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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1949)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, May 12, 1949 Quitting Won't Work . . . The action of all but one of the University Dartv dele gates and the Corn Cob delegation in walking out of the Constitutional Assembly Tuesday night speaks none too nigniy ior inose groups. Ubviously, they are not interested J 1 1 a . J A mm in tne worn oi trie Assembly. One University party delegate made t.h statpmprt tw the Assembly was wasting its time since the faculty has not pointed out what is wrong with the now defunct Stu dent Cor.ncil constitution. If the faculty would state exactly wiiiti u iiwnKs is wrong witn said constitution, there would De no neea wnatsoever in carrying on the Assembly. The change could be made to suit the faculty, and that would be the end of it. But faculty members have repeatedly said that they warn any cnange 10 come irom tne students themselves. And they have said that the Asembly's work will be con sidered carefully by the Faculty Senate. They have even stated that the "Assembly is the best answer to the problem oi student government. Why then do some delegates say the faculty will throw out the Assembly's constitution as it did the Student Coun cil constitution? There certainly has been enough trouble over tne campus political set-up this year to merit a change or some sort. If the Assembly is not the answer, the stu dents will indicate so when the constitution is brought be fore them for vote. If it is the answer, the students will give their approval. The oetire purpose of the Assembly has been to investi gate the possiblities of a change, and if needed, to carry out such change. This purpose certainly cannot be fulfilled by quitting. The Assembly affords students an opportunity to bring out their own ideas and changes. And there are enough interested Greeks and independents to take advan tage of the oportunity. If there are students who do not wish to participate in the drafting of a fair constitution, 'others will handle the job. And if the job is not done, Nebraska university can expect no student government, period. Therfore, it is im perative that the students stick to the job until it is com pleted and until everyone is satisfied that the University will nave a tair, representative student government. Fritz Simpson Final Exam Schedule laboratory elasses meetini; for acverai continuous how oa one or two days shall meet for examination as follows: Classes meeting on Monday and Tuesday ahaJI bo examined oa tb date scheduled for the flml hour of their laboratory merlins; Wednesday or Thursday classes oa the second hoar of their meetini;: Friday or Hatarday classes oa the third boor lnit examinations have been sehedaled for all sections la the following subjects: (I) Rnsincss Organization .1, 4, II, 141 '. (Z Jvll KnirinrerlnK 1; S Kconomlr 11, 11, lit; 4 KdocaUoa CI, (5) Klcctriral Knaineerlnc 135, 1S8, tM, 237- ' ' English B, 1, t, 3, 4, 17; (T French 11, 12, IS, 14; S) Home Economics 41, 42; ) Mathematics II, 14, IS, la, 17, 41 42 105, 104, 107; ! Mechanical Kntineertar 1, 6; (11) Psychology 71; (12) Spanish 52, 54. If students have regularli scheduled examinations eonflietlnt; with the above specially arraaied schedule, arrangements to take urh specially scheduled examinations at another time should be made with the department roneemed no or before May 17. For example: If a student la scheduled for an examination which conflict with specially scheduled examination, la French, arrangement), should be made with the Fretcb department to take snch French examinatloa at another time. TIK8DAY. MAY 24 ft am to It a.m. Classes meetinr at a.m., Taes., Thar., Sat., or any oae or two of these days. I. (Collsenm). r two of these days Gordon Lippitt Leaves YM For Michigan U. Position Gordon Lippitt, executive sec retary of the YMCA, announced his resignation, to become effec tive August 31, at the YM Board of Management meeting Wednes day. Lippitt will assume the duties of co-ordinator of the National Training laboratory on group de velopment, sponsored by the Na tional Educational association and the University of Michigan. Coach Harry Good, chairman of the YMCA Board, expressed his regrets at Lippitt's resignation. He stated that "Mr. Lippitt's re lationship has brought us to the most successful point in the his tory of the campus YMCA. Our membership is now the largest that it has ever been. We regret very much loosing our executive secretary." Lippitt has held his present position for the past four years. He has also been very active in community affairs. Mrs. Lippitt and their three daughters will precede Lippitt to the east on June first. A personnel committee consist ing of Chairman Good, Bill Reuter, and Charles Putney have been named to secure a successor to fill the position left empty by the resignation of Lippitt. Pi Mu Epsilon To Initiate 61 Pi Mu Epsilon, honorary math ematics fraternity, will hold a banquet Wednesday evening at which 61 new members will be initiated. Selection of members to the organization was made on the basis of scholarship and interest in mathematics. Guestspeaker for the evening will be Frederick J. Ludwig, pro fessor of law at the university, and formerly counsel for the Dis trict Attorney, New York City. His topic will be "Murder, Inc." r 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. All sections la Kngllnh B, 1, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. All sections la Kagllsh S, 4. z P.m. so d p.m. All sections la Fngihth 17. 2 p.m. to ( p.m. All section la Flee. Engineering 13S. Ill, 234, 237. 2 p.m. to S p.m. All sections In Mechanical Engineering ft. 2 p.m. to ft p.m All sections la Economies 115. WEDKKAD Y, MAY 2ft I f- - - 1 ' iihtiihk hi o live or roar nays, or mou., vrea., r n. , or any oae LJ " P.m. lla-es meeting at 11 a.m.. Toes., Thnrs., Sat., or any oae or two of these days. l ntnwAi , jwx ze ' ' a.m. Classes meeting at 3 p.m., Taes., Thnrs., or either oae of these days. A) 5a.m. toll a.m. ll sections in Mechaalcai Kagiaeerlng 1. S a mm tA I m All .t 1 1 1. , - . i . . m a.m. to 14 a.m. AM sections la Baslness Organisation il. CMteam. 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. All sections In Business Organisation 141. Htollseam.) ft a.m. to 10 a.m. All sections la French II. 12, 13, 14. (foil scorn.) ft a.m. to 1ft a.m. All section', la Rpanish 52, 64. (Collsenm. 1 II a.m. to I p.m. All sections In Kconomlcs 11, 12. (Collseam.) 2 p.m. to ft p.m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m., five or toar days, or Mob., Wed., Frl., or any on or two of these days FRIDAY, MAY 27 IY)J D-m- a 4 laeses meeting at 3 p.m., five or four days, or Mon.. Wed., Fit., or any one or two of these days. 12 p.m. to ft p.m. ('lasses meeting at 4 P.m.. five or four lavs, or Mm.. Wed.. Frl.. or aav one or two of theae r4. 8ATI KDAY, MAY 2X 11 a.m. to it a.m. Classes meeting at 4 p.m., Tnes. and Thnrs., or either one of these days. I a.m. to 10 a.m. All sections in Mathematics 11. 1ft. 41, 1041. (Coliseum.) a.m. to I p.m. All sections In Mathematics 14. 16. 17. 42. 1115. 107. iCnllenm. 5 p.m. Classes meeting at 8 a.m., Tues., Thnrs.. Sat., or any one or two of these davs. J p.m. Classes meeting at ft p.m., five or four dsys, or Mnn., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these day, ft p.m. Classes meeting at ft p.m., Tues. and Thnrs.. or either one of tnese days. 6 p.m. Classes meeting at 7 p.m., Mon., Wed.. Fri., or anv one or tun of these dajs. ft p.m. Classes meeting at 7 p.m., Tnes. and "lhnm., or either one of these days. MONDAY, MAY to. MFMORIAI. HAY Classes DKminsed C a.m to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at II a h . five or four .lays, or Mon., Wed.. Frl.. or any oae or two of these day. K-i". p.m. x nin inn niii i p.m., i nr., ana nurx., or either one of these dn.vs ., ji nk five or four i, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. Tues.. Thnrs., Mt.. or any one of these days. i . ji r. z to 12 m. Classes meeting at !Z m.. five or four days, or M to 12 m. Navy Comprehensive Kxamlnatloa. to 12 m. All Sections In Civil Fngineerlng 1. to 10 a.m. AHSectlnns In Fducatinn til, 62. (Coliseum.) lft:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All sections in I'KyrhuloKy 70. (Coliseum.) 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. ('lasses meeting at 9 a.m., five or four days, or Mon., LrAft a.m. to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m., Taes. and Thnrs., or either ISZ p.m. to 5 p.m. All sertlonn la Business Organisation H, 4. (Coliseum.) n ... P)2 p.m'. to 6 p.m. . 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. to ti) 2 p.m'. 9 a.m. fen a.m. V a.m. 8 a.i to 12 a.m. ClEJises meeting at 1 p.m., to 6 p.m. Classes meeting at 10 a n Ion., Wed., Fri., or any one or two of these days. Wed., Frl., or any one or two of thees days. these days. nf T0hl- & MATION-VIDEV RAIL-AIR SERVICI , i Y to Aid DFs With Proceeds From Movie "Angel On My Shoulder," a movie stairing Paul Muni, Anne Baxter, and Claude Rains, will be shown on the Ag and city cam puses Friday under the sponsor ship of the YM and YM. Proceeds from the 50-cent tick ets will go to the Displaced Stu dents fund. The picture will be shown in Ag campus' Dairy Industry building. "Angel On My Shoulder," is the story of the devil's attempt to in crease the population of Hell by sending Paul Muni, an ex-gangster, back to earth to work such havoc that Hades will soon get an entirely new and large assortment of citizens. However, once Muni's spirit is placed in the form of a kindly judge and he meets his beautiful recretary, Anne Baxter, everything happens contrary to the devil's desires. Bob Epp is the chairman of the committee which is sponsoring the unusual comedy-drama in behalf of the Displaced Students fund. At the policy. (Kililiir's note: The following wire whs received Wednesday morning wish of the writer, (he nsme is witheld In accordance with Daily Nrhraskaa EDITOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN YOUR COURAGEOUS AND HONEST EDITORIAL "MB'S INNOCENTS NUTS" FACKS PROBLEM FI LLY AS VITAL TO STUDENT BODY AS REPRESENTATION IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT. BOTH SPRING FROM SAME DISEASED SOIL GREEK DECADENCE FACULTY HAS CALLED COUNCIL'S BLUFF ON SCORE OF REPRESENTING WHOLE CAMPUS. MAYBE FACULTY SHOULD STOP "CRYING WOLF " TO FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES AND FORCE THEM TO WEED OUT THE CORRUPTION, AMBITION, AND uio KHaJ AliLi -UK TRUE PURPOSES OF SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS WHICH AT PRESENT INFEST MOST EXTRCURRICULAR ACTTVITIES. THE MEANINGLESS OF MOST CAMPUS ACTIVITIES AND OF SENIOR "HONORARIES" IS FUNDAMENTALLY THE GREEKS PROBLEM TO SET RIGHT IN THOUGHT AND PRACTICE. A 1948 ALUMNUS Jhs (Daily. TkbhxtbJian MF.MBF.K Intercollegiate Press FORTY-SEVENTH YFAR The Dally Nehraslcaa la pahlished hy the students yt the University aa an espressioa of stadeats news aad opsaloas only. According to article IE of the By li governing student publications aad administered by the Board of I'uhllca tloas: "It la the declared policy of the Board that pohllratloas aader It Juris diction shall be free from editorial cen sorship the part of the Board, or no the part of aay aseniaer of the faculty of the anlverslty; but members of the staff of The Dally Nebraska are per sonally responsible far what they aay ar do or eaaae to he printed." nnbserlptloa rates are 12 per semester, S2.M per eemrster mailed, or (8 far the college year; $4 mailed. Klngte ropy five cents. Published dally daring the school year eseept Moadays and fiatardays, vacations aad domination pertoOs, by the University of Nebraska adder the sunervlsloa of the I'uhileatloa Board. F.aterrd aa second Class Mailer at the Foot Offieo m IJaeola, Nebraska, aader Act of Congress, March , IHlit, sod at special rata of postage provided for m eeetloa 1101, Act of October 2, 117. aotberlird drplembrr It, 122. Night News F.dltor .Utalse McDIII DANCE To The Music of Eddie Garner at cS Shzahelis TLurses $ome THURSDAY, MAY 12 9-U T. M. 75 Per Person Tax IbcL NU Bulletin Board The University Flying Club, Inc. has announced openings tor three new members for this summer. The club teaches members the art of flying through the cheap est and best instruction. For in formation, interested parties should call Dave Hallstrom at 6-4371. Don't miss the radio section of the speech department's Authors of the Ares at 9:30 Thursday over station KFOR. The special pre sentation will be that well-known story, "Luck," by Wilbur Daniel Steele. Sigma Tau, honorary engineer ing fraternity, will hold an initia tion and banquet Thursday eve ning at the Lincoln hotel. The initiation of new members will be held at 5:30 p. m. and the banquet will follow at 7 p. m. Alpha Epsilon Rho will meet at 5 p. m. Thursday in Room 27 Temple. All members must be present. Journalism banquet, 6:30 p. m., Continental cafe, Thursday. Sigma Delta Chi initiation, basement of Burnett, 5 p. m. Thursday. House Rules and Library com mittee will meet in the craft shop at 7:15 p. m. Thursday.- Comenius Club will meet in the Union at 7:30 p. m. Friday. Dr. Frolick of Ag college will speak. All students are invited to at tend. There will be dancing and refreshments. Dr. O. K. Bouwsma, professor of philosophy, will speak to the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow ship Thursday evening. Room 315, Union, at 7:30 p. m. Special music win consist of a vocal: solo by Marlin Boiler. Hornbacker Heads Trident Kenneth D. Hornbacher will guide Trident, N.R.O.T.C. fratern ity for the coming year as the president. Other officers elected at the Thursday election include J. R. Plummer, vice-president; J. F. Walsh, secretary; J. J. Fuller, treasurer; Win Wyman, social chairman; and Bill Keeney, ser-geant-at-arms. Classified - Dclln (iamini jeweled pin on rnmnus, name on bnrk. Reward full Miirjorle Vsn Pelt. 2-77 12 or 8-8404. GKT a Tux now for" next fail. Hize :ifl double breasted. Will throw In links' studs, shirt and ie. Call 5-.V.47. FOR KAI.K: Hill fiSciaFTieUuxe Ply" . iii-w iHim, seat n.i k-i motor. Call 3-7910 WANTKl) Smnll fiirnlxlied hath, lot graduate covers after ft. to rent or sub-let for summer": aparlment, separate stuoeiit and boy n Peck. Chappell, Neb. frst crude L,. WOMAN' while Jacket accldeutlv ex chanced in check room at FiJI-Tiiu Tussle. Its trade hack. Call s-2(i:io evenings. 1H18 Indian 74. Many ai'-Horics lw mileage Rent offer takes It. 6-113H, 1246 No 37. Noon, evenings affir 6. week etuis HAH. New 1K42 IhwlKe 4-dour seian. tires A brakes. & .M,. WOULD you like to try fur oil imliiKlry Job, either ferelpn or domestlcT Iirop card Box 2(i,'i. TuIks, Okla. HO.NKV Monarrs, Vaeatloaers. IteauUfnIly faralsbeii Uig rabia near r.tes t'ark. :oto., la secluded Mney Woods, nr riHMded by saow capped peaiis. Ki( tone flreplaee. Meals notional. Only 3 aer week. Mrs. O. H. If.umwinkel, 474 Ho. Jaeksoa, Itenver, Colo. WOULD like to aublease apartment for two months Juie and July. Write Dally Nebrasknn. R K WA R t toaby" Kathleen Ander son. 8-763T Kxt. 4210. days. J25 Reward and no questions aaked for return. of Olds Auper Cornet lo. 16883. Calvin C. Ingram. Franklin, Xebr., or Robert lnrrara, 635 South 2Atlt, Lincoln, Nebr. FOR AUC White dinner ' la.-iirt trousers' De Jar pJmto-els.trlc mew. l.tirj evenlnM. t ICBT Clinton and iKht Isdv's wrist vllrh with brown band in SIcllrKy of Ivy Lay arsaa," Keward! Cail 2-0I4. K n