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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1948)
Tuesday, December 14, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Big Seven Teams Face Tough Foes Big Seven Conference cage teams face a full schedule this week, with thirteen games on tap. The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers open a four-game road trip Friday when they meet the Purdue Boilermakers in La fayette, Ind. Saturday the Husk ers will move on to Cincinnati for a game with Cincinnati U. The Huskers go on the road with a two and one record, having gained victory number two with a 61-52 win over Iowa Teachers. Ohio Slate at Norman vyn iui hji lid, .- duii idt vi ilea to capture the Big Seven title, also will meet a Big Nine opponent. The Sooners entertain Ohio State at Norman Saturday night. Probably the roughest week is the one facing Kansas State, Big Seven champs last season. The Wildcats, just returning from a trip to the west coast where they lost to San Francisco and Santa Clara, begin an eastern trip against three rugged opponents. Tuesday they meet St. Louis U. at St. Louis. The Billikens were second only to Kentucky among college fives last year. Thursday they invade Bloomington, Ind., to meet the Indiana Hoosiers. The K-Staters wind up the week Sat urday, meeting Long Island U. ir Madison Square Garden. Baylor at M l'. The Baylor Bears will provide the opposition for Missouri's Tigers in a two I game series Thursday and Friday . night at Columbia. Baylor, Southwest Conference Kingpins, fwiu oe ira oy ju Americari ; Jackie Robinson, a member of the U.S. Olympic Jeam I last summer. The Tigers defeated ' W ashington U. of St. Louis Sat- ui day night. 47-37. Iowa State, fresh from their! victory over Drake, meet Canisius ' at Buffalo Saturday. The Cyclones' j Saturday win over Drake avenged j an earlier loss to the Bulldogs. K.U., Purdue Tvnle Kansas will meet Purdue on the Big . Nine team's court - Monday i and tangles with Drake in Des j Moines Saturday. The Jayhawks, ! unbeaten so far this year, are the Big Seven darkhorse. and will meet their first real lest this, week. Colorado picked a tough ppo-j nent for this season's opener Fri- j day. The Buffalos entertain pow- j crful Michigan, a team unbeaten in three starts. i ... ,.- t t EH I .... U-J s.-.i ' I A f f i ", , ( - : MjL.&..A- rn. . vhhi, -im-iwuirf f m jimr ir in iulu iulj n.j ui mm i. ju .m w hmhim i t j in 'in Wrestlers May Change Rules It may not be too long until amateur wrestlers the world over are competing under the same set of rules. That is the opinion of Hugo Otopalik, Iowa State wrestling coach and chairman of the Na tional A. A. U. wrestling com mittee. Probably the most important single accomplishment of tbe com mittee during the past year was the recent adoption of new A. A. i U. wrestling rules. In the near future. Coach Olopalik said, rep resentatives of all wrestling bodies in the United States will gather to attempt to work out a single set of rules for this country. At present the A. A. U. has one set of rules, NCAA another, the "V groups another and the high school groups still another. 1918-49 ALL UNIVERSITY CHAMPION WRESTLERS From lt-lt to risht) front row: 121 pounds, Louis Caniglia, Omaha All-Stars; 128 pounds, Harold Gillialand. Kappa Sigma. 136 pounds, Don Ver million. Omaha All-Stars: 145 pounds. Ed Lane, Omaha All-Stars. Back row: 155 pounds, Darwin Dahl, Omaha All-Stars: ICS pounds, Don Rauh. Sigma Nu: 175 pounds. Don Burson. Omaha All- Stars: Heavyweight, Herb Reese. Beta Theta Pi. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP Deluxe Norrross Gift Wrap, Matching Tags. Seals, Ribbons Goldenrod Stationery Store !IS No. Ulh. Oprm Tbnr. I 9. Sig Nil's Take Mat Honors Weir Lacks Track Depth An acute shortage of cindermen was apparent Saturday as track ; mentor Ed Seir held an hour and n half long workout. Injuries and sickness accounted for several veterans, but it ap pears that a considerable number of prospective cindermen lack the .-mbition to work hard and regu laily through the months preced ing the regular season. Featuring the workout were the duels between Thompson and Berkshire in the 60-lows, and the 12000-yard relay. Thompson edged Berkshire by a hair twice in the low sticks, and the of Hurlburt, Heim. Keh and Ware, nudged the Monahan-Kopf-Hartman-Martin foursome in the relay. Results: Hmtti; Ihirrt. Wi : im f. Mile and hJf: m ta fc Ardiv; M-cood. Tiil: iMrtf. Rwr: t.m: -M Mt-d low tturU): w TtioBi(?mi : m-cctxI , Bf-rt.schirr : dm -17 J. :.ol.d. run: cn l.y Hwltw-rp; fcmid Kimner; third TrJl,ii: iiill f tun Iiti.tKr ,r- I'Tfhmrrl tjm: ti4 4. M x! r .-i: h v Hururt. Hnm. Krht. MHr i; srcoml, V.cnii tin n, Ki'1'1. Hiit-trrihn. M:iritri, sin. t. ui; (,n hy Pnlcrit 7 't; . n1 M'"fii,i f!l 44 li-H; tlnrd, Nt'llxuri. 42 iwl. Pi if uuil: Kihl ti..-il 12- , . Cosmopolitan t'lub will not hold its regular meeting on Dec. .v 1 lie igani7.aiion has bee in-j ited by the YWCA to an infor-I m;il Christmas party to be held j rit Ell'.-n Smith, Wednesday, at i 7 p. m. I Thore will be a meeting of the Naval Fraternity Governing board at 1 p. m. in Room B-8, Armory. ; Sigma Nu grapplers c?dged Bcla Theta Pi 107 to 103 to capture the Inter-Fraternity wrestling cham pionship. The Omaha All-Stars won five of the eight individual titles to sweep the All-University championship with 113 points. In ihe feature heavyweight match, brother was pitted against brother, as Herb and Rich Rt-ese battled for the All-University. Beta Theta Pi, and family heavy weight championship. Herb, who was defending the title he w ii last year, pined brother Rich with less than 30 seconds left in the third and final period of !he match. He was leading 5-0 on points up to the finish. Don Rauh of Sigma Nu was the only finalist to meet the challenge of the powerful Omaha All-Stars. Rauh pinned George OstermiHer of the Stars in the final period ol their match in the I65-poui.d class. The fastest fall of the evening came in the 121-pound class. Wiry little Lou Caniglia of the Omaha Stars pinned Mike Schmidt of Alpha Tau Omega in the first round. Schmidt escaped from two near falls but Caniglia finally tag ged his shoulders after one minute and forty-five seconds of the first canto. In the only other fall of tbe program, Ed Lane of the Strrs threw Don Clements, representing Alpha Gamma Rho, after sixteen seconds had elapsed in the second period. The victory gave Lar.3 the championship in the 145-pound class. Harold Gilliland, Kappa Sigma, was awarded a decision over Ken Brow n, Phi Gamma Delta, by he narrowest of margins to win the 128-pourid class. The two boys battled through three periods of grunting and groaning with nei ther able to score a point, either via a near-fall or a break. After much contemplation the referee awarded the match to Gilliland. Results of the eight title matches: 121nurid rls tai CaDirlia. Oautu Sturs picncii Mikp Schmidt, A TO. m 1 :4S I IV pcuf ui 1.h MaraM Rilliland kar Picma. d-i.-iond Km Bnmn. Plii Gam ma IViia lto-pmir:d rla.'s rn Wminiinn, Pm-ilia Slam. deciMoifd Jotin Si'hJirf. lnl--tJfH H.V-jiund rlafK. Kd I .an. Oin'.a S'r piniml Hon Clrmi-rit, A;R, in :16 ol Hi hf-or.d rmind. i:.: jKiund class Parnin raM, Oimha Str5 dftisinnrd Karl Sud-r, alw ol 1h Oaifha Siarf. IfiS ptiulid rlass. IV Rauh. SN". .ir'il r.ixircf OHfrmillrr. Omfcha :tar, in ri It.ird rourd. Slurs. d- i.-iiinrd Willi Ar4iuTwr. S:r-17S-bmi:h1 c'ltis. I 'on aii'-in. OT.ila tr. Phi Kiffilnn. Urinal it-lit. H-rh r.rrf. B Pi. f.nnf-d l'.icli Rcrsf, al.-o B-la Ihrtm Pi in 1:46 if tlx- tlnrd pfiicd. Varsity football sqnaJ mem bers attending the N-CIub banquet in Omaha Tuesday arc asked ( meet at the Coli seum today promptly at 4 p. m. 48-HR. SERVICE Personalized Christmas Cards 4KKor(ni-nf or All Alike Goldenrod Stationery Store !I5 No. 14th. Oiwn Thur. to i. u$t in time for Xmas and offer! cute 'n' comfy, one-piece I HP inn 'rC Ml An... 13-!. 1 1 for lounging for dorm sessions for studying for setting-vp or "shot-eyo!" Neest roge ond wonderful! Glomorous one-piece "Camo-Jamas" with soucy drawstring that pulls to fit your slim waistline. In warm, cozy flannelette with ski pant leg . . . or in crisp cotton broadcloth with open leg. Get youri direct ffow manufacturer at this very special price. Sizes 10-1 2-14-16-1 8 In Flannelettt (long sleeves': Pirk or oder Blue in Dots, Candy Stripes, or :,orol Print Solid Powder lue i Cotton Rroadcloth (short sleeves): Red or Blue ... in Polka Dots, Stripes, Floral Print, or Checks. Wathablo Sonforlieo $!( ffeu,- G1om0 .'omo Inc., 14 Eosi 22nd Sret, N. Y. lo, Drt. N riooto lend mo "GtAMA JAMAS" $4 98 ooch. (2 lor $91 t ; JSaJ.J, - Vt i. mi V i i-u'v-l :P-VW--' ' Wont rm MMMyl H - 1 VaW 1 .. ' I Btlhaj "GomO Jomo" .jV 4AV',k ' "' Kep in yoir jcnool. 1 ' YVV.U" 1 Writ tor plot ;1 HI I'll' Flpnnf 'f "e Co"on B'Qnddc'h Quonity S r color poiien coor potie'n Check. Money O'der. Sofry no C O D.'. We poy poiloge' RUSH SPECIAL DELIVERY IN TIME FOR XMAS I 1 Noe Add'en Cly . Stole . Money bock guararted if not delighted 1 f v . u; i 1 -V'-UV.".. V KAMA 'mm ' VV: 1 i r