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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1948)
Friday, December 17, 1948 (BsUKllWtVWWL BY HAROLD AE RAMS ON SporU Uliw Clair Bee ,a leading basketball coach, didn't stay in his own back yard when asked to forecast this sonson's Ail-American team. The Long Island university mentor, writing in a current sports magazine issued the fol lowing predictions: First Team: Kevin O'Shea, No tre Dame, forward; Tony Lavelli, Yale, forword; Ed McCauley, St. Louis, center; Vince Boryla, Den ver, guard; Ralph Beard, Ken tucky, ruard. Second Team: Dike Eddleman, Illinois; Bob Cousy, Holy Cross; Jim Mclntyre, Minnesota: Alex Gsoza, Kentucky; Slater Martin, Texas. Coach Potsy Clark's statement left a lot of room for speculation as to who and when a new coach is to be named. As to when, that is a question which can only be answered by Potsy himself and he hasn't been doing muc htalk ing lately. Except that is, at offi cial banquet functions. Who seems to be the biggest word in the dictionary right now. Husker fans have narrowed the coaching prospects down to three or four and are pulling for Paul Brown. Why they think it is Paul Brown seems to be a mystery. We think Potsy will come up with somebody that is least sus pected. Whoever the high moguls pick let's hope he'll get plenty of co-operation from all the univer sity fans. We are still of the opinion that if and when a new coach is picked he will not be any ciracle man. It will still take time to re build the once mighty Cornhusk er grid machine and will take all the ocoperation of everyone con cerned. Students here at the university can do just as much in helping this process by talking up the uni vcrsily w hen they are at home. j It will take time but Nebraskans ' have always been noted for their optimistic viewpoints. Frosh Tankers 1 Test Varsity ' Coach Hollie Lepley's frosh swimmers will test the varsity mermen in a pro-season warmup in the Coliseum pool Thursday night. The Comhuskcr swim coach realizes the two week Christmas acalion period is approaching and the U. of N. splash master is hastening to hold dress rehcrsal for his varsity tankers before the holiday spirit takes over. Heading the frosh contingent is Paul Gootz, Omaha, intramural record holder in the 220 yard free style and 150 yard backstroke. Classified I1ST Fi It-Hthrr .i!l!, nh i.n-nl.licMM.n. Ckll Uurr;t Ku:l-r 2 1T2 hmrl. WANTKO P.ulr to Ar.ron SI,ar fx twnws. Cull -3B('5. . f'.r K-n ?U1KRS (i.r !l mv:.i..V,. Krl Ivr ..n Kl fr Shf.n. Iv-tplion 2-l.'il. I'RIIN; 1o WHUmim Tu A'-'fimmo- WANT rirtc lo BisirisrokT " N. Dk r Sniknx kv, m.'i . :;.'.ih. 3-:;7.'i73 KoR SALK: Klcfllrtit OV.r.n F-I'lm ln'ir St. itii piw Funyiin mi.iiiuN.. Bur Khni1 'b (I 3-7470, vTtn Hsa;ks Orr!r .xrjy .'.2)t O 6-2li72 1:1 1 'K to Ken W i. Ind . iW 22. 23 3ST: Vlctnl mmr rul-Kra-ar. CkH ftO-a71.V iti fliptic riirtr hut n.kt-t K.S NKW Yi.rk Ofcll .42: round trip ly.ST: :ilfl pit-rl blMi'k ShhUrr T'en niir lilirhry 5-7S.r.3. Pr-rJ KOI'NJI Al M n hMI IhOii-k' tiwHrd hrnifei Cull B' Ws.'Ihi, 2-?2. AN'il- i;- Sitiwffrrt t run .rrhtiiii fm ft I trfKK'fi. Worthy thr'Ui-'h Krrrlky tfi h- htmr ! 12 mid S or 1 nrirt :.or .r hour. Apply room S3 Siuiirt KuiUlmfc. FOR SAI.F. T:w Vord Ieluxv ' tiT Mi r 'ury n;,rr. vrv rifhn intuit fand on. rhO'o, hfhXrr. nfwitlij-bt 1!28 ' S" St loST Hrnwn bod (rold y.Vfrtih rp P.t-.i-n t,ry' rorm uthi svih ldt: Tl'iarfl Shirley Colnir j KTl HKM hi;d ile not ride to Sioux Khllp Tl urndi.y nfternox.n, le. 23. Cal' 3-,Vilt evernriKH. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP IVluxe Nowtoss Gift Wrap. Matching Tag, Seals, Ribbons Goldenrod Stationery Store WE HOOSIER I IAT , fRl NTH . ' t .. ' ,. . ilfU .-''.'."'..II: , IIWlANA.. mufti -x - THAT SHOTS ARE HIS "y K No NU Football Coaching Contracts to Be Renewed Dougal Russell, assistant var sity football coach at Nebraska, resigned the post which he has held for the past two veins, ef fective Feb. 1. 1949. The date of his resignation co incided with the end of his con tract. Meanwhile Athletic Director George "Potsy" Clark issued a statement. He said. "To clear the ciecks for the advent of a new coach, when one is signed, we are not renewing contracts now in force." Claik's statement blasted previ ous rumors and made wide open expectations as to who the next Cornhusker football coach might be. Those who have been named most recently to take over the football coaching reins from Clark 1 are Paul Brown. Ray Elliot, Abe 1 Stuber. Bert LaBrucherie and George S;.uer. j Russell is 36 years old, married, I and the father of a nine-year-old i sen. He previously was an as sistai.t coach at Kansas State in , 1946. I Former Wildcat Star ' He plavcd three seasons under "Bo" McMillin at Kansas State. In j his senior year at K-State Russell ' was an all-Big Six backfield se- ! lection. After graduation he, played five years with the Chi- . catro Caroinals and one season . with the Cleveland Rams. i While playing for the Cardin als. Russell wrote his name in the j Nalional Professional Football i I v., 1 "2"'" """"""" -"""--"-""" 1 ' - 1 " : A. MT5Y tOSS CSiDENT SZS M4 O JJ STRUT ff"" .v- . Basil Boyd Gordon As era , -v- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN U. ) ..Ml " ' 1 T - . V - C - L " . ' n omm nir HUSKIR &C0RIHG PAR APE TOR Vl past two years... SERVE NOTICE mil I continue By wwm 34 mrs iH THE." . fMT mtt GAMES . . . Says Clark ' league record book three times. ! He has the longest kickoff return 102 yards, second longest com 1 pleted pass for a touchdown 98 ' yards, and third longest punt 84 yards. Mat Squad Visits Tutors Husker wrestlers will take part in the Iowa State Teachers invi tational meet at Cedar Falls Sat urday afternoon. Coach Pat Patterson will prob ably take six men for the compe tition in the one day meet. These include Louis Caniglia, 121 pounds; Pee Wee Yambor, 128 pounds; Harold Gilliland, 136 pounds: Herb Reese, 175 pounds; Mike DiBiase, heavyweight. Fifteen Iowa State college wrestlers, all competing unat tached, will take part in the AAU meet held at Iowa Teachers. Coach Hugo Otopalik listed the following men for competition in the one day meet at Cedar Falls. They are Dave Maney, 121 pounds; Ralph Van Eaton, 128 pounds; James Melas and Bob Whithurst. Bob Kucera. Don Mc Cormkk, Bob Wilson, 136 pounds; Jack Parsons. Don Bahr, 145 pounds; Ken Parker, 165 pounds; Don Thomas, 175 pounds; Charles West, John Stoiit and Wayne Sei bold, heavyweight. 21 wn . . . y9 i 1 IrUysEieir Gridders Get Letter Awards Nine seniors are among the 30 Cornhuskers winning football let ters during the 1948 season. The graduating letter men are: Alex Cochrane, Scottsbluff; Jack Hazen, Omaha, ends; Darwin Salestrom, St. Edward, and John Sedlacek, Sewards, guards; Bob Costello, Lincoln, center; and Frank Collopy, Scottsbluff, Dick Hutton, Auburn; Gerald Moore. Walthill, and Clctus Fischer, St. Edwards, backs. Backfield Toll Of these nine, only Fischer, Collopy and Costtllo were con sistent staiters, leaving almost a complete team returning for the 1949 season. The most serious toll will be taken in the backfield, with the loss of such fine all around backs as Cletus Fischer, Frank Collopy, and Dick Hutton. Fischer, who won his fourth letter this year, has always been a threat to Husker opponents. During his four years of competi tion, he has been chosen on sev eral All-Big Six teams in spite of the injuries that have plagued him. Frank Collopy, alte. mating at almost any position in the back- ! field, lettered in 1944-46-47-48. He has been a standout in every phase of the game, defensively : and offensively. Hutton Gone Third key back to be lost is Dick Hutton, three year letter man, the fastest man on the Husker roster. The Auburn speed boy had his greatest year as a sophomore in 1946, and was chosen on the All-Big Six team. His return to foim in the latter part of the 1948 season was one of the bright spots of a dismal ear. Returning lettermen: Ralph Damkroger, Mike DiBiase. Gerald Ferguson, Ken Fischer, Howard Fletcher, Jim Godfrey, Richard Googlein, Fred Golan, Fred Hawkins, Bob Lipps, Ray Magsa mon, Arden Means. Bill Mueller, Robert Mullen, Tom Novak, Herb Reese. Don Sailors, Bob Schneider, Charley Toogood, Del Weigand and Phil Young. NOTE SHEETS Decorated In formals for use ful Christmas Gifts, 50c to $1. Goldenrod Stationery Store tli No. I4t. Ofx-m Thar, f 9. So Rosy sayt Merry Christma$ o gaily To lno so aosv it ilje fc-i fc-t gift 'cause you'd love to find it amoripjourp'flMriijsChri'tmaK. IlV fiaileid vilh 2-oz. Socriicen Cologne, nily-fcize Snenteien Lif'Mii L and IxjX of FiK-e Pow der. Cay, festne and rioed jut-t j:j.m for cjil-gc budge-in. $1.50 y MUS 70 TAX talc el trading atm4k caaateri ar write CS COSMETICS ioo city. cw Tomm PAGE 3 Coo ITS leirEne.. Take On Cincy Saturday Night Coach Harry Good's basketball squad start their road play to night at Lafayette, Ind., where they meet Purdue's Boilermakers. The Scarlet cagers take on Cin cinnati Saturday night to fill their week end schedule. Good indicated that he would start the same five he has started in the last three games. That means Henry Cech, Bob Cerv, Joe Malecek, Claude Retherford and Bus Whitehead will be on trie floor when the fun begins at Pur due tonight. The squad moved to Iafayette this morning after spending the night in Chicago. Good hopes to hold one more workout before game time on the Boilermaker court. Purdue is undefeated in first three starts with wins over De troit, Marquette and Kansas. Saturday's tilt with Cincinnati will put the Huskers in the under dog role. The Cincinnati squad led by Ralph Richter is rated as one of the top teams in the midwest. Purdue's Boilermakers will floor a strong team which lists nine returning lettermen. Bill Banks, 5-10 guard, is the only player on the squad under six feet. Other Purdue returnees are Rich Axmess. 6-3 forward; Bill Berberian, 6-0 guard; Andy Butchko, 6-4 center; Bill Butter field, 6-5 center; Norris Caudell, 6-3 forward; Julius Ritter, 6-3 center; Ralph Theissen, 6-3 guard; Howard Williams 6-0 guard. GIFT WRAP Christmas Metallic Gold. Silver, Red (1 pc. 26x51 in.) 35c Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 '. 14tb. Opea Thar, to 9. GIVE HIM GEMS OF AMERICAN FORESTRY Count on CHENEY to come A up with oinethincj w T'"' ) The beautif ul thipe and colon of Fall leaves inspired the ea on' handTnel line of neck wear. Chcney'a Forestry Gemt ilJ be the gemt of your owl lie collection. CJLAIKFS CLOTHES FOR MEK 11th A O Sts. 111 N 14th. Opea Tbnr. t.