpritiK mat tress 2 bloiks sou'h of Ag. enmpus. fi-11.i.Y :M51 Iludley. Call for students. Kxperieneed. Mrs. 11. Johusen, 3215 R ijboys. WANTKl) "Bitor fur Math. 10. Bohlen. :)-H8 after B. TYPINtS done Heasonable. St. KKI'IOI KNCY a part men! for 2 or Call 2-.!.ril,i utter e pm. NKW"Rabn"riitie "sport etui tit in green, rust, blue, ami ttrav. See them at AYKKS CLOTHING. MHO O St. 1148 " CHKVROLKT. Kx. ellent eondltion. 14!r. Sal., after 2. 133 No. 181h, ' 2-r8t;.rv mis JOHNNY COX and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Alm. l..0 pT couple Tax Included CAPTAIN Darwin "Dubber' Salestrom, 190 pound guard from St. Edward, will captain the Huskers when they meet Kansas State in tne lop nii Seven game of the week at Manhattan, baturciay. fitvmip the Huskers in the ail Even with a good pass defense, the Wildcats will have to contend with a spirited Nebraska line that forced the highly touted Minne cni.n fr.iu.nirl wall to buckle at times and made Bierman take to thr airl.nipsi for their ci5-o win K-.Rfnir-'s line is nothing to be overlooked for in two games, they have given up only U points an ,,t-lv (10 vnrrls. Three Cats are in the top eight ....,-c ;, tho rnnfprcnce. ill ,-V.W O Ml v s,i.rirm tlif sensational sopho orond with 30 points. George Thomas of the Sooners leads with 33. Behind Faubion Rnlldozcr' Hack ney and another soph sensation Elmer Creviston. isTniMviukn i fivfn a slight ad vantage over the Wildcats by romping over the sociaKs holding the Gopncrs oown, o-u .. . . . K.insart State ,SS?r 2,0 .. t.K ... .d" .... .,... 190 Kolimson '-.r... mil ... H() I!" Romero : '..I.. Mrl'l H T . .. IH.'i '.etlllxK'k ,.'..u...i.i.."i'. hi,- l!i."i Julinson N-iKlf W ....... QH ... 1S"i Ot'niinor Hlni.m i:.r. 1.11. .. . 1S Cn-viston Mueller 174 RH HO hallldoll V...I Id.-. KB 207 llaekney TURNPIKE I'rrsenls SAT., OCT. 8 .AVJC Your ("olUgf Clolhing Store It's the new Magee's College Comnritte Seal of Approval which nitfins that every item has been approved by Magee's col lege committee members . . . fellows and gals. ; it t I. RILEY SMITH and lis ORCHESTRA ( DANCING 9 TO 1 A. M. 1 V7 Wtt r'j a Rexislot! "VARSITY Bob Alien, Magee's College Committeeman, says this is the smartest hat yet for college fellows. Resistol, those very famous Texas hat- men, have designed a young man's hat in fur felt with the new telescope shape. Bob suggests you select the "Varsity" in any one of three smart colors . . . filamo, Willow Bark or Choco late . . . each is right for campus wear. " r - i r50 Exclusively MAGEE'S First Floor