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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, September 22, 1949 PAGE 4 Campus Churches to Welcome Students During Parties Friday Welcomes will be extended to all University students by campus church groups Friday night at "all-campus church party night." Sponsored annually, and holding a place in the University calendar the evening is devoted to helping incoming and returning students to '.et aemiainted with campus re ligious croups. The evening is cl"-(i to any other organized house ;irties. Any Affiliation. Church officials urge all Uni vci iiy students or faculty mem ber to attend any of the parties, wh'-tl-pr or not they have any re'i .i'Uis affiliation. Progressive parties, millionaires parties and dancing head the list of social entertainment. plus plenty of refreshments. Parties will bruin immediately following the rally Friday night, at places listed below. Catholic students meet at the Union ballroom. Canterbury club Episcopalian students at the University Episcopal chapel. Evangelical United Lutheran 'Shucks9 Plans Party Pages On Six Houses Who will the first six be? This question will be answered by the first three sororities and first three fraternities to have 100 percent sales of Coin Shucks in their respective houses. The first six will receive the benefits of the Corn Shucks staff's new pre sentation, the party page, as one of them will be featured on this page each issue. Membership Lists All organized houses are re quested to turn in a list of their membership to be checked against the sales books to determine the Winners. Corn Shucks promises a year of amusement for its readers with jokes, cartoons, and full-page spreads satirizing life on the cam pus. Also included in the six yearly issues will be special fea tures similar to the Comic Book, Migration and Beauty Queen edi tions of last year. ''The funniest magazine in the United States . . . except the New Yorker," says .Tack Schirmer, ed itor. All Kinds of Talent All kinds of talent is needed for Corn Shucks, including short story and feature writers, cartoonists, and general wits and jokers. All manuscripts will be carefully pe rused, the best of which will be published. Editorial staff work ers are also welcome. The first issue of Corn Shucks will appear Nov. 1, and the fol lowing isues on Dec. 1, Jan. 10, March 1, April 1 and May 1. The staff is headed this year by Jack Schirmer, editor, with Jim Sullivan and Frank Jacobs, man aging editors; Al Abramson, busi ness manager: and Bob Mosher and Alan Tully, assistant busi nes managers. Subscriptions to Corn Shucks are being sold by Tassels; the price, one dollar, Classified uli SACK- 19411 iriinwood trailer hoime. Tnirtn (r a lute ear i,vni.u. See n.'Spnin. ft o rn 1201 Wesi O. K'aC! ' I ,T V -ST1 'UKNTS: Heiretiirllil, nteno iriiil'liio m-rvire nv:ill;irle. Will hkhImI Willi extm tvplnu In office on pert time I n Cull for anil deliver work, or writ mnv lie left for completion. Will msist tiilenlH With extra tvtilnK. Pli'tll i inn .urei-t hy typewriter. c,ret:i! dlitn tion iorv work. report, utenell mittlnc, nnmm '. mnniwrliil. thexeH, rnrre Hh'indi'n.e e'r Ri-iiHoimtile rules, ex rii'i iri.'-cl. prompt. eonfldeiitliil. I.lnilell Hotel I'll "le 2 7on T.OST- I le"perln pin. round Willi pi-url II. iIiiiiti nttiietied ReKiird 1'ranren RoreiH. .'i I'.'iM or fi KIT. I. rillt ale" Cur iieliter nnd radio. (lood Ptielip. DVHim. 410H4. FOR SAI.K'4H Merenry Convertltde. oriK- innl owner. K.very rreHKorv Irmifclnntilc. T'erfeet condition. I'hone ft-4HHt. 1'AilT TIMK SAl.KS: If you liivc a ear nnd are Henomdy IntereHled In working evening nnd Patnrdayd, please enntnet Mr Verslni. fi'is Trust Building, phone 2-n:l2. NflTl moii'ev. well I Uo too. Will HHiri- lire "ID (Chevrolet. Good 5-8004 rondltion. liKIVlNi Valentine Friday. Slinre ex perinea. Cull 6-81W0 JTiitraday after . AV"AllTA"Bi.iiT ami" reflnlHhed for tenehcrB . or mule tudent. Two exeellent prt ment. A one-room apartment. Three mudy mom. We(1.,Thur., M No J"j. ROOM foriw'o'bovii, 2 ""block from Cam pu. i'hone 6-!tlA)i. church at 3343 Starr. Students meet in YMCA clubroom in Temple building. Methodist. Methodist students at one of following churches Elm Park, Epworth, Grace, St. Paul. Trinity or Warren. National Lutheran Council of Churches party will be held at First Lutheran church, 17th and A. Meet at Student Lutheran house for transportation at 8:00. Baptist Student house at 215 No. 14. United Student Fellowship at First Plymouth church. 19th and D St. First Unitarian church, 12th and H St. Christian Student Fellowship at Cot nor House. Need For HI nod Donors Urgenl The need for blood is as urgent now as it was during the war. According to Dr. H. A. Scott, manager of the VA Hospital, Lin coln, Nebraska, the patients of this hospital are in need of a con tinuous supply of blood at all times. Without it every recovery from disease or operation is seri ously impeded or entirely pre vented. Dr. Scott urges all organiza tions, schools, colleges, etc., to en courage their members to register at the Veteran's Hospital for Lin coln for the purpose of giving blood. Dial 2-7691 for appoint ments. All types are needed. Donors will be paid $5 per lOOcc of blood; the usual amount of blood taken is 500ec. "We still have the wounded as well as the sick," states Dr. Scott. "During the war, great numbers responded for our servicemen let's remember the war and help the hospitalized veteran." 7L dtappy dCello . . . FROM ft: r V? J . , m ' f .. - ... . ... .. , A ' "-jL ' ' ' 7 ' ( - x I W- K Pictured left to right: Tom Donohu.. Sigma Chi: Bill Doty. Kappa Sigma: Don Du (ton. S.gma Nu, Barbara Sunn Kap pa PP Ga Elian, filpha Phi: Mary filir. Dotie.k. Delta Delta D.lta: Bill Sloan, ftlpha Taa Om.gar Dob Fimitiom. Delta Upeilon: Hank Cecil, Sigma Hlpna Epsilon; Sam Huston. Phi Delta Theta. Not in Picture: Bill Micltle. Phi Pij Jerry Dojelr. Delta Tau Delta. Lot the gang at Harvey's show you its largest 'selection of "last-minute" styles for campus wear. Under the College Committee's advice, Harvey Brothers have or dered the largest collection of campus stylos in recent years. The College Committee will welcome your suggestions for special designs and will malce every effort to stock your individual needs. Come in and meet the- gang let them help you with your wardrobe problems. P. S. You II he pU-asanlly ur pined at our prieen for the "Collrpe hud per! NU Bulletin Hoard All students on Ihe Men's Dorm waiting list who are still inter ested in dormitory housing, should contact the dorm office immedi ately. Ag exec board meeting in Room 3 of Ag Union at 7:30 p. m. Tues day. PHI CHI THETA meets Thurs day, 7 p. m., Parlor Y, Union. All members required to attend. THETA SIGMA PHI meets Thursday, Ellen Smith hall, 5 p.m. to arrange year's calendar, set ini tiation dite. order pins and re ceive important announcement One dollar fine for absence. ENGINEERING EXEC UTIVE board meets. Room 313, Union, Thursday, 5 p. m. Students who have not vet picked up their 1949 CORN HUSKERS may do so Monday Friday between 2 and 4 p. m. in Cornhusker office. PALLADIAN LITERARY soci ety invites all independent stu dents to their meeting Saturday. 8:30 p. m., Room 302, Temple. Feature of the evening will be a discussion on "Are Women Nec essary?" ROTC STUDENTS may volun teer for ushering at Cornhusker football games at Lincoln. Ushers receive free admission. Those in terested see Capt. R. L. Huffaker, Room 207, Armory, as soon as possible. ALL SCABBARD AND BLADE members will meet at 7 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 22, Parlors B and C, Union. Wear uniforms and bring interested rushees. Students have until the end of week to file for UNION COMMIT TEE positions. Anyone interested should contact the Union Activi ties office. There will be a meeting of the NUCWA executive council in Room 306, Union, 7:30 p. m., Thursday. ALPHA rill OMEGA, national service fraternity, will meet Thursday, 7 p. m., Union. Those interested in working on the CORNHUSKER COUNTRY MAN, are asked to contact Keith Fredcrickson, Editor, in the Ag HARVEY BROS. Pre-Gamc Luncheons for Alums Continued This Year Alumni planning to attend any or all of the Cornhusker foot ball games this fall, should plan to include a pregame lunch each Sat. noon at the Student Union. Special buffet luncheons will be served for Nebraska alumni, their families and friends at all home games. Started Last Fall Response to the idea, inaugu rated last fall, was very enthus iastic. The luncheons provide a good time to renew old friend ships, reminisce and visit while at the same time have that pre game lunch. There being no program, in formality will be the theme at the luncheons. The food will be served in the main dining room on the second floor of the build ing, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to assure everyone plenty of time to get to their stadium seats. Reservations Should be Made Alumni Association officials j decided to continue the project this fall because of the opportu nity it provided for Cornhuskers to, gather near the stadium, eat Burglars Snitch $64 at U. of Cal Fraternity burglars are in busi ness again! This time on the cam pus of the University of California. Four rooms of the Alpha Delta Phi house were entered recently between 3 and 8 a. m. The thieves made off with $64. Inspector L. W. Ncary of the Berkeley Police department said, "These burglaries are not unusual. We have dozens of them every year." Fraternities and other organized living groups are more suspecti ble to burglary early in the fall because the students have more money than later in the year. On the NU campus last year, two fraternity houses were broken into. Union tonight between 7:30 and 8:30 p. m. INTF.RFRATERMTY COUNCIL meeting tonight, 5 p. in.. Union. COLLEGE COMMITTEE f their lunch and get to the game. Alumni desiring to join in the noonday reunions should make advanced reservations to assure their being served. Send reser vations to the Alumni Office. Student Union Building, Lincoln. These luncheons begin with the South Dakota game Sept. 24, and other dates are set for Oct. 1, the Minnesota game, Oct. 22, Oklahoma's day in Memorial Stadium, Nov. 5, Homecoming with Kansas U.: and on Nov 19, at the Colorado entanglement. MAIN FEATURES START VARSITY: "Rimfirc," 1:12, 3:41, 6:10, 8:59. "The Window," 2:16, 4:45, 7:14, 10:03. STATE: "Mighty Joe Young," 1:30, 3:30, 7:30, 9:31. NOW SHOWING with 35c i- BOHR' OKI SCO M- CO-FEATIUE J itLMr lilL TIM. 8 P. M "IF IT'S AT THK STATU IT'S THK BKST SHOW IN TOWN" NOW SHOWING i y. v V. 1 I timfyrat aihretrtoft J'" I If SMSPMSt! 1 fl K I L fir