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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Thursday, March 3, 1949 Thieves Invade Two Fraternity Houses Burglars made their first cam pus invasion of the year by raid ing their favorite victims, the organized houses. Two fraternity houses, Kappa Sigma and Phi Kappa Psi reported two of the worst night thefts in the history of the campus. Several members awoke to find wallets stripped of currency amounting to $225. , Tuesday morning, at approxi mately 2:30 o'clock, according to police, careful thieves entered the unlocked Kappa Sigma house and took $90 from billfolds. The in vaders left as quietly as they had entered, and the loss was not dis covered until the next morning when seven members found their plundered wallets. ACCORDING TO several mem bers, only the second floor was raided. Besides the currency, a 30-dollar pen and pencil set was taken. The Phi Kappa Psi house was also entered at about 2:30 a.m., the following morning, and only wal lets were touched. Over $135 was taken before the ambitious workers were interrupted by Don NU Bulletin Board THURSDAY Trident meets at 7 p. m. in Room 107, A rmory. Jr.-Sr. Prom committee meets at 4 p. m., activities office. I'nlon Dance committee meets at 4 p. m.. Room 313. All members should bring tickets and money to meeting. Institutions committee of Red Cross meets at 5 p. m., Union. Kosmet Klub actives meet at 5 p. m. All worker will turn in their Junior senior prom tickets and money. All men who have not had physical examinations for spring sports report to the Field House at 7 p. m. 4hH Club meets at 7:30 p. m., Ag Union recreation room. Intcr-Vamity Christian Fellowship meets at 7:30. Union. Room 31 5. House representatives of Red Cross col lege unit council meet at 7:30 p. m. Parlor X. Union. The radio section of the speech depart ment will present the Sherlock Holmes mystery "The Adventure of the Ivory Box." on authors of the Ages at 8:30 p. m. over Station KFOR. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Wake of the Red Witch," 1:09, 3:12, 5:15, 7:18, 9:24. . VARSITY: "Henry V," 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30. IIl'SFER: "Lost Honeymoon" 1:00, 3:42, 6:24, 9:06. "The Tioga Kid," 2:09, 4:51, 7:33, 10:15. JOHN GAIL WAYNE RUSSELL ffetfesnr AT LAST DAY LAURENCE OLIVIER is WUfaai Uuk ti-t Henry M IECIHCUII tW An feaU ire 8Ti nKNTS A FAC'l I.TY 60c AT ALL TIMES r i l VARSITY T"EA.E i hi,. Mr8 HAMtl) DKAI F.ltniE "wtAyB J UKAN AND HIS r7T-l HOKSK FLASH V M i 9 k CO-HIT ft? ann iriw1-' A nCONWAY v Hovendick, an active member who heard the disturbance. Investigating, Hovendick walked into the room from which the noise was coming and saw one of the thieves in the act of empty ing a billfold. Before he could stop him, he was knocked out by a blow from behind. Hovendick re covered in a few minutes and told another member to call the police. HOVENDICK was able to give a a fairly good description of the man he saw but could not say what his assailant looked like Police believed that Hovendick, who suffered no serious injury from the blow, may have been struck by the butt of a gun. In one room, billfold containing over $125, which was lying on a desk top, was left undisturbed pos sibly because the intruders found the room occupied by a sleeping ative member. Police, who believe that the rob beries may have been made by professionals, warned today that all organized houses should cither lock their doors or else hide all valuables. Theatre (Continued from page 1.) of the role of Julia. Miss Wor cestor created a quite believable "snob" from a part projecting more than a few difficulties in transition. The best job of the evening Although the role could easily have been butchered through overacting, Vernon combined un derstanding with a knack of get ting the most out of every line and created the play's most suc was the enacting of the drunken brother, Ned, who didn't seem to give a damn about much of anything, by Dennis Vernon. cessful character. BILL LINE MOLDED the role of the father, Edward Seaton, in to the proper tyrannical shape. Line stormed his way through his lines as he proved to be a near- perfect cast. Margaret Dutton and Earl Katz were especially pleasing as the devil-may-care couple, Susan and Nick Potter. Their sprightly per formances gave the comedy an enjoyed "kick." Tom Stimfig and Elaine Lamphear, playing the haughty, filthy-rich Seton Crams, were true examples of aristocratic snobbery. "Holiday" will be presented again Thursday evening in the Experimental Theater, 201 Temple. Council . (Continued from page 1.) King said, "At this particular time it is especially important that students and faculty mem bers pull together. The rejection has the opposite effect. Repre sentation on the committee would help to bridge the widening gap between faculty and students." Dick Schleusener, chairman of the iudieiarv committee, stated that "had such representation been available in the past the misunderstanding over the Mili tary Ball situation could have been avoided." Vhw. CojcaHoi. HAROLD'S BARBER SHOP 223 No. 14th St. Phone 2-773? l ornti'rly of tin National Hank of rmmnrrrr Harbor shop Janikc to Meet University 4-II Ed Janicke, recently appointed state 4-H club leader, will be presented to the university 4-H club at its meeting in the Ag union recreation room Thursday at 7:30. He will speak briefly to the group following his presentation. An Amazing Offer by O) u o Pipe Mixture The pipe that every smoker want$-DNA. the modern pipe, with brightly poli: num shank and genuine imparted t ua.m, the ished alumi-j dbrtof bowl.j with inside wrappers from 12 pocket tins of HOLIDAY PIPE MIXTURE Sm 0 HUIAT tnnm at row DANA PIPE Send It HUIMT, hit. CD, llciani, Virtu Offer UmltMl to USA Kipiraa JulM SO, I (MB O HELPS VBdNA VAULT TO SARTORIAL IMPECCABILITY rmm SifJC,' a yh T7 A A7v h . J CAN'T FIT ME ANY BETTER, x s I; kS fcl W 'f .J 'i J , I WONT TAKE PART IN THE f SJ ' '4 ) '-J. V VjSS iy o v-m- Tf VlWN-V- : : ..... f y r at once f ?EALLY. VE(?NIA.Vf)l) Ml )?T RESTRAIN THOSE XENOPHOBIC RAGES OR YOU CAN'T APPEAR IN THE SHOW AT ALL.' K 3 w:m m i ill I i 1 1 rii.atjp She's been work ing so HAPD OH I'M SORRY BUT 1 PI FA;f ClVP UPP TH05E AWFUL WOMEN amotwfd ruAwre IMPLY DROVE ME WILD MISS JOHNSON fOH THANK YOU EVER SINCE I " A CAN'T SAVE VOIJ AfiAlN M ih 1 VV-:fNSrXii LOT AND SMOK fcWi'V AT9 4X 1 N& HEAVILY. W y& 'P-AAY THROATS II SO IRRITATED, I GET ( CRANKY WITH PEOPLE . , L AAY DISPOSITION HAS V A N J I ' f -Sfe BEEN AS NICE AS YOU A V jLl A-s ' i I 1 LAOIES HAVE MADE ft- 1 W TNk: s MB LOOK ClC -v tfrxriV-S)y T? V Tamo the besf- f-fc &j?S JLJ-ismAyJ TZZ NATURED NOW- Jyl?9' rT THANKS TO iQiS Jh. M& r '4 S JOHNNY L &w she's quite 1 . 'trrrsr JZmX THE LOVEUEST I ,: iCAi ' yOU ARE THE J A 1 S Tjf.-. -" DBUVCwSS if MY DEAR , YOU 'LLBE k jP T. 5" OFTHEHAUTe J A PAPMIAN gv 1T WAS A PLEASURE J- ICOUTURB jlt SENSATION J gl wTNM " - mm I ii HBMiy I SOUNDS LIKE CIGARETTE HANGOVER TO ME. THAT CAN AAAKE VOO IRRITABLE AND MAKE YOUR THROAT FEEL SMOKED- UUT. WHY NOT CHANGE TO PHIUP MORRIS. THE ONE LEADING CIGARETTE I PROVED DEFINITELY LESS IRRITATING ? if L- OKAY - I'LL TRY THEM ) Behind our playful plot, our intentions are serious: we want you to discover J or yourself the welcome difference in cigarettes that PHILIP MORRIS can bring you. Established proof of that difference is too extensive to be detailed here -but pre-medical and chemistry students, who will be especially interested can get it in published form FREE, by writing our Research Dept., Philip Morris Co- ny in in nvc, i , Treat Ponderous Polysyllables Politely! (i.., Handl with car II tCLDAMI (ksii-dwml-Usly .Id.rly (trnol. ClOARim HANGOVER - (Don't rticulat M - liminal it.) That ttaU tmekd-out tails; that tight dry feeling In your threat due to imcking CREMI DI LA CRIMi (krt'mm da la Itrtmm)- Tha cherry en the Chorion tuttt DIATRIM (dy-ah-trib)-A verbal blatt. MAUTI COUTURE (oat-kee-taor I - "Klgh fashion" to yeo. MOYDINISH (hyen.lih-like tomboy, a tom-girl. IMPECCAIILITY (Im-lcHth-bil-lt-ao) - IU- gance above Centura. APHIAN (poy-fe-an)-Popho Ule wot Venut' birthplace. SARTORIAL iMtr-to'ra-ao-aD-P.Hainint to the raiment. XENOPHOBIC (laa-na-fblkj-u fear of being choked. Av lF. . I ) i 1 i CALL in L3li eliv i 7 f