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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1949)
Thursday, March 10, 1949 Reds Lead Whites 27-18 In Freshman Track Meet Action in the inter-squad Freshman track meet began Tuesday night in the indoor track under the East stadium. The Red team is leading midway in the meet with a 27 18 margin over the White team. Five events were held Tues day and the remainder will be run tonight. The Frosh posted good marks in an me events ana oacn r,a Weir was quite pleased with the results. Many of the boys have not had sufficient practice due to the late basketball season. Alexander of the Red team ran a terrific race in the 60 yard dash. He just nosed out team mate Bill Baker and Eldon Sey ler in the fast time of :06.4 This time is especially good since they had just finished a preliminary race prior to the running of the finals. In the 880 yard run another fine time was turned in by the Whites' Jacobs. He put on a fighting finish to break the tape just ahead of Moore of the Red team. Jacobs broke into the lead at the start and then lost it to Moore on the second lap. Moore held the lead up to the last 220 when Jacobs put on a tremen dous burst of speed in the sprint. Robinson ran a good third. The winning time was 2:01.7. Bedker of the Reds nosed out the Whites' Cole in a thrilling 60 yard high hurdles race with the time of :08.0. Engle of the Whites turned in a strong third place ef fort. This is Beder's best time of the season and is one of the few times he has beaten Cole this year. The results of this meet are also being sent to Iowa State to be compiled in competition with the Cyclone Frosh in a postal meet. Shorter hurdle races and sprints will also be run for the postal meet with Iowa State. Summaries for freshman meet: 60 yard dash: Won by Alexander. White: uri-ond. Faker, While; third, Seyler, Red. Time :06 4. bO yard high hurdled : Won by Bedker, Red; second. Cole, White; third, Engle, White. Time :08.0. 880 yard tun: Won by Jacobs, White; eerond, Moore, Red; third, Robinnon, Red. Time 2:01 7. llifrh Jump: Tie for first between Meis ne,, White, Mead, White and Bedker. Red. 5-10. Pole, vault: Tie for first between Moss. White, and ltt. Red, 10-11; third, Def fenbauRh, Red, 10-t. Faculty Upholds Contest Decision The "All-American Freshman" contest refusal was appealed. Wednesday, Paul Weltchek and Louise McDill presented the Student Council's case to the Faculty Committee on Student Organizations and Social Func tions in regard to the nix given on the Twentieth Century-Fox freshman contest. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN had presented a protect of this action at the last Council meet ing. Weltcheck made the motion that the Council appeal the action. According to Weltchek's report to the Courfcil Wednesday con cerning the appeal, made the committee still held that the contest would be detrimental to the university and its dignity. The decision was not changed. Tri Di lls Name Dappel New President at Election Dawn Dagget was elected pres ident of Delta Delta Delta at a recent meeting during which new olficers were elected. Other new officers elected were: Elizabeth Davis, vice-president; Janet Fairchild, secretary; and Carol Youkin, treasurer. An Amazing Offer by Pipe Mixture Tbt pip that every smoker joi-DANA, the ajtodtrn pipe, with brightly polithcd alumil Aa tbaok .nun tbaok and envin imprfW briar bawl. wida iniidc wrapper frora 12 pocket line of I (LI I AT PIPE MIITItE In D MLBiT fapatrt M vwr DANA PIP! StndH HUUT, feat CI. Ikaaarf, TkiM Otfar Limit U USA Esptna Cage Tourney Hinges on Big Seven Finish Nebraska basketballers may compete in a playoff, to decide the District 5 representative in the N.C.A.A. tournament March 18 and 19. The Big Seven representative will meet Oklahoma A. & M. Wednesday night at 8 p. m. in the Kansas City Municipal au ditorium. The team to meet the Aggies will depend upon the outcome of the Oklahoma-Colorado game at Norman Saturday night. Should Colorado upset the Sooners, Nebraska, would meet the Aggies Wednesday night as Big Seven champs. If the Husk ers and Sooners finish in a tie for the title, the two teams will meet Monday at Kansas City. KANSAS CITY officials have assured Husker followers choice seats at the game or games in which Nebraska plays. Tickets A special section will be re served on the west side for NU rooters. Tickets will be on sale at the Coliseum at $1 and $2. Nebraska clinched their share of the crown at Missouri Mon day night. The team played heads up ball against the Tigers. Coach Good expressed the opin ion that a calibre of ball similar to that played at Missouri at the Coliseum. Particularly pleas ing was the play of Bob Cerv and Anton Lawry. CERV, FLAYING even though he was not feeling up to par, scored 13 points and Lawry hit for 12. Bob refused to be taken out of the ball game, showing the spirit and courage prevalent on the Husker squad which came back, after disappointing early season, to win the conference championship. Following the Missouri win, the team was polled to decide whether they would rather meet Oklahoma in the playoffs or let the loop representative be de cided by vote. The players voted unanimously to play the Soon ers, confident that they can dump the Oklahomans. All N Club officers are re quested to meet Monday noon in room X-Y-Z of the Union for Cornhusker pictures. There will also be an N Club lunch eon at the same time for all members. I LIMITED TIME! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .1 . TV I - J' - ' ' ' ' ii i ..iii.iimm nil. in I !!. II I II C...eaian Bob Moss, scrappy little DU fighter, scores with a left jab on Ray Roth. Moss went on to cop the decision over Roth, de fending champion of last year. Betas, Kappa Sigs Cop IM Matches Beta Theta Pi took a step towards the League III champion ship in badminton Tuesday night with a 9-0 slam over the Delta Chi's. The Beta's took seven of the games handily, but had to fight off two determined Delta Chi's in the others which saw very close scores. The Kappa Sigs also started off with a winning stride with a 7-2 victory over Sigma Alpha Mu. The Kappa Sigs led in all nine games at one time, but failed to save two from the smashes of the Sammies. In Independent play, the team of Nelson Smith took a 2-1 deci sion over the team of Crook Reinsch. ASME Students To Read Papers A meeting of the ASME will be held Wednesday, March 16, in 206 Richards lab at 7:15 p.m. Student papers will be read by the following: "Development of the Diesel Injection," Richard VanKerrebrook; "The Small Car with the Big Ride," Daniel T Newman, and "The Dynaflow Transmission," Malt Russell. Home Permanent Enriched Crcmc Shampoo Amazing! For the price of the Home Permanent alone . . . you get this wonderful salon-safe, salon-smart home cold wave . . . and. . . a bottle of gentle Richard Hudnut Enriched Cremc Sham poo, with egg, to make your hair easier to comb and set! powdered, I :1 Y I. f "I got up this morning: deter mined to show my wife who's boss in our house." "What happened?" "I made my own breakfast." Vain DUciiseii Itirti Are Sold Exclusively in Lincoln at Men's Store Street floor .VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvVVVVVVV vhitc iMj 1 ,tC White's thf one thirt that's right tveryuhere, and these Van lieu sen white shirts are right every way! Silky-smooth lustrous broadcloths tailored with Van Heuscn magic ftcwmanship to give action room where you need it. Your choice of campus-acclaimed collars each one Uiasting Van ileuson Comfort Contour collar styling low selling, smarter, neater too! Lab-tested fabrics a new liirt free if your Van Hettvn ever duinks out of size! Priced right, at ?2.95 to J 1.95. 0 Van Heuseri the world's PHILLIPS-JONES COIP., NEW Y 0 H K 1. N.I, PAGE 3 fundamentals Still Stressed In Workouts ' Fundamentals, Fundamc.-tals, Fundamentals. That was the order of the day for the Husker gridders served up by Coach Bill Glassford, as the footballers went through their third day of spring . training. Speed and quickness are the main points stressed by Coach Glassford and his assistants. The workouts are setup with this ob jective in mind. Wednesday's workout started with a period of hard calisthetics and then the different positions separated into thieir units for drill. The blocking sled came in for plenty of use as all men were sent through blocking and charging drills. Although the wind was cold, a brisk passing drill was gone through. Kenny Fisher handled the throwing chores for one group, throwing some nice bullet passes despite cold hands while Del Weigand tossed for the other section. Spring practice will continue throughout fhe bad weather, Coach Glassford stated. The field is soggy from the last snow, but is expected to be dry in a few days, barring further bad condi tions. m All men not on the list for spring ball are asked to see Coach Glassford in his office and arrange for working out. She: "There are a lot of couples who don't pet in parked cars." He: "Yes, the woods are full of them." perfection shirts 6marest 'if&L ...Trt. n ar, - . L mVVVVVVVYVYVVVVVVVVlVVVVWVYVVVVV vvvwwwvv. COID H ..Rtreel Floar