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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1949)
Sunday, March 6, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 rapplers Win 1 CE.ffiipioG.sli.ip r"' ' ' """-"' i.ii.i.i,i,,i..m. in.,. ...... I, miWM Ml I fu M f 7 v Jul THE 1949 INDIVIDUAL swimming champions line up for a part ing shot. Iowa State claimed 7 top places to 4 for Oklahoma and 1 for Nebraska. Cyclones Cop Swim Title; Tankers Set Seven Marks Oklahoma University's tankers showed the rest of the confer ence that they are becoming a power to be reckoned with as they nearly pulled the upset of the year, losing out to heavily favored Iowa State by 16 points in the Big Seven swimming championships. The Cyclones garnered 88 points to 72 for Oklahoma, 31 for Nebraska, 15 for Colorado and 14 for Kansas. Don McCloskcy, sensational Sooner sophomore, won two in dividual races and swam back stroke on the winning relay team for the Sooners to share top hon ors with the Cyclone's ace dis tance man Roger Watts. BOTH THE 150-YARD back stroke and the 150-yard indi vidual medley went to the stubby Oklahoman. Then to show he had plenty left he swam a leg on their winning relay. Watts again defended his two titles in the 220 and 440-yard events and added the 1,500-meter swim to his collection. His 220 and 440 times set new confer ence records and he established a record in the longer race. Iowa State had two other rec ond breakers in Ed LeBerge and Malcolm Schmidt. LeBcrpo won the 50-yard freestyle and in the prelims he set a new pool and Big Seven records as he was timed in :23.9 SCHMIDT LED ALL the way to take the 100-yard event with a record breaking time of :54.2. This is a new conference record but does not beat the pool record of :54 flat held by Marvin Grimm. Ed Craren gathered in Ne braska's only first place ribbon as he dove to an easy victory in the high board diving event. Craren placed fourth in the low board event in Friday's competi tion. Iowa State ended Friday night's competition with a record break ing relay in the 400-yard dis tance. The Cyclones were clocked in 3:40.1, which is a new pool and Big Seven record. Earl Jones of Oklahoma picked up the last first for his team as he won the 200-yard breaststroke event in 2:34.2. Jones stayed in the second position until the last length and then turned on the steam and won going away. Summary: lMHi-mcterH Fwlrn: Wnn bv P.ocer Watt (IS); (2i Lambert MSI; ( 'i i Krcihiimt i: (f,i Howes (IS). Time: 20:iG.2. Selb a Rig Seven record. Ml ynrtl Krccw vie : Wnn bv Luflcrce IKi; CM (ISl; I :i I i.Ni; (4 Uninri. (S); Kuril, mine N. Time: :24 4. ISO-yard Backstroke: Wnn by Mr Cloakcy (O); (21 (Oi; (31 ftmrty -; (4) Wvunl US); (.'. i Jiwek USi. Time 1:44 1. 220 yard Freestyle : Won l v TMgcr Watts UK); (21 lirulmrst (Oi; c::i ljim bcrt (IKi; (4i ("leghorn (Oi; ;. Hr-yvr (') Time: 21.Y4. A new fcig Mevcn record. 2d0-yard BrcimtNt roke : Won by Jones (Oi; (2) Oowtne (ISl; (Hi Howes (ISi; Ml Johnson (IB); (1)1 Black (O. Time: 2:34 2 1 -meter Tlvlng: Won t.y Rhifflcr (ISI; 1 oik (O); (Si ('rutin (Kl: (4) (N); William (O). I'oInik: CI) f'rureri a2;i 400-yard FrecHlvle Relay: Won l.y lm "late (Hmlth. kullman. Sctiniidi, .a Herjje): (2) (N"(; (a; (K); (4) (Oi; I'll C). Time: 3:40 1. 100-yard Freemyle- Won t'y Schmlril "SI; (2) LaFJcrt-e US); (Mi Grimm I N I ; 4) Kullman (IK); c .'. I Jsanamine (N). Time: :M 2. A new Bir Seven record. ll.o yard Individual Medley: Won by McfloKliey (Oi; 2l F'arr (Oi; CI) Jones '": Ml Hmlih (IS); (5) iJowes US). Time: 44 2. 440-yard Frcejitvle: Won I'V TToi-it witt US); (2 UreitiorKt 0); i'-i) liu- bcrt (I,Si; M Clechorn (OI; (.'.) Ritchie iK). Time: 4:5(il. A new Big Seven and pool record. Three-meter Diving: Won bv Craren IXI; (21 York (Oi; 3 Neuner (Oi; Mi FlacK (L'l. Points: Crates (Ki; (5) .'HKi-yard Medley (McCU.sktv, Jones. US); Mi (Si; (f Relay: Karr i ; I (K). Won hv i O i 1 2 i C i : ( n i Time: 3:0 4. Five Nebraska Matmcn Enter Big 7 Finals Nebraska grapplers got off to a roaring start in their attempt to unseat Oklahoma as Big Seven Conference wrestling champions. Coach Pat Patterson's squad qualified finalists in five of the eight weight divisions during Fri day's competition. Big Mike DeBase and Bob "Pee wee" Yambor, loup champs last season, led the Huskers into the final round. DiBase threw Ray Klootwyck of Iowa State in 7:10 in the semifinals of the heavy weight class. Yambor took an easy 6-0 decision from Tim Karbatch of Colorado. Also winning their semifinal matches were Herb Pieese, Jack Tamai, and Mickey Sparano. Reese decisioned Frank Solomon of-Kansas State 3-0. The sopho more 175 pounder will be opposed in the finals by Rex Shepard, Colorado, who finished second to Iowa State's NCAA champ Glen Brand in last year's meet. Orville Wise of Oklahoma, Sparano's conqueror last spring, will not block his path this year. Sparano has moved up to the 13G pound class, while Wise will re main to defend his title at 128 pounds. Mickey decisioned Bob Karbatch of Colorado in his semi final match. Jack Tamai moved in to the title round with a narrow 3-2 decision over Bill Brown, Kansas State. He will meet Dick Dits woith of Iowa State in the 145 pound finals. Four Huskers Win Verdicts Nebraska's wrestlers Saturday grabbed the Big Seven cham pionship at Ames, la., scoring 32, points to runnerup Oklahoma's 24 points. Bob Yambor, 121-pound. Mickey Sporano, 136 pound, Herb Reese, 75 pound, and Mike DiBiase, heavyweight, all won their class titles for Nebraska. 1 The final standing of the teams was: Nebraska, 32; Okla homa, 24; Iowa State, 22; Kan sas State, 18; Colorado, 16. Huskers ... (Continued from Page One) crs beat Missouri at Columbia Monday and Colorado takes the Sooners at Norman, Nebraska will have its first undisputed Big Seven title. If both win, the race will end in a two-way tie between the Scarlet and Oklahoma. If they lose and Kansas State wins its last game, a three-way tie w ill result. Paul Courty, Oklahoma's all conference candidate, led the eve ning's scoring parade with 15 points. Claude Retherford potted 12 and Bob Pierce hit for 11 to lead Nebraska.- The latter played a great brand of ball after Bus Whitehead fouled out midway in the final period. In a preliminary game. Nebras ka's B team trounced York "B" 86-58, to complete an undefeated season. Jim Walsh with 23, Paul Kipper with 18, Darrel Branden burg with 13 and Mel Schneider with 10 led a strong Nubbin at tack. Walsh and Brandenburg, the B team's court general, stood out in particular. THE VARSITY SUMMARY: Oklahoma fe ft f nt Courty. i s 3-6 4 15 OlasKow, f 2 2- 3 4 6 Waters, c 1 s- 6 5 7 I.vnn. c 1 d-2 4 2 Freiberper, c 2 3- f 3 7 Pryor. g 4 2- 3 5 10 Morrill, g 1 0- l 0 2 Merchant, p 3 1-3 4 7 Hughes, g 0 0- 0 0 0 Totals 20 16-29 20 n6 Nebraska 1r ft f ts Malecek. f 2 3-4 1 7 Srb. f 0 0-0 fl 0 Ijtv. I 1 3- 5 .', Cox, f (i 0-3 2 0 Whitehead, c 3 3-3 5 9 Pierce, c 3 f- 4 11 Retherford. g f 2-3 .") 12 Anderson, g fl 1-2 0 1 K ',11 V f w) LW I f h ? n I I f 1 I ..etjttwn.iim mwrtui J in. i h n n irnii.ii ... ii iiniimit in nflfc. mimi fcia.-in.uWB'.- HUSKY BOB CERV goes high into the air to grab a rebound from Oklahoma's Bill Waters. Standing by are Sooners Ken Pryor (29) and Wayne Glasgow (43), and Husker Bob Pierce (5). The action took place in the second half of Saturday's game, when Oklahoma took a 56-49 overtime victory to move into a tie' for the Big Seven leadership. Husker Gridders To Begin Training University of Nebraska gridders will settle down to some hard toil Monday when spring football practice gets into full swing. Coach Bill Glassford has issued invitations to 81 men to par ticipate in the six-weeks sessif. Of the 81 men, appproximately 30 are lettermen. A large number of freshman prospects have received bids along with some players moved up from the "B" squad. The weather man is proving to be a good ally to the Husker forces and predicts that ideal weather conditions will prevail over the start of spring practice. All players not on the list in vited to work out Monday are asked by Coach Glassford to see him in his office at the Coliseum. Cerv, g 1 2- 4 Totals 15 19-31 26 49 Score at half: Nebraska 29, Oklahoma Score at end of regular playing time: Nebraska 4k. Oklahoma 48. Officials: Ron Gihbs, St. Thomas; Dick Pulliam. Grand Island. NU Receives Britanniea Film Tuition Grants Nebraska University is one of fifteen colleges and universities that has been awarded an En cyclopedia Britanniea Films tui tion scholarship for summer study this year. These scholarships have been awarded for the past 20 years and provides funds t" cover the tuition expenses of sdool teach ers and administrators who wish o take advanced study in audio visual instruction mr' rials. James W. Taylor, director of pudio-visual instruction, will be in charge of selecting the schol ars for this summer's program at the university. Interested appli cants may apply directly to the University and are chosen on the basis of their experierrce, record and activities in the field of udio-visual information. Dean I in her I Awarded Butter Inixtitute's Plaque The Nebraska Butter Insti tute's memorial plaque was pre sented Friday to Dr. W, V. Lam bert, dean of Ag college. The presentation made in con junction with the dairy indus try conference held a Ag cam pus last week, was in honor of the Ja1e Edgar Frank Howe, pioneer in the creamery busi ness at Omaha. Classified J-'OK BALK: 1M2 JJontiac Bix sedan. Ex cept ionully clean. Reasonably priced. Call 6-1773 eveniiiKs or Buiiday FOR Kale Non-veteran complete act of drawing equipment. 30 00. Everything Included, b H(l.r.2. EZTST M iHj.lncer iiy K K slide rule, Keb. 24 Ki wurd! Call2-.r.Mi0. I iiur Ix rsoiiKl apM-riicc . mir six-claltj ! Nw nur wlccU-d muck of Hcrklcy Hlpe suits. (iKlmrdlnes, NtiBrkskliik. wool, tweed and Niverl salts. instinctively it vied in Uie ucwcul M.rkiif colors. AlfcKS (II1HIM., 14(10 "O". I'OK SALK Diamond King. i!)ue while 4Ti polnta, platinum mounting. Guaranteed. :i:iO. Call :i-:i.'.!l4 nak for Jm k LOST Three Htmnd Hiring ot pem-jB. turn to Naiu y iluucn 2 771. Starts Monday Starts Monday mmm mm of '49 f"3 In addition to our large main floor stock you may take your pick of our wholesale stock: NEW BOOKS at 30 sari,. USED BOOKS at 50 saK Imagine over .100.000 volumes to build your references library YU WAN? 1CS? W WANT SPAC 13 1 Mfo y Yea BOOK STORE