The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1948, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, December 14, 13
1 "
J Jul (Daily TMhcuJicuv
Intercollegiate Press
Monday and Saturday. Taction. m4 l
of Nebrnika andrr the supervision I lit , (minw, March
t! IS17. aothoniH Spiem I. 1M.
EDiroKiAi. sTrr
... Jeanne Rerrlrna
Mitnr . .Norm l-eicer. ton
Malln r.flitorl ' , ) Hurriv. I rid Mnip"
.rw imtsi- Vr'nill. !MiMf, M. j. Jej;k
Mkm nw wm ; ; ."J -
Question to AW S Board . . .
Here we so again on a topic we have talked about since
last spring the women's point system for activities.
AWS board members have been working all semester
on a new point system which will not be quite so limiting
in its restrictions. Instead of the A, B and C classifications
limiting coeds to one A or two Bs, the activities are being
pointed from one to 20 with the stipulation that a coed may
not have more than 20 points. This is a fairer point basis
since activities may better be rated according to their
merit and the worK emaueu. dc me mosi im-m j
The board should be comendea ior iinawy tiifii..feanenimi. ...,, ...,v
the Jldesys0tem. However, the question now is whether a '
point system is necessary at all. ) The ills at lhe Kappa ru
The main ideas m a point system seem to be to KeP ! hoilsc are beginning to wonder if
a coed from loading her schedule with too many extra-i Enie Gohit 1S ever ROing to get a
t.,T,io mtmu that mieht detract from her studies pin from handsome lootbaiier Don
CUmcular ; that m,Snm m toQ many honors. Schicider. They think that after
and to keep one mdlWCluai irom th t a I going steady for a year, some de-
In the first place, a rule on this campus sap that .a . action shou,d uken by
woman in activities must keep up am 80 average in studies this pair soon
in order to remain in these activities. Therefore, if a woman s pinned
averaee drops below 80 she is dropped from extra-curricular Rog Ritter and Maricne mil
gtup! Aby the time a worn an i has reached SJ ob ZA"
the should be able to decide for herself exactly ho Bm F)wcn
much she can and cannot accomplish in combining studies , Mai.llyn Coupo arui John o.iiigan
ad"iS7 opacityJ-lhat they should have the authority to , y ,; , Sm-
iduseTnd consult with coeds whom hoy feel aro ahoulder-,
ing too heavy a load and, u ncaij, 'i'1 utv.
drop some acuvuy. .
Th m-psntation of the "Eligi
ble Eight' 'at the Mortar Board
Ball started this week-ends fes
tivities off with a bang. Couples in
attendance were f.urh notoriety as
Don Etmund and Nancy Noble,
Bob (the eligible one) Axtell and
Cinny Guhin, Harold Teterson
and Jane Iinn.
Taking the spotlight Saturday
night were the Chi O's with then
formal. Some of the couples that
attended were Madelon Feldman
and Bill Harris, I-orna Lou Born-
holt and Nobby Tieman.
Heading the list of parties next
week are the Pi Phis with their
formal. Couples attending will be
Harriet Huston and pin-mate
Russ Carter, Bev iJirson and Jim
Norton, Jeanie Sampson and Bill
Leading the girls a merry chase
after his recent break up is Cliff
rhruirnsm Pat rischell seems to
be the most recent object of his
To the Editor: . .
In answer to the very sincere but prejudiced little ditty in
the Dec. 8 "Rag," we, too.wis h to voice an opinion.
Agreedthe refcreeing in th game Monday night was not the
bet but it was not nearly as poor as the sportsmanship we dis
played These little incidents can only mark us as a bunch of
"soreheads," and make it all the more difficut for us to obtain
Oh, yes, it could be worse. We might be forced to sell whistles
at a dime a dozen to our "Grandstand Generals."
Yours in disgust,
Knolen Face
Ka Van Dover
P. S. Why make a good team suffer through our thoughtlessness?
Student Body
University of Nebraska ....
On behalf of the children at the Cedars Home, I want to thank
you for the check for $96.00 which you presented to us this morning.
Mso 1 want to thank everyone who had a part in making
this "contribution to the Cedars Home possible. I can assure you
that it will help us a great deal in our work to provide better care
for the children who call the Cedars their "home."
I want to again thank the students for thinking ot us in mK
ing the charitable contribution.
Sincerely yours,
Woodrow R. Magee
Cedars Home Foundation
(Ed. Note) The noney was contributed to the Cedars Home
from the proceeds of th Charity ball, Dec. 3.
x------ " m,, r"
. .. . X4MNrA' . "?: Man
-J "Children on Trial," is the title
K , i t- J . ' 1- ah iiil'Otllo
"Ooerations Crossword," the, of the liriusn movie .n ju nmc
... , ,k R,v,ni delinquency, which win oe bnon
dramatic film story of the B kin, q lomorr0Wf al B.jmc
atomic bomb experiment, win hal in Room 319.
presenled in a special snowing
STATE: "The Gallant Biaae,
1:tT'. 3:?:iL VL. 'i oresenled in a special showing The film, produced by .hc Bri
AKJM11. '1K'" ' ,, I . ... 1 t: 1 ll,m.limi wnir rips 5
. j . ,.ia 51 6 23, o:d.t. for all sUiac-nis ai me , -
Mlers' Cove" 2:25, 4:47, braiy auditorium, at 2 and 3 p. m. , with the treatment of a
- oTfn ni Thursday, Dec. 16. The film is' delinquent durmg various slaees
' 'hI'SKKR "Miracle of the sponsored by the department of including his trial in court, and
n,Yls '' 100' 4 43 8 19. -Cowboy I Naval Science. The mov ie is n his experiences in sn ,nst..ution.
and the Ladv" 3 04, 6:47, 10:19. official Navy detriment film. up until the time of his release.
l i " - What ! U
iA4 II
"Troin to Alcatrot"
Latest World News
"MmacLE or
J. Paul Shcl) Snitched to Wildroot f.rfm-0il
Because He llunVnl THf Fingrr-Nail Trst
AC. CHRISTMAS TROGRAM The Ag campus joins in a tradi
tional Christmas carol in the picture bove taken t last years Ag
Christmas program. Annually presented by the Ag Exec, boaiti,
this vear's program will I? held Wednesday. Dec. 15. at 8 p. m. in
the College Activities building.
Rev. Rex Knowles to Talk
At Ag Christinas Program
LOOK how popular Shrtdy i tinte he switched to Wildroot
Cream Oil. So-don't monkry ilh other hir tonic - get
W.Mroot Cream Oil right wy. A little bit goom yenir hlr
neatly and naturally without that greMy, plastered -do-n kW.
Relieve annoying dryness. Remove loose dandruff. Help
you paws the Finger-Nail Test. Non alcoholic Wildroot Crram
Oil contains Lanolin. Get a bottle or tube today at any drug
or toilet goods counter. And have your baiber give your
coconut professional applications. Considering what Wildroot
Cream Oil dors for your appearance, the
cost is peanuts!
if of 327 Bureif;h( Prhf, Snytltr, X Y.
'OTildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y.
Rev. Rex Knovvles, resident
pastor at the Presbyterian Stu
dent house, will be the main
speaker at the annual Ag college
Christmas program Wednesday.
Dec. 15. The propiam will start
at 8 p. m. in the College Activi
ties Luiliiir.fT.
Spending his first vxar on the
Nebraska campus. Rev. KnovOe
took over the position at the Stu
nent house at the beginning of
this semester. Other ministers to
appear in the program ai Rev.
Virgil Andei-son, who will give
the invocation, snd Rev. John
Wichclt who will clofse the pro
gram with his benediction.
Co-chairmen in charge of the
An Adventure in
Good Smoking
zV-t ...... j
alfair aie Betty Beckner and
Neal Baxter. They were elected
bv the Ag Exec board to plan all
' arrangements. Other committee
members from the board are:
'decorations. Lloyd U'irth. cliair
man. Jack Baird. Alice Boswell
and Gwen Monstm; publicity,
i Louise McDill, chairman, Phil
I Keeney and Marge Reynolds; and
; program JacK Dew ulf.
! Beity Betknei and Marge Rey
nold. senior women members of
the bo:.rd. will light the canriles,
'and Tin! Keeney. George Pink-
lerton. Frank Lot ffel and John
; O.-ler will usher.
Essentially a hoial piogiam.
the annual festivity will feature
the As colkge chorus, directed t-y
AHinas Tuliis. They win
several excerpts Horn
Messiah, including two
solo numtjers. Other select en
Christ mas rvimbers aie planned
To lend an informal atmosphere
to the propiam. Mrs. Tulhs will
h ad hoih the choi us and the ati
oicnre in traditional ChiisHiias
48 Hour Pcrsonalwine
Scrv ice
Also Cards for ill Relatives
Goldenrod Stationerf Store
IIS . lltti. Of- Tr.
M 9