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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1949)
Thursday, February 24, Talis Snare 4A' Cage Title As Fijis Fall Alpha Tau Omega waltzed past Phi Gamma Delta, 44 to 13, Wed nesday night on the P. E. maples for the Intramural Class A bask etball championship. From the outset the Taus were in command, as Bill Denker con verted l'rom the free throw line thrice without a miss. The count climbed to 9-0 before the Figis could connect, and on the sharp shooting of Jack Carroll the Taus rolled to a 24-10 halftime advan tage. DENKER again started the ATO scoring machine in the second half with a pair of quick fielders for a 28-10 count. From there on out it was a matter of how many points the Taus would amass. The Taus defense worked to perfection as the Phi Gams could hit but for four fielders, all in the first quarter. In the second half the Fijis only scores came from the free throw line. DOYLE BUSKOHL and Big Don Rice spearheaded the win ning "iron-curtain" while Carroll's 12 points bagged scoring honors. Denker aided with 11, seven of them on free throws. Bob Olmstcad accounted for half of the Phi Gam points, while Randy Rankin was next with three. Monday night the ATOs meet Delta Upsilon, 24-21 conqueror of Sigma Chi in the Class B finals, for the all-fraternity champion ship. Thus fK ft f Fiji fK ft 1 0 13 112 (10 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 2 Rice Carroll I pnker Rwkley Pert rick FiiKkolil Robinson 2 3 2 Bryant 5 2 3 P.nnkin 2 7 2 Wondw'th 0 2 1 McCHrty (10 1 My its 13 1 Srhleiper 3 1 4 OlmstpRd Kreitsinper 0 0 1 MeConnell 0 0 2 Totals 13 18 14 Totals 4 A 18 Hairtime socre: Alpha Tau Omega 24, rhi Gamma Pelta 10. Squash Tourney Begins March 2 Intramural Squash Tourney will begin Wednesday, March 2, at . 5:00 in the Coliseum basement, and matches will continue daily at the same hour and location. Deadline for entries is 5 p. m. Monday, Feb. 28. Entries can be made at 102 Physical Education building. A team trophy will be award ed to the champions and the champion's name will be inscribed on the Coliseum Championship plaque. The individual champion will receive an Intramural official medal and medals will be given the team winners if the Univer sity title is won by an independ ent team. Outstanding contestants of the meet will be given certifi cates. Rules are posted on the Coli seum basement squash court walls. Players may check out the equipment daily for practice. Rackets and balls will be fur nished all players at the equip ment cage. All men interested in play ing varsity baseball this spring are requested to meet with Coach Tony Sharp Thursday evening at 7 o'clock in the N Club room in the Coliseum. Freshmen candidates will be asked out at a later date. I M1 I T.I M I.I ',1 I.I, U.'. I .I.1. I '.i.-ii r.i.. . i Special Sale on j ( 48, f 47, 46 ' 45, Comhusker 4 Just a few left ...!...., , , yr---. - - " ,. - -- I III .I - - -- - - "'- ' - - ' 1949 DICK HUTTON, Husker sprint star, warm ; up in anticipation of the Big Seven Indoor Track championships at Kansas City Friday and Saturday. Button is undefeated in the 60-yard dash this season, and is favored to cop his favorite event this coming weekend. Half-MilcRacc To Highlight Big Seven Meet The half-mile race promises to be one of the feature attractions of the Big Seven track champion ships which are scheduled for Friday and Saturday in the Kan sas City saucer. One man is under the record and several are right on top of it. Pat Bowers, a thick-legged sophomore from Chicago, may win KU's first indoor half-mile championship since 1934 when the peerless Glenn Cunningham ram bled to a 1:57.8 timing to win the indoor flag in the sixth season of the Big Six. He is undefeated in three dual meets. Against Mis souri, he ran a 1:56.0 half, setting not only a new dual meet record but also running a half of a sec ond under Bill Lyda's indoor rec ord set in 1941. MISSOURI HAS a challenger in Bob Bosworth, a madeover miler. Bosworth shifted to the shorter distance when the defend ing champs lost regular Charlie Lancaster. For the last four in door and outdoor meets, Bosworth has placed as a miler, pushing Jayhawker Bob Karnes all the way before losing a 4:22.3 per formance last year at Lincoln. Harold Kopf of Nebraska missed the indoor carnival last year be cause of a pulled muscle, but will be ready to go this week end. Last week he and teammate Jim Mar tin ran a dead heat against Okla homa in 1:58.9. As a freshman two years ago, he turned in a 1:55.5 timing as he won the first Big Seven-Southwest dual at Dallas. ANOTHER RECORD slated to fall is the mile run. Bill McGuire, Missouri's sophomore sensation, last week ran a 4:15.4 mile on his See "DEADLINE FOR ACTION Ml A Film Showing the Results of Indifferent, Uninformed Voting. Thursday. 7:15 p. m. Student Union Room 316 Sponxort'd by University of Nebraska Young Democrats THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 0 3 Frats Top IM Playoffs Intramural Basketball Playoffs took a step nearer completion Tuesday and Wednesday with the crowning of the Fraternity Class A, B, and C, champions. While the ATO's were routing the Phi Gams, the RU's took a hard fought 24-21 victory over the Sigma Chi's in Class B. Torrens of Delta Upsilon led scorers with 10 points. In class C champonship game, the Phi Delts edged the Beta Sigs 19-15. After a slow first half which saw the Beta Sigs with a 7-3 lead, the Phi Delts poured on the steam in the last stanza and scored twice as many as the Beta Sigs could muster. Holtus, as usual, led the scoring with 11 of the Beta Sig's points. While the fraternities played, several good Independent games were being fought. The. Farm House waltzed by the Newman Club, 43-21 in an amazing show of power. A second half spurt put the Ag boys too far in front for the Catholics to ever catch up. Urbka bf the Farm House netted 17 points for scoring hon ors, which is the best individual performance shown by any eager thus far in the playoffs. AIEE took their second playoff game by downing Dorm A-l by a score of 29-19. Kellogg led the Engineers with 8 points. The Lilies B showed a sudden burst of power and downed the Sigma Gamma Epsilon boys, 29 16. With Jack Yelkin potting them from any angle, the Lilies moved ahead to stay late in the game. home track in winning his first start in five efforts. This mark is 3.2 seconds below the present con ference standard established last year by KU's Hal Moore and both McGuire and Moore should bene fit by running on the banked spruce saucer of the KC audi torium. HAVE A PARTY Dine and Dance in our Zebra room until 12 A.M. Delicious food, private room. good music Ao rorer rharpe. Call for reservations. Colonial Cup Hiomt 4-2033 56th & Randolph 1 - - - --- Nebraska Ciiidermeii Near Top Form for Big 7 Meet Husker trackmen are in top physical and mental shape for the Big Seven Track Meet at Kansas City, Friday and Saturday, Coach Ed Weir announced Wednesday. Coach Weir said that although Missouri was a heavy favorite on paper, the Husker thinclads would give them a good fight for the indoor title. Esref Aydin, Husker two-miler, is now in top shape after a two week scige vith flu germs, and hopes to give the Nebraskans a much needed first in his favorite event. Aydin will be opposed over the long route by such topflight competitors as Hal Karnes of Kan sas, defending champion, and Jim McGuire, Missouri sophomore flash. with book worries and a bad ankle shot-putter, after being shelved is in top shape for the Kansas Big Charley Toogood, veteran City meet. Toogood has been im oproving steadily during the year and has several puts over forty six feet. Al Thompson will be the Hus ker orkhorse in the K. C. meet. Thompson, veteran Husker sprin ter, will run the high and low hurdles in addition to the 60 yard dash. Leonard Kehl, sophomore vaul- Water Basketball Next 1M Activity Water basketball competition, scheduled for March, follows bas ketball on the intramural scene. Games will start early in March, from 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. A few games will be scheduled on Mon day and Wednesday nights. All independent and fraternity teams desiring to compete must file entries at 102 Physical Ed ucation building not later than Wednesday, March 2 at 5 p. m. Copies of the rules governing the game can be secured at the Intramural office. This is a Gorup One Jack Best sport. A trophy will be given to the championship fraternity team and medals will be given to the independent team champions. All contestants must secure swim permits from the Student Health Center and have these on file before they will be admitted to the pool. A meeting will be held for freshmen trackmen Thursday afternoon at 5 on the indoor track. Coach Weir empha sizes that the meeting is im portant and urges all frosh candidates to attend. T L mm ' .y 4 Page 3 ter. appears to be reaching his peak form. Kehl's thirteen foot seven inch effort in Oklahoma dual Saturday, marked his best performance of the season, and enabled him to tie Bill Carroll of the Sooners. Both vaulters ner rowly missed attempts to clear fourteen feet. Petersen Cracks Iowa State Mark Bob Petersen, Iowa State's bril liant guard, broke the Iowa State scoring record for guards in last week's tussle with Nebraska's high flying Cornhuskers. He dropped in 14 points to boost his total above his own former record of 193. The pint-sized Cyclone guard was named to the all-conference team as a sophomore. He holds about s3 of all the scoring marks for guards at his alma mater and may hold them all before the end of the season. Possessed of a keen eye and a world of speed, Petersen is equally as good on the fast break as with his famous retreat shot from far out. He is a senior and stands 5 feet 8 inches tall. MAIN FEATURES START STATE: "Wake of the Red Witch," 1:09, 3:12, 5:15, 7:18, 9:24. VASITY: "Jungle Jim," 1:18, 4:17, 7:16, 10:15. "Black Eagle," 2:48, 5:42, 8:41. HUSKER: "Mvsterv in Mex ico," 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15. "Den ver Kid," 2:06, 4:51, 7:36, 10:21. 14 I M AMD Ot- Starts Monday J Feb. Z8 LAURENCE HENRY V kTCCMHCMM Complete I neiit Roadshow Version . Student 60c At AH Timn Call tflGti innnn munn jwJ 'ZmwtW ftalliM.'lUCk' JACK IV TO-HIT Williom lundtoaa JotqutliM Wk'rtt I i