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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1949)
PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN We'dnes'day, May li, 2i3 JIul (Dailt VkhhcuJiaiv Hmmbm Intercollegiate Press rOKTT-SrVENTH T1AJI rW Daftf Hsbraikna M pnbflsbed y th iMak tnt trm Cnrrersrty mt NcknMka m ta expreasloa mt atadeata sew Hi apialoaa auly. aeeordlat ta artless II at twa Hi laws fovernlag stodesl Babllrattona and Mmliilitm4 by ta Beard af PabMeattona: H l la declared policy at ta Board that pablleattoaa dec Its JnrU1tctloa anal! an fres from editor-.' censorship aa lai part a ta Baard, a aa Uh part af aa asanicar at tha taew'iy af tha alTersttyi an niamaera af aha atari af Tan lHul taaraskaa mem personally reaps aslbla far what tbey amy a aa aa eaaaa ta a artatad." Sanaartptsaa ratea ara ft.M per pan slit. R.M par aim atir analled, ar f3.a tm aha eoUeie rear. tt.aa asallfd. Single copy e. rahllsned daily dortag tba arhael yn axerpt Mondays aad Nataroaya, vacations aad eiaminattoa periods, ay tha Uajvaraaty af Nebraska aader th esnervisloa at ta PabUeatkea Board. Entered aa Weeone Clans Matte at th raat Offlea as Uneoin, Nebraska, andcr in af fauna, Man t, 17, aad at special rat t posing prBTtdad far la aartlaa 113. Act af V Mil. aataartiad 8cptraer 1. !. EDITORIAL Editor Managing Edltan Night News Editor. . Nana trr . . . Cab Clem, Frltt 8lmpsoa M. J. Mrlirk BUSINESS Baslnes Manage Irwla Cheaea lu't Business Manager . . Mfri Ktalder, Bob Aitell, Rrltn O'Baaaoa Clrculattoa Al Abramaoa Let's Clean Up . . . We've got trenchmouth! Now that the news is out that trenchmouth is abound ing on both Ag and city campuses, the time has come to do something about it. According to Student Health offi cials, the incubator for this current epidemic of trench mouth is in the organized houses. The dishwashing and handling of food and dishes in these houses is shocking to anyone who knows the differ ence between a spirochete and a bacillus. When spoons are handled by the bowl instead of the handle, when glasses are nicked up from the inside, when dishes are washed in lukewarm water by busboys in a hurry for a one o'clock how can one expect to keep away from such transmittable j diseases as trenchmouth, colds and stomach disorders. Student Health has been working on a definite sanita tion program for the campus which will be completed soon. Cooperation is needed from all eating and rooming places! concerned. Fraternities and commercial places near the! campus have half-heartedly accepted some recommended sanitation processes, but the women's houses have not wel comed such efforts yet. Any house which is willing to improve its living stand ards can get help now from Student Health in regard to correct sanitation procedures. When such help is available, houses are not considering their own well-being if they ig nore any new or better ideas. Student and city health officials are carefully watching the commercial eating places near the campus to see that they are carrying out adequate sanitary measures. How ever, students should be careful and use judgment in se lecting a place to eat if they wish to safeguard their health. If proprietors realize that customers will not patronize them unless they give a square deal in regard to the bacteria they dish out, another hurdle in the health program will be overcome. Trenchmouth does not belong on a university campus. With a good clean-up campaign in houses and eating places, it will not exist here. LOUISE McDLLL m y & Bargains on Every Floor Spring F ormerly 1 4.95-19. 95 '88 All types of princ and sum mer dresses, plain colors And prints. Both pastels and dark tones. From regular stork. Formerly 19.95-39.95 11 88 Dressier styles . . . rayon crepes, prints, upon rayons and cot tons. Both one and two piece styles Sis LP S . . Final Exam Schedule I.abratory classes meeting for several eontlnnous boon on one or two dan shall meet for examination M follow: liaises meeting oa Mood ay and Tuesday shall be examined oa the data aehednled for the first boar af their laboratory sweeting; Wednesday or Thursday classes oa the seeoad boar af their aneeliag; Friday or Saturday elassea aa ins third boar. I'ntt examinations hare been scheduled for all sections la the following subjects: (1) Baslness Orgaalsatloa I, 4, tl, 141; t) Civil Engineering 1; S Economics II, IX, IIS; 4 Edacatioa SI, 4t; (6) Electrical Engineering 13ft, 18, S3, Salt English B, I, t, S, 4, 17; 1 French 11, 12, IS, 14; (S) Home Economic 41, 41; ) Mathematics 11, 14, it, 1, IT, 41, 42, IM, 107; !) Mechanical Engineering 1, S; 11 Psychology 7d; ll Spanish 12. M. If stodenta hava regularly scheduled examinations eoonictlng with th abve specially arranged schedule., arrangement to take sach specially Beard sled examinations at another time should be mad with th department concerned on or before May 17. For example: If a stadent Is scheduled for an examination which conflicts ai(h a specially scheduled examination In French, arraaremen Is shoald b mad with th French department t take such French examlnatloa at another time. Tt'EftDAY, MAY 24 am to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at t a.m., Taes.. Thur., Sat., or any one ar tw af these days. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. All sections in English B, I, , tCoUseam). 2 p.m. t p.m. All sections In Eaglish L 4. 1 2 p.m. t S p.m. All sections la English 17. 2 p.m. to ( p.m. All sections la Flee. Engineering IM, 18, 2M, 237. 2 p.m. to S p.m. All sections la Mechanical Engineering t. t p.m. ta S a.m. All section! la Ecsnsmies US. WEDNESDAY, MAY it mm. to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 8 a.m., fire or foar days, ar Mob., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of the days 2 p.m. to S p.m. Cla bps meeting at 11 a.m.. Toes., Tbnrs., Sat., or any aac ar twa of these days. THCR8DAY, MAY 2 a.m to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at S p.m., Taes., Thors., ar either one af these days. Sa.m.toll a.m. All sections In Mecbaalcal Engineering 1. a.m, to 12 m. All sections In Home Economies 41 aad 42. S a.m. to 14 a.m. All sections In Business Organisation 41. Coliseum. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Ad sections la Business Organisation 141. (Coliseum.) 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. All sections la French II, 12, IS, 14. (Collseam.) 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. All section. In Spanish S2, 64. (Coliseum.) II a.m. to 1 p.m. All sections In Economics 11, 12. (Collseam.) 2 p..m. to S .m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m., five or tour days, ar Moa., Wed., Frl., ar aay an ar tw of the days. . FRIDAY, MAY 27 S a.m. to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 18 a.m., five or tour days, or Moa., Wed., Frl., ar any one or twa af these days. 2 p.m. to S p.m. ( Inssvs meeting at S p.m., five or four days, or Moa., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days. 2 p.m. to S p.m. Classes meeting at 4 p.m., five or fonr says, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or tw of these days. SATl'KOAY, MAY 18 A a.m. to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 4 p.m., Taes. and Thnrs., or either ane af these days. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. All sections in Mathematics II, 18, 41, 106. (Coliseum.) II a.m. to 1 p.m. All sections in Mnlhrnmtlrs 14, IS. 17, 42. 105. 10. (Coliseum.) A p.m. Classes meeting at 8 a.m., Tues., Thors.. Sat., or any one or two of these dsjs. S p.m. ( lasses meeting at S p.m., five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days, ft p.m. ( lasses mooting at 8 p.m., Tnes. and Thnrs.. or ellher one of tliese days. 8 p.m. Classes mooting at 7 p.m., Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or two ot these days, ft p.m. Classes meeting at 7 p.m., Tues. and Ihnrs., or either one of these days. .'"KI'll, M.S. I SU, .Mr MIIHIAI. Clnssos Dismissed Tl, .MAY SI a.m to It a.m. Classes mooting at II a.h., five or four days, or Mon., Wed.. Frl., or any one or two of those days. 2 p.m. to A p.m. ( lasses mooting at I p.m., Tncs. and Thnrs., or either one ol these davs WEDNESDAY, 41 N E I a.m. to 13 a.m. ( i&sxe moenng at I p.m., live or four days, or Mon.. Wed., Frl.. or n one or Iwo of these 2 p.m. to A p.m. Classes meeting al 10 a.m., Tues., Thnrs., Sal., or any one ol those davs. Till IISIIAY, Jl NK 2 8 a.m. to 12 m. Classes mooting at 12 m., five or tour days, or Mon., Wed., Frl., or any one or Iwo of Iheao days 9 a.m. to It m. Navy t omprelirnsive Examination. 8 a.m. to 12 m. All Sections in tlil Engineering 1. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. AllSoctions in Eduralion fti. 62. (Coliseum.) 10:110 a.m. to I2::ui p.m. All sections in I'sycholngy 70. (Coliseum.) 2 p.m. la A p.m. Classes meeting at 9 a.m., five or four days, or Mon., Med., Frl., or any one or two of thees davs. , IRIIMV. JINK 3 a.m. to 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m., Tues. and Thnrs., or either one of these days. 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. All sections in Business Organisation 3, 4. (Coliseum.) 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. to 2 p.m. to 2 P.m. to 2 p.m. to days. Assembly We still faculty cil has operated under. dont know what the wants," Buckley said. "The Assembly should recom mend that the "faculty set-up a Council in accordance with the present Constitution. That Coun cil could establish a committee on revisions to work out the prob lem," he said. SINCE THE .faculty has not pointed out what is wrong with the Constitution we cannot revise it. We are wasting our time. We need to develop a procedure to get back what student government we have had," he concluded. When asked the by chairman if his words were intended as a mo tion Buckley said that they were a motion for adojurnment and a declaration to the faculty. In discussing the motion Charles Swan, Student party, said, "The faculty isn't likely to reinstate what they have just destroyed. We have a representative group which we should continue to use. All we need is a little time." COSMOPOLITAN Club dele gate. Bill Brown, seconded Swan's opinion with "I came up here to set up a constitution that I want, not what the faculty wants. Let's go on with that work." A roll call revealed that the Buckley motion was defeated. Im mediately after the vote Buckley and four other University party men and the Corn Cob delegation, left the meeting. "I see no purpose in continuing these sessions," Buckley said as he walked out. His exit was cheered by the remaining delegates. THE WORK of the Assembly went on immediately. Gene Berman, Religious Wei- FRIDAY COLLEGE NIGHT 1 jOUikri Couples Only A dm. f 1.56 per covifc Tmx JaKsWcW Dancing 9 Till 12 Sample Ballot AG EXEC BOARD Seniors at Large Vote for two (2) 1 man, 1 woman Edward Sautter (Student Party) John DeWulf Marilyn Nuss Jean Stoppkotte Sue Bjorklund Junior Man Vote for one (1) Robert Raun Junior Woman Vote for one (1) Alice Bos well Ruth Fischer Marcia Adams Virtinia Bask in Mary Chace Edna Kniffen Sophomore Man Vote for one (1) Keith Versaw Morris Mode-row Rex Crotn Ronald Meyers Sophomore Woman Vote for one (I) Jayne Carter Joan Raun Elizabeth Kelso Patricia Hanloa Shirley Miles FARMERS FAIR BOARD Ballot is invalid unless specified number is marked. Vote for six (6) 3 men, 3 women Keith Arterburn (Student Party) Charles Athey (Student Party) Dale Flowerday Donald Knebel Marilyn Nuss Sue Bjorklund Margaret McGeachin Jean Stoppkotte Norma Lonir Lonise McDill COLL-AGRI-FUN BOARD Ballot is invalid unless specified number is marked. Vote for three (3) 2 men, 1 woman Richard Crom (Student Party) Arlen Beam Jack Wilson Mary Frances Johnson Dorothy Corbett . Marilyn Doolittle Jean Beek Eleanor Erickson Darlene Westerhoff Evelyn Young Alice Anderson fare delegate, proposed that the general assembly adjourn to com mittee work and re-convene at 7:30 p. m. May 11 in room 106 Burnett Hall. The motion was carried. At that time reports from all committees will be presented for general debate. for married students affiliated with the EpLscopal church at 8 p. m. in the Canterbury Club room in the Uni. Episcopal chapel. NU Bulletin Board Wednesday An original comedy, "The Re volt of Cramps," by Lois Nel son, radio student, will be pre sented on the radio section of the speech department's Play nrnw niaunee at p. m. on KOLN. Flying Kernels meeting at 7:30 p. m. in Room 427, Love library. The members who attend the in tercollegiate air meet in Texas will tell of their n-.edals and trophies. Plans for a final break fast flight will be discussed. Thiir&flay Final meeting of Aqnaquettes at 7:15 at the pool in the Coli seum. "Friday-the-Thlrteenlh" prty Wedding Stationery Inritatiomt or Announcement Printed r Engraved Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 Ktvrth 14th Street Classified run bale- White dinner jacket a,t truuKers' I Jur photo-electric lirht meter. 6 1302 evenings. 1M Indian 74. Many miles re Best offer 124 No. 37. Noon, wrtk er.ds. accessories. Ixtw takes It H-113K, evenings aft-r i. 1942 Dodge 4-uoor .ln tires dt brakes 5-.VMI. Kail. New VOLLD you like to try frr oil industry job, either fortirn or domestic? Irop srd Bos 2o3. Tulsa. Okla. rl(iNa,V Moaners, acatlnfriTBeaUf Hy fornlsae k( eahla near rstes Tarn, tut., la seelnded Pusey Hands. snr. rvnndrd ny snow rapped Beaks. Mir Stan flrrplaee. Meals anUMal. Only : are sree. Mrs. O. M. X amnio kM, 2474 Ks Jaeksoa. Dearer. oto. suhiesss sbsrtment lor and July. Write Dally WOULD liss to Iwo months Jun N'ctrsaksa. NEKD a car lor nork this summer? 4M) will finance 1947 l'lnioulb dls. 2i 0i( actual miles Lloyd Kortna, 1063 B, Hupkervilie. Ilrnsrd and no questions aiked for return of Olds Super Cornet No. 1663. Calvin C Ir.srsm. Franklin. Nebr . or Robert Inrram, 63S Routh 2Hth, Uncoln. Nebr. WOMAN 'a white Jacket accident I j- -ahaniced ta check room at Kiji-Tsu Tussle. Leu trade back. Call V2030 eveninss. WANTED to rent or sub-let for summer: Small furnished apartment, separata bain, foi graduate student and ooy ,n first rrade. U H. f-crk. Char-pell. Neb. KOR SALE: 1941 facial DeLu;ly mouto. beater, new paint, aeat covert and A-l motor. Call 3-710 after 5 LOST Delta Gamma. tsweled piu go campus, name oa bark. Reward rail Marjorto Vaa Pelt. 2-7741 or 3-404. GfcT a Tax bow for nil fall. Size 34. doabkt breasted. Will throw In links, studs, abut and lie. Call 5-W47. REWARD Purse lost by Kathleea Ander son. J.Wl, Kit. 1210, U)S.