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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1949)
Friday, June 10, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Old Soldier . . . j js j lis iv . i Girls9 and Boys9 Slaters Conclude One Week's Training in Government It's all over! The week of training in gov ernment for approximately 500 high school boys and girls is nearly completed. Boys' Staters Lutheran Student Goes to Germany Kenneth Wilson is one of 17 Lutheran students from the United States who will partici pate in three international Lutheran study-work projects in Germany this summer. The projects are sponsored, by the Lutheran World Federation and the division of student serv ice. Wilson has been assigned to the project in Bavaria, which will consist ot the construction of a rubble church at Herzogs Sagcmuble. The project will run from June 20 to August 20. A senior in electrical en gineering, Wilson is president of the midwest region of the Luth eran Student Association. will return home tomorrow and Girls' Staters will leave the campus Sunday. During their one-week ses sion, the Staters have organized town and state governments, elected officers, and watched their own state's government in action. The prepsters have watched the University in action, too. A dance in the Union, a coke in the Crib and life in dorms and sorority houses have been part of the Staters week. Boys' and Girls' State is spon sored annually by the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. The students are se lected by local posts from high school juniors. While in Lincoln they are chaperoned by University per sonnel, Legion members and university students, who acted as counselors. The scale rjiodel of the University's first building, University Hall, is shown above. The model was presented to the University by the class of 1S97 at the Alumni's Round-Up luncheon on Saturday. A committee headed by J. V. Corttelyou of Lincoln secured plans and had the model made. Another active participant in the project was Miss Flora Bul lock, secretary qf the class. The gift was presented to Chancellor Gustavson by Robert Manley, '97. The scale model is done in soft wood. Each detail of the brick is etched on its sur face. Campus old timers report that the replica is perfect in each detail with the excep tion of a flight of basement stairs which may have been added after its construction. The replica will be encased in glass an d put on display at a spot which has not yet been determined. Until its display time the model will be stored by the alumna office, although it is now the property of the university. The structure, as it appears in the model, is remembered by few. Ever since its con struction the old hall has been under going rennovation. It's first major change came when it's second and third floors were removed. The building was condemned several times. Finally wooden braces were placed against its exterior walls. Last year it was declared unfit and torn down. At the time of its demise, U hall housed the modern language department and the school of journal ism. Since then these departments have moved to Burnett Hall. g Sp.QCLCtLI wcdctitd'c oni i emmrco IhLUu I L.II U UULLbUIHIL O O O O DICTIONARIES FORMERLY 00 NOW ONLY 998 o o o o o Union Plans Open House for June 10 Union open house June 10 will give summer session and all-state fine arts conference students a chance to sample the kind of programs which will be held at the Union this summer. Main attraction will be danc ing to music of Walt Goodbrod and his band in the ballroom. Other entertainment scheduled for the evening from 8 p. m. REGENTS BOOKSTORE $ i to midnight includes bingo games ' and movies. j Topping off the evening will be the serving of free refreshments. The open house program, the first in a series of Union enter tainments, is open to everyone. Catholic Services ... t- -. j t , r Beginning aunaay, June iz, i and continuing through the sum mer session, Catholics may attend mass at 10 a. m. each week in parlors XYZ of the Union. New man club offices will be open during the summer, according to Father Shuster. CORNHUSKER SPECIAL FOR U OF N STUDENTS ONLY Don't leave money lying around. Come in and see our new type ol check designed esepcially for you. Ve would like to have you see it at our bank located conveniently at 13th & "O". national Bank of Commerce Member of Federal Drptmit Insurance f.orporot'cn. Used Hooks Tlint Cost You Loss A Convenient Local ion 3uick Service Get the Right Text for the Right Price From Your Own University Bookstore Diversity Regents Oooitstot IN TEMPLE BUILDIK'G