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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
Thursday, March 24, 1949 Frosh-Varsity Dual Slated Thursday on Indoor Track rr. ..ill onolo ner: Frosh. Downev. Bedker. Mead. uith the varsity squad tonight at 7 p. m. on the indoor -track. Everyone is invited to attend. The meet will be a complete dual with the exception of the two mile. Husker distance man Don Mor rison will run in the mile along side teammate Bill Mountford. Don Cooper, who holds the school indoor vault record, pulled a muscle in his leg Tuesday and will not be able to compete in the meet. The frosh will be rep resented by Lott and Deffen baugh, who will go against Big Seven Indoor champ Leonard Kehl and Jim McConnell. KEN JACOBS, frosh middle distance man, will run both the 440 and the half-mile races. Jacobs has a time of 2:01.7 for an indoor half-mile. He will be assisted by Baker and Scoville in the quarter and Robinson and Hartman in the half. Nebraska's sprint trio of Hut ton, Meginnis and Thompson will run the 60-yard dash and will team with Fritz Ware to form one of two varsity relay teams. The other relay team will be made up of Hurlburt, Magsamen, Vollertson and Moorehouse. Running in the hurdles will be Magsamen, Thompson and Berk shire in the lows and Jones in place of Thompson in the highs. THE FRESHMEN are expected to pick up points in the high jump with Downey, Dedker and Mead jumping for the trosh against jOrv Glass and Dick Meiss ner. The half-mile promises to be the cliiscst race as Coach Ed Weir is putting Martin, Kopf and f Mountford all in the varsity against Ken Jacobs. Entries: till-varcl dash: Varsity. Ilutton. Thomp son. Mc-Kinins; frosh, Alexander, Baker, ficvler. IliMii Hurdles: Varsity. MaKsamen, Berkshire. Junes; Krosli, Cole, Heiilier, KiikcI. i febO-vai (1 run Varsity, Martin. Kopr.; Jacob!", Kolunsoti, Hart man. Mich jump. Varsity, fllass. Rice, Meiss- 'Nebraska Cows Producing More University rural economists re port the numbers of milk cows on Nebraska farms has declined con tinuously for the past four years. Despite this trend, figures show that the total production of milk has been larger for the past three months. This, they say, reflects S the record output of milk per cow, which has increased about 6 per cent in the last year. The higher production per cow is due, according to the econo mists, to heavy culling in recent years; a greater percentage of milk cows actually milked: and an increase in the rate of feeding concentrates. Prices of manufactured dairy products are likely to remain stable through 1949, the Agricul ture economists reported. Snriuir Tells End 1 o Of Union Dances Although there is some differ ence between old man winter and the weather man, spring is here and picnics and outdoor parties are taking over campus activities, bringing the Union dances to a close. One of the last Unionizers of the season will be held this Friday night in the Union ballroom from from 9 to 12 a. m. The ballroom will be decorated wfth individual tables with candleight, and Walt Goodbrod and his orchestra will furnish music lor the dancers. Refreshments will be served. Tickets will be sold at the door at 60 cents a person. Members of the dance commit tee in charge of this Unionizer arc Hilhe Lear, chairman; Marshall Grant, Dale Gaeth, Lennie Seaton, George Schantz and Shirley King. Classified AYKR'H have them! Sharp corduroy sport coulH hv Kropf. Fine for sprlnu wear. grand color - hclne, (iray, Imnlir Kreen, hrown. cinnamon, and maroon Only 17.9.j. Ayer'a Clothing, 141)0 "O". Mill Hal '37 (;riihuin KuperiharKer. Kuna fine. JIM 00. A steal, must sell. John Ityson. 3 H17.V 4- p. m. LOST" Ited Hheaffer pen. Reward! fail Jenn Koch. 3-."il49. . THBKK" '"room" "apartment" for rent. Men only. 1738 M ht. Call b-4320. Frosh. Lott, DeftenhauKh Low Hurdle: Varsity, MaKsamen, Thompson. Berkshire; Frosh, Chapman. Cole, Beitker. One Mile Run: Varsity. Mountford. Mor rison; Frosh, Moore, Yelkin, Runner. Broad Jump: Varsity, Brainard, Kehl, Randolph; Frosh. Stephens, Mm, Sco ville. Shot Put: Varsity. PbUrit, McConnell, Neilsoir: Frosh, tieorKe. Neilson, Gross. 440-yard dash: Varsity, Hurlburt, Ware, Hem; Frosh-, Jacob. Baker, Scoville. Relay: Varsity. (Hutton. Thompson, MeKinnis. Ware) and I Hurlburt, Magsa men. Vollertson, Moorehouse I ; Fr6sh, I Baker. Alexander, Cole, Scovilfr). Huskcrs Stress Pass Protection By the Linemen Huskers gridders continued their spring training period Wed nesday with more contact work and running through plays. Coach Bill Glassford had two offensive teams and a defensive team run ning through pass plays with the stress on pass protection by the line. Three quarterbacks were throwing the ball during the workout. Kenny Fischer. Del Weigand and Frank Meyer alter nated at the throwing slot. One of the running teams is made up of Schneider and Simon at the ends. Adle and Godfery at the tackles, Hawkins and Di Biasc at the guards and Mullen at the center slot. The backfield was composed of Meyer, Mueller, Adduci and Yost. The other offensive team con sisted of Norcross and Brooker at the ends, Geoglein and Moritz at the tackles, Means and Britt at the guards and McGill at center. Weigand, Carroll, Strasheim and Ponsiego made up the backfield If Coach Glassford follows his original plan there will be an other scrimmage Saturday after noon. Individual Shoot To Bee in Tuesday Shooting will begin next week for the Gardner individual trophy in rifle shooting. The dates of the meet are Tuesday and Wednesday. Players may shoot till 5 p. m. on Tuesday and 4 p. m. on Wednes day. The results will be figured on the basis of best score out of a possible 400. Each man will shoot 40 shots at ten targets. Ten shots will be taken at each of four posi tions, prone, kneeling, sitting and standing. Herb Miller, Sigma Nu, was last years' winner with a score of 186 out of a possible 200. Phi Deft s Cop IM Squash Victory Thi Delta Theta won all nine matches Tuesday in the only squash match played as they topped Beta Theta Pi in squash competition. Four other games were played in intramural com petition. Alpha Gamma Rho swamped the Sig Eps, 1 1 to 1 in wateibas kctball and the Phi Gams won a forfeit when the other team failed to show up. In badminton, the Sigma Nus DU PONT, nylon. 75C re. C LARKS CLOTIIKS FOR MKN 11th & O Sis. THE DAILY NEBRASKA Prepares For 3 is Ouskers WON THE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR BIG C CHAMPIONSHIPS 1940-41-42 HE PLAYED PRO-FOOTBALL g SEASONS WITH PHILADELPHIA." 3te a ED LETTERED & YEARS IN FOOTBALL AND TRACK. WHEN A JUNIOR HE WAS TAGGED ALL-AMERICAN ON WALTER CAMP'S . 1924 m HONORARY TEAM r Nebraska P.E. Dept. Extends State Services The Division of Physical Edu cation for men at the University has been extremely active the past few days with extension work and services to Nebraska communities and schools on prob lems of facilities, curriculum and personnel. The services vary from meet ing with the local community groups to affect plans for either summer or ycar-around recrea tion, planning of new athletic stadium and playfields, construc tion of bleachers and apparatus, to revision of existing curriculum in health, physical education and recreation, care of stadium turf and facilities, and many other problems. Cities where service has been given in the last three weeks are Hebron, Omaha, Plainview, Louis ville, Weeping Water, Fremont, Crete, Hartington, Minden, DeWitt and Lincoln. The division will ex tend similar services to several other Nebraska communities in the next few weeks. took nine from Farm House and the ZBT's topped Sigma Alpha Mu, 5 to 4. iWu NIW FORMULA WITH V.RATOL works wonders in the looks of your hair. It looks natural. . . it feels natural. . . and it stays in place 1 Try a bottle. Thu ipta'al compound ires fustre ... titpj batr in place without stijjneis. I 1 1 s.-4JT Kin Spring war m vmrmk ??2r J J i , TRACK &00!&Cf fA 1 MENTOR, 9- SD BECAME HEAD TRACK COACH IN 1939, AND HIS THIN-CLADS WERE DIG 6 OUTDOOR CHAMPS THAT YEAR P Athletic Dept. Issues Spring Sport Calendar NU Publicity director John Bentley has announced the spring sports schedule for the rest of the year. The baseball team has a 22 game schedule and the track team has a 10 meet schedule. The golf and tennis teams will travel on all trips together. They have 11 scheduled match dates. Following is a schedule of the dates:, Baseball April 4-5. Baylor University at Waco. TApril 6, Hardin College at Wichita Falls, Texas. April 7. Southwestern TVcli at Weather ford. Okla. April 8-9 Oklntioma at Norman. April 1,1-ltl, Colorado at Boulder. April 22-2.'). Kansas State in Lincoln. April 2.V.i6. Iowa State at Ames. April 29-30. Kansas at Ijiwrence. May 6-7. Oklahoma in Lincoln. May 9-10. Kansas State at Manhattan. May 16 17. Missouri in Lincoln. May 23-24. Inwa State in Lincoln. Track April 1-2. Texas Relays at Austin. Texas April 9. Colorado at Boulder. April lV Kansai in Lincoln. April 23. Kansas Relays at Lawrence. April 29-30, Drake Relays at V-n M oines. May 7. Missouri in Lincoln May 11. Kansas Stale at Manhattan. May 13-14, State Hiijh School Champ ionships in Lincoln. May 20-21. Hie Sevn Conference Championships In Lincoln. June 1, Southwest-HiK Seven Champion- MS 94!.,.., M I ft PAGE 3 DIPs Cop IM 4-Man Rifle Shoot Crown Delta Upsilon"s four-man riflfe team shot an aggregate total of 709 out of a possible 800 points to win the university rifle shooting playoffs. The Pershing Rifles were high for the independent teams. The winning rifle team was composed of Franklin, Westling, Whitesides and Soennickson. Soennickson was high with 183, followed by Franklin with 181, Westling with 177 and Whitesides with 168. Sigma Phi Epsilon was second in the shoot and second in the Jack Best competition. Following the two leaders in the interfra ternity competition were Sigma Alpha Mu with 682, Acacia with 678, Sigma Nu with 673 and Phi Kappa Psi with 672. Pioneer Co-op tied for second in the independent standings with the ROTC 1 with totals of 696 points. Navy 1 was third in the independent race with 662. A G Men's Club finished up with a 630 total. Two men tied for high man honors. Goeres and Radke, both of the ROTC 1 team, shot 188 out of 200 for top honors. Merritt of the Pershing Rifle team and Fiesher of the Pioneer Co-op squad tied lor third with 187 each. ships at Dallas. Golf and Tennis April R. Oklahoma at Norman. April 9. Oklahoma AA.VT at Stillwater. April 23, Colorado at Lincoln. April 26. Kansas Stale in Lincoln. April 29. Wichita V. in Lincoln (Golf only). May 2. Oklahoma In Lincoln. May 9. Kansas at Lawrence. May 10, Kansas State at Manhattan. May 14. Iowa State at Ames. May 20-21. BiR Seven Conference Cham pionships in Lincoln. June 27-July 2, NCAA Championships at Ames. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Joan of Arc." 1:16, 3.55, 6:34, 9:13. VARSITY: "So This is York," .1:17, 4:10. 7:03, New 9:56. "Urubu," 2:36, 5.29, 8:22. HUSKER: 'King of the Gam biers," 1:39, 4:00. 6:39, "Desert Vigilante," 2:39, 7:39, 10:09. 9:09. 5:09, fc. 4:";i 81 1 tm.mtt ' ' sa M AVk liLilLn CH AHTllyytg 7 IA tomtit Cad! HENRY MORGAN RUDY VALUE HUGH HERBERT BILL GOODWIN LEO GORCEY JEROME C0M DAVE WILLDCK VIRS1RU GREY DOXA DRAKE i CO-HIT URUBU" The Vulture People Pl,f. J C all 2-226G M TO DAY JJ I JIM AND 'ft- OUKI F.S STEWART AH THK IM'KAMIO Kll 7TB "DESERT VIGILANTE" with sniilo Itu.nrtt4' m, rn.MT finrmiBnnV'ri'Ai i