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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1949)
Page 4 -yeas' egrees Combes' red! Saturday The University of Nebraska conferred degrees on a record breaking class of 531 persons Sat urday morning. The 1949 mid-year group com pares with the previous record of 357 last year, 231 in 1917, and tne pre-war average of about 150 402 veterans or about 75 percent of the class were among the 531 to graduate. Totals of graduates, by colleges or divisions, were: Junior Divi sion, 9; Agriculture 76, Arts and Sciences 83. Business Administra tion 132, Engineering 98, Law 3, Pharmacy 23. Teachers 52, Medi cine (Nursing) 4, and Graduate College 52. The following were awarded degrees by The University Satur day: COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. Associate In Applied Srienre Jack J. Arp. Suiton Gene- W. Block. Gothenburg Dorothy K. Chilvers, Pierce Donald E. Cmwell. Oshkoth Robert H. Kurera. Wahoo Keith R. Leech. Humboldt Forest R. Morris, Wood River Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Allen L. Boettcher, Unndilla Robert A. Chilvers. Pierce Wilbur C. Copeland, Idana. Kansas John Davis, Genoa Lester J. Dreesen, Palmyra Ralph F. Fagot. LexinRhm Paul E. Fischbach. Orleans Glenn I. Forre. Newman Grove (Harold J. foster. York Lee Rov Foster. Bradshaw James R. Fricke, Bayard Gene A. Card. Beaver Crossing Bervl L. Gerdes. Gothenburg Eunene H. Goin, Wymore Philip H. Grabouski, Beatrice Joseph J. Gutschow. Blair Elmer G. Hassig. Keams Canyon, Ariz. Charles E. Hasty, jr.. Kim, Colo. Robert D. Hiatt. Lincoln Marvin F. Hollingshead. Salem. Mo. Melvin A. James. North Platte Phillip W. Johnson. Walthill George E. Knppelnian. Burton DONALD W. KELLOGG, Edgemont, S. D. iWi(l Distinction) Richard D. Kennedy, Wahoo Earl J. Kerker, Omaha Kenneth R. Kiester. Hemingford Jack G. King, Emerson Gray Kinnier, jr., Spaldinn Robert W. Koehler. Fremont Dixwell A. Lathrop, Humboldt Ivan M. Lijegren. Lincoln John D. Lind, Ashland Roy C. Lipps, Sterling Norman M. Lock. Lincoln Marlyn C. Low. Scribner Dale K. Luther, Hooper Robert L. McDill, Lincoln Philip T. McDonald, Horion. Kas. Archie L. McMaster, Lincoln Cedric L. Meisel, Omaha James B. Mickle. Lincoln Richard F. Myers, Omaha LeRoy W. Nittler, Geneva ROGER C. OTTO. Phillips (With Distinction) Robert H. Pavelkat, Crookston Harold J. Peterson, Bradihw George Radenbaugh, Grand Inland Lewis K. Reinhardt. Scottsbluft Fred H. SchulU, Lincoln Thomas M. Sherman, Peru Alfred Sick, jr.. Hooper Leonard S. Silver, Loup City Carl W. Simmons. Peoria, III. Gerald D. Stvhl, Ansley Dale E. Stauffer. Pase Arthur E. Svoboda, Burchnrd Don.. U D. Sylvester. Oxford Albert K. Taylor. North Platte Merle R. Teel, McCook PAUL J. VLCAN. Monowl (With Distinction! Archie W. White. Bradshaw Eugene C. Youngman, Ames Bachelor of Science in Home Economic! Lois M. Bamesberger, Hampton MargaTet B. Lux, Lincoln Rodola J. Nelson, Axtell Lois E. Rockwell. Homer Wilma C. Swansou. Bloomfield Barbara Zemer, Lincoln COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES. Associate in Arts. Thomas C. Andreas, Lincoln Robert B. Lowe, North Platte Bachelor of Arts. William T. Anderson, jr., Omaha Lowell J. Ankrom. Falls City Wilnia Atkinson, Pawnee City Lewis E. Aukes, Red Cloud Forest O. Bell. Kimball Russell C. Brauer, Randolph JAMES HENRY CARMEL, Luicoln I With Distinction) Eugene J. Carson. Fairbury Darrell L. Chapin, Lincoln Cecil E. Cody, Jr., San Diego. Calif. Winifred A. Cook. Sabetha, Kas. Mary Ann Dalthorp, Pierre, S. D. Dorothy W. Decker, Lincoln Duane D. Demaree. Norfolk Jane 8. Dempsejr, Lincoln Donald M. Dory, Grand Island Mary Dunnell. Denver, Colo. Ludean 8. Earnest, Washington, D. C. Minnie B. Eisenach, Battle Creek Relnhold O. Ensz. Beatrice. ' Rex. L. Gribble, Greenwood. Dolores A. Gunnerson, Lincoln Marv Hargrave, Rochester, N. Y. Jack D. Holbrook. Lincoln Lewis W. Hunter. Rock Port, Mo. Joseph Kainer. Regina, Sask., Can. !EHtlttnl4Snr!j , m ii W W 1 I i '4 Bfti.v J. Keebler, Omaha Pnul H Keller, Ainsworth Roy B. Krieah, Pueblo Colo. Richard F. Lebbs. Beemer Richard B. LeMiir. Luiculn Lona R. Leonard, Ainsworth Alexander G. McPlierson. Hlshland Park. 111. HAROLD V. MATTHEWS. Lincoln (With High Distinction i Ann T. Miyamoto. Clovis. Calif. Burton G Mnrss. Schmler ROY C. NEUMANN. Lincoln (With Distinction) Benjamin R. Pickering. Lincoln Janus C. Popple, Casper. Wvo Harold B. RiRgs, Schubert Virginia M. Robertson. Lincoln Orville A. Schmeitling. Gresham Paul H. Schupbach. Lincoln Glenn L. Speidel, Wilcox Lois C. Stanton. Lincoln Gerald Toy. Lincoln Mike T. Vaggalis. Lincoln John Wagner. Lincoin Margaret VV. Walker. Portland. Ore. Kathleen E. Wirner. Aberdeen, b. D Betty L. Weible. Winside Charles R. Whtre. Casper. Wyo. William W. Wilkins, Geneva Bachelor of Fine Arts Donald C. Ellis, Lincoln Imogen C. Ki'hn, Butte Mary A. Wells. Oshkosh Bachelor of Scienre Donald Andrews. York William O Bradford. Omaha Bruce D. Biuhman. Omaha Max H. Christensen. Kearney Marilyn C Hughes De Busk." Fail bury Marione F. Uilhnati. Lincoln Danny C. Dulphey. Rattle Creek James F. Farmer. Staui..mi. Va. James H. Guunersnn, Lincoln Flmer E M. Hansen, Pender Virginia H. Herluson. Winner. S. D. Elizabeth A. Kentopp. Falls CIU Russell H. Langford. North Plane Doran Lorcnz, Rockville Charles L. McLatferty. Lincoln IS fT TRUE, GRAHAM. 2 '"f"' ; :ii fJO V JUUAN,wuve wi THAT THE BUT YOUR VOICE HfT CKMRITT1 NAlMOVfft PiTHECANTHROPOS WOUL0NT LET YOU J siijA , J WHY NOT CHAMGE TO ClniM0 mvr jiRTiNG? 7JO'r1,0 )t.v'3skX WKtv Jshipsomuch- 7 (VsJl I v'( -V - Wj and aay throat r-s fa-J WQ .iKTCT m f YVl PEELS ALL , . jZ?( SHANKS V; iuiuV r) r 4 Vumokjed-out-- johnny, ooba?tW Y Vv:-Ty (kS! HANDICAPPED YOU. P&SQ ' ifacffj Ktk tjS WE'LL COMPLETE YOUR )A fit A'A OsN' l TIT4nR VJEST NEXT WEEK IL I MY. !&g Tki mcuci nrt vnno - T '-' A f IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASUCE TO I LAST QUESTION DOCTOR (iJ&hf--" " " ' " I f ANNOUNCE THAT JULIAN SCORED A IT WAS BRITAIN'S WAR VT? s, U WPERPIB5ISTIAI. SUCCESS-HE WON LEADER WHO SAID SX'A f 6RILLIANT V THE NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP HIS OPPONENT r JcW ANSWERS, ("TTSS-A k'l" (tW?3? -UTTERED A 1 GRAHAM. YOU :..Uv Nl fmfJIWl TfRMI NO LOGICAL. f fA 5CORED 20 K JwiHM LV 3V Jl1Tv ryT thankwusir-andyT"! v f!r - :; I lU- THANK JOHNNY AND i:l IW yf I Philip morris for If ! Ii y-'tv " ' ' ' -' sry I ' ' HEI-PING ME WIN J Wl J l&At" CALL Ii i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Connell L. Marsh, Lincoln Paul O. Marti. Jr., North Platte Robert B. O Keefe. Alliance FREDERICK L. PELTON, Lincoln (With High Distinction) George J. Postlethwaite. Chicago. 111. Jeff "j. Shipps. Wood River Roger M. Strockey.- Lyman Robert O. Vesper, Long Pine Susan M. Weber. Norfolk Carolyn M. Wright. Red Oak. la. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. Rarhelor of the Art of Architecture. John H Chalmers. Lincoln I.eRov E. Garrison. Lincoln Donald C. Rider. Imperial Deforres; R. Roseenbach. Lincoln. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering. Joseoh S. Bodri. Nc' Brunswick. N. Hil;;ert G. Buchta. Osceola Harlan J. Dutton. Johnstown Donald J. McGee. Council Bluffs. Ia. Berdean L. Schmidt. Chapman Arthur D. Wilson. Grand Island Bachelor of Science in Architecture Engineering. Warren A Dixon. MUchell s D H-'nrv J Hulvev. Soda SiMings. Ida. Howard W. Mastallr. Pierre Dean W. Skanderim. St. Edward Bachelor of Science in f'hemiril Engineering Robert E. Jessui). Minatare Juck L. Kiev it Lincoln George Slilchert. Lincoln Bachelor of Srienre in Civil Engineering Fran!: N. Bonsha. Cmnha Charles R. Collier. Grant John H D. Davis. Omaha Jack Dill. lielvidere Roland E. Emmett. Aranahoe Robert L. Gallowav. Lincoln AUvn C. Grant. Scottsbluif Sidney G. Hardeman. Lincoln Edward D. Jenkins. Carroll ,r,KA HELPS JUUAN EfAPYREAN OF PURE SCHOLASTICS JULIAN, VDU KN0W x. t ai tuc a iic.itrrva r Pl. t a wl. ........ . A The MoraofOurSfortfs Cear: Behind the playful plot, our intentions are definitely serious: we want to prove to you that Philip morris brings you a welcome difference in cigarettes. This proof is too extensive to be detailed here but pre medical and chemistry students, who will be especially inter ested, can get it in published form FREE, by writing our Research Dept., Philip Morris Co., 119 Fifth Ave., N. Y. ni L3Li F . i r trxhipeif Crete Norman W. Lawson. Lincoln Clarence A. Lewis. Jr.. Anselmo Richard J. Nosky. North Plat e John H. Patterson. Jr. BndKCiort (With High Distinction) Robert D. Robinson. Mead Kenneth V. Rohrs. Auburn Michael F. Rudloff. Battle Creek Melvin L. Thompson. Lltchlield William R. walker. Waverlv Donald E. Miles. Lincoln Bachelor of Science In Electrical Engineering Janus H Amos. Lincoln Nils E. Carlson. Mead Dillas L. Davis. St Paul John L. Emerick Nortli Platte Anthonv T. Kettler. Omaha Wilson I. Lockett. Grand I land Kov J. Marian. Hastings Erinond W. Moore, weening Water Gavle A. Parker. Danhurv Clvde D Reikolski. Madison Donald L. Samuelson. Genoa Llovd C. Shalla. Odell Vi-rne O M. Traudt. Hunmoti John C. Vebure. Hordvllle K-nneth E Versaw. Lincoln Dmii K. Whitla. Lincoln Bachelor of Science In Mechanical Engineering Brvce E. Barnes. Lincoln Herman O. Bienhoff. Crete Weston D. Biid-.aH. Brecksvllle O. Eldon E. Clapham Cedar Mulls Hubert C. Devinev. Lincoln Charles R. Dvnert. Kanonn. N Y. Harrv B. Hacke. Htinible. Tex. Anthonv W. Havelka. Omaha Robert J. Hazelrigg Lincoln K-nneih E Helmstadter. Lincoln Oscar H. Herman, jr.. Omaha INGE R. ISAKSKN. Bi Bunnell. Not way (With Distinction) Omnr B. Jensen, Holdrege Merlin L. James. Lincoln Delmo E. Koop, Lincoln Franit C Kuska Baltimore. Md. Clayton C. Lang, Deaduood. S. D. Kenneth D. Luntz, Tecumseh JULIAN, VCWR FE8RIF1C HOURS WITH THE MIDNIGHT OIL ARE SO MANY, YOU'LL NUGIFY HOPES ON TOMORROWS WHY D0N7 YCKJ HIT THE HAY IHIO THE PP ill! Tuesday, February I, 1949 Wilbur E. Lehnert. Osmond Ernest J. Louvar, Lincoln William J. McCorinick. York Paul K. McDowell, Red Cloud Donald G. Maser. Lincoln Harry V. Muse. Lincoln Lloyd M. Melick. Omaha Herman J. Mestl. Scluivler Charles H. Moser. 1r., Grant Lachlan Ohman. Lincoln William H. Osterberg, Oak'and Douglas L. Peterson. Cential Ctty Isaac W. Premer, Palisade John D. Provost. Lincoln 1RVIN L. RtlS. Lincoln (With Distinction I Keith Q. Rice, Lincoln Vernon S. Robeson. Blair Bobby C. Schnlz. Scribner Kenneth F. Spann. Basset f. George K. Spradling, Lincoln Kenneth N. Tefft. Avoca Gerald E. Wnrtner. Omaha All)ert A. Wnlla. Clarkson Hovt M. Wells. Auburn Jack L. Wilkins. Omaha Dale R. Worth. Dalton Bachelor of Science in Commercial Engineering Gerald L. Powell, Hebron The names of other graduates will appear in tomorrow's issue of the Daily Nebraskan. VALENTINES For Friends, Strvrthearts, K!tItli4- and Relatives Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14 Open. Thur. to 9 YOUR , J TED, WANT TO WIN THAT -NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP, BUT- H RUMPH -1 SAAOKfi SO MUCH MY THROAT FEELS DRV AS ossious nssui .J:V.i (SNC ISWfTCHEO T; ", ; TO PHIUP MORRIS SMOKING 4'f HAS BECOME A , Uv.;,, POSITIVE PLEASURE . V:'tr. , yg? f the big WKF "" LnXj SCHOLARSHIP '4 x-til ou3HT TO BE ,N U ' Vl Y THE BAG FORVtXJ IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY tMPYMAN Th clear wppor (If. PHftlFlC - Cawting fov.r; n,U of fovorU) Ctlwify. NUGIFY - T. ridor futiU, ht X-irf. OSi?OUS TISSUI - Bono. riTHiCANTHROPOS IRICTUS - Fmo t pod mon of prim vol hmm. VKYCNATHOUS - Having wiU prominonr Jew. CIOARITTI NAMCOWK - Thai tU, omokod-out lati.; Vftat right dry fooKng In your throat aVe to unokiag. TIRMINOLOOICAl INIXACTITUOI -In ihort, NYMRPIItlSTIAL - Ouickonlng m bloo4 proiMtro to high dogroo. i 1 t-.-