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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 4, 1949 PAGE 4 Union DanceCommiltee Pleased With Attendance at Victory II op A turnout of 300 students proved the success of the Victory Hop held in the Union Saturday night, according to Ralph Taylor, chairman o the Union dance committee. "The success of this first dance was so great I feel safe in say ing we can offer to University students attending the future dances an enjoyable evening in their Student Union," Taylor said. Fizz Powell's orchestra played, featuring a medley of Nebraska and Minnesota songs. The crowd sang, cheered and danced. Minnesotans Interviewed. A side-light of the dance was an interview with two Minne Students who may be quoted as saying that they very much liked the Nebraska campus and Student Union. They also remarked that they had expected the score of the Minnesota-Nebraska game to be 50 to 0, and were very im pressed with the fight put up by the Nebraska team. Soft drinks were served as re freshments at the dance and there were 42 hostesses repre senting the various houses oh the campus. Hueh Follmer headed the pub licity "committee, Clyde Munsen, refreshments, and Betty Rosscler, hostesses. Schedule of Dances. Union dances scheduled for the next two weeks include: Friday, Oct. 7 Rally dance absolutely free. Saturday, Oct. 8 Corn Cabaret dance juke box dancing. Friday, Oct. 14 Juke Box Spirit Committee Will Meet Today Representatives on the Student Spirit committees whioh has been appointed to study possibilities of a football migration will meet Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the Council office, Ros Howard announced Monday. The committee has been estab lished to study possibilities of a student migration this year. Ho ward said that he committee must reach a final decision this week. Groups which ate eligible to have a representative are Corn Cobs, Tassels, Innocents, Mortar Board, Student Council, the Band and the yell squad. fling. , Saturday, Oct. 15 ISA Mem bership dance admission free to all ISA members. Music Students Present Recital Three University School of Mu sic students will be presented in a recital in Social Science audi torium Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 4 p. m. They are John Schwartz, pian ist; Jeanne Wood, soprano; and Carolyn Waters, pianist. Janet Clark will be accompanist for Miss Wood. Sonata, Op. 10. No. 3. Beethoven. Preto. Minut'tto. Hondo. John Scliwarti. Oh Sleep, Why Dost Thou Iave Me, Smele hnmlrl. A (if it Wanner zu Blnnen, Brhuhert. Chanpon Norvenlonne, Kourdraln. Nnnu, De Falla. At the Well. Jeanne Wood, Janet Clark. Simula Op. fi7, first movement. Bepl hovpn. Noi tiirne. Op IS No. 'i, Chopin. Fa ry T:ile, Op. 20, No. 2, Medtner, Car olyn Watera. California Teachers .i. j Resent Loyally Oath As the deadline approached, It was decided that it wasn't a dead line after all. That's the story from the University of California where the loyalty oaths for teach ers is a burning question this fall. A letter requesting that th signed oaths be in by Oct. 1, was not necessarily an actual deadline, according to Mrs. Edith Smith, who is in charge of notary work on the campus. Meanwhile teach ers at Santa Barbara college re quested that the oaths be deleted as a requirement of employment. m,m . . 1 CIGARS YS CAl,L,k 2 Try Our HOT FRESH j POP CORN " THICK MALTED MILKS ml 1516 O Street . -ivv z) Liu U LbCy 7TirW7 " A JLrJ M mm Yes, at tobacco auctions Lucky Strike pays millions of dollars more than official parity prices for fine tobacco! There's no finer cigarette in the world today than Lucky Strike! To bring you this finer cigarette, the makers of Lucky Strike go after fine, light, naturally mild tobacco and pay millions of dollars more than official parity prices to get it! So buy a carton of Luckies today. See for yourself how much finer and smoother Luckies really are how much more real deep-down smoking enjoy ment they give you. Yes, smoke a Lucky! It's a finer, milder, more enjoyable cigarette! CURTIS A. WALKER, veteran independent ware houseman of Wendell, N. C, says:"Scason after season, I've seen the makers of Luckies buy fine tobacco . . . tobacco that makes a mild smoke. I've smoked Luckies myself for 20 years. "Here's more evidence that Luckies are a finer cigarette. im ck"'W& i " " " "" kS--to-fc-J Ivjitf -'SrX, MM. J - MUmMMl I . TOll. -fill WW Mi31lMlJ-. I ' i i 4 r , J- '' :- i . : ' Y "!-1 V: COPK., TH AMERICAN TOIACCO COMPAHT So round, so firm, so fully packed -so free and easy on the draw