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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1949)
Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 24, 1949 i Membot Intercollegiate Press rORTI-KEVENTH TEAM Tk Dally Netirwakaa I published by lite tidnti f th Unfvcnlty of Nebraska m a exprmaloa atndenta newa and opintoa nly. Accordfaf t artteto II of tha By fwa oTerning utndrnt publications and admtaittered by tna Board M Pahltattlona: "It U Mm declared policy of th Board that publirattont under Ita Jurisdiction stall bo firo from editorial censorship an tha part of tao Board, or oa too part at amy nemo af the faculty af the nlYersltyj bat member of tSe eitaft of Te Oally Nebraska are aenoaaiUy respostlble for what they aay or do at eauie to bo printed." Snhseaiptloa rate are 12.0 per semester, S2.S0 pra semester mailed, or 93.00 for Iho eollere year. 14. OS mailed. Slnfte eopy Be. Fnnllshed dally dnrlnc the arhoot year except Mnndeyi and Natordaya, vacations and examination periods, by the University of Nebraska ander the snperrlslon of the Pobllratloa Board. Entered aa Heeond Class Matter at the Poet Office In Lincoln, Nebraska, ander Aet of Conirress, March t, 187S, and at special rate of postage provided for la eectloa 1103, Act el October a. 111. nuiaoriiea Beptemner 10. EDITORIAL. Editor Norm Irer Manacinc Editors Cub Clem, Frits Simpson News Editor. . Ionise, Basle Reed, M. J, Mnlick, (iene Berg, Brace Kennedy BUSINESS. Business Manager try Chesen Assistant Busienss Managers . Merle Stalder, Bob Axtell, Keith O' Hanson Circulation Manager Al Ahramson Night News Ml lor M. i. Mcllrk Early Spring Cleaning . . . A challenge has been offered to the Student Council by the administration. "Your house is dirty. Clean it up." This, we learned, by attending the Student Council meeting Wed nesday. Earlier in the afternoon we had started an editorial which brought forth wide-spread lament that the hands ot the Student Council are tied by the administration. At the Council meeting, we listened to reports which indicated that, from the administration's angle, it would be willing to give the Council the power it requests if the Council were "truly representative of the student body. Frankly we are skeptical. We are not so sure that it is Greek control of the Council which makes the administration so reluctant to give it the power a university student council should have. Nevertheless, the administration has stated its case. Faction control of Council must go. Once it is eone, the Student Council will have a clear road ahead of them to govern Nebraska students and look out for their interests with as much power as needed to ac complish the tasks. If that power is not granted, the admin istration would then be admitting that their condemnation of the Council's "dirty house" was only an excuse to keep the Council from acquiring the full power to which a college student eovernincr body is entitled. The cleaning job is one for the Council. The Daily Ne- braskan will gladly print any comment on the matter, whether it be recommendation of something "new" or de fense of the "old." In the meantime, we will attempt to show to the stu dents of the University where the Council has had difficulty with the administration in getting its job done. No greater moral tragedy could happen on our campus then to have students denied the right of having their own governing body to handle the affairs of students. That body must be truly representative a point made by the admin istration. We appeal to the powers, wherever they lie, to meet the administration s challenge before it is too late. v V j V':i, "StUHt aaatMaaWfttal ihsL by Frank Jacobs TODAY'S OFFERING OF "Chewing the Rag" will try to enlighten the avid readers of The Daily Nebraskan with items of avid interest. The material in this column ranges from a campus fraternity "adopting" a war or phan to an army from Mars at tacking Ecuador. But first, about Coed Follies. After our first "crusade article" yesterday, Dutch Meyers and I have heard many comments from the fairer sex. One pert lass, staunchly defending the tra ditions of the all-girl revenue, taunted, "You'll never get in!" (meaning campus men in gen eral.) Naturally, we are inter ested in these rational arguments and would appreciate others, per haps written in the form of a LETTER1P." NEWS HAS COME to this writer about the worthy plan of the UN charter of Delta Tau Delta to provide for the care of a war orpnan for a period of one ship between parent and child is more than impersonal. A FEW DAYS AGO, one of the more frantic stories reached these ears. Down South American way in Quito, Equador, a rather in genious radio announcer, bored with the commonplace decided to test emotions (and also the Hooper) of the radio-listening countryside. Recalling the Orson Welles "Man from Mars" fiasco of a few years ago, he broadcast a similar Latin-American version complete. with spaceships, rockets and planetary creatures. Results: A hysterical populace moving inland. The radio station announcer screaming 'it's all a joke!" The announcer and 14 other perishing-Avhen an enraged mob set fire to the radio station, year. The Nebraska Delts have joined 19 other chapters in unan imously backing the nation-wide plan. The way the operation works, the chapter receives a choice of the nationality of their child. Then, through the sending of the orphan's photograph and life history and by an exchange of correspondence, the relation- Wed 3L (Council Membership on the Student Council is apportioned to the va rious colleges of the University. A certain number of men and women are elected from each col lege in propor tion to the number of stu dents enrolled. Today we will begin in troducing the Council repre sentatives from Teachers College. Joan Farrar is a senior holdover mem ber of the judi ciary committee judiciary committee passes rules of council procedure areas of council jurisdiction is composed- of seniors. Miss Farrar is president of Mor tar Board, vice-president of Tas sels and a member of AUF ad visory board and Kappa Alpha Theta. Dorothy Borgens is a member of the football seating com mittee. This committee has been working with A. J. Lcw a n d o w ski to produce the seating plan which was an nounced at the b e g i nning of the semester. She is a junior, Dorothy Borjrens. serving her first year on the Council. Miss Borgens is a member of Coed Counselor board, YWCA cabinet and Alpha Chi Omega. Meddling With Meh'ck By M. J. Joan Farrar. this year. The on and It i Jhonv ihsL l-itjv-flMV BY Bruce Kennedy IBs IN PLAIN and blunt language Wednesday, President Truman firmly served notice to his critics that "no S.O.B. is going to tell me who my cabinet will be." Truman referred to the colum nists and commentators who have been criticizing his appointments in the cabinet. AFTER NINE months of war, the Jewish and Arabs have agreed to sign an armistice agreement. The truce was worked out under the auspices of the United Na tions. Stipulations in the armistice call for a demilitarization of Egypt and gives most of the Ne gev Desert to the Jews. THE BIG CELEBRATION of the Red Army Day in Berlin might have been a big success for the Russians but the Western Powers reacted to the whole af fair coldly. None of the invited allied commanders accepted their invitations. SENATOR M'CARTIIY of Wis consin Iabled the Hoover Com mission's of reorganization the executive dopartmnet as fair to good. However, he slated that lob bies arc already forming against the plan. This pressure may make it impossible to pass the bill through Congress. We seem to have developed a special type of agility. It is that athletic accomplishment known as putting one's foot in one's mouth. In fact, we are getting so good at this popular indoor sport that this time we have gone in clear to our knees. In yesterday's column we seemed to have mentioned at least four or five times that Dean Thompson stated that his remarks at Monday night's ISA meeting were "not for publication." This was not only inaccurate but just plain wrong. In checking with the re porter who covered the meeting we discovered that it was a lesser light who handed down the ultimatum. Needless to say, we paid Dean Thompson a call concerning this matter and from tne conversation learned some interesting information. ' Item No. 1 was, of course, that Dean Thompson is perfectly will ing to have anything he says to students printed. Item No-2 deals with the "popular misconception" that he is "down on" the Greeks. The truth, we were told, is quite to the contrary. But the portion of the interview that really held us spellbound was the issue of student politics a subject near and dear to our heart. If we may be so bold as to mention ourself and Dean Thompson in one breath, we find that we are in complete accord on the subject of (hush) the faction, (unhush). Thompson feels (see Page One) that the system of student voting, and the forces which control it, are so deplorable as to be downright rotten. We were particularly interested to hear that since student at tempts to "foil the villain" seem to have met with little success, ulti mate success may be achieved through the faculty. The upshot of the whole thing seem to be that "at long last" the faculty may be alive to a situation that this newspaper and other students have been decrying for a long time. The last item on the agenda of the Thompson conversation con cerned unaffiliated participation a subject also mentioned in the Page 1 story. Here we must come to a parting of the ways. We feel that the whole issue of Barb representation has been way over-rated. We realize that the distribution on the Student Council is, shall we say, disproportionate! Let us be the first to second that idea. But we would like to clarify the misconception that Barbs are not welcome to work on The Daily Nebraskan staff. Anyone who is will ing to give the necessary tim eand effort is welcome in the Rag office, period. We are more often wrong than right, but every now and then a little gremlin taps us on the shoulder and tells us that there is no "ill feeling" between affiliated and unaffiliated groups but that the feeling is being "created" by external forces. Need we say, stop us if we're wrong. As I Was o aymg By Tat Nordin The annual Phi U Candle ball will be the high point of social activity on Ag campus this week end. To be held in the College Ac tivities building, the dance will be informal this year, reaching a cli max with Helen Oschner's vocal rendition of the "Candle Song." Bobby Mills and band will play and Gloria High and Al Lamb, Marilyn Boettger and Conrad Social Calendar. FRIDAY I'hl V Candle hall, College Activities building. Delia Sigma I'l Dinner dance, oCtner Terrace. Delia Delta Delia formal Cnnihiixkcr Hotel hallriMim. Delia Tau Delta formal, IJncoln Hole niillronm. Di linn I nlon party. Temple ImilillriK. SA'M KDAV Kappa Delta I'ormnl, CornlinsUer Hotel tiallroom. I'hl Delia J beta (lay Mnelie. partv. I'hl Ilrlt hotloe. Siirnia I'hi KpMilnn hoiisepnrty. Sit; Kp hoiine. 'lil-Vel dinner. Coiner Terrj I'alladlan dinner, Continen errtee, lal Tale. Kins; will dance among others. This is also the big night of 1hc raffle date between Lavcrna Ack er and Norm Legcr. Formi.ling this work-end will be Pat Lf-nin and Frank Lrary. Ginger Meehan and Jerry Dosek who will divide their time be tween the Tri Delt formal and the Delt ball. Incidently compe tition is running high for the hon or of "Delta Queen" to be pre sented that night. Finalists will be announced in this column Friday. Classified ROOM for $10 week. 2 men on full 2-44 Campus. Board FOR for 3 boys Mrs. en Winkle. 2H27 R St. LOST White-gold "watch. Oirsud Pera doux. Contact Marilyn Dixon, 2-.'p332. ReWArd. WILL, person who ioimcTrwT7inouldr purse in library Friday plea.xe rail ,i-80K7 Need glasnrs, identification. eneca nook. etc. B;idly. Claim ra ana no questioim asked. 5 re- NOTICK all KM1KKD Colvln-IIeyn Studio advemsinc certificates will he honored if used before March 15 COI.V1N-I1FVN STUDIO, 212 So. 13th. Telephone 2-2426. ring- Wentwnrth Military Initial P.. H. D. 1'boiie LOST Cl;is Acndemv. 2137. WANTKH Kiudent capable of reviewing and nssistint frebn'hn student In Bun. OrK 4 and pcrhupx Knuhsh. Call 4-2748 after 6 p m. ItoinR to Mexico Call Bob Wheeler, AN YON K Interested in Cilv about June l.ith. 3-37.'I.V M l-.'ST in a durable, KHd-lMUitie top or rip-lined overcoat. .Kxtenslve full color Ktock. Water repellent roverts, cahar dlnea. Mu-h pockets, fly fronts. Ex cellent niateriiil . . . practical , trice. M.Ml to 4H.MI. N,m reduced at AM KS I.OTIIINO, 1400 ". LOST- I'.onson bLliter east balcony coli seum Monday uifclit. Call 6-4it:(2. 1-ward. J'Oft SAI.K- V.K'.'.t Ford tiulor. condition. Must HI. $4.ri). tiaisky. Sii.'ma Nu House. l-'ol'ND at colnseum after Missouri wit: One pair plain rimmed glasses. fall Ion Kice, 2-7831 and. leave message. Kxrellent Tom I'od- Friday i 26th is the Deadline for 9 CORNHUSKER Cobs & Tassels Have em. Get em now! L