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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1949)
Sunday, February 27, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 Cindermen Capture Conference Crown Six Records Fall as NU Upsets Big 7 Dope Bucket Nebraska's fighting cindermen upset the dope bucket as they ran, jumped and fought their way to a 47 to 45 victory over Missouri's defending champions in the Big Seven' indoor track and field championships Saturday night in the Kansas City Municipal auditorium. Six new records were set in the two-day event, one Friday and live Saturday night. Nebraska took .an early load in the race a? Dick Fidorit took sec ond in the shot-rut and the Husker springers and hurdlers came through in winning style. 13ob Berkshire won the confer ence high hurdles in the time of :7.5. Ray Magsaman took fourth. Dick Hutton, Harry Meginnis and Al Thompson teamed in the 60 yard dash for a second, fourth and fifth. Don Campbell of Colorado set a new record in that event as lie went 11-rniic'n in :6.2 Leonard Kohl showed a full 'house of track enthusiasts that he could perform under pressure as he went to a new indoor record in the pole vault with a jump of 13 loot and 11 inches. Hobo Gilstrap again proved to be the 'horn in the Huskers' side as he nipped Kay Magsaman in the low hurdles in :7.0. Alan Thompson look a fourth. Missouri came back slowly in the last events to almost over take the Huskers. Bill McGuire of Missouri thrilled the audience in th emiie run with a record breaking 4:17.2 performance. Bob Bosworth of Missouri nudged Bill Mount ford of Nebraska for third place. The 440-yard run also went to the Tigers as Alt and Schuster took the first two slots. Harry Meginnis and Loyal Hurlbert came in third and fourth, close' behind. In the two-mile run, Karnes of Kansas showed his heels to the field as he set a new record of 9:19.2 over the 24-lap course. Es rcf Aydin, the Tireless Turk, came in fifth. Fat Bowers, sensational Kansas sophomore, put on a dazzling show in the half-mile, setting a new record of 1 :55.8, breaking -Bill Lyda's old record set in 1942. Jim Martin ran a terrific last lap to catch Hinchee of Kansas at the tape for the second position. Hurl bert came in fourth for the Huskers. The tension really mounted as the teams approached the mile relay. At the end of 11 events the Cornhuskers led Missouri by 43 to 40. The relay was in three heats, with Nebraska and Mis souri last. The Husker lads showed they could in the clutch as they took second in the relay to cinch the title. Missouri set a new record in the relay with a lerrific timing of 3:22.1 for the 12 laps. till VIKD HH.H HI RILE8. Won by Boh ttrrkfihlr-e '); weond. Ra McC'fcy (KSi; third. Jark Grwn 'nrd iKi; fiiurth. Ray MttMum ; fifth. Bob fiwlrr (M). Time :07 6. Ml-l ARD ISH. Won liv Don Campbell C; twwmd, li-k Huttno il; third. Bob SrJiUHirr (Mi; fourth. Harry MrrtnaHi '); fifta, Alan 1'hompMin M. Tim :0S 2. I Tim rrr-ird wliK'h Campbell art in Friday Jtrclinis. ) 0 1 ARD IOW IHRDUEfi. Won bv Hobo CilKtrap Ol; Muwnl, Ray MacxatiM-a Oi: Unrd, Rod MrOlny 1 KS i ; fourth, Alaa ThiMa t.M ; fifth, Iton Camj.bell C). Time .07. MUX. Won by Rill McOulir (Ml: minnnd. Rill Ju.obs (Ol; tbird. Bob Rotworlh (Mi; fourth. Kill Mountfora Vi: fifth. Ray Burns (Ol; third. Bob Bofworth (Ml; Old record of 4:166 art by Hal Moure. KatiKuti. n 1946.) 44(1 VARf HASH. Won by Intik Ault (Mi; aeconfl, Bob Classified FOR Bale. Remington electric razor two Home excellent condition rail Frlti Kimtmon 2-44;i3. NVONE IlilereBted in (infc to MeKlcci City about June JMh. Call Bob Wheeler, 3-K7:tf. J-'OR SALE l;i J-drd t.udor. Ect-lleiit condition Mum m-ll. $4o(i. Turn Ptxl haiHky, Sicma Nu JHoune.. WANTED KTUIjKNT nl re viewing and aHHiMtlng lreKhman tu dents in Bus. Org. 4 and ierhape EntrliHh. Call 4-274h after i p. m. JiOOM for 2 men mi Ciimpun. till -week. Ca ii 2-44:iS ' Board HUk;, Iiub Rmt ol. Hnr. the new uaf teinn and oolur nomulua- tuma thai add iwlur aaa mrtr la sauai -elothea. fatteirna Include rteaaDta la flitrht, ana attrmntlve, anoauai rnnttrir drHiima. ofiiriele aeavitioa im Mtyle le, .lr u price imaee at AltiM CIjOIH i4IH O". HLKKnur, rooms -two University kui- oenm. Flarh (il(KI r-er -eek. 2-I.27H. Schiifter M: Ihirrt. llrry Mesinne ( ; lonrth. lal Hnrlhert N; tilth. Charles Temple C. lime ..'.1 1. TWO-M1I.K Rl X. Won ry Poh Karnes K1; second. f.tte Fittmums (Cl; third. Rill V.c (Tinre Mi; lounh. (icne Shaver 1Si; fifth. Kref Ajdia M. Time 9 .2. 2. (New recor.1 bid record of set by (Pick Smeth(i-s. Oklahoma, in 1941.) ftft-ARD Rl N. Won by Pat Rcuers (K: aeaa, Jim Martin l; third. Hal Hinchee (Kl: fonrth, Ixjal Hnrll-ii Ni: fifth. Bill Jacobs Oi. Time 1 :.S.YR. (New record. Old record of 1 :.S6.S fet by Bill Lvda. Oklahoma, in 11-41 . i M1I.E RH.AV. Won bv Missouri (Milton Vnet, Oil Thillii'S. Bob SchiiFler. Dick Aultl; ee ond. Nebraoka; third. Kansas; fourth. Colorado; fifth, lows State. Time 3.22.1. (New record Old record of 3:23 4 set hv Missouri (Dick Ault. Klmer Klein, Gil Pick Schmidt, in JS4S ) shot n r. Won liv F.ollin Trather (KS. M feet. fV inches: -o-cond. Hick l'i-rit M. 4 feel. 4 inch: third, Kelly Pelts (V. 4" feet. 3S. inches: fourth. Ciir Mayes (Ot, 47 lect, 3 inches; fifth, Fbii Brurca (Hi, 4fi leet. 2'.t incites. PRO ATI JI MT. Won by VJcrwyn McConnel 01, 24 feci, second. Herb Hoskins KSi. 23 feet, ll1-. inches; third. Hobo Gilstrap (Oi, 23 feel. 3 inches; fourm. Walt Kmerv (Ki. 22 feet '4 inches; filth, laddie St .vail (Mi. 22 feet. : " inches. mr.H HMr. Won by Jim Howard WI. feet. 4 inches: tie for second Tetween Bill Car roll 40). I'nck Odor (Ml and Bob Kd wards (Ci. feet. 2 inches; tie for fifth hetmeen Pon Smith 1S! and Vng-il Seveins KSi. 6 feet. 1 inch, rI.E VAtXT. Km by leaarl Kcl.l N. 13 feef. 11 inches; second. Bill Carroll Oi, 13 feet. inches; third. Cliff Van Pyr it i ; 13 feet. 3 inches; lie for fourth between Clare GrecR 4C1 and Warren Bateman C, 12 ftiot. inches (New reoord Old record of 13 feel. Id1 inches pet by Harold Hunt. Nebraska, in 1!42 ) Wrestlers Vie For Conference Title Mar. 4-5 Four sessions are scheduled for participants in the Eig Seven Conference wrestling meet to be held at Ames March 4-5. The plans for the meet were an nounced by Hugo Otopalik, Iowa State wrestling coach, who will be in charge of the meet. At 9 a. m. March 4, the wrestl ers will step on the scales. Imme diately following the weigh-in the various coaches will meet and de cide the pairings. That afternoon at 2, the various weight classes will be paired down to four men. The semifinals will be held Friday night starting at 7:30. Final matches are scheduled for 2 p. m. Saturday afternoon. Oklahoma is the defending champion in the meet, but Coach Pat Patterson's Huskers have taken the favorite role as a result of their dual win over Oklahoma here earner this month. Phi Delta Theta UG Cage Champs Phi Delta Theta won a 19-15 victory over Beta Sigma Psi to capture the IM class 'C basket ball championship. The Beta Sigs jumped to a 7-3 halftime lead with both clubs failing to find the range. Hoitus' two fielders was the difference during the first period. Hoitus dumped two more from the floor and Lenz dropped a free throw to run the margin to 12-5 shortly after the start of the fmal stanza. At that point he roof fell in on the Betas. Led by Toogood and Etmond the Phi Delts opened up and drew up to tie at 13-13. Toogood hit from the field and - Pickett sent three gift tosses through the hoop to luck the game away. Hoitus was high man for the night with 11 points, while Too good paced the Phi Delts with 7. In the class "A" consolation finals Phi Kappa Psi rolled past the Delts 50-22. The winners, led by the dazzling play of Fritz Simpson, took a 22-8 lead at the half and coasted on to their easy ...j . e MICKEY SPARAXO. 136-lb. Huker veteran, on his way to the first Nebraska win of the evening. Sparano won by decision, 6-0. Husker Gym Team Edged Out By CSCE In All-College Meet Colorado State College of Ed ucation gymnasts nosed out a strong Nebraska squad SS'-S? to win first place in the third an nual All-College invitat i o n a 1 gymnastic meet in the Coliseum Saturday. Colorado U. was third with 33 1 2, followed by Montana State with 1. The CSCE team, coached by Ray Sorensen, 1948 Olympic team member, was led by Jack Woolery to defeat Nebraska for the Mid west championship. Woolery netted 16 M points in the all around competition with Phil Sprague carrying the Huskers load with 15 points. Al Dunavan and Leo Geier supported Sprague with 9 and 7 points respectively. N'EBRASKA took the lead in the side horse event with Leo Geier and Phil Sprague taking the second and third places re spectively. Woolery of CSCE won j the event, Al Dunavan, sopho-' more Husker standout, took a first on the horizontal bar, with Clarence Lefler of Nebraska ty ing for third with Woolery of CSCE, to boost Nebraska's lead to 19'4-15'i over Colorado State. Boxing Workouts Enler Final Week This week w ill be the last week for all boxers entered in the com ing intramural University boxing championships to get their re quired number of workouts in time for the first night's bouts on Mon day night, March 7. Frank Adams, cf the physical education staff, will conduct an extra boxing conditioning session Saturday afternoon at 2:00 in the Coliseum basement and all boxers are urged to be present Every man entering the ring on March 7 will be required to have a mini mum of nine regular authorized boxing practice sessions. Practice in other sports and ac tivities such as varsity football, track, basketball, swimming, etc., does not constitute an authorized boxing workout whatever. At present a field of almost 70 men are preparing for the boxing competition, with team competi tion promising to be keen with several good men from a number of campus organizations getting ready. There may be at least five of last year's champions back to defend their titles, although the number of required workouts may bar some men who have not qual ified. 1 STARTS TODAY FEBRUARY 28th LAURENCE OLIVIER Henry Y i ft TTtBIUaJt lataatf fin hM 14 iTI'IKVTi MCI 'LIT 60c Vat AT ALL TIKES VARSITY theatee V theatke y i The Huskers retained the lead in the parallel bars event with Sprague taking a second, Geier fifth and Lloyd Helgeson sixth. Woolery of CSCE copped a first in the event with Bill Eubank cf Colorado U. third. The Colorado Stale musclemen pulled ahead on the living rings with Henry Straus and Eugene Elsey taking the first two places. Harold Brock of C. U. took third with Sprague of Nebraska lourth. IN THE LAST event, tumbling, Colorado U put the meet on ice for the Colorado State crew by taking the first two places. Sprague and Dunavan of Ne braska took third and fourth, but the Huskers were left one and one-half points short of the win ner's score. AT MILLER'S 1-1 Sportswear ... Second Floor ffliLLER l PAifl E Matmen Top St. Ambrose By 22 to 8 Coach Pat Patterson's Corn husker grappiers showed a crowd of Nebraska wrestling fans that they were the team to beat next week in the conference champion ships as they easily defeated St. Ambrose of Iowa. 22 to 8. The Iowans could only pick up two victories during the evening. Harry Dexter picked up St. Am brose's first win as he took a hard-fought 2-0 decision over LouisCaniglia in the 121-lb. class. Bob Yambor of Nebraska won by forfeit as the Iowans entered no man in the 128-ib. event. Nebraska came back in the 136 lb. match as Mickey Sparano topped Dick Simmons by 6 to 0. Mickey rode him out the whole match to hold the Iowan scoreless. Game captain Jack Tamai added another Husker victory in the 145-lb. event, decisionir.g Jim Hartman by 4-0. Nebraska won the next two events with ease as Bob Russell and Don Strasheim copped decisions of 7 to 1 and 6 to 2, respectively. Herb Reese, star sophomore wrestler, picked up another pin for his record as he flattened Charlie Logie in 2 minutes and 48 seconds of the first round, Reese is still undefeated in com petition and is expected to show well next weekend in the confer ence playoffs. 121-lb.: 3exter (S) dedtioned Came1.,, (M. 2-0. 12S-lb.: Timber (M won hy forfeit. 116-lh.: Sparano iNj cec.sicir;ed S.m mona Si, 6-0. 145-lb.: Tamai (N) dccisiooed Hanmaa S. 4-0. l;5-lb : RusseiJ (S) decisK-ned Geb. hardt S1, 7-1. 165-lb.: Strasheim N deciFioned Gro thus E), 6-2. 175-lb.: Re CNt p.nned Lofie S), 2:4 8 .f the first round Keavyeirtit : Michahk S pinned G-c.g-Jein N. 10:40 of the ihird round. Exhibition: Coifon decis-joned John son N, 7-4. Exhibition: Riley S) decirioned rxiT N. 1-0. Bee a ate skirl and cat(TC are the mtw-l important part of jour campus wardrobe; e bring you a big -W-tion of M-parate lirt and lovely Bermuda tweatrre for pring. SifatrrM tr lift mud a in wool or nIon in Mtft-4 t-hadc of spring . . .Mm- it to 40. 795 195 Skirt are gabardine, tc-l, or r-tf-l . . . liro-ao-a-rwd r flarrd tflr in iu 10 to 18. 3'5 S5 4 J as Shrts n Stealers rr- ..:. ; : , v T win. 01 m I Mjri iiccuLLnteu u to pet tlw rang toce'her? I'.onmt ., . , . , 1 6 a: 2111 A Bu 3-7037. IPJ Pfc PtillitS.