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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1949)
Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 15, I99 ; j fi M a J Jul (Dmlif Tkbha&JiarL Membof Intercollegiate Press FOBTf-SEVENTH TEAM n Dally Nebrsakaa hi published by tbt itilnti of tto CnWmlty of Nebraaka at a exprraaiua 01 atndrnta mwi and opinion! only. According 10 article 11 01 tne ay law (OTerninc tndeot publication and administered by the Board of Publications) lt Is the declared policy of the Board that publiratiaae under Ita Jurisdiction stall free from editorial ermonbln on the part of the Board, or on the part of any aormbrr of the faculty of tlie anivertityf but menihera of the staff of The Ually ebraekaa are peraoauljr reepoulbie for woat lory tay or eo or cause M bo pnntea. Subscription rates are $2.M per semester, tZ.nO per semester mailed, or f3.M for the college year. C4.0A mailed. Slnirle copy fie. Published dally during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by the University t Nebraska under the supervision of the Publication Board. Kntered as Second Class Matter at the I'ost Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, ondrr Act of Congress, March a, 1H7, and at sieelal rate of posiaie provided for In section 1103. Act of October t. 1917, authorised September 10. 1922. Jerry Johnston EdIlnr-ln-Chief in Mailer, June McArthur, John Connelly, JVaJicy Porter, Dirk Kuska NUhl Editors Jack Scharmrr, Leo Geter. layoul ICditors 'I'bih Swnnnon ....Women's Hollies Editor Judy I-oder, Carmen DeVore Investigating- Editors Marilyn. Campfield, By llimiier Dam-ins; Editors Boh Orr, Bob Duis, Bill ErRoy Philosophy Editors Generic Mitchell, Ted tiundrrwin Tobacco Editors Bob Hamilton Finance Editor Bill Moorhouse FUoh Bulb Editor R"tty Grcn. Joel Bailey. Jeanne Sampson, Jan ( hiinipine Disappearing; Editors leanne Kerrigan Ex-Editor Peic Iawrie Solicitations Editor Crude Nielsna Morale Editor Bobbie Rowland, Marilyn Dl.slcl Sports" Editors Tom Reynolds Picture Editor Ray Bilnxmd Business Editor Bud Clerhart, Neil Atkinson . .Monkey Ruslnesa Editors Al Aliramson Advertising Editor (iamnia Phi Beta Distribution Editors Janice Hntford Adding Editor Bob Monher Subtracting Editor Howard Dennis Detracting Editor Middling With Pierre We are starting out this column with a bang (or is it bong?) by reporting a campus condition that we feel cannot be tolerated any longer. Since we know few facts, we will supply the necessary ones needed. It seems that the A.W.O.L. board is sponsoring a spring show entitled Co-ed Fillies, and some thing stinks in E. Smythe Hall! Four campus clubs have been left out!!! Some dirty stinkin' so-and-so padded the ballot box and we have just finished interview ing the four clubs who are busy gnashing their teeth and crying in their root beer. It seems that only (and is this ever awful) those clubs having A.W.O.L. board members are in the Fillies. Tsk. Tsk. Presuming that some worthy soul can explain this con dition, we shall be glad to inter view anyone who can throw a little scandal on this horrible situation. It has come also to our atten tion, that only 30c profit was made on the Inter-maternity Bawl! Where has this money jAsfWasl Braying ft By Fats Bordcen ) gone? Dean Harpey has no record what-so-ever! We are personally conducting a clean-up investiga tion to alleviate this disgraceful grafting on the part of the fi nance committee. Of course we are not condemning such prac tices, but someone has to investi gate, and since the Stoogent Council is busy investigating the yearbookies, the book stores and A. J. Spew, we are taking it upon ourselves. Photographer Added To Staff Will Go, gruesome administra tion senior, has been appointed by the chairman of the stupid, fickelty pup bored as staff photog rapher of THE DAILY BLUNDER. His appointment was announced Wednesday. Go used to work as a photog rapher on the 1948 CORNHUSK ER but became disgusted and quit. He was not a typical CORN HUSKER photographer anyway. SIX.:, AT MILLER'S . . i (BohmuiLcL In Sping's new lush colors $5 Bubble, Bubble. Toil and Trouble Once upon a time in the realm of King Neptune there was a school of fishes, a small school of fourteen members. These fourteen little fish were strong in their own homes but were weak when they all got together. The reason they were weak was because there was a big Mama fish who made them do her every bidding. There was another large fish in the school who was supposed to be the boss but the big Mama fish even bossed her around. Now this great big Mama fish was at King Neptune's ear and all fish in the sea were frightened. In this same ocean there were also seventeen little black and gold striped fish who were considered to be outstanding because of their coloring and their high status in the social swim. But alas, even these seventeen little fish were afraid of the big Mama fish. When they would theaten to rebel the big Mama would say that she was going to take away their little ,hats which showed that they were high in King Neptune's favor. The sad part of this story is that all the big men fish in the sea didn't know anything about what was going on except what they were told in strictest secrecy. If the little girl fish said anything openly they feared that their homes would suffer. Although none of the little fishes in this ocean will openly admit it thev all want a big brave fish to go to King Neptune because he is a great and good ruler and a very democratic fish. And we are sure that if some strong, big fish were to eo to the King and tell him of the sorry plight of all the little girl fishes he would soon see that the big Mama fish is expelled from the ocean and a new, reasonable and demo cratic "advisor"is put in her place. Thus the prayer of all the little fish in this ocean is that from now on we will hear "Let us all meet and decide what course of action we shall take," and no longer have to hear all of our little girl fishes swallow their pride and continu ally humble themselves with the only phrase they dare bubble: "Yes Mama Fish." (If this fin fits, wear it.) j quanmy or patter nas ac cumulated over the week-end. and the future holds even more as we case the place to bring the latest scoop from the group. Oh, la te da . . . another sunny California day and time again for this all important column AS I WAS BRAYING. This time the column will really dig out the ole campus "dirt" for all you guys and gals. JOHN SCIIMOEDER, better known as "liver lips" and the hot rod of the Phi Sigh pledge class, has been . causing John Smook of the Awful Tassel Omega household to have "con stant heartburn." Seems the cause is none other than Smoochie Radiger, who is trying to make her flame burn as hot as her sister's, Touchie. We take this opportunity to announce the mad, mad pinning of your editor, Fats Bordeen, to Jock Pruce, the mad, mad fool (he'd have to be!) This .whirl wind romance took place over one can of root beer and two straws. Sad story of the week; too bad Sin Sin Lodestone had em bezzled enough moola to outbid J. M. Relic at the AUF rummage sale for a date with Dead Run derson. Relic's only comment was, "Oh, well, you can't keep a good man down, we ended up with Prof Ain't." At the Chance-cellar's Inspec tion there was the usual line in the lung of the Onion, with Dwayne Rake choosing the east goal and kicking with the wind. The motor boats, under the se lection of Moany Farrar, girls anti-fraction leader, poured. As all guests carried umbrellas, it was an extremely dry affair. E. Smythe Hall was the gay, gay scene of the annual tea fight and marshmellow toast for cam pus coeds on Sunday evening. Jackie Whitewoman, Big Sissy prexy, was the hostess. She wore her usual satin faced black crepe. Like a breath of spring these Beautiful Bermuda nylon sweaters arrive to pep up a winter-weary wardrobe. Airy light and easy to wash, they eome in Daffodil Yellow, Gierry, Blue, While and Pink. Sizes 3 I to 40. Ark to tee Spring't nete matching Sweatee and Skirt combination SPORTSWEAR Fashion Floor Second ill iLLER 6 PAIfl E TUSSLE MEETING WEDNESDAY NIGHT Room 315 Stoodent Onion AH Tussles will attend! Wear your Tussle sweaters, beanies, and saddle shoes. Lois Spillet, prexy, will give the latest gossip on the Korn Gobs investigation. 3f.Q.tto.hqMpSL Dear Editor: So called honorable women on the local campus are utterly disgusting. The amazons in Grunt Memorial have reported a sudden disappearance of ping-pong and tennis balls. We appointed the Stoogent Council to investigate the matter. It was discovered that this equipment (supposedly used only by the amazons in the Physical Refiguration de partment) disappeared about the time of the selection of the Cornhusker Booty Queens, I have a feeling that this equipment is being used for undercover purposes. These girls certainly deceived us as to their true selfs. Grunt Memorial wishes their equipment to be returned immediately. Sincerely, Jean Brunch Beauman Katy Grapp SALE LEARANCE OF DISCONTINUED AND SHOPWORN ITEMS ' Vz OFF V LAMPS V PIPES V SLIDE RULES V STATIONERY V WASTE BASKETS V NOTE BOOKS ' Vs OFF i V RADIOS V CAMERAS V PENCIL SHARPENERS V WATER COLOR SETS V ARTISTS jMOCKS V PHONOGRAPHS Safe Effective Wedne$day, Feb. 16, Thru Wcdnetdar, Feb. 23 Social C'alander. Signa Delta Tau Easter Egg Hunt, Friday, 7:00. Bella Theta Pie Snow Shoveling Contest, Tuesday, 4:00. Fi Delta Theta annual Keg Tapping Brawl. Saturday, 8:30. Big Sissy Club Get-together, E. Smythe Hall, Thursday, 3:00. AAW Chess Tournament Playoffs, Grunt Memorial Hall, Wednesday, 2:00. Reporter Party, tea and cookies, Daily Blunder, Onion Basement, Thursday, 5:00. Zeta Bella Toe "Dri" Night Party, Saturday, 4:00. Taffy Pull, Dairy Barns, Ug Campus, Thursday, 6:00. Sigma Phew Oopsilon Be hind the Parlor Curtain party. Saturday, 4:00. Electrical Engineers' Get-together (promises to be a shock ing party), Tuesday, 2:00. 11 NO Light Rugged Time Tested CUTS DOWN DAMAGE IN TRANSIT Outlasts most laundry crt10 to K timri. Thousandt of unified men. Liehtwfichi Ih T plane-type aluminum. Strong will lupport 200 lb. man. Satisfac tion guaranteed. If not at dealer, order direct. $6.95 postpaid. JANSEN & COMPANY' Sycamore 11, Illlnola y ajiafllUlW'l W Hi