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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1949)
i Sunday, Feb. 6, 1949 Scarlet Track, Field Artists Swamp Kansas I Coach Ed Weir's track and field artists flew past Kansas, 79V2 24, at Memorial Stadium Sat ifrday afternoon. It was the third straight dual victory for the Cornhuskers on the road leading to the Big Seven championship. Two meet records toppled un der the blistering pace and three more were equalled. Those per formances were: 1. Bill IIcinT Don Vollertsen, Fritz Ware and Harry Meglnnis combined in the relay for a Ne braska victory, establishing a 3:29.8 standard. 2. KU Sophomore Pat Bowers defeated Husker Harold Kopf in a 1:57.8 half-mile to better the meet record by two full sec onds. 3. Dick Hutton edge team mates Harry Meginnis and Al Thompson in a :06.2 60-yard dash that equalled an 11-year old mark. 4. Bob Berkshire nudged mates Willis Jones and Ray Magsamen and KU's Jack Greenwood in the high hurdles with a record tieing :07.7 per formance. 5. Magsamen won out by a mustache over cohorts Bill Moomey and Thompson to. equal the low hurdle standard of :07. Nebraska also swept the pole vault, shot put and two-mile run Dick Piderit marked his return te competition with a 48-914 ef fort in the shot; Sophomore Leo nard Kehl hit a new peak in win ning the pole vault at 13 feet 3V2 inches: and Esref Aydin was all alone at the finish of the distance event in 10:02.9 for his first vic tory in Scarlet silks. TRACK KVKNT8. 60-yard dash Won hy Dirk Hutton (N; second Harry Meginnts N); third, Al Thompson (N). Time :06.2. (Tics record set In 1938 by Jack IXnld.) 440-vard dash Won by Loyal Hurlbert fN); second, Winton Studt (K); third, Don Vollertsen (N). Time :51.8. 880-yard run Won by Pat Bowers (K); second, Harold Kopf (N); third, Loval Hurlbert (N). Time 1:57.8. (Bet ter's old record of 1:59.8, set in 1946 by Hlnrhee, Kansas.) Mile run Won by Bob Karnes (K): second. Hal Hlnchee (K); third, Bill Mountford (N). Time 4:34.1. Two mile run Won bv Esref Aydin (N); second, Robert Reece (N); third, Don Morrison (N). Time 10:02.9. 0-yard low hurdles Won by Ray Magsamen (N); second, Bill Moomey (N): third, Thompson (N). Time :07 0. (Ties record held by Gish (N). 1938. and Moomey (N), 1948.) 60-yard high hurdles Won by Bob Berkshire (N); second, Willis Jones (N); tie for third between Magsamen N) and Jack Greenwood (K). Time :07.7. (Ties record held by Haight (N) In 1936, Gish (N) In 1937, Stnnnard (K) In 1944 onrt Kin if INI In 1947.) Mile relay Won by Nebraska (Bill Hein, Vollertsen, Fritz Ware and Me gtnnis); second. Kansas. Time 3:29.8. (New record, betters old mark of 3:30.5, set by Nebraska in 1948.) F1KI.D EVKNTS. Shot put Won by Dick Piderit (N), 48 feet, 9 '4 Inches; second, Jim Mc Connell (N), 45 feet. 84 Inches; third, Lowell Nellsen (N), 42 feet, 7 '4 inches. High jump Won by Bill Richardson (K), 6 feet 1V4 inches; second, Orville Glass (N), 6 feet; third, Ted Randolph l., 5 feet, 10 inches. Pole vault Won by I-eonard Kehl (N), 13 feet, 3V4 inches; tie for second between Jim Myers (N) and McConnell (Ni. 12 feet. V4 inch. Broad Jump Won by Ted Randolph (Nl. 21 feet, 7 VI Inches: second, Walter Kmery (K), 21 feet, 6 3,8 Inches; third, Kehl (N), 21 feet, 5 inches. it -mm mmmw rmw pr -;; ----- v ,) 1 liUSKLK SWEEP Coach Ed Weir's crack sprinters made a sweep mm n , it . . : I . . nJ n,.4 4nn . 4 dual victory over Kansas uick iiunon neiu; eurcu i icommam v6inw.o v...v. , Al Thompson (left in a :06.2 performance that tied the meet standard. (Staff Photo.) DUs, Fijis Cop B Tilts Delta Upsilon and Phi Gamma Delta strengthened their bids for the Class B Intramural cage title in last week ends final action. The DUs breezed past Kappa Sigma, 52-17, and the Fijis sped past Sigma Nu, 24-9, paced by Bill Holmquist. Bob Hale's 11 points led Sigma Alpha Epsilon to a 40-6 lacing of Zeta Beta Tau, and Alpha Gamma Rho trounced Sigma Alpha Mu, 23 to 6. In the other B game, Phi Kappa Psi dumped Brown Palace, 22-7. Phi Delta Theta routed Corn husker Co-op in the only Class A action, Dick Meissner showing the way with 13 points. The lone Class C encounter found Beta Theta Pi downing Theta Xi v a 28 to 12 count. TnHpnpnripnt comDetition com- niftpH the action as STE gave the Sigma tni roomings a Inter-varsity raced past the Baptists, 35-11; AIEE cn,.w7H nut a 15-11 win over Dental college, and the Architects defeated Phi Alpha JJena, d-i. Wildcats Give Up Swim Competition Kansas State abandoned its swimming scheduled for the re mainder of the school year, the University of Nebraska was in formed Friday afternoon, because it was unable to find enough swimmers to organize a squad. The Huskers were slated for a journey to Manhattan and a dual at the Wildcat pool Monday. Athletic Director Thurlo Mc Crady also cancelled a Saturday meet with Kansas and earlier had dropped a dual with Colorado. GOOD USED or NEW SUPPLIES FOR ALL UNIVERSITY COURSES 'The Department Store of STUDENT Needs" mm THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i ' i 0 Ciigors . . . Cont. from page 1. the floor Saturday, fouled out after nine minutes with the Hus kers ahead 37-33, the game ap peared to be in the bag. But the Coloradoans got the best of a free throw exchange and went ahead 41-40 on Beseman's charity shot with four minutes re maining. Lawry then potted two free shots and Retherford hooked in a field goal to put the Huskers ahead to stay. WITH NEBRASKA leading 44 41, the trouble started. One of the referees called a technical on the Buff bench, claiming that their trainer tripped Husker guard Bob Cerv as he was drib blingdown the sidelines. The ball ended up under the Colorado basket, where Beseman and Lawry had their bout. By the end of the game, both teams were sufficiently cooled off to shake hands and leave the floor quietly. "Frosty" Cox was a good sport to the end. Not once did he voice disapproval of the officiating, which in itself is a tribute to his forebearance. His team played good ball, certainly better than the Husker's brand much of the time. Colorado fB ft f pts Hills f 2 0- 0 5 4 Tucker f 4 3- 4 4 11 Kolaniler c 4 4- 6 5 12 Be.semann c 1 2-3 2 4 Bell c 1 3-4 4 Lev K 2 3- 4 3 7 Johnson g 0 0-0 1 0 Stokes g 0 0-1 0 0 Totals 14 15-22 24 43 Nebraska fB ft f pts Srb 0 0-0 Cox f . 0 1-1 Malecek f 3 3-4 Lawry f 1 2-4 Whitehead c 2 4-5 Pierce c 0 1-1 Retherford 6 5-9 Anderson g 0 0-1 Cerv g 2 1-5 Cech g 0 0-0 0 0 2 17 0 0 3 6 1 0 Totals 14 17-30 19 45 Score at half: Nebraska 25, Colo rado 25. Technical fouls: Tucker. Besemann, Le". Lawry. Colorado trainer. Officials: Ted O'Sullivan, Missouri; Harry Kaster. Oklahoma A. M. Z&BOOK STOgE; id m i wm- ii iiiiiHtww iiiiiiiiii i"1" ; 5 l W I a " T of the 00-yard dash in Saturday s 1 1 r i rtcr i m i" i o ( ronl ir anil Husker, IS Matmen Tie Heavyweight Mike DiBiase de- cisioned Iowa State's John Stout in the final match of Friday night's dual wrestling meet, giv ing Nebraska wrestlers a 14-14 tie with the Cyclones at the Coliseum. The Iowa State mat team led for the first time after the 175 pound bout, when Don Strasheim weighed in two pounds over weight, gaining five pounds points on the forfeit. Strasheim filled in for Herb Reese, who was side lined with a boil. LOL'IE CANIGLIA. Husker cap tain, started Coach Pat Patterson's crew off to a five-point lead by srnrinp- the evenine's onlv fall. Hp ninnpd Cvclone Dave Manev in 4:42 of the second round in the 121-pound class. Bob "Pee Wee" Yambo re mained in the unbeaten class with an easy 8-0 decision over Ralph Van Eaton hi the 128-pound class. TOP MATCH of the evening saw Nebraska's Mickey Sparano rally to overcome a 3-0 deficit and stab a 4-3 decision of Iowa State's Bob Kucera in the 136 pound class. Nebraska led 11-0 after those three bouts. The Cyclones came back to gain three decisions in the middle weight divisions and pare the ad vantage to 11-9 before the forfeit and DiBiasc's victory. 101 .imnnHs- i-nnis CRiuKlia (N.) pinned Dave Maney (I S.) in 1:42 of second period. 128-pounds: Robert Yambor (N.) de clsioned Ralph Van Eaton (I.S.), 5-1. 136-pounds: Mickey Sparano (N.) de- cisioned Bob Kucera u.a.i, 4-o. 145-pounds: Pick Ditsworth (I.S.) de ivinnaA llr'lr TnmAI IN I. A-l. 155-pounds: Pat Bush (l.S.) decisioned Bob Russell (N. ), 2-1. IBS-pounds: Don Thomas (I.S.) de KkinnnH V.n rl Ri'hneiriVr (N.). 5-2. 175-poumls: Ray Klootwyck I.S.) won bv forfeit from uon sirasneim uvi, CtrneHnim U:ia WO DOlinflS OVCrWeiht . HnuvvweiL-ht Mike DiBiase (N) de cisioned John Stout (I.S.I. 4-2. Page 3 Cyclone Swim Crew Drubs NU. 56 to 27 Roger Watts led his Iowa State mates to a convincing 56 to 27 victory over Coach Hollie Lepley's University of Nebraska swimmers at the Coliseum pool Friday after noon. WATTS STROKED his way to n nnir of nool records in leading Jack McGuire's defending liig Seven champions and the cyclone medley relay squad nung up a 2:59.8 standard over the 300-yard route. In the 220-vard freestyle the Town Stnte ace raced to a 2:15.4 mark, a full length ahead of team mate Howard Lambert. Watts lannpH Husker George Hill, h l s only competition, twice in the quartermile race with a 4.atj. record clocking. MARVIN GRIMM was the only first nlare winner for the Corn huskers. He touched out Iowa State's Malcolm Schmidt in the 50-vard freestvle with a :24.4 per formance and overcame Ed La- berge's lead in the century to win in :54.9. The snrineboard provided the dual's hottest competition as con ference king Sam Shiftier edged out Ed Graren, Nebraska sopho more sensation who previously was undefeated, by less than two points. Both divers executed the majority of their dives to near perfection. Fig Flagg, runnerup to Shiffler in last year's circuit meet, took third far off the pace. 300-yard medley relay: Won by Iowa State (Earl Jezek, Kd Howes, Dick Kull man); second. Nebraska (Jack Camp bell, Conrad King, Tom Harley). Time 2 59 8. (New pool record. Old record by Iowa U. in 1947, 3:01. S.) 22-yard free stvle: Won by Roper Watts (IS); second Howard Lamnen (IS.): third, George Hill t.ii. nm 215 4 (New pool record. Old record by Watts in 1948. 2:16.2.) 50-yard freestvle: Won by Marvin Grimm (N); second. Malcolm Schmidt (IS); third. Ed Laberge (IS). Time :24 4. IlivinR: Won by Sam Shiffler (IS), 313 5 points; second. Kddie Craren tN, 311.8 points; third, Fig Flagg (N), 233.4 points. . 100-yard freestvle: Won by Grimm (N); second, Laberge (1C); third, Rush Smith. (IS). Time :54 9. 150-yard backstroke: Won by Jezek: (IS): second, Bob Wyant (IS); third, Campbell (N). Time 1:45.3. 200-yard breastroke: Won by Howes (IS); second, Howard Johnson (IS); third, King (N). Time 2:37.7. 440-yard freestyle: Won by Watts (IS); second, Hill (N). No third entrant. Time 4-56 9. (New pool record. Old record by George Hoogerhyde, Michigan State, in 1948, 5:00.4.) 400-yard freestyle relay: Won by Iowa State (Smith. Lambert, Kullman. Sch midt); second, Nebraska (Perry Branch, Ted Kanamine, Grimm, Harley.) Time 3 45. 9. IM Cage Slate MONDAY. 5 p. m. Delta Upsilon vs. Phi Gamma Delta (C); Sipma CM vs. Delta Tail Delta (C); Sigma Nu vs. Beta Sigma Psi (C). 7 p. m. Geology vs. ASME: Muscle Men vs. Iowans; Pill Rollers vs. CYO. 7:50 p.m. Plainsmen vs. ROTC; Method ists cs. Christians: Newman Club vs. Presbyterians. 8:40 p. m. Dorm C-l vs. Dorm A -2: Chem F. vs. A IKK: Extra Light Brigade vs. Alpha Kappa Psi. IM Rifle Matches MONDAY. Alpha Tau f i. a vs. Kappa Sigma; Phi Kappa Psi vs. Acacia; Alpha Gamma P.ho vs. Phi Delta Theta; Pioneer Co-op vs. Beta Theta Pi.